Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 733: Big sale

Berlin, this cosmopolitan city suddenly became deserted, it was almost 11 o'clock, and the rows of shops were still closed.

A familiar and unfamiliar term entered Hans' mind-"strike out."

It seemed to come to mind what Hans immediately ran to the telegraph company.

Watching the on-going protest march, Hans stopped involuntarily, turned to leave after seeing a few familiar figures.

There was no way. The employees of the telegraph company took to the streets to protest. At this time, it was impossible to get the news back.

On the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Flores is staring at the constantly updated analysis of trading data.

This is also one of the benefits that comes with renting a house. You don't need to go to the lobby to look at the data. You can just send someone to check the list in the background.

In the recent period, the stock market has generally stabilized, with the exception of the few stocks that have been locked up, all of which have been growing slowly.

At this moment a middle-aged man walked in with a smile. The caller was Feren, the owner of another securities company in the office.

Needless to say, three companies as peers can be packed into one office.

In this stock market where big fish eats small fish and small fish eats shrimp, holding groups is also the way of survival of small securities companies.

Flores asked with concern: "Ferren, what good news did you see?"

Information sharing is also part of cooperation. For securities dealers, they need to keep an eye on market changes, and gathering information is essential.

Large securities companies have dedicated teams in charge. Small securities companies such as Flores have limited financial resources. If they cannot afford such a team, they can only gather intelligence.

First-hand information is also a key factor for securities firms to outperform retail investors. I don't know anything, and the iron golems that are pierced in are basically left with nothing left.

Faerun laughed: "Information from Berlin, the Prussian government has decided to compromise, and the stocks we have locked up can be released immediately."

Flores frowned, and seemed unimpressed by the "good news."

"How is this possible? With the Prussian government's finances, they simply cannot afford to bear so much debt, what do they take ..."

Later, Flores swallowed involuntarily. He didn't think Phelan lied on the issue, and verifying was a telegraph issue.

Phelan said, "Be assured that the Prussian government has no money.

It is said that more than a dozen large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Bank of Austria, Bank of England are forming a banking consortium and are negotiating with the Prussian government.

A preliminary agreement has been reached, and the parties have joined forces to form a new bank to issue 200 million Aegis bonds for the Berlin government in return for the Prussian money issue business. "

Speaking of which, Falun showed envious eyes. Issuing currency is definitely the business of the financial profession.

Everyone knows that the closer to money, the easier it is to make money. As long as the bank can get the right to issue notes, there is no need to worry about funding.

Flores also knew about the banking group. It wasn't just because he negotiated with Prussia, the main reason he noticed was "shorting Mark."

It was the norm in the financial world to just finish working and then start cooperating.

After a moment of contemplation, Flores said, "What are you going to do, don't you want to make a bottom?"

Waiting for Phelan to answer, a staff member hurried in: "Mr. Flores, the good news is that our stocks have begun to rise."

Falun's face changed dramatically: "Oops, the news leaked. We have to be fast, and we won't be able to drink the soup anymore."


Many people have made the same choice, and the stock exchange has become very popular.

What they didn't know was that the four major securities firms on the top of the building, at the top of the food chain, were beginning to evacuate.

An old man smoking a cigar sitting on the sofa asked, "How long can the news be blocked?"

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi replied, "Mr. Will, you can hold on for up to two days, or you may be taken apart today.

Although we used the telegraph company to release false news, the sudden interruption of the telegrams in the two places will still attract the attention of the people. "

This is inevitable. Berlin and Frankfurt are both metropolises, and the two sides are very frequent in business and trade. There are hundreds of telegrams every day.

Line maintenance, fooling ordinary people is ok. Since the telegraphs in the two places, there have been no signal interruptions for more than 8 hours.

But it is even more problematic not to interrupt the telegram connection, that is to be exposed in minutes.

Will nodded: "It's great, it's surprising to be able to fight for so much time.

There is not much time left for us, now everyone should arrange it, close the position in the shortest time, and recover the loss as much as possible. "

Without help, the Berlin government suddenly overturned the table and hit them by surprise.

Unlike the stocks below, they are shorting Mark this time. If they don't run quickly, the losses will be huge.


Compared with the sadness of Will and others, the atmosphere of the neighboring Beethoven Securities Company is much more harmonious.

Everyone is shorting Mark, but people are not the same. Beethoven Securities is not so greedy and returns after making a profit.

Thales regretted: "Weir's old fox is finally carried, but if he stops in time, it should not hurt him."

The counterparts are naked hatred. Don't look at the four major securities dealers in Frankfurt often acting in concert. It feels like this is an alliance. In fact, those who want the other party to die are their allies.

Phyllos laughed: "That's not necessarily the case. Losses are lost when you're on the side. The situation is different now.

There are signs that the economic crisis is coming. At this time there is not enough cash in the hands, who knows what will happen later? "

Beethoven's Chief Executive Officer Skevizhka interrupted two powerful assistants: "Well, two, Will is unlucky. That's the future. It's not time to go down the road.

"Mr. Skvižka, Vienna phone!"


Having said that, Skevizhka hurried over.


After half a effort, Skevizhka walked out with no expression.

"Two of you, your job is here. From now on, sell all our stocks and bonds as much as possible.

Cash, now we need a lot of cash. "

Philose wondered: "President, the domestic economic situation is still good. Even if it is affected by this incident, it will not collapse.

Recently, we have successively realized 80 million Aegis, enough to cope with any crisis.

What happened that we didn't know, or was the headquarters short of money? "

As a Jianglong, Beethoven Securities can become one of the four major securities firms in Frankfurt. It has never been affected outside the rules. It is obvious how powerful the background is.

Economically, there are close cooperative relationships with many Austrian banks, and there has never been a shortage of money. This is all handled by the headquarters. Phil Roth does not think that the headquarters will be short of money.

After a moment of hesitation, Skviljka nodded: "Well, tell you all right, you'll know anyway."

This time we are going to do a big vote, the headquarters decided to short the franc, you are all one of the traders.

Not only are we going to participate, half of the world's top 20 securities companies will participate.

This is a joint operation of British and Austrian Capital. You may have heard of the international bank group that has been making a lot of noise recently.

I don't know more details, anyway, you just have to prepare your mind. "

"Short francs", the two were emboldened and stunned by the news.

Francs are different from Marks, and France's economic plate can be much larger. Prior to this, there were no fewer short-term francs in the world, but they all ended in failure.

This time the organization is so large, and even uses Prussia as a cover, it is certainly not as simple as it seems.

Thales waved his hand: "It seems a bit difficult to short the franc. Can I hear nothing?"

Skwerijka smiled slightly: "Sorry, it's too late to say this now.

I ca n’t wait any longer, and someone will come over to protect us. You can talk to them.

However, I personally suggest that you better keep your lips tight. If something breaks, it will be dead. "

The two nodded helplessly, curiosity killed the cat. If they don't know anything, they have a chance to refuse to participate.

Now that you know "short the franc", if you want to quit, you can only lie down and go out.

The burgeoning international banking conglomerate, as long as anyone with a little common sense knows that this group can be regarded as a British-Austrian financial consortium with a total of 13 large banks participating.

Seeing that the two were not in a high mood, Skviljka comforted: "Don't be so pessimistic, just short the franc, and it's not your life, is that so?"

After adjusting his mood, Thales quickly recovered, and said with an exaggerated expression, "No, my president.

I don't know how many big people are involved in such a big deal. In case of messing up, who can guarantee that we will not be angry with us? "


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