Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 729: Millennium tradition

There are many small countries in Europe. They can survive and live well, and naturally have their own unique way of survival.

Now Prussia has fallen from the ranks of the great powers. If you want to nourish your little life, you must abandon the previous gameplay and learn the survival of a small country.

Frederick III was very sober, "Puhan merged to establish North Germany, integrated many states in the German region, and controlled this new country to return to the ranks of the strong." This is just a weaving out, flickering the lie of the second middle school boy.

In this age of weak meat and strong food, nothing is nothing without strength.

After losing the strength of the Prussian kingdom in Prussia, if you want to be the anti-dominant, first ask Hanover to refuse to agree.

After buying the territory of the Kingdom of Hanover, the strength on the surface has surpassed Prussia, especially the economic advantage is more obvious.

Solved by force?

Don't think about it!

Starting a civil war is a dead end, not to mention whether it can subdue Hanover. Even if it wins, it also loses its legal basis.

Hanover was part of the German Federal Empire, but the Kingdom of Prussia was not. As long as George I was not stupid, they would not be allowed to enter the Imperial Parliament.

Political infiltration seems to be good. Frederick III knew that if it was done, nothing would happen to him.

The Juncker aristocracy has regained national dominance, and for its own benefit, it will promote the complete integration of Puhan.

Because of the war, Prussia offended the Russians miserably. The Hohenzollern family wanted to take over the central government. The Tsarist government certainly did not agree.

Puhan is a small country. Merger is a middle country, and the country can only grow if the country is strong. Unable to enter the main center, it can only be abolished.

In this respect, military Junkers are the foundation of a truly powerful country, and their interests and the country are tied too tightly.

In order to avoid the worst, Frederick III had to carry out a political shuffle as soon as he succeeded, taking advantage of the failure of the war, and rebalancing the forces of all parties.

Berlin palace

Secretary of the Army von Rothschild handed in a document saying, "Your Majesty, this is an army reorganization plan drafted by the War Department.

According to the plan, after the reorganization is completed, we will save the establishment of three infantry divisions, one guard division, two cavalry regiments, and two artillery regiments. In peacetime, these troops will only retain half of their total strength, with a total strength of 23,000. "

The total strength after the reorganization is not as good as one-tenth of that before the war. If this plan is passed on, it will definitely cause uproar.

No way, this is the price of defeat. The government has financial difficulties, and in order to reduce expenditures, it has to operate with the army.

Von Rothwald, who presided over the disarmament, was also a member of the Junker aristocracy, but was an alternative member of his army, a determined anti-war faction.

Before the war, the anti-war forces were weak and had no say in politics; the post-war situation experienced a fundamental reversal, anti-war **** prevailed throughout Europe, and Prussia was no exception.

In this context, Frederick III took the opportunity to promote a large number of anti-war people and began to suppress the military forces.

After receiving the documents, Frederick III flipped through a few pages and asked, "The plan is good, but can it be achieved?"

No matter how good a plan is, it must be completed before it can count. Otherwise, the plan is always a plan.

The Prussian military is too strong. Even if the high level of the military is changed using the opportunity of war, it still cannot change the situation of the military.

Secretary of the Army von Rothwald: "It should not be a problem. Now that the anti-war ideology in the country is strong, we can use the pressure of public opinion to make the military concede.

In order to implement the plan smoothly, His Majesty also needs to come forward and lobby the respected generals to come forward to appease the military mood. "

Frederick III nodded helplessly. It was not easy to get the military leaders to agree to disarmament.

It's just that no matter how difficult it is, we have to do it. It is a matter of time before financial bankruptcy is not suppressed.

Frederick III could not help but want to question the Russians, why not use the treaty to limit the number of Prussian troops?

If there is an agreement in the treaty, it will not need to be so laborious. The war was fought by the military. If we lose the war and take responsibility, we can only admit it.

Prime Minister Leo von Caprivi: "Your Majesty, the issue of disarmament should be slow or urgent.

It is best to give the officers and men a vacation first, and let them get in touch with anti-war thinking, I believe most people will understand.

The war caused too much damage, the domestic economy was hit hard, and the unemployment rate was very high. Recently, many people have left.

So far, the total domestic population has fallen to 7.368 million, and this number is still falling.

Sociologists estimate that even without immigrants leaving, we will still be in negative population growth within the next five years.

In order to restore the economy and avoid a large population loss, the government plans to reduce taxes on some domestic enterprises and the public to reduce the pressure on everyone's lives. "

Tax cuts are naturally a good thing. The problem is that finances are hurt. Although the war is over, huge debts remain.

In order to maintain a continental army, the tax revenue of the Kingdom of Prussia has always been high, and the standard of living of the people has been at the bottom of the German region for many years.

When the economy is good, it can be maintained. The economic situation has deteriorated, and the lives of ordinary people can no longer survive.

Fortunately, there is still a way for immigrants, otherwise everyone will revolutionize, so it is impossible to prevent immigrants from leaving.

If you want everyone to stay, you can only restore the economy, increase employment, and reduce the burden on the lives of ordinary people.

After a moment of contemplation, Frederick III said: "I am afraid that tax cuts alone are not enough. Everyone can't live without jobs.

The top priority is to solve the employment problem of the people. If this is not possible, we will distribute relief food.

The trauma caused by the war is too great. Once the economy recovers, the domestic labor force will definitely be insufficient. We must retain as many people as possible.

If the government does not have the money, it will go to fate and ask for help from German states such as Austria, Hanover, Baden, and Saxony.

We also don't need money, whether it is a loan or a bond issue.

By the way, what about domestic bond sales? "

The war made the Berlin government realize the importance of population. If the population is not enough, the outcome of this Russian-Prussian war is unknown.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Fedor Ogud replied: "Very unsatisfactory. So far, 6.18 million marks have been sold.

Ordinary people have no money, and bankers doubt the government's ability to repay and are simply unwilling to cooperate.

Especially the group of Jewish capitalists not only did not cooperate with the government to issue bonds, but also shorted the mark in the market, which caused our currency to depreciate significantly. "

It wasn't just Jews who shorted Mark, both domestic and foreign capital participated.

It's just that the Jewish capital is the most exaggerated, there is no background, and it is naturally pushed out to the top tank.

Frederick III shot the table fiercely, and he didn't cooperate. It was the freedom of others. Private property is sacred and inviolable in Europe and cannot be forced to buy.

But shorting Mark was too much. This was shaking the foundations of the Kingdom of Prussia. Once Mark's credit collapsed, the Berlin government was dead.

After a defeat just now, the people cannot tolerate once more that the property becomes waste paper.

Frederick III said fiercely: "Check! No matter who is controlling, you must dig out these black hands!"

Everyone knew each other, as if they had a sense of conscience, and suddenly knew what to do next.

"Anti-Semitic" is a compulsory task for monarchs in European countries, which can be prosecuted thousands of years ago. The monarch ran out of money and borrowed it from the Jews.

It is obvious that the Berlin government's finances cannot support it anymore.

The core of throttling is disarmament, and open source is not so simple. If you want to send a sum in the short term, you can only cut the leek.

It was at this time that someone shorted Mark and gave the Berlin government an excuse to do it.

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