Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 730: Here comes the crisis

The Russian-Prussian negotiations have ended, and the Vienna Peace Conference has entered the most critical moment, disarmament and the establishment of a new international order.

Disarmament has progressed relatively smoothly, and everyone agrees that disarmament is necessary. The core of the controversy is focused on how many troops are retained.

Just a small country, its own army is limited, and it does not threaten anyone, and the impact of disarmament is not great.

The core contradiction lies in the three countries of Russia, Austria, and France. Austria has proposed a comparison of military forces at 10: 10: 7, that is, Russia and Austria maintain a total army strength of 500,000, and France maintains 350,000 army.

French representative David Proval strongly opposed: "As a great power, this is an insult to France.

We cannot accept this ratio. France must have an army that matches its strength. I propose that the three countries, France, Russia, and Austria, maintain an army of equal size! "

Austrian Foreign Minister Weissenberg shook his head and laughed: "Her Excellency, the essence of disarmament is to save military expenditures, maintain a continental military balance, and avoid war.

Your army has the highest combat effectiveness in the world. Under the same force, who is your opponent, how can this balance be maintained? "

This touted explanation calmed the anger in David Proval's mind, but still insisted: "No!

There are many colonies in France that need to be maintained. We cannot simply consider the combat effectiveness of the army. We must comprehensively consider multiple factors. "

In this age of weak meat and strong food, strength is the manifestation of status. Now it is not just the troop share, but also the voice of continental Europe.

If you get the same number of troops as Russia and Austria, and rely on the advantage of combat effectiveness, even if France is not the European supremacy, it is also the uncrowned king.

"Fighting advantage", okay, the French ’s self-confidence in this regard is really bursting, and they have always claimed themselves as the world ’s first army.

Perhaps the French Army was really the number one in the world, but the Italians joined in. Now it is the number one in the world, and no one knows it.

There is no specific interest involved. Austria did not antagonize the French on this issue. They shouted for a long time and everyone defaulted.

Weissenberg nodded: "His words are not unreasonable. Indeed, we need to consider all aspects.

But there are too many aspects involved, such as population, economy, number of colonies, territorial area, national defense pressure, and so on.

Which one do we use as the reference standard, or do we consider them all to calculate a comprehensive value? "

This is a depressing topic, and France is at a disadvantage regardless of any of them.

David Proval carefully calculated and found it awkward to mention the colony.

Now the world's first colonial empire is Britain, followed by Austria, and France can only rank third. And the gap between this third and second is very different, not even half.

With the colony as the standard, wouldn't the British keep the world's largest army?

European countries may not have an opinion. John Bull thinks it is impossible to agree, which will make them change from a sea power country to a land power country.

In terms of population, economy, and territorial area, France does not have the same advantages. According to these data, maybe they can't even get 70% of Austria's military share.

Not to mention the pressure on national defense. France has always put pressure on others. David Proval is really embarrassed to mention it.

After hesitating for a while, David Proval replied stubbornly, "Of course, comprehensive calculations have been taken into account, but regional military balance can be considered as a priority."

British representative Edward: "I propose that regional military balance be considered on the premise of meeting needs.

Taking France as an example, it is not enough to keep only 350,000 troops. "

The usual style of **** sticks seems to be good to meet the demand. The question is how to define the standard of this demand?

First, to meet the military needs of all countries, and then consider military balance, it can only be calculated at a high level. The maximum limit of 500,000 will definitely not be maintained. Finally, disarmament will become expansion.

The British conspiracy was not easy to succeed. Other countries have a few more soldiers. Perhaps the problem is not big. The Russian Empire cannot afford them.

Russian representative Nikita Titov immediately countered: "Sir, we are a disarmament conference, not an expansion conference.

If you meet the military needs of all nations, are you sure you can still disarm? "

Disarmament, why disarm?

From the standpoint of the British, the European countries are best in maintaining the current situation. Consuming a large amount of military expenditure on the army one by one, they will not be able to compete with them for maritime hegemony.

