Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 716: Vienna Peace Conference and Sinkhole

In a sense, the refugee crisis also promoted the progress of the Pu-Russian war. After supplementary establishment, Mao Qi hurriedly launched a counterattack.

There is no way to not fight now, they will not be able to fight later. Originally expecting refugees to delay the actions of the Russians, I did not expect this trouble to follow along.

The Russians did not immediately launch an offensive. In addition to restoring their troops, they were more constrained by logistics. Ivanov is a commander of the prudent faction, and he will not decisively advance the logistical materials if they are not in place.

No matter how the Berlin government mobilizes, the population has already decided on the upper limit. After losing most of the land, there were more than 10 million people left in the Kingdom of Prussia, and those who could not resist moving to the battlefield.

This aspect cannot be compared with the Russians. The longer the delay, the better the Russians are.

Of course, this is only military. Economically, the Tsarist government could not stand up. If it was not for Ivanov's insistence, the Russian army would have launched an attack long ago.

These insider information, of course, is not something Mao Qi can know. Even if they knew it, it wasn't really useful, they still had to fight.

If the government has no money, it does not mean that it cannot really make money. When the crisis comes, dismantling the east wall and filling the west wall can also be an emergency.

The Russian empire has a solid foundation. As long as it is willing to pay, months of war funding can still be collected.

Mao Qi ’s efforts were not in vain. The general army defeated the Russian 10th Army that threatened Berlin, the Russian 3rd Army and the 6th Army that drove the refugees, and severely damaged the Russian 8th Army and the 1st Army stationed in Poznan. Nine Army.

If you don't look at the overall battlefield, no one can believe that the general army with such a sturdy record is actually dying.

In just two months, Maoqi caused more than 500,000 casualties to the Russians. As a cost of victory, the general army also paid nearly 300,000 casualties.

In the case of the limited combat effectiveness of the soldiers, as the attacking side, it can play a 3: 5 exchange ratio, which is tactically impeccable.

However, the tactical victory still cannot make up for the strategic defeat.

The Russians were not passively beaten, and Ivanov placed the battlefield in East Prussia, where the Russian army had a more obvious advantage. As for the Russian army fighting Mao Qi, the only task is to hold back the main force of the general army.

On March 18, 1880, after paying nearly 300,000 casualties, the East Prussian War ended with the victory of the Russian army.

This is just the beginning. The East Prussian region, which had been painstakingly managed, and the West Prussian region failed to block the Russian front. The war continued to burn into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Prussia.


Vienna Palace, put down the battle report in hand, looked at the map of the Kingdom of Prussia, Franz knew that the Russian-Prussian war should be over.

The Kingdom of Prussia has almost been weakened. The Rhineland region was sold to the German Federation, the Silesia region was sold to Austria, and the Prussian Saxony region was also sold.

Now the Poznan region has fallen into the hands of the Russians, East Prussia has been lost, West Prussia has lost most of it, Pomerania has been reduced to the battlefield, and the foundation of Junker aristocracy has been severely damaged.

Continuing this war has no meaning to Austria. If the war is not stopped, the Russians will drink the River Oder, which is not what Franz wants to see.

"What's going on inside Russia and Russia?"

If you want to interfere, you must first understand the respective situations of Russia and Russia. Franz had an intelligence organization and got the information early, but it was impossible to see.

Intelligence organizations that frequently appear in people's sights are not intelligence organizations. It is more appropriate to become a government department.

Franz has been diluting the existence of intelligence organizations. Except for a few high-level government officials and big nobles, others have no idea that there is a secret intelligence organization in the hands of the emperor.

Even if it is known, not many people take it seriously. After all, this organization is too low-key to be forgotten.

For so many years, apart from collecting intelligence, Franz has almost never activated this secret organization, and the execution of tasks is also exposed and linked to government-owned intelligence organizations.

Like Jin Yiwei, no matter how important it is and how much it contributes to the country, as long as it threatens its own interests, if it can't be held in its own hands, bureaucrats will try to break it.

It is nothing to deliberately make things difficult and troublesome. The trouble is to plant the scams and discredit them, and finally press the public opinion to force the emperor to give up.

History tells Franz that the emperor who compromised on this issue was not very good. Both Zhu Yunwen and Zhu Youjian are ready-made negative examples.

Abducted by public opinion, moral attack, right, so I'll hide the intelligence organization. In normal times, it does not take the lead at all, but collects black materials of domestic bureaucrats and interest groups.

These black materials are ammunition. When they are needed, they can be blown up and killed.

In contrast, overseas intelligence business can only be considered as a sideline business. It is no problem to collect some basic information. The real intelligence organization is responsible for the intelligence organization on the surface, and it is also responsible to the emperor and the government.

It is not only for checks and balances, but also for practical needs. Agents are also high-risk industries, especially when they engage in espionage activities overseas, often requiring the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come forward to recruit people, and it is necessary to deal with them.

