Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 717: Feasibility of North Germany

St. Petersburg, looking at the battle report in his hands, Alexander II's face fluttered away, leaving only a deep sadness.

The Russian army achieved a great victory on the front line, strategically overwhelming the enemy, and it was getting closer and closer to the victory of the war.

Behind these victories, however, were all Russian soldiers piled up with vast bones. Looking at the increasing number of casualties, Alexander II admitted that he was afraid.

There are not only two countries in this world, Pu-Russia. The Russian Empire has many enemies. In order to win this war, it loses all its net worth. What should we do next?


Foreign Minister Herado Jeserot: "Her Majesty, the Austrian Minister in St. Petersburg sent us a diplomatic note this morning, and the Vienna government initiated an international conference to mediate the war."

Alexander II nodded: "Finally still here."

It seemed as though he was relieved, and a little disturbed.

After a pause, Alexander II asked: "What conditions did the Austrians give?"

Foreign Minister Herado Jeserot shook his head: "It's just a regular diplomatic note, and the Austrians haven't stated their position.

Judging from the current situation, the Vienna government may not be willing to take the easy stand. "

This is a fact, and it is really difficult for the Vienna government to choose now. One side is interest and the other side is public opinion. No matter how you choose, it is wrong.

Since you ca n’t choose, then do n’t state your position first, wait for the situation to develop further, and then state your position.

At this time, Austria does not need to rely on standing teams to live on. Earlier and later, its own income is indispensable.

After hesitating for a moment, Alexander II made the decision: "In reply to Austria, we agree to accept mediation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready for negotiations, and there is a tough battle to follow. The blood of the soldiers should not be emptied, and they must not be allowed to get things on the battlefield and spit them out at the negotiation table. "

Although diplomatic games are not seen, the intensity is not inferior to the battlefield.

After the British, French, Austrian and the three countries established a new international system, the victory or defeat of the Continental War is no longer something that can only be determined on the battlefield.

Winning in the military is just the beginning; the final vesting of benefits must still be determined at the negotiating table.

Of course, Russia is also a big country. It still has the right to speak, and will not be slaughtered by others. With victory on the battlefield, the negotiating table has the absolute upper hand, and the difference is only in the size of the gain.


The Tsar government agreed, and the Berlin government did not agree. Now they cannot support them. Even the militants in the army know that the situation is over. If they don't negotiate, there will be no capital to negotiate.

Up to now, more than 400,000 people have died in the Prussian kingdom alone. If the number of dead and seriously injured is added, this number may increase by 200,000 to 300,000.

There are 600,000 to 700,000 people who die, and natural disability is indispensable. It is no exaggeration to permanently reduce the number of employees by more than one million.

For Prussia, which has a population of more than 10 million people, everyone is already crying. Except for some cases where the poisoning is too deep, most people's dreams have been awakened.

Fortunately, the population structure has become younger and younger this year. If we catch up with the aging society, the casualties will collapse so early.

General Command, news of negotiations came, as if Mao Qi was ten years old overnight, this war was too great for him.

The gap in strength cannot be filled by personal strength. The battle was won all the way, but in the end, the war ended with defeat.

After losing the war, Mao Qi ’s halo did not fall, but it became louder and louder, and it must be said that it was ironic.

Forbearing his grief, Mao Qi continued to fulfill his responsibilities: "Order the troops to be more vigilant and guard against Russian sneak attacks."

Unlike the failures of previous wars, the failure of this war has not been widely blamed by his domestic commander.

Maybe everyone has been hit hard and has not slowed down. No one was clamoring for a change, and no one yelled at him.

"Yes, Marshal."

"Yes, Marshal."


The answer in threes and twos made Mao Qi's face even more ugly: "Have you not eaten, one by one, you look at yourself, do you still look like a soldier?"

Isn't it that we lost a war, or that we haven't lost, the ancestors were able to survive it, why can't we do it! "

No one answered. From the look of expression, most people were ashamed, only a few were indifferent.

th. The more people know, the less confidence they have in Prussia.

The current European situation has basically stabilized. It is too difficult for Prussia to turn around. Many people are desperate.

Seeing poor results, Mao Qi sighed helplessly. A few words may awaken a confused person, but it is not so effective for those who are sober.

"Well, I don't care what you are thinking about. As long as you wear this uniform, you have to fulfill your duties.

At this point in time, I do not expect you to be brave and good at fighting, and to be defeated on the battlefield.

As long as you do your job well and don't give the enemy the opportunity to keep Prussia's last capital, it is the best return to your country. "


In London, the news that General Russia and Russia accepted the mediation of the Austrian government, the British government seemed to be trapped in the dark clouds.

Prime Minister Benjamin: "Austrians want to convene a peace conference in Vienna, and Russia and Russia have accepted the invitation. British hegemony is being provoked and we must act."

Although Britain, France, Austria and the three countries stand side by side, everyone's default boss is still Britain. This time the Vienna peace conference clearly broke this practice.

The London government failed to mediate the Prussian war and instead let the Austrians do it, which meant that Britain's influence in continental Europe lags behind.

