Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 731: Overturn the table

In order to weather the economic crisis, Austria was the first to open the dumping valve. Since September, Austria's exports have skyrocketed.

Agricultural products are just-in-demand products, and the price declines are not serious. Most of them are 10% off and 95% off for promotion. The prices of daily textile products have fallen sharply.

At this time, profits are not important anymore. It is kingly to sell unsaleable goods in exchange for cash flow.

Don't know, move next hop. Franz was shocked to see the surge in export trade every day.

Austria is the world's largest industrial country and also the world's largest product backlog. After the Prussian-Russian war, not only did the Berlin government breach the contract, the Russians were no exception.

The war is over, and orders that have not yet been delivered will naturally not fulfill the contract.

In a sense, the Russians have also contributed to such crazy price reductions.

The Tsar's government violated the contract, so the deposit could not be taken back. There is no doubt that this money has become the income of the enterprise and reduced the cost of goods.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world. The state-owned enterprises have paid attention to the first time when the price reduction of exports without cost was noticed.

In times of crisis, cash is king.

Looking at his pile of inventory, one by one knew that the trouble was big.

Needless to say, we must follow suit. These years, the market is still not transparent, and corporate profits are relatively high. Now discounted sales can still maintain the capital.

If the response is slow, once the economic crisis breaks out, buyers will not be found by then.

Does anyone have a rhythm and don't know, anyway, starting from September, most Austrian powerful companies have joined the ranks of developing overseas markets.

If there is nothing wrong, it is to develop overseas markets. There is absolutely no "dumping".

Discount sales, that is, companies give benefits to consumers. The main purpose is to expand market share and seize market share, which are normal business practices.

Big companies have to pursue things a little. If you ca n’t afford to be rich, internationalization is an indispensable part.

This is what the Austrian media said. No one knows how many people believe it. Anyway, the capitalists believe it.

In particular, the performance of listed companies is the most positive. Capitalists have jumped out of the platform and advocated the benefits of internationalization.

Thanks to the establishment of a free trade system, favorable conditions have been created for the "dumping" of Austrian goods. The first to be hit was the European continent.

Facts have proven that the bottom Europeans are really not rich these days. The discounted Austrian industrial products have been well received just after being listed.

The influx of a large number of cheap foreign goods will naturally impact the local market, and pulling hatred is inevitable.

The conflict of interest is the most terrifying, and the cheese of the local capitalists is moved, and revenge is inevitable.

As everyone prepares to take action, things change.

Not only are Austrian goods coming, British and French goods are also coming in, at least the words "English" or "French" are printed on the trademark.

"Cottage" is a characteristic of the times. Everyone is pirating each other. More than half of the industrial and commercial products on the market are high imitations.

Patent protection is only valid in the country of registration. Many countries do not have patent laws. Bright piracy is fine.

There is no doubt that British and French exports have not increased, and there are problems with the extra products on the market, but there is no way to distinguish authenticity from this stuff.

They are all imported goods. In this era of no network and no monitoring, ghosts know where they came from.

The dumping in Austria was also coordinated by the locals. If they wanted to take targeted action, they dragged Britain and France together.

Although Qianglong does not suppress the ground snake, it is not uncommon to accidentally kill the ground snake.

Unless everyone immediately revises the rules of the game and enters the patent era in advance, the government will come forward to crack down on cottage products within the rules of the game.

This is impossible. How can you mess around with your **** not clean?

According to data released by the Austrian Information Newspaper, more than 80% of capitalists in Europe start from "cottages", and more than 95% of companies have patent infringement.

This is an inevitable result. The British industrial revolution was much earlier than the European continent, and most of the technology in the first industrial revolution was born from Britain.

Everyone has finished the road. As a latecomer, if they want to develop industry, it is impossible to avoid plagiarism.

The second industrial revolution was transferred to Austria, and the original "copycat" country entered the patent era in an instant.

Needless to say, everyone will continue to copy! Without plagiarism, re-opening a way to spend huge amounts of costs. Not to mention, the key is that it may not be successful.

"Patent protection" is actually a means of shearing wool.

After the establishment of the free trade system, everyone's goods can be freely circulated. Britain and Austria, which have a large number of patented technologies, naturally hold high the banner of patent protection.

Their own products go out unimpeded, because other people's products are directly blocked from the country because of patent infringement.

The essence of this world is: whoever sets the rules of the game can gain an advantage in the competition.

