Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 728: Weak countries have no diplomacy

"What, the Austrians want to annex Ottoman?"

The bad news came when Alexander III, who had just been crowned Emperor, had not had time to celebrate.

Foreign Minister Osiel Rivera replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. We applied for a loan from the Vienna government not long ago, and they made this request."

Alexander III shook his head and answered affirmatively: "No, this is absolutely not possible!

Once the Austrians had annexed Ottomans, their forces had penetrated into Central Asia, and no one could guarantee that they would not become our competitors.

If Central Asia falls into the hands of the indigenous Khanate, we can take it back again; if it falls into Austria, it is almost impossible to get it.

Now that we have great vitality, we simply cannot compete with them.

The Austrians wanted to control our lifeblood. They won the Central Asian region and had the ability to divide the Russian Empire into two.

Coupled with the Dardanelles that he already controls, the future Russian empire will depend on their faces. "

The reason is good, but Osiel Rivera does not agree. Subject to people, this topic is too big.

It's not just a question of the Dardanelles. The Russian Empire is subject to Austria in many ways. Armament, finance, and economy are all inseparable from Austria.

After hesitating for a while, Osiel Rivera reminded: "Your Majesty, it is not difficult to resolve the Dardanelles issue.

We have been in contact with the Austrians many years ago, and the Vienna government agreed to pay for redemption or territorial replacement.

For some special reason, the final deal was not reached. This also shows that the Vienna government does not attach importance to the Dardanelles, and it is not difficult to get here. "

Alexander III had just succeeded to the throne, and everyone hadn't figured out his temper. The cautious Osier Rivera chose to strike from the side.

The Austrian threat does exist, but this is not the time to consider this issue. The Tsarist government needs money most at this time. As for other issues, it can be put behind.

In this respect, the Tsarist government has the confidence. The mass of the Russian Empire is here, and there is no need to worry about foreign invasions.

The Austrian threat is based on the premise that the two countries have not turned their backs, and if the two are separated, these problems can be overcome.

After a moment of hesitation, Alexander III nodded helplessly: "Then talk to the Austrians first. Anyway, you can't let Ottoman alone."

Alexander III's diplomatic talent far surpassed his ancestors, and soon found the key to the problem: once Austria was determined to act on Ottoman, they could not stop it.

With the support of the Russian Empire, things will be easier; without their support, Austria can still wage war.

The aftermath of the Prussian-Russian war has not yet dissipated, and the European world is still immersed in the tide of anti-war. Britain and France cannot fight for the Ottoman Empire and Austria.

Russia seems to have a strong right to speak, but they are still licking their wounds, the government has no money in their pockets, and Russia and Turkey have the feud, Alexander III could not find a reason to save Ottoman.

Alexander III was sane, as was the suspension of domestic purges. Finding that Austria could not be stopped, he decisively chose in exchange for benefits.


Foreign Minister Osiel Rivera added: "His Majesty, in addition to this issue, we must also consider the issue of Finland.

Before the war, in order to stabilize the Nordic Federation and raise funds for the war, there were still close contracts between the mortgages we signed with the Swedes.

The above clearly stipulates that Finland will be sold to the Nordic Federation after the war. If we breach the contract, we must pay a liquidated damage in addition to the debt. The Vienna government is the guarantor. "

This is another huge pit. Before the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War, in order to reduce one enemy, the tsarist government had to sign such a treaty.

Until now, this has become a difficult problem, let alone be the trouble of happiness, the trouble that can only be won after winning the war.

During Alexander II, the prepared response plan was to win the two principalities of Schleswig-Holstein and hand it over to the Nordic Federation to settle the debt.

Unfortunately, halfway through the plan, Alexander II met God. Alexander III was less resistant to stress than his father and lacked his own prestige.

Coupled with the domestic situation does not allow him to continue the war, after being strongly opposed by European countries, he quickly chose to compromise.

Alexander III frowned and shook his head: "The strategic significance of Finland cannot be surrendered, at least not all of it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs first contacted the Nordic Federation to see if they could accept the sale of parts of Finland.

After all, this debt is guaranteed by Austria. If it is absolutely necessary, do not use force threats. "

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and Mao Xiong has never been the ruler of rules. They are better at using cannons than at the negotiating table.

Alexander III is considered a peacemaker among the Tsars, and he can take out part of the Finnish contract. If he changes his father, Alexander II will not speak so well.

Of course, Austrian guarantees also play an important role. That "Debt Guarantee Contract" is not just as simple as providing security guarantees, it also has clear penalties.

Rather than buying Austria for benefit and silence the Vienna government, Alexander III felt that it was easier to achieve the purpose by talking to the Nordic Federation.

Foreign Minister Osier Rivera laughed: "Her Majesty, rest assured that the Nordic Federation will not reject our goodwill, as long as we can take part in fulfilling the contract in Finland."


Berlin, since the end of the Russian-Prussian War, this bustling metropolis has suddenly become silent.

Despite selling some territories and withdrawing some funds, the Berlin government is still having a difficult time.

The heavy debt has increased the burden on the Prussians. More importantly, the despair brought by the defeat of the war has caused many people to lose confidence in the future.

In order to give an explanation to the people in the country, William I has announced his abdication and Prussia has entered the era of Frederick III.

This was an unlucky egg. Just a few days after the original time and space, he met God and had the nickname "Emperor Hundred Days". The actual reign time was 99 days.

Reluctantly survived his father, and after an emperor addiction, he hurriedly broke up.

Under the butterfly effect, Frederick III now ascended the throne in advance, but also failed to please, and took over a mess.

The only benefit is probably that William I abdicated, forcing a group of Junker aristocrats to resign, without so many nasty ghosts.

Compared to the current mess, perhaps Frederick III was more willing to accept a group of Junker aristocrats.

In the standard, the king is the biggest Junker. Everyone's class interests are the same. What they compete for is power.

Looking at the map on the wall, Frederick III sighed deeply.

He didn't do anything, and the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia was less than half. A nation's revival is inseparable from its population and resources.

With the defeat of the Prussian War, the Kingdom of Prussia lost a lot of territory, and also lost a lot of population and resources.

Whether it accepts it or not, the Kingdom of Prussia has become a small country.

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