If it doesn't matter in other regions, the British Empire ’s world hegemony has not been able to penetrate into every region, and it is okay to lose one or two regional hegemonies.

But Europe does not work, the center of the world these years is in Europe. There is only a thin line between continental hegemony and world hegemony.

In terms of economy and military, the European continent is more than the rest of the world combined. With European hegemony, world hegemony is virtually fixed.

The British government cannot tolerate this. Although Austria's holding of the Vienna Peace Conference does not amount to European hegemony, it still breaks Britain's hidden supremacy in continental Europe.

Destruction is always easier than construction. Britain's status in Europe was established through hundreds of years of hard work. Now it has been hit. It is almost impossible to recover.

As a world hegemon, the British took away too much interest. It's not just Austria that is watching their interests, it's just that they frighten the reputation of the British. Everyone dare not take action.

Austria started, and if the London government did not respond in time to dispel the delusions of other countries, then they would be caught in a stream of temptations and provocations, and there would be no real peace.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "We cannot influence the Russians. The Berlin government is really unable to persevere, and it is impossible for them to reject the Austrian proposal.

The plan to disintegrate Austria directly from the Peace Conference is unrealistic and can only be countered from other aspects.

Maybe we can increase our investment and build the North German Empire as soon as possible. Severing the Austrian dream of the Central European Empire should deter European nations. "

Prior to this, the London government was also planning the North German Empire, but it had been behind the scenes because of fear of Austria's response. Now I have torn my face, and naturally you are welcome.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Garfield objected: "It is not easy to establish a North German empire. Most German states have limited interest. Coupled with the fact that the Austrians may destroy it, the chance of success is too low.

Stand up and promote directly, if it succeeds, if the plan fails, it will be another blow to our reputation.

Consecutive failures will shake our allies. Right now, we must keep Prussia and then consider how to avenge Austria. "

How does Britain retaliate against Austria?

The answer is: very much.

Either the influence is too small to achieve the goal; or there is an aftermath, and if one is not good, it will eat back.

For example: Do things in the colonies.

But what they can do is the backcountry, and even if it succeeds, the impact will be very small, and it will not be quiet in the European world.

Intercepting at sea and obstructing shipping is also a solution.

Unfortunately, it is not clear that the Royal Navy can pretend to be a pirate, and the Austrian Navy can also learn from it. This thing is a failure.

The most effective way is to do things in continental Europe. This is very challenging for the London government, and since the British-French relationship has been cold, their influence in continental Europe has been affected.

If there are French thugs, Franz will not do anything at this time.

Foreign Minister Edward shook his head: "Sir, do we still have a choice?

Without pressing Austria, more countries will emerge next. At that time, we are all overwhelmed, and there is still energy to avenge Austria.

The establishment of North Germany was originally planned by us. With the disastrous defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia, the probability of success is already high. "

The disastrous defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia reduced the fear of European countries towards this North German empire to the minimum, and many originally opposed countries may turn to support.

This is determined by interests, and it is not unhelpful for the Berlin government to borrow everywhere. At least when creditors think about international issues, they have to take into account their own money bags.

For example: France, although not much was lent out during the war, there were a lot of money put out in front, both in Prussia and Poland.

Poland is gone, and no one can let the Russians spit it out. These debts have fallen on the Berlin government, and the Berlin government must not be able to afford it under normal circumstances.

If these debts are to be fulfilled, Prussia must also be restored to the economy. This requires investment, and the French are certainly not willing to continue to pay.

At this time, the importance of the North German Empire became apparent. As the central government must not watch the collapse of the states below, even if they did not pay the debts directly for Prussia, they had to pay for assistance to help the Kingdom of Prussia recover its economy.

A loose alliance of German states does not threaten France's interests at all, and can hinder Austria's unification of Central Europe. The possibility of the Paris government's support is very high.

Even the Russian Empire can be bought. Regardless of the bloodshed between the two countries, as long as the interests are in place, many things can be discussed.

The vitally injured Kingdom of Prussia has lost its power to threaten Russia after the war, even if it formed the North German Empire in conjunction with the Germans.

The population and the area of ​​the territory determine the upper limit of this new country, no matter how much it can't keep up with the previous Popo Federation. Not to mention that the many states and states in the country are independent and unable to integrate power.

The Tsarist government clanged so poorly that it won the war, and it certainly wanted to blackmail a war payment.

It was easy to get the Berlin government to sign a compensation treaty, but the problem came when the Kingdom of Prussia wanted to pay it.

No one gave Prussia a new life, not to mention the payment of war reparations, and post-war pensions could overwhelm the country.

In addition, Russia-Olympic relations are also involved behind this. It is impossible to say that the Tsarist government did not scoff against Austria at all.

It was only because they could not do without Austria that the two sides did not turn their heads. Russia's demand for Austria will gradually decrease after the war, and the relationship between the two sides will also change. It is only a matter of time from the ally to the rival.

Without restricting yourself, you can restrict Austria. The Tsarist government has no reason to refuse.

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