Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 762: Turning

On the Near East battlefield, an exciting scene appeared. When the frontline was the hottest, there was a mess behind Ottoman.

Armenia has turned back, Greece has turned back, Slavic has turned back, and even the Kurds have shown signs of instability.

Without rebellion, no one would motivate them. Otherwise, a rebellious nation in Ottoman would have to add a lot.

The previous waves of national uprisings were all due to the anti-Turkish alliance. Everyone knows that the Ottoman Empire is going to be cold, and it will be too late to stop changing jobs.

To find a way out for the upper class, naturally it is necessary to accept the vote. If you do not take action at this time to prove your position, how can you protect your status in the future?

If the Anti-Turkish Alliance opens the door of convenience at this time, it is estimated that someone within the Ottoman government will change jobs.

There is no doubt that civil strife hastened the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Unlike previous national independence movements, this time the insurgents were armed, and the Austrian airship dropped weapons and ammunition into the insurgents.

The aftermath of a multi-ethnic country has erupted. Although the rebels are only a small number of people, being stabbed at this time still leads to the loss of trust by the Sudanese government to the national minorities.

Affected by the rebellion, ethnic conflicts praised by the Ottoman Empire were also intensified.

The Sudanese government's morale, which was finally inspired by it, was directly lost by half, and the ethnic minority's sense of belonging to the country sharply decreased.

First, the Austrian army captured Kirsehir, and then the Russians also captured Osmandzhek, watching the two countries meet on the Kyzyl River.

Once this battle plan was completed, the Ottoman Empire was divided by the Anti-Turkish Alliance in the middle and could not be looked at from end to end.

In particular, the essence of the western region was completely engulfed in anti-Turkish alliance and could not get any outside assistance.

It is impossible to abandon the west, and the capital Ankara is west of the Kizil river.

Moreover, the Austrian army has entered the two river basins, and the territory to the east of Ottoman is equally unsafe.

The narrow territory of the Asia Minor Peninsula has created favorable conditions for the anti-Turkish alliance. The coalition forces can cut in from the middle and divide the Ottoman Empire into two.

"Kizil River Meeting" is just one of the alternative plans, and the two river basins can also work together. Unfortunately, the Caucasus is mountainous, and the Russians are still playing mountain wars with the Ottomans in the Greater Caucasus.

Forced by tension, the Ottoman Empire had to shrink its forces and stand firm.

The main forces contracted back, and the burden of defense fell on the hands of the local militia. The commander of the militia was not a government-appointed officer, but a religious leader ...

When it comes to faith, combat effectiveness is always bursting. Although not as good as the regular army, the combat effectiveness of the Ottoman militia shocked the anti-Turkish alliance.

Constantinople, Albrecht, commander-in-chief of the Allied Command, is furious: "Marshal Publius, are you here on vacation or are you fighting?"

To a soldier, such accusations are undoubtedly the biggest insult. Fortunately, Publius was a pseudo-military half-way monk, and his face was closer to politicians.

"His Commander, this is completely accidental. No one knows that the Ottomans will focus on ..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Russian commander Ivanov interrupted politely: "The battlefield is not an amusement park. Don't make so many excuses for failure.

And where is the main force of the Ottomans, everyone knows that we are not unscrupulous politicians, and no one listens to you talking here. "

There was no way. In the recent battle, the Greek army was ambushed by the Ottoman guerrillas and unfortunately lost dozens of heavy artillery.

It was nothing to lose on the battlefield, but the problem was that the Greeks did not blow up artillery when they broke out, and these artillery fell into the hands of the Ottoman army with ammunition.

Losing such a large person, the Greek army naturally concealed it. In the ensuing battle, the shells landed on the Russians.

Due to the lack of preparation in advance and the miscalculation of the enemy's firepower, the Russian army lost thousands of people by surprise.

Through the captured captives, after understanding the cause and effect, the Russians naturally refused to eat this dumb loss, and this was the result of this coalition meeting.

Originally, an orthodox military man like Ivanov did not look down on the parallel marshals of politicians such as Pbulius.

Now that such a thing happened again, naturally I will not be polite. The commanders of the four nations' coalition forces in the coalition command all bear the title of marshal, and they are also divided into three, six and nine.

Ivanov and Albrecht were both orthodox soldiers, and they also had military exploits, and their status was naturally first-class.

Montenegro's commander Maxim Trentiev, although he has no military merits, is also an orthodox soldier.

Even though Greece is stronger than Montenegro, but here, Maxim Trentiev still ranks higher than Pubulius.

This subconscious judgment has been proved on the battlefield. Russia and Austria are the main players, so the record will not be worse.

Although the Principality of Montenegro has fewer soldiers, its record is almost the same as that of the Greeks.

The army is a place where the strong are worshipped. No matter what tactics are adopted, the generals who can win the battle are the most respected.

Fortunately, Pubulius has a good mentality, if the average person has long since collapsed.

"Marshal Ivanov, we are very sorry about this. Since the entire army that sent the artillery was annihilated, we have not received any news, so ..."

This explanation is obviously unsatisfactory, but everyone is under the banner of coalition forces. Political interests have determined that everyone cannot turn their backs.

Albrecht's initial mockery seemed to be aimed at Pbulius, but in fact it was more to alleviate the contradiction.

Pbulius is no more waste, that is also the representative of Greece, can not let the Russians get angry.

Under normal circumstances, killing the representatives of allies cannot be done by ordinary people, but this does not mean that the Russians cannot do it.

Albrecht had no expectations of the Russians' violent temper.

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