Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 761: Indulgence Mode 2.0

Alliance is a complicated matter, and it needs to consider all aspects. Britain and France are not without contradictions. On the contrary, the two countries are competitors in many places.

Austria has put enough pressure on the British, but not enough pressure on the French, at least the Paris government is not deeply impressed by the Austrian threat.

Don't look at the recent civil war that hurt France, it didn't take a few years to slow down. This is just the outside view. Most French people still feel good about themselves.

Concepts and cognitions cannot be changed overnight. The larger the country, the more stubborn it is. Self-confidence is often accompanied by pride.

What's more, what the French lost was only the economy, and basically no military strength was lost. It is still the most terrifying cannibal in the European world.

In the temporary palace of Paris, Napoleon IV still did not ease from the hatred of the ruined family, changed the tolerance of the Revolutionaries before, and opened the era of white terror.

This is an inevitable result. No ruler can tolerate the existence of the Chaos Party. The previous tolerance was for the sake of the overall situation. Now that the situation is stable, it is natural to settle accounts after the fall.

If the insurgents were not punished, wouldn't they encourage rebellion?

For Napoleon IV, the imperative was to exchange the majesty of the lost monarch and reshape the glory of the monarch.

Faceless Napoleon IV asked in a deep voice, "How do you think the British proposal for an alliance might be true?"

Suspicion is a must. The British-French relationship is very bad most of the time. There are too many pits. It is difficult to learn lessons.

Foreign Minister Terence Burkin analyzed: "Combining all factors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs feels that there is a maximum of five points.

Recently, we have been busy with domestic affairs, and the international situation has changed dramatically.

Without our restraint, Austria has revealed its ambitions.

Judging from the current situation, as long as we do not intervene, the demise of the Ottoman Empire is a foregone conclusion.

A Persia could not stop the pace of Austria's expansion, and the British felt an immediate threat before they rushed to draw pressure from their allies.

However, Ottoman's death in the European world did not hurt the skin. The folks still applauded. The British wanted to persuade Austria through international pressure. They simply couldn't do it.

In this respect, we are their only choice. However, the conflict between us and the British is not small.

What happened in the country not long ago has the shadow of the British. These accounts have not yet been accounted for. Why do the British think we will stand with them?

The Austrian threat alone has put the conflict between the two countries on hold, I am afraid it is not enough.

Unless the London government does not pay to make up for our losses, I have enough reasons to suspect that this is because the British feared our revenge and deliberately shifted our attention. "

There is no way. The French have been tortured recently. Although many European countries have hacked, the biggest hack is still Britain.

The first was to short the francs financially, and then the dumping of commodities and support for the Revolutionary Party. Conflicts broke out even in overseas colonies.

Don't think that at the last minute, the London government has closed up and pulled them, the French government will be grateful for them.

This is impossible. Human revenge is far stronger than remembrance. If it weren't for internal affairs, the French government would have considered how to retaliate.

"There are no eternal enemies between nations, only eternal interests."

This sentence is good, but it is not entirely accurate. The country can keep no resentment, but people must keep it.

As a beneficiary of civil strife in France, the British naturally do not have hatred; but as a victim of the French, people immediately forget the hatred, and it is difficult for people to weigh the advantages and disadvantages rationally.

Of course, if the benefits are large enough, it is also possible to temporarily forget about hatred.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Roy Vernon: "Whatever the true purpose of the British is, we need to get in touch with them.

Our task now is to restore the economy. For a long time to come, we will not have enough energy to participate in international issues.

Not to mention that Austria has not perished Ottoman, even if it had been annexed, it would be a trouble for the British. "

This is a common view of European countries. In most people's ideas: Ottoman is a barren land, and there are a group of uncivilized barbarians living on it.

Especially after seeing the fierce resistance of the Ottomans, everyone was more relieved. They are all in vain, and there is no way to increase Austria's national strength.

Many people are preparing to read jokes, and even the newspapers have mocked publicly: Austria has waged a war doomed to hate.

There is nothing wrong with it, and purely economically, the loss of the Vienna government is necessary.

According to the news from the reporters in the battlefield, the Ottomans are all soldiers, one inch of mountains and one inch of blood.

The land occupied by the Anti-Turkish Alliance is basically a ruin, roads, bridges, farmland have been destroyed, dams and rivers have been bombed, and the city has only rubble left, and even wells have been poisoned.

A small number of people are old, weak women and children, and one by one with hatred, they may become terrorists at any time.

