Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 712: Expel refugees

After receiving the order from the headquarters, Opodo was still very confused, but wagging around the street, looking at the beggars everywhere, he understood what was going on.

Most of the main forces of the Russian army are gathered in the Polish region. Under normal circumstances, they must go out to the bandits. The fourth army that has suffered a lot of vitality will never be able to pass.

Letting them take on this task now is definitely not trust. Because of his relationship with Marshal Ivanov, the task of effortless effort must certainly not be his.

After carefully studying the information sent by the headquarters, Opodo was mixed. Accepting this task means that the previous things have come to an end and there is no need to worry about being held accountable by military courts.

Unfortunately, the task of clearing Poland is not easy. Even if Ivanov had ordered other forces to cooperate with the Fourth Army, Opodo was also not sure to complete the task within the prescribed time.

Putting down the documents in his hand, Opodo told a young officer: "Invite representatives of the Third, Sixth, Seventh, and Fifth Army to come and discuss the bandits."

"and many more!"

Suspended was Contreras, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Army, a middle-aged man with a beard.

"Captain, things are not so simple. As far as I know, the Third and Sixth Army have dispatched troops many times, killing more than 100,000 bandits, and still have no effect.

If the problem cannot be solved at the source, even the killing of more bandits will not stabilize the Polish region. "

Everyone knows this problem, but everyone is unwilling to take responsibility, no one breaks through the window paper.

Oporto also has the fluke mentality, if he can solve the problem by force deterrence, he will not have to bear the infamy.

Unlike Oppoto, the captain, Contreras had much less stress.

Under normal circumstances, people only remember the coach, except for being scolded by Obdo. As the chief of staff, as long as he is low-key, no one knows him.

From the standpoint of Contreras, it is imperative to complete the task as soon as possible and make up for the crime of merit atonement.

All people are realistic. Lieutenant General Oporto has a high prestige in the Fourth Army, but it is past tense. Since the previous operation failed, his prestige has fallen to the bottom.

No one will convince a defeated general, although in the strict sense, Opodo did not defeat it.

Although the Fourth Army suffered heavy losses, it also obtained sufficient time for the main force and played an important strategic role.

Opodo waved his hand helplessly: "In theory, this is indeed the case, but my chief of staff, are you sure you want to solve the problem from the source?

This is a millions of Polish refugees. In addition to killing chickens and tamarins and deterring by force, do you have any other way? "

No one wants to carry the infamous name of the "butcher". Oporto also wants to struggle, he will not be reconciled unless necessary.

Contreras tentatively said: "Maybe we can consider sending them away, don't the Austrians need to emigrate, sell them as a favor, and let the refugees go."

Oporto shook his head: "If the Austrians were willing to take over, the respected Marshal Ivanov would have already done it, and this task would never have been our turn.

Not only Austria, but all the colonial nations I asked. No one will accept refugees unless we can send them over. "

Not everyone doesn't want it, it's just not worth it. Receiving millions of refugees at once, not to mention now, even in the 21st century, it will be very difficult.

Not to mention the high freight, the key is millions of people, how to transport away in a short time?

If it cannot be removed immediately, it will be necessary to provide refugees with supplies and support these people.

This is not the end. Transporting people to the colony is just the beginning. We must also do a good job in resettlement. If the language is not clear, the colonial government can collapse.

A rough estimate is that in the most ideal state, it would take two or three hours to resettle so many refugees. It would not be possible without 100 million Aegis.

It doesn't necessarily work if you want people to change jobs for three years, but it only takes three days for people to become lazy. During such a long period of production, who can guarantee that these refugees can still work with peace of mind.

If one doesn't handle well, good things become bad things. Not only did it not create wealth, it increased the burden on the colonial government.

Such huge expenses, but also bear such a large risk, pay and income are not proportional. It is not surprising that the major colonial empires were unwilling to accept the refugees.

It can be seen from the immigration policies of the major colonial empires that everyone accepts immigrants in batches and rarely absorbs a large number of immigrants at once.

This is also the case in Austria, except that there are no restrictions on migrants from domestic organizations. When absorbing migrants, they must be screened.

Moreover, people's hearts are unpredictable. Who can guarantee that these refugees will continue to emigrate after receiving the supplies, and maybe they will return home directly.

With so many people, all of them rely on the discipline of the Russians, and no country will be assured.

The spirit of the contract is useless to the refugees. It is precisely because it is not there that everyone advocates the spirit of the contract.

If forced immigration is done by contract, it is estimated that no one dares to take it to the place. Many of them are experienced in guerrillas.

Contreras wondered: "I passed by the door of the Austrian embassy yesterday, and I saw a lot of people applying for immigration, including beggars. Didn't say they refused to accept refugees?

Opodo shook his head: "Those people are mostly Germans, and the Vienna government has stipulated that as long as they are the people of the Holy Roman Empire, they can avoid the series of restrictions.