In addition, when conducting international diplomacy, intelligence is also needed to support it. In order to cooperate with each other, overseas intelligence organizations are also subordinated to the embassy.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied: "The situation in the Kingdom of Prussia is very bad. Even if refugees are expelled, the lives of ordinary people are affected, and many people rely on wild radish to feed their hunger.

According to news from the embassy, ​​this month alone, the Berlin government suppressed eight strikes and three revolutions. The Kingdom of Prussia now looks like a gunpowder.

The situation in the Russian Empire is slightly better. Victory on the battlefield has covered the crisis to some extent, but domestic labor conflicts are very serious.

In the past year, more than 100 strikes have erupted one after another, and they are almost catching up with the French.

In the winter that just ended, more than 50 cities, including St. Petersburg, suffered from insufficient supplies of materials to varying degrees.

In order to save coal, residents of St. Petersburg had to cook together with several families. In many areas, a family was crowded into a room to heat each other. "

The strike in Russia did not attract Franz's attention, mainly because the French freak was present, which has refreshed his perception.

Facts have shown that the French people's love of strikes has a history. Even now, in the nineteenth century, the French people fell in love with this meaningful event.

Unlike many future challengers, France now ranks first in the world's strike industry with three-digit strikes per year, and there is no such thing as them for the time being.

The total number of strikes in Austria over Franz's many years in history may not be enough to keep up with the number of French strikes a year.

Of course, this is just a count of the number of strikes on a large scale, which must be counted by more than a thousand people. No one on a small scale knows how many times a day.

Think about it, right now France is a combination of France and Italy, has a wealth of strike experience, and the number of strikes is normal.

Winter has passed, the demand for goods is declining, and the tsarist government has passed its most dangerous moment.

The Berlin government is different. The frequent uprisings of the Revolutionary Party are undoubtedly a manifestation of the extreme weakness in Prussia.

War is not a problem. Under the "**** ism" system, the Prussians are not afraid of war. The prerequisite is that they must be fed first.

It is absolutely impossible to be hungry. It is not surprising that they have expelled refugees together with their enemies. Who can eat more than one group?

Franz asked in confusion: "Prussia has the Oder River and the Elbe River connected to us. The domestic railway network is relatively complete, both land and water can be used, and there should be no shortage of food.

Halls, how much food has the Berlin government purchased from us in recent months? "

After the sea route was cut off, the border with the Kingdom of Prussia left Austria, Denmark, and the German Federation to trade.

There is no doubt that the Berlin government must look for Austria to import food, and the other two do not have as much food to sell to them.

Minister of Agriculture Halls: "After Christmas, we have successively exported 768,000 tons of agricultural products to the Kingdom of Prussia, including 200,000 tons of flour, 300,000 tons of potatoes, 120,000 tons of corn, 20,000 tons of soybeans, and 30,000 tons of meat products. ... "

Potato exports exceed flour, which Franz knew was a precursor to the collapse of the Prussian economy. Only when it ca n’t sustain it will it be possible to purchase cheaper potatoes on a large scale.

Franz sighed: "At this time, there were still people hoarding, William I was really not in control of the country, and they lost unfairly this time.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervenes in the mediation. The Kingdom of Prussia will soon be unable to sustain it, and the Russians will have almost eaten. I believe they will not reject our mediation.

Striving to place this international conference in Vienna now requires everyone to see our efforts to maintain the territorial integrity of the German region. "

In the end, nothing matters, as long as you can see the efforts made by the Vienna government.

War is a high-risk activity. As a defeated party, the Berlin government will definitely pay a painful price this time.

This is what Franz is happy to see. Without the sense of crisis, how can many states in the German region realize the importance of Austria?

The mighty Prussian Kingdom of Prussia just serves as a negative teaching material, awakening the crisis awareness of the Germans, and letting the great unification of the mind reach the hearts of the people.

This is destined that the Vienna government will not heal the Prussian kingdom, and pay the debts it owes itself. A harsh armistice treaty is indispensable.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg asked uncertainly: "Sir, it's not good to leave the British so early, right?"

The London government has been calling for mediation, tossing back and forth for months without success.

If at this time the Vienna government achieves its goal, it will be very embarrassing.

This is not only a matter of face, but also international influence. It is conceivable that after the Vienna Peace Conference, the popularity of the British in Europe will fall to the bottom.

Franz shook his head: "Sooner or later this step will be reached. The opportunity to come to the door, do not take advantage of the opportunity to weaken the British, next time I do not know when to wait.

Don't you think it is very interesting to make European countries feel that Britain is declining?

The Napoleon IV who had endured for so many years should also shine his own light, and it is estimated that he will drive himself crazy.