Napoleon IV nodded: "Let the Foreign Ministry talk to the British. The London government wants us to help restrict Austria, so let them first help us restore our economy.

Britain and Austria control international coal trading prices, which should be broken at this time. As a sincerity of cooperation, let the British cut the price of coal exports by half first. "

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, in order to gain an advantage in international competition, the capital of Britain and Austria deliberately pushed up coal export prices.

French industry and commerce need to bear twice the energy cost of British and Austrian companies. For French industry and commerce, breaking this malicious monopoly is crucial.


The news that Britain and France are moving closer is not a secret. The greatest significance of the existence of this alliance itself lies in its deterrent effect.

First and foremost is Austria. Regardless of whether Franz is willing to admit it, the British-French alliance is still the most powerful combination this year.

At least in terms of influence, even now, more than eighty people in the world believe that Britain and France are the most powerful countries in the world.

For a long time after the Franco-Prussian War, it was widely believed that France was stronger than Germany, and that failure was an accident. What makes people wonder?

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Our covenant with Britain and France will expire in one year. From the current situation, the possibility of renewal is almost zero.

Recently, we have put so much pressure on the British that they can't wait to win over the French.

However, Britain and France are still full of contradictions, and it is difficult to reach an agreement in a short time. If we release a certain amount of goodwill, the British-French alliance will probably end up without problems. "

He got up from his position and wandered a few steps indoors. Franz said cautiously, "It is necessary to prevent British and French from coming closer. This is a danger sign.

Austria is not afraid of any big country, but feels that it cannot tolerate the existence of a hostile alliance.

The alliance between the two great powers is not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, which means that the European world's tolerance for us is about to cross the boundary.

Napoleon is a lesson for us. Similar things must never happen to us.

Except for the coalitions we dominate, there should be no coalition of powers in the European world.

In this regard, the British are worth our study. If the British-French alliance cannot be separated, then we must find ways to join in.

Britain, France and Austria are about to expire, haven't they expired yet?

The British can buy the French, so can we, and can we even bid higher.

Napoleon IV did not want to surpass his father. Well, let us give them a chance, depending on whether the French have such a good appetite. "

Franz has always been generous in his generosity. Whatever the big picture and long-term interests are, he is all here.

The nineteenth and twenty-first centuries were originally very different concepts. What is most valuable now does not mean that it will have the same value in the future.

After a pause, Franz continued: "Aren't the British planning to build North Germany, so to fulfill them, we pretend to be stupid and pretend that we haven't seen anything."

The Prime Minister Felix hurriedly opposed: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely unacceptable, otherwise the road to German reunification will be far indefinite."

Franz waved his hand: "Our Prime Minister, calm down first. It is easy to build a North German empire. It is not easy to keep North Germany.

After the economic crisis, the French have realized the importance of energy, and the French government will definitely find a solution.

Napoleon III had a very peek at the resources of the Rhineland region that year, but we flickered to Italy.

If the French searched around and finally found that only the Rhineland region had the coal mine they wanted, could Napoleon IV bear it?

Even if the emperor were to be jealous of the overall situation and be able to restrain his desires, could the French business community bear it?

When necessary, we can add a fire. When contradictions accumulate to a certain degree, just a little Mars can ignite this crisis.

I am curious how the British government will choose after the outbreak of the French-German war. "

The Prime Minister Felix said in horror: "Your Majesty, it is too risky to let France go eastward, and it is easy to cause the situation to get out of control!


Franz interrupted: "It's not that serious, North Germany can't stand it, we will go in person. As long as the French are defeated, the German regional unification strategy is complete.

If France is not good, let the front line fail deliberately, let the situation erode, and pull European countries into the water.

A strong and aggressive France is a threat to all European countries. Why should our family work hard ahead? "

Looking at the people in shock, Franz did not continue. Everyone's shock is nothing more than a bottom line.

According to Franz, the German region has not yet been unified, and the North German region is not considered the territory of the Shinshin Empire.

The erosion of the situation happened to kill people with swords and clean up those small states. At the peak, the German region had more than 1,000 lords and more than 200 independent states.

After the merger and reorganization, at the Vienna Conference in 1815, there were 39 legal states in the German region.

To this day, there are still more than thirty independent states in the German region. Without addressing some of them, the Emperor Franz was unsettled.

The French is undoubtedly a good knife. There are threats from the French. It is not enough for everyone to move closer to Austria.

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