Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 732: Frankfurt

Realizing that the crisis is not just Austria, the Vienna government is only one step ahead. After Austria opened the dumping valve, the British capitalists also quickly followed up.

In terms of overseas trade these years, the British and Austrian countries together account for three-quarters of the market share. The so-called international competition is also mainly between the two countries.

The market is so big. If you take more, I take less. No one can make concessions.

Britain and Austria have not turned their heads directly, or because their respective development directions are different.

Britain exports the most textiles, and Austria exports the most agricultural products. These are also the two largest commodities in international trade.

They accounted for 68.3% and 21.6% of the total international trade, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the proportion of textiles is increasing year by year, while the proportion of agricultural products is decreasing year by year.

The disproportionate occupation ratio is not only related to the difference between industrial and agricultural scissors, but also to the trading model.

The UK's textile industry imports raw materials and exports them after processing. Most of Austria's agricultural products are produced in-house, with relatively few imported raw materials.

If we really want to talk about the scale of the industry, the agricultural product sector must surpass the textile industry. This is determined by the population structure. More than 80% of the world's population is agricultural.

But when it comes to making money, agriculture is definitely not as good as the textile industry, even if the processing is complete.

In the field of textiles, the British's biggest competitor is France. They previously tinkered with the Egyptian cotton plantation plan and finally made a wedding dress for the French.

After solving the problem of raw materials, the French cotton textile industry was able to develop rapidly and has become a pillar industry in China. The Paris government's African development plan puts the expansion of cotton plantation areas first.

If the French plan is to succeed, the hegemony of the British cotton textile industry will be seriously affected, which is also one of the main reasons for the decline in the relationship between Britain and France.

Austria's biggest competitor in the agricultural sector is the Russian Empire. Because of the war, Russia's nascent national industry was hit hard.

Limited by technology and capital, it was unable to complete all agricultural products processing in the short term, and had to temporarily serve as a source of raw materials for Austria.

"Temporary" does not mean permanent. The Russian Empire is also one of Austria's largest potential competitors in the agricultural sector.

British and Austrian competition is still concentrated in the field of industrial manufacturing, the British are the hegemons of traditional industries, and Austria is the leader of emerging industries.

From the perspective of later generations, these are the most important industries. But in the short term, the markets for these industries are still very small.

This is determined by the particularity of the industry, the infrastructure is not in place, and the blind use of new equipment can cause the cost to collapse. It is better to use an old steam engine.


Frankfurt, the traditional financial center of the German region, has a new glory after joining the Shinshin Empire.

Today, it has become one of the world's four largest financial centers, and has surpassed Vienna, second only to Paris, France and London, England.

Of course, the argument of the four major financial centers has not been widely recognized, because the number one London is approximately equal to the sum of Paris + Frankfurt + Vienna.

This is based on the premise that Austria has grabbed a lot of gold production, otherwise London's advantage will be more obvious.

The heritage of the world hegemony cannot be smoothed in a short time. For a long time to come, London will be the world's financial center.

The British support their country with their own strength, which is different from the development model of Austria. In the case of insufficient resources, Frankfurt can surpass Vienna for special reasons.

The first is influence. Frankfurt is well-known in the German region. Many banks are located here, and the capital is strong.

The second is geographical location, right in the heart of the German region, and very close to Prussia in the German-Austrian border area, which is conducive to pooling capital in these countries.

Finally, and the most critical factor, Austria ’s national policy does not engage in super cities, and Vienna, the capital, has not jumped out to grab resources.

With so many advantages, Frankfurt, which was originally the financial center of China and Europe, is naturally skyrocketing.

There are pros and cons. While converging Chinese and European capital, it is also inevitable that they will be affected by the economies of various countries.

After the defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia, the Frankfurt stock market took the lead.

Fortunately, the Vienna government refused to lend to the Berlin government, and Frankfurt's financiers did not jump into this huge pit.

The main impact was on some listed Prussian companies, especially those that fell into the Russian occupation area.

According to statistics, in the past six months, the number of people jumping in Frankfurt has been over 30 due to the impact of the Russian-Prussian war.

This is the norm, and every financial center will not be out of luck. Even when the market is the best, some people will lose money and jump off the building.

In the early morning, the autumn wind rolled up the leaves on the ground and flew, hitting Flores's face, and an unpredictable premonition sprang up.

As a veteran stock speculator, Flores already owns his own securities company in Frankfurt, and despite being very small, he has gotten rid of the tragedy of being completely leek.

Like casinos, Zhuangzhuang has a better chance of winning than gamblers. After setting up a securities company, Flores and others have joined hands to hype several stocks, feeling the style of a bookmaker and earning a fortune.

If nothing else, a few more times, Flores can go one step further and even have the opportunity to become one of the masters here.

However, when people have bad luck, under the leadership of a financial giant, Flores joined the speculation of the Pu-Russian war.

Unfortunately, this time they overwhelmed Po, and the defeat of the Popo Federation brought them heavy losses and locked up a lot of capital.

It is normal for financial markets to have losses or gains, and Flores' quality is good enough to withstand such fluctuations.

It's only a matter of holding up. As long as it is not the bankruptcy of the enterprise and the aftermath of the Prussian-Russian war has passed, a few good news can be successfully released.

Similar things often happen in the stock market. If the invested capital is too large and there is no good news, it can be artificially created.

As a qualified speculator, Flores has always insisted on diversification. As long as he does not catch up with the stock market disaster, he can withstand one or two failures.

Covering his hands for a moment, Flores quickened his pace. He was very convinced of his hunch, and he relied on this instinct to survive two stock market crashes safely.

By the time Flores arrived, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange was already full of enthusiasm. Without wasting time in the lobby, Flores went straight to the office where his company was located.

The office is actually a small house of less than 50 square meters, and it is shared by three securities companies.

There is no way. There is no electronic trading these days. Stock trading is entirely manual, and first-hand information becomes extremely important.

The house price inside the exchange is really a lot of money. For small houses less than 50 square meters, the monthly rent is as high as 2000 Aegis or not for sale.

For another place, the money is enough to buy a big house.

If it wasn't for soliciting customers and showing strength, Flores said nothing would be so extravagant.

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