Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 727: Two treaties

Time is a pig-killer, no matter how persistent the two countries are, Russia has to bow their heads in front of time.

After more than two months of negotiations, on July 18, 1881, the two countries finally reached an agreement under the mediation of various parties.

It's really reluctant, neither the Tsarist government nor the Berlin government are satisfied with the peace treaty.

It ’s just that there is n’t much food left in the house. In order to avoid starvation, we have to compromise.

When the war is over, it does n’t mean you do n’t have to spend money. The pensions of soldiers who were killed or disabled, the placement of retired officers and soldiers, and the post-war economic reconstruction all required a lot of funds.

The two countries did not dare to run out of their money bags. The government did not have emergency funds, but it was not as simple as financial bankruptcy.

If the soldiers are not settled well, that will cause a big mess. The mutiny is trivial, and the most feared thing is that someone comes and shakes his arms and calls "revolution."

The three countries, Britain, France and Austria, have stated clearly that the international community will only consider helping them if they have signed an armistice treaty.

This year, the three countries of Britain, France, Austria and Austria are the international community. The positions of the three countries are the same, and the rest of the countries do not add up.

Post-war reconstruction can be delayed, but disarmament resettlement is imperative. Without the financial support of the international community, even the Russian Empire that won the war cannot stand up.

Both Russia and Russia made concessions, or the three countries helped them make concessions. The content of the treaty:

1. The Kingdom of Prussia acknowledges defeat and assumes responsibility for the war;

2. To cede East Prussia, West Prussia, and Poznan to the Russian Empire;

3. The Kingdom of Prussia paid 360 million Aegis to the Russian Empire as war compensation, paid in 30 years, with an annual interest rate of 6%;

(Remarks: The first batch of payment of 60 million Aegis, after which monthly principal and interest and 1798652 Aegis, a total of 70,751 Aegis)

4. After the first indemnity is paid by the Berlin government, the Russian army must withdraw from the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia within one month;

5. The two sides complete the prisoner exchange within one month, and neither will receive ransom;


The apology and apology are not the key points. The real core is just a few, especially the land cut and compensation.

The land was occupied by the Russians, no transfer was needed, and now money was left. At this time it was Hanover's turn to play.

In everyone's astonishment, on July 19, 1881, the Hanover and Berlin governments announced the Land Trade Agreement between the Kingdom of Prussia and Hanover together. The treaty states:

The Kingdom of Prussia sold the Kingdom of Schleswig-Holstein and the territory west of the Elbe to the Kingdom of Hanover for a price of 210 million pounds.

Before everyone can slow down from this shocking news, on July 20, 1881, the Hanover government signed a 150 million pound loan agreement with the British financial community. (About 300 million Aegis)

Holding the borrowed 150 million and the 60 million raised by themselves, at the end of July 1881, the Hanover and Berlin governments completed the most expensive territorial transaction case ever.

The money was received, which should be a reassuring thing. It is regrettable that the money was only passed in the hands of the Berlin government.

The 150 million pounds provided by the British were used to pay off the debt owed to them by the Berlin government. Obviously this was not enough, so it was gone.

Obvious overlord clause. Unfortunately, there is no place to complain, and the Berlin government can only recognize it.

The remaining 60 million pounds were handed over, and after paying the first war reparations of the Russians, that number shrank by half.

For the last 30 million pounds, the Berlin government still couldn't keep it. Disarmament and casualty pensions were spent almost. The funds for post-war reconstruction are still unknown.

A two-loan loan, while reducing the risk of funds, also earned two interests. The British let everyone learn what a financial operation of God is.


In the Vienna Palace, watching the British God ’s operation, Franz couldn't help but want to follow suit, but finally found that he had no object to perform.

After putting down the documents in his hand, Franz lamented: "The Hanover government can raise 60 million pounds by itself. It seems that we have always underestimated their financial resources. These small states in the German region may be richer than we think. Much more. "

The Prime Minister Felix replied: "The performance of the Hanover government is somewhat unexpected, but it makes sense.

After entering modern times, the economy of the North German region has developed rapidly. Especially after the Rhineland region has been taken, the overall economy of the German Federal Empire has reached a level.

Hanover controls the central government. Although it has no political power to control the small states in the country, it still affects each other economically.

The Hanover government raised 60 million pounds, which can also be regarded as the German federal government raised 60 million pounds.

This is also the result of the central government's insufficient local control. Otherwise, the economic situation of the German Federal Empire would double this number without any problem.

However, the price of this territorial transaction is still too high, and it has greatly exceeded the actual value. If you want to recover the costs with these new territories, it may not be possible for 100 years.