Even so, German must be spoken if you want to mix it up. How many of these refugees do you think are fluent in German? "

Long lines can be formed outside the Austrian embassy, ​​thanks to the Berlin government's vigorous promotion of German in Poland.

Unfortunately, the time is too short, and with the resistance of the Polish, there are not many people who can speak German fluently. A large part of them are immigrants from the Rhineland.

Of course, this is not much for all refugees. Actually this is not much, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

After pondering for a while, Contreras said fiercely: "In this case, then simply expel the refugees to the Kingdom of Prussia and let the enemy have a headache."

Oporto sighed: "This is difficult to achieve. The huge number of refugees will never obey our command. Once the news spreads, the biggest possibility is to flee.

Moreover, it won't be long before we will launch an attack on the enemy, and these refugees will eventually have to deal with us. "

Contreras shook his head: "You have changed, Oporto, and you will not be so indecisive.

Refugees must not be expelled, and we do not need to expel them all. As long as we expel most of them, the rest will not be able to turn the tide.

As for future issues, we can wait until later to say that what we have to do now is to complete the task. After the war, we have time to deal with refugees. "

Opodo nodded: "Maybe, people always grow up. The last lesson is big enough. Now you have to think more about things, maybe this is the real me.

However, the expulsion of refugees is still a very good proposal, at least easier to accept than the massacre of refugees, and perhaps this is what St. Petersburg wants to see. "


With an order from Opodo, the region of Poland was completely out of order.

First of all, starting from the city, the Russian army did not have time to separate so much, and many shabby citizens were also affected.

It was so frightening that ordinary people did not dare to go out easily, for fear of being treated as refugees.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

However, how can ordinary people be the opponents of the army, and the Russian army is notoriously fierce, and the treatment method is only one word-kill!

One person rebels and kills one, and one thousand people rebel and kill one thousand.

In short, the Russians firmly believe that there is no problem that can not be solved by the butcher knife. If there is, it must be not enough to kill.

Facts have proved that the **** storm set off by Oporto is very effective, and it is no longer necessary to expel troops. Seeing the shadow of the Russian army, the refugees ran spontaneously.

The bandits and bandits disappeared for a while, either running or hiding, leaving only the guerrillas to fight alone.


The Austrian Embassy in Warsaw, Minister Andrew was in a very bad mood. Since the Russian army expelled the refugees, the number of people applying for immigration has suddenly decreased.

It is not that the Russians prevented Austria from accepting immigrants, mainly to expel refugees, and by the way, those who could have emigrated were expelled.

This is not that the Russians are deliberately engaged in things. They are all mixed in refugees. Unless they take the initiative to identify themselves, otherwise the Russian soldiers have no way to distinguish.

Looking at the murderous Russian soldiers, too few people dared to take the initiative to appear on the surface. Most of them followed the flow and ran away with the large army.

By the time the Minister Andrew responded and protested to the Russians, it was too late. Everyone is gone, can we not let the Russians come back?

Without the main force of refugees, the number of applicants for immigration has decreased sharply, unless immigration standards are relaxed, otherwise immigration work will not be completed.

Pomka, the official responsible for immigration, asked, "His Excellency, what do the Russians say?"

Andrew answered with a bitter smile: "Sorry, sorry, no way!"

This answer is too speechless, but it happens to be the truth. The Russians do not have a solution right now, and Austria cannot be entangled in this issue.

"What about our immigration work? We have to assure the country not long ago that we can get at least 300,000 immigrants in Poland.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that at most half of the tasks will be completed. Damn Slavic, I do n’t even know how to use my brain ... ”Bo repeatedly complained angrily.

Minister Andrew understood the mood of Pocafe many times. The cooked duck suddenly flew away, and no one would be happy in his heart. It's just that it has come to an end, and scolding will not help.

"Mr. Poduka, now is not the time to complain. It is better to report the matter to China as soon as possible, and the next thing is not something we can handle.

However, judging from the current situation, there is no way in China. After the Russians expelled the refugees to Prussia, I am afraid these people will be abandoned. "

Bo nodded his head several times, and he understood what the Minister Andrew meant. "Abandoned" does not mean that the body is abolished, but mainly refers to the spirit.

When the General Army controlled Warsaw, relief food was distributed once a week, and refugees were able to observe basic social order.

As soon as the Russians stopped, they stopped providing relief food, and the social order was naturally broken. Those with reserves are still struggling to support them, and those without reserves are already looking for livelihoods outside.

Dig edible wild plants, bark, or drop grass for pirates. Not long after the Russians arrived, the famine was still short, and everyone could barely live, and most of them remained sane.

With the expulsion of the Russian army, this crisis will be magnified, and there is not so much food on the road. Once a person is very hungry, everything can be done.

"Yi Zi Er Shi" is not just a historical allusion, but it is about to begin.

People who have experienced this kind of thing, even if they survive, are not real people, they can only be regarded as beasts walking upright, completely abolished mentally.


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