Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 713: Refugee camp

Difficulties in immigration work were not unexpected from Franz. This is an inevitable result and cannot be prevented by individual will.

With millions of refugees in Poland and the Russians unable to provide relief, there are only two options for maintaining local stability: deportation or massacre.

The only thing Russians can choose is eviction. It is not that the Tsarist government did not have the courage to raise a butcher knife. It is mainly because the butcher knife must inevitably cause interference from the international community.

Now that it is the late 19th century, the rules of the game have been formulated, and wanton destruction of rules will inevitably be rejected by the European world.

The Russian Empire at its peak was naturally not afraid to offend the European world. Now, unlike the Russian-Prussian War, which has not yet ended, the Tsarist government does not want to be isolated by diplomacy, it must abide by the rules of the game.

The Russian army began to expel refugees, and Austria's immigration work was naturally affected. Even if the Tsarist government fully cooperated, Russian soldiers could not identify every refugee.

No matter how hard the Immigration Department works in this age of chaos and constant communication, it is impossible to notify everyone.

Apart from setting up immigration points in cities, the Immigration Department is not able to do much and even be careful when leaving the city.

There is no social order in the world outside the city. Regardless of whether you are an Austrian or a bandit, everyone is treated equally-grab.

Putting down the telegram in his hand, Franz said casually: "This is the end of the matter, no matter what you do, it will not help you.

Difficulties caused by immigration are caused by force majeure. It is not the responsibility of one person. The previous plan cannot be completed without accountability.

Tell the staff in Poland and let them protect themselves. The Russians sent troops to protect as much as possible, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for coordination. "

Austria has a complete system of assessment and accountability. Officials who perform well are political achievements and will be used as the main reference for promotion and promotion. Otherwise, if they fail to complete the task, they need to be held accountable. If there is a problem, the official career is basically over.

However, there are exceptions to everything. If it is caused by force majeure, and there is no obvious fault of the individual officer, there is no need to bear responsibility.

There is no doubt that what happened in Poland was force majeure, and the Vienna government could not stop it, let alone the staff below.

Such a good opportunity, Franz naturally wants to buy people's hearts. The words of concern are not only addressed to those officials in Poland, but also to domestic officials.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied.

Prime Minister Felix: "His Majesty, a large number of refugees have gathered on the Polish border and want to cross the border into Austria.

Many refugees cross the mountains and sneak into the mountains. From the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war to the present, more than 100,000 illegal border crossings have been arrested by border guards.

Especially after the Russians started to expel refugees, the situation became even more serious. Every day, thousands of refugees deliberately broke through and were arrested. "

Since the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, illegal cross-borders have been a problem that plagued the Vienna government. The actual situation is much more serious than Felix said.

This also involves problems left over by history. There are many people on the border between Austria and Poland, many refugees crossing the border illegally, and local people to provide them with cover.

In addition, there are a large number of illegal immigration organizations. These organizations hold unknown mountain trails and organize refugee smuggling from the Polish region.

There is no doubt that these organizations are for profit. Those who have the money pay the smuggling fee, and if they do n’t have the money, they can directly enter the black factory or the construction site.

According to statistics from Austrian courts, more than 76% of illegal crimes in border areas are caused by illegal immigration.

The Vienna government will naturally crack down on such illegal and criminal activities that seriously endanger public security in Austria.

Unfortunately, the effect is very small. Illegal immigration organizations are like leeks.

In contrast, illegal immigrants who have depended on relatives and friends have to be more secure. Most of these people are hiding in the countryside, and friends and relatives will find ways to make a living.

After a few years of learning the Austrian language, these people will apply for naturalization. The method is very simple. Going to the border to pretend to be a Shen Luo citizen living in Poland, so many German states have no way to check it.

Well, the latter is the result of the Vienna government opening one eye and closing one eye.

This is the reality, and sometimes it ’s rare to be confused. Everyone says that they are Germans, and the government is naturally too lazy to go deeper. Otherwise, the proportion of Austria's main ethnic group will not continue to increase.

For specific information, you can refer to the Galician region. In 1848, the local Germans were less than one-tenth. By 1880, they had risen to 38.6%, surpassing the Poles and Ukrainians and becoming the largest nation.

Under normal circumstances, this cannot happen, but in reality it does happen. Franz didn't know what happened and didn't want to know.

Seemingly self-deceiving, but actually effective. People are actively integrated, and there is no need to doubt the degree of identification. Whoever questions their ethnic group, they have to worry with them.

In essence, the European nations are a mess, most of them were separated by later generations, and the 19th century was the last chance for ethnic integration in Europe.

The massive influx of refugees into Austria is an inevitable result. Everyone knows that the Prussian kingdom is not an opponent of the Russians. It will also experience war after running behind the Prussian kingdom.