For a long time to come, Hanover ’s government will have to carry huge debts, which will greatly affect their economy. "

The German Federal Empire occupies the finest part of the German region, and the natural conditions are very superior. More than 70% of the industries of the former German Empire were here.

The foundation is that as long as the ruling class is not stupid, the economy will not be worse.

It is precisely because of the developed economy that there are so many people in the Austrian government that they never forget it.

If it is really a backcountry, with European cultural traditions, it is estimated that everyone has long forgotten it.

The most typical is the Swiss region, which is still the ancestral home of the Habsburgs, but because the mountains are too poor, everyone can't see them selectively.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Although the bid is a little bit higher and the debt is huge, the Kingdom of Hanover is not losing money.

They paid such a large price financially, and the Berlin government must have made concessions elsewhere.

If nothing else, Hampshire and the two countries have reached an agreement secretly, leaving only a suitable time to announce the news to the outside world.

Theoretically, after Puhan merged, they would have the opportunity to truly control the German Federal Empire and establish the conceived North German Empire.

With the integration of North Germany, these debts are nothing. "

Everyone said it was expensive, and Franz was embarrassed to say it was cheap. Reality tells him that when he disagrees with most people, it is better to remain silent unless necessary.

Everyone's experience is different, and they look at the problem differently and come to different conclusions, which is normal.

Franz waved his hand: "Well, it doesn't matter whether Hanover is losing or making money.

Their so-called grand plan will take a long time to implement, and we have time to consider.

Now let ’s discuss the 50 million Aegis loan application submitted to us by the Tsar government. "

The war is really terrible. The Russians who received the war compensation are still in trouble.

It is really not that the Tsarist government spent money in spite of the fact that although the amount of compensation to be paid by Prussia is not small, the first batch of compensation is only 60 million Aegis.

This number looks very large, but it is trivial to compare the millions of troops mobilized by the Tsarist government and the number of people killed or injured in the war.

Most of the soldiers of the Russian army had very low military salaries, which were almost negligible, and only a small amount of subsidies were available during the war.

Now that the victory has been fought, for everyone to return to the field, a severance payment is indispensable.

Based on 3 million disarmament, each person paid me 20 Aegis, and suddenly 60 million were gone. Even if it is a half-fold, it costs 3,000 Aegis.

In fact, 30 million Aegis is definitely not enough. The treatment of officers is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers, and the standard of demobilization is naturally different.

Cut standards?

This is already very underestimated, and in Austria this is just two months' wages for ordinary workers. They sold their lives on the battlefield, and this price can be said to be as low as possible.

If the survivors are resolved, the casualties and the disabled cannot be so hasty, otherwise no one will die for the Tsar.

1.433 million were killed, 671,000 were disabled, and there were no hundreds of millions of SHIELD. Fortunately, it can be paid in installments, otherwise the tsarist government will be bankrupt.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl proposed: "Your Majesty, the financial situation of the Russians is very bad.

There are still huge risks in granting them loans. Unless the Tsarist government can offer conditions that we cannot refuse, otherwise it is not recommended to accept loans to Russia. "

It is more than a huge risk, it is a huge pit. The end of the war does not mean the end of the crisis.

Without the orders brought by the war, the excess capacity in the market was consumed, the inventory of enterprises was rising, and the economic crisis was already brewing.

Once the crisis breaks out, the impoverished kingdom of Prussia will certainly not be able to carry it, the Berlin government declares bankruptcy, and the Russians will not receive war compensation.

No one knows whether the tsarist government can hold on to this revenue.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg objected: "In purely economic terms, it is really unwise to borrow money from Russians now.

But from the side, this is also an opportunity. We can propose higher conditions for greater benefits.

If Tsarist Ken fully supports our annexation of the Ottoman Empire, I think this loan can still be put. "

"Robbery while on fire", the word came to Franz's mind and never lingered.

The Ottoman Empire was Austria's next strategic goal. It was easy to defeat Ottomans, and it was difficult to annex them.

Britain, France, and Russia are the biggest obstacles. Due to geopolitical relations, the Russians have a say in this issue over Britain and France.

Prior to this, Franz's plan was to divide the Ottoman Empire with the Russians, but how can the division be compared to the monopoly?

The annexation of the Ottoman Empire alone not only connected the mainland and the Middle East, but also extended Austria's power to Central Asia. The strategic significance was very significant.

Soon Franz came to his senses. Such a great benefit is definitely not so easy to eat in his stomach.

The Russians are not fools. It is enough for them to have an English opponent. It is even harder for them to take back Central Asia if they put Austria in.

Franz shook his head: "You can test the Russians, but don't hope too much, the Tsarist government has not reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted."


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