If, according to Austria's proposal, the number of French and Austrian armies is suppressed to 350,000 and 500,000, respectively, this means that the governments of the two countries can save tens of millions of pounds in military expenditure every year.

This money will certainly not lie in the bank to generate interest, most of which will flow into the Navy, which will have a very great impact on British maritime hegemony.

Edward was unmoved, deliberately pretending to be confused: "This is certainly a disarmament conference, and everyone can sit here as the best proof.

How many troops are retained is the freedom of a sovereign state and should not be interfered by outsiders. Disarmament depends on everyone's willingness, not external force. "

The British upheaval put pressure on David Proval. Others can "voluntarily", but France cannot.

This is a problem left over from history. Most of the countries present are members of the anti-French alliance.

Even now, everyone is still alert to France. If no one takes the lead, the French government will not advise a group of black people.

Unfortunately, it is not the same now. There is one Austria on the European continent that has not been suppressed, and one British outside the Strait.

Once France rejects disarmament, it is likely to be misinterpreted by the outside world, which will easily trigger a new round of international tension.

French representative David Proval countered: "The sovereignty of an independent country must be respected, but as a responsible country, it must also consider world peace.

Excessive freedom is actually the source of war. For Europe's prosperity and stability, disarmament is imperative. "

David Proval's words are still very points. France does not oppose disarmament, only the proportion of the French, Russian and Austrian armies.

The pit dug by the British was directly avoided by him perfectly. The focus of the controversy was pulled back.

Reasoning and presenting evidence, a new round of rhetoric began again. It is just that the contention this time is not the quantity ratio, but the calculation rules.

Comprehensive consideration seems good, in fact, the most headache is integration. Because the more directions involved, the more problems that arise, and the longer the peeling time.


At the same time, a crisis hit the capitalist world.

The cause was the defeat of the Commonwealth, which caused turmoil in London's financial markets.

However, with the efforts of the British government, the debtor was retained, and part of the debt was passed on, reducing financial risks and restoring confidence in the market.

Can't escape Easter, can't escape Halloween.

Despite the existence of the Berlin government, debts are being fulfilled normally. But as the war ended, orders for the factory were gone.

Not only that, there are many companies that failed to deliver the last batch of orders, and the Berlin government defaulted.

The breach of order is a commercial act, and at most it will compensate for a little liquidated damage. To be precise, the deposit is not required.

The sequel to the breach of contract is the backlog of large amounts of supplies. Ordinary products are okay, and how much can be sold back to the civilian market at a reduced price.

Specially produced strategic materials are troublesome, but capital is willing to sell it, but the problem is that there is no buyer at all.

Not only is the problem in Britain, most European countries have a backlog of strategic materials, which is just in time for the great disarmament, and the market demand has dropped sharply.

Production enterprises with weak capital strength are now on the verge of bankruptcy because of a large backlog of goods.

It is not just these companies that produce strategic materials that have been impacted. Almost all walks of life have been affected.

After the war, export orders decreased, and companies that started from export trade had to turn around and rob the domestic market, and market competition became cruel.

Overcapacity has become a common problem in the capitalist world. In order to survive, companies start to show their magical powers, and discount promotions are indispensable.

Taking Austria as an example, the prices of various domestic commodities have fallen after the war. Among them: the price of daily necessities has fallen by 24%, the price of clothing goods has fallen by 31.6%, the price of hardware goods has fallen by 18.5%, and the price of machinery and equipment has fallen 9.8%, food prices fell 6.4% ...

Falling prices are not necessarily a good thing. Behind falling prices is also accompanied by brutal market competition.

Looking at recent economic data, Franz knew the economy was coming.

Now most companies are gnashing their teeth. Once the market does not improve for a long time, weak SMEs will take the lead.

Once the wave of bankruptcy occurs, the economic situation will deteriorate sharply.

Putting down the information in his hand, Franz sighed: "Notify the cabinet and the head of the economic department to come to the meeting."


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