Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 715: How hard life is

While the Berlin government was worrying about the refugee problem, the people below had already made their choices.

The reason was that the influx of refugees was too large, the local government's relief was not timely, and the hungry refugees ransacked an aristocratic manor in Skevijna and accidentally killed the old count who was visiting the manor.

Many things happened to plunder the place, but it was the first time to kill the great aristocracy. Maybe they realized that things were getting bigger. In order to survive, these people decisively chose to kill.

Refugees themselves are temporary cobbled together. It is easy to say the truth about killing people and hiding the truth. How can they not leave clues?

Needless to say later, the news immediately caused a shock after the news was leaked, and the nobles naturally retaliated.

A large number of refugees have flowed in, and it is not only local nobles whose interests have been damaged. The loss of the local people is even greater. It has long been miserable. At this time, some people took the lead to respond in groups.

The chaos broke out. Once the butcher knife was raised, it could no longer be dropped. In order to restore order, the Berlin government ordered the garrison to intervene immediately.

In fact at this time, the Berlin government was unable to control the situation. The local forces must be more inclined to the locals, and the bayonet naturally hacked at the refugees.

Perhaps many refugees are innocent, but at this time no one can distinguish them, and they don't want to distinguish them. The massacre broke out.

After receiving the news of the massacre, the first thought of William I was to stop immediately, and then gave up.

This is a multiple-choice question with no choice. Either stand on the side of the refugees, offend the nobles, capitalists, or ordinary people in Prussia, or stand on the side of the Prussians, and nothing happens.

Don't worry, the Berlin government knows where to stand. As for the refugees lying in a pool of blood, they saw nothing and knew nothing.

A weird scene appeared, the Russian army was driving away refugees, and the general army was also driving away refugees. The two sides jointly composed a "Killing March".

Affected by this, Polish soldiers in the general army also undergo mutiny. If the Russians were not too cautious about fraud and did not take the opportunity to send troops, it would probably be nothing for the Berlin government.


The sudden massacre made the European world collectively mute.

Is it condemned?

The media is already doing it. Newspapers and radio are slamming the atrocities of the Russian government. Of course, many refugees are also condemned.

Journalists also have to eat, and of course their position must be influenced by the owner.


The Palace of Vienna, this amazing big news, brought Franz thinking about life back to reality.

How to characterize this is another headache. From the standpoint of a bystander, Franz could not be sure of right or wrong.

Is the refugee wrong? The answer is: yes, no!

They are just for survival, and naturally they are not wrong; but for the sake of surviving themselves, they hurt others, which is a big mistake.

The tragedy that happened in Skevijna was not accidental, and more innocent people fell on the way to flee.

Maybe only some people do evil, but everyone does not have the ability to distinguish, nor do they want to distinguish, and others are not obligated to pay for their mistakes.

Human nature cannot stand the test, especially in the face of hunger.

Is there anything wrong with the Prussian aristocracy? The answer is still: yes, no!

Defending the mob must be right to safeguard its own interests; deliberately magnifying the problem to the entire refugee group, there will be problems.

But as a bystander, Franz didn't think he was qualified to blame them. Can the crisis be resolved in advance, why should people be required to resolve it after the disaster?

Smart people know that after losing the Polish region, the Berlin government has been unable to provide relief to so many refugees.

Without relief food, refugees will be chaotic sooner or later, which cannot be changed by manpower.

If the war cannot be ended as soon as possible, even the Prussian nobles and capitalists will open the warehouse and put food together, but it will not help.

For their own benefit and for the country they protect, the simplest and most practical method has been chosen, and it seems that it is not wrong.

He can understand that even the Russians expelled refugees. Putting aside morality, the Tsarist government is incapable of relieving refugees. In order to prevent more people from becoming refugees, it is actually necessary to expel refugees.

Franz is not a Virgin and knows to think rationally. Three or four million refugees, even in the 21st century, are difficult problems to solve, let alone this age.

A simple mathematical problem knows that, based on one catty of food per person per day, three million people will consume 1,500 tons of food per day, and four million people will consume 2,000 tons of food.

This is only theoretical data. In fact, food is definitely not enough. High-calorie food may be enough to sustain people's survival, but the demand for cheap low-calorie food will be significantly higher.

These days, people are more able to eat. A young and strong person who eats three or five pounds of food is easy, and most of them are the king of stomachs in later generations.

There is no need to eat enough for disaster relief, as long as you are hungry. For refugees who need 2,000 tons of food a day, that is halfway through transportation costs, and this figure must be enlarged to at least 2,500 tons.