In addition to the Kingdom of Prussia, Russia and Austria remain on the border with Poland. As long as they are not tired, they will not run to Russia, and they can only go to Austria.

Had it not been for the Russian army's intention to drive the refugees to the Kingdom of Prussia, there would have been more runs to Austria.

In a sense, it's either lucky or smart people who have now reached the border of Aobo.

It is not safe to run to the Kingdom of Prussia without saying that it may not be possible to get relief. It's different to Austria. No matter how brutal the Russian army is, it will not engage in things in the border area.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the default buffer zone is entered, the Russian army will stop.

When you get here, you can get through the level, try to get over it. If you can't get through, you can break through the level illegally. As long as you are smart enough to see the defenders, you will surrender.

As for the future?

Considering so much, let's talk about it now.

Anyway, Austria is a country ruled by law. As long as it is not profiteering, it will be nothing more than being jailed and exiled.

After pondering for a while, Franz slowly said, "The establishment of temporary refugee camps in the border area will increase the number of people who will pass through the border. Not only the Opo border, but the Opp border will also become a high-income area for refugees.

The number of refugees this time is probably an astronomical figure, and maybe our prisons will not fit. Throwing it all into the colony, management is also a big trouble.

Prime Minister, if there is any major project in the country that needs to be built, now there is a batch of free labor coming to the door, and it cannot be wasted. "

The most important thing for a country ruled by law is to abide by the law. Regardless of the number of refugees, as long as they are illegally crossing the border, they should still be arrested, and they should still be arrested.

This is a matter of principle and Franz will not break the rules. Ken's willingness to pay for the establishment of refugee camps is already a manifestation of his conscience, and there has been no claim of relief to refugees in other countries for free this year.

Prime Minister Felix: "The Ludwig Canal in Bavaria (the predecessor of the Main-Danube Canal) is no longer sufficient and the government is studying whether to expand it.

The Ministry of Agriculture plans to build 50 large and medium-sized reservoirs in the next ten years; the Ministry of Railways plans to build the Arabian Peninsula Railway and the Middle East Railway; the Ministry of Power is preparing to promote the hydropower station plan, and plans to increase the proportion of hydropower from the current 0.3% to 10% 8.5% ... "

A series of big plans made Franz return to the era of Austria's great construction. But he knew it was clearly different.

At that time, Austria was a national effort to build infrastructure. Although these plans are huge, they only need a part of the government's energy to suffice.

The problems of the expansion of the canal and the construction of the reservoir are concentrated on "money", and the technology is not difficult.

The railway plan is not the same as the hydropower station. In addition to economic problems, there are also technical problems.

Austria has experience in the construction of railways in the desert, but they are all short distances. This time, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers of desert railways are to be built, which is not a grade at all.

Hydropower stations are relatively simple and only relatively. The reason is very simple. Hydropower station technology has just been born and is still in the trial stage.

It can be seen from the power generation that hydropower only accounts for three-thousandths of the total power generation, which is almost negligible.

Most rivers in Europe have relatively small drops, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of using hydropower. If there are not many rivers in Austria, it is estimated that no one would think of promoting hydropower.

Franz asked: "Is the technical problem of the desert railway solved?"

Regardless of hydropower station technology, that's because most of the construction of hydropower stations in Austria is private investment, and capitalists are smarter than anyone else, and no one loses money.

The Prime Minister Felix replied: "It has been initially resolved. The Ministry of Railways plans to build a sand prevention forest and plant shrubs, jujube trees, populus euphratica, and sand-fixing herbs on both sides of the railway.

Considering the threat of sandstorms, desert roads are frequently built in areas where sandstorms are frequent, and railways are not built for the time being. These are mainly regional feeder railways that need to consider these issues.

Most of the areas that the Middle East Railway and the Arabian Peninsula Railway pass through are desert areas. Many areas are affected by wind and sand, not real deserts, and sand prevention forests are sufficient.

We have already tried it, and it looks good at present. As long as it does not catch up with the big sandstorm, it can play a good protection effect, but it takes a long time. "

Franz nodded. The Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula have not been as severely damaged by later generations. Especially after Austria occupied these areas, they immediately implemented policies such as land fallow and animal husbandry to protect the natural environment.

"Follow the plan. For these free labor, the government is responsible for allocating reasonable use and sending language teachers for education.

Remember to kick out the wrongdoers first, and the rest depends on individual performance. Good performance can be slightly better, and activists can end labor in advance.

After the end of labor, they are allowed to leave freely and are willing to stay and pay the normal labor wages normally.

Old and weak members of refugee-carrying families can be given preferential treatment and should be placed in areas with better conditions as far as possible. "

Preferential treatment of the old and the weak is not the Franz Franz, who can take the family to flee together. The character will not be inferior. There is a drag on the family, and these people are often the easiest to assimilate.


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