A free trade system that looks very fair on the surface is actually a tool for Britain and Austria to plunder wealth from the outside world.

This is an open secret. Apart from being able to fool ordinary people, the upper society is well aware of the nature of free trade.

Knowing and knowing, we still can't change. Perhaps all nations can unite to bring down the free trade system, but no one is willing to be the leader.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not. The British and Austrian cannot be enemies of all countries, but killing the leading monkey and pheasant can still be easily accomplished.

In theory, France is most likely to play this role. Unfortunately, the Paris government did not block the sugar-coated cannonballs and fell early.

The political structure of the three major countries dominating the world is the price paid by Britain and Austria, and rejection is the wait of the anti-French alliance.

The second is the Russian Empire. For geopolitical reasons, as long as the Tsarist government does not die, no one can help them.

Unfortunately, the appeal of the Russians is too low, and they have the name of a great power, but their actual influence is limited to Eurasia.

Determined by this strength, the Russian Navy has fallen behind by an era, relying solely on the Army to support its status as a great power. Except for their neighbors, they have no influence in other countries.

Affected by the big dumping, market competition has become more cruel. Smart capitalists have already reacted and joined the ranks of discount promotions.

The capitalist who was reluctant to cut the meat and chose to carry it was falling into the abyss.

The first thing that could not be sustained was the Kingdom of Prussia. Affected by the war, Prussia lost a large area of ​​territory, and its domestic industry and commerce was hit hard.

It was difficult at first, but it was too late to be relieved, and it was affected by the dumping in Austria.

Since November, layoffs, bankruptcies and debt collection have become the hottest topics in the Kingdom of Prussia.

A large number of protesters have gathered in front of the Berlin Palace.

There is no doubt that this was troubled by the capitalists, one by one holding up the banner of "debt collection" and asking the Berlin government for payment.

This is a problem left over from the war. Too much money was printed during the war. If the war is won, this is naturally not a problem.

Unfortunately, the Prussian kingdom lost, and a large number of Marks returned, coupled with short positions by the capitalists, and the Mark quickly depreciated after the war.

Before the war, 1 mark could buy 2 kg of high-quality bread, and now 1 kg of the worst quality black bread also costs 7 marks. This is just the beginning, and Mark's purchasing power is still declining.

After confirming that Mark's large currency could not be maintained, the Berlin government made a bold decision in an attempt to repay domestic debt by printing money.

The capitalists naturally did not agree, and one after another asked the government to bear the losses caused by inflation. Instead of quantifying the mark, everyone asked for conversion using gold.

Some people directly rejected Mark and asked the Berlin government to pay sterling, Aegis or gold.

Such a request was naturally rejected by the Berlin government.

The Berlin government itself is clanging poorly. It has already exercised its restraint without announcing financial bankruptcy and debt reliance. How is it possible to refuse to accept Mark?

The protesters outside now are the capitalists who are unwilling to compromise their interests.

The protest sound had already sneaked into the palace of Berlin with the wind, and Frederick III asked with a grimace, "I have found out, who are the ghosts?"

Prime Minister Leo von Kaprivi replied with a bitter smile: "Your Majesty, the situation is very grim. Nearly half of the domestic big capitalists have participated in it, and all interest groups have it.

It is said that they are also preparing to set up a debt collection committee, which will specifically oppose the government. In order to force the government to make concessions, they are planning to organize a large-scale strike in the near future. "

Hearing this answer, Frederick III had a headache.

"The law does not blame the public" is not to say that the law cannot hold people accountable for their crimes. It is mainly because they have too much influence, which will affect the stability of the country.

After hesitating for a while, Frederick III sighed: "It seems our persuasion has failed. The capitalists want the government to pay for their losses, but who pays for the government?"

No one pays, which means that the door to compromise has been closed. The Berlin government cannot afford the huge debt and can only survive the crisis by devaluing the currency.

The rapid depreciation of the mark, in addition to the large backflow of previously issued currencies, caused inflation, and capitalists' short positions in the financial market, the Berlin government's aggressive printing of banknotes was also an important factor.

If you can't solve the problem, just solve the manufacturing problem. This is the common law throughout the world, and deep down inside Frederick III was ready to turn the table over.

The capitalists may be very strong in the future, but they are not yet in a position to dominate the king. Originally, they were only preparing to operate with Jews, but now they can only expand.

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