In addition to food, other materials are also indispensable. Too many refugees, we must do a good job of epidemic prevention, or else plague will be troublesome.

According to preliminary estimates, tents, clothing, medicines, coal, daily necessities, etc., all these messy things add up and can't be bought without hundreds of millions of SHIELD.

Even if the materials are ready, it is impossible to meet the demand without tens of thousands of tons of transportation capacity every day.

It looks like this number, but this is every day, not every month, let alone every year.

What about other countries? Franz didn't know. Anyway, Austria was not able to transport so many supplies, even half of them could not.

Maybe a joint effort across Europe may solve the refugee crisis, but the chance of success is still less than one-third.

Knowing that they can't do it, either a hero or a fool, Franz is neither, so he can only stand idly by.

It can't be considered indifferent, at least he made a donation, although it is still a waste of money, that's hard work.

Outside things can't be controlled, but the refugees sent to the door can't ignore it. There is no way Russia can go, the refugees can only run to Austria.

This road is also not easy. The two countries, Russia and Russia, dare not let the Vienna government think that they are driving refugees to Austria, so they must be stopped.

Not to mention the effect, anyway, the number of refugees on the Austrian border is increasing every day, if it was not for the Vienna government's preparation in advance, it would really be overwhelming.

Even if it is prepared, it can only be managed barely. Order is maintained by the army, and there are several criminals hanging out of almost every refugee camp.

Happiness is all contrasted. After seeing the atrocities in Russia and Russia, Austria's approach is so unacceptable.

make trouble?

Are all things hanging out hanging out. Now they are all illegal immigrants. They have no human rights. They die in vain. Any violation of the rules in the camp may become the chicken of that marmoset.

Looking at the statistics table that was sent, Franz was not good at all. He suspected that there was a problem in the world, and that Austria had received millions of refugees.

Franz asked puzzled: "Prime Minister, is there any problem with this data, why are there so many refugees?"

The larger the number, the more troublesome it will be to set up. Refugees who can travel all the way to Austria are either close or young.

It's easy to drag home with a mouth, and the youth of running singles is a hidden danger. The military camp was designed to suppress these people who took the opportunity to make trouble. The tragedy in Skevijna also aroused the vigilance of the Vienna government.

Felix replied affirmatively: "No problem, we checked carefully three times, and each refugee camp is worthy of the number.

The number surpassed expectations and was related to the atrocities in the two countries. Although they were also intercepting, many soldiers sympathizing with the refugees secretly let go.

We have already submitted diplomatic protests to the two countries, and this situation should improve. "

Raising a butcher knife does not mean killing millions of people. In fact, most of these refugees were deported to the border area between Russia and Russia. Today you drive to my side, and tomorrow I will drive to your side, anyway, no one wants it.

Hunger is still the cause of large-scale refugee deaths. No one has counted how many people died of starvation. Some say hundreds of thousands, some say more than one million, and some say two or three million.

Governments of all countries are pretending to be confused. At this time, relief for refugees is a chore. It is the right thing to do well, and it cannot be criticized by international public opinion.

After pondering for a while, Franz shook his head: "I am afraid the situation will be more serious. Even if the two countries of Russia and Russia are willing to cooperate, they may not be able to stop it.

Pick a group of young people among the refugees. If the situation exceeds our tolerance limit, we will close the borderline and let them intercept themselves.

In addition, the government must do a good job of preventing epidemics, prohibiting refugees from leaving the camp, and not allowing them to contact the local people. If you have relatives and friends, you must go through a doctor's inspection before leaving. "

At the moment of life and death, people can always explode to their greatest potential. Unless the Prussian army can let go of the massacre, otherwise someone will always be able to break through the blockade.

This is not something Berlin and St. Petersburg can control. The tsarist government is a little bit better, at least able to control the army; the Berlin government's control over the army, Franz really can't compliment.

If the Russians are willing to buy Juncker aristocracy at a high price, the Berlin government still does not exist, it is unknown.

With the influx of refugees, Austria can't afford it. In order not to worsen the situation, we can only say sorry to the latecomers.

Decentralized placement only exists in theory. I ca n’t communicate normally if I do n’t know the language, I ’m not healthy, I do n’t know if I ’m carrying a plague, and if I ’m blindly scattered, it ’s not good for the whole country.

The refugees in front are real refugees, and the refugees in the back are all crawling up from the dead, and still retain a little humanity, which are all unknown.

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