You know, the London government is ready to merge Pudd and establish North Germany against us. They all dare to do this step, and we can't fight back a little bit! "

It is not that Franz underestimated Napoleon IV, mainly because the internal situation in France is really bad. Compared with Napoleon III, he has much weaker control over the country.

In the last few years, France has fallen behind, not only the objective lack of resources, but also directly related to the government's economic policy changes.

Sometimes the more you do, the more mistakes you make. How about developing North Africa? Of course it is good to add a resource origin and commodity sales market. The problem is to develop it.

The government's policies seem to be very good, and many of them have borrowed from Austria's successful experience. The key is that the national conditions are different.

First of all, the execution of the Paris government is insufficient. Napoleon IV did not have the prestige of a single word, and the French cabinet did not have efficient coordination capabilities.

This was the pit left by Napoleon III. Although the obstacles were cleared for Napoleon IV, the price paid was the escalation of internal political struggles.

Napoleon IV had insufficient prestige. In order to control the power of the government, he could only play a balance in the government. The internal struggle restrained a large part of the French government's energy.

The second is the issue of cultural tradition. Whether it is French or Italian, influenced by marine civilization, they are keen on business and have no love for farming.

Even if people are brought to the colony, they will stay in the city, and there are too few people who are willing to take root and open up wasteland.

The capitalists have a clear lack of interest in remote colonies. Even if they invest in colonies, they also prefer mining, a profitable business.

Occasionally, there are a few plantation managers, which are all national treasures. The number is too small.

People's hearts are impetuous. Everyone likes chasing riches overnight. They don't want to struggle bit by bit. There is no market in France for hard work.

The social environment cannot be reversed by one's own power. If society cannot be changed, it can only change itself.

Napoleon IV would be fine if he could do nothing. With France's strong capital, there is no problem in maintaining the status of a great power now.

If there is ambition, it will be tragedy. Ambition exceeds strength, and it is bound to be beaten by society.

Seeing Franz's expression, Weissenberg was still talking. He would like to say: The British plan was indulged by Austria.

To build North Germany, it is not only Hanover and Prussia, but also other German states.

With more people participating, confidentiality is naturally a joke.

Perhaps the British haven't noticed the problem, after all, the London government is really careful this time. The targets are all states that have a long relationship with Austria.

Now that the plan has been carried out, all the insiders may not add up to more than thirty people, all of whom are absolute high-level members of the country, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

It is theoretically impossible to betray yourself as the master of the country. However, there are exceptions to everything, and some people find that North German market is not good, and there is no way to leave yourself a back road.

If it is the peak of the Pudd merger, Franz must find a way to stop it. However, at this stage, it is no longer important whether Pod merges.

This war has done too much damage to the Kingdom of Prussia. It has lost a lot of territory and population, and is carrying a huge debt. It is a complete mess.

If North Germany was formed, the central government would have no energy to do anything else, and they must first find a way to keep the Kingdom of Prussia alive.

This is not a joke. After the war, the orphans and widows in the Prussian kingdom were a whole lot, and the economy was withered. Without a capital injection, they would collapse.

At this time, the British cannot be counted on. They are not doing charity. I really thought it was good intentions for them to persuade North Germany. Don't even think about it.

In addition to the need to balance Austria, I am afraid that the debt of the Kingdom of Prussia can be fulfilled normally. The former is only a slogan, and the latter is what domestic interest groups need.

As long as you think about the huge debt that the Berlin government has borne, Franz has flinched. This time is really terrible.

Debts from the British + debts from other countries + domestic debt + soldier casualties + post-war reconstruction costs, and possibly even a Russian war payment.

What a pleasant name for the North German Empire. Help the Berlin government pay off its debts. Otherwise, why did the Kingdom of Prussia come in and become a younger brother?

One billion Aegis seems not enough to pay the debts of the British family; two billion Aegis still seems to be unable to fill this pit; three billion Aegis may be possible, but who knows before the dust settles?

3 billion Aegis, what is this concept?

The central government of the new Holy Roman Empire now has less than 200 million Aegis in fiscal revenue, and fifteen years of fiscal revenue have not filled this huge pit.

Of course, the 3 billion Aegis does not need to be paid at one time, and the interest on the funds is calculated, and the funds that need to be paid in the end.

If it is the principal, don't say that North Germany has not been born, even the Vienna government has no ability to take over.

Even if it can be instaled, the Berlin government is unable to pay such a huge debt, which requires micro-manipulation.

What the Berlin government will do next, Franz's is almost clear. First of all, I can't stop my face. I printed enough banknotes to use inflation to wipe out domestic debt.

International loans should also be slowly rolled down, so that creditors can avoid some interest, and it is best to repay only the principal. All bonds issued are deferred and paid when and when they are rich.

It is estimated that it can be cut in half. The Berlin government still cannot afford it, so it can only let the central government share a part.

The question is, are other states willing to pay for the Kingdom of Prussia? When it comes to self-interest, what is that North German Empire?

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