Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 711: Every family has its cupboard

It turns out that the British overestimated their influence. In the context of Austria's silence and France's passive idleness, the willingness of European countries to interfere in the Prussian war is not as strong as they expected.

Everyone in diplomacy held up the banner of "peace" and actively called for a general truce in Russia and Russia. When military intervention was needed, none of them were online.

There is no such thing as a troop, even if the British only offered to make a gesture for everyone to intimidate the Russians, everyone was unwilling to buy it.

Essentially, if you want to restrict the Russians, you are worried about threatening your national defense security.

Things are different now. With the revival of Austria, it is impossible for Russians to go west.

Without sufficient benefits, the enthusiasm of everyone to participate is naturally not high. The face of the British is just enough to shout a few voices in diplomacy, which is considered to put pressure on the Tsarist government.

The London government actively intervened. That was because they invested too much resources in the Popo Federation and the interests involved were too great. The London government was reluctant to let go.

In a sense, this is also the result of Britain's decline in European influence. The presence of France and Austria has weakened the British hegemony.

Without the cooperation of France and Austria, the Tsarist government could not be compromised by the British alone. International mediation has become a real "mediation", without the ability to influence the Prussian war.

The international intervention pledged by the British did not arrive late, and the Berlin government, which wanted to retreat, was in a hurry.

The Polish region has been lost, the Poznan region has been reduced to the battlefield, and the East Prussian region seems to be unable to hold on for long.

The powerful Popo Federation now has less than 30% of the territory and less than 40% of the population. The domestic morale has also dropped to freezing point.

Recently, vicious incidents such as strikes, market strikes, tax resistance, and so on, have constantly appeared in the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Prussians have paid too much for this war, and the heavy burden is overwhelming them.

Berlin is under martial law, and if the war continues, William I fears that he will be sent to the guillotine someday.

This is the disadvantage of "*** ism". The proportion of military expenditure is too high, which seriously affects people's livelihood.

In order to support this powerful army, the Berlin government had to exploit the country, and the taxes that Prussians have to bear have always been the highest in Europe.

When you continue to win, you can still rely on patriotic enthusiasm to support you. Now that you lose on the battlefield, contradictions will not be suppressed.

William I asked, "What do the British say?"

Putting hope on the British is also a last resort. The only remaining Prussian kingdom has limited strength and is not at all a Russian opponent.

If you want to get through the difficulties, you must ask for help from the international community. The only interests between nations are eternal. Except for the British abducted by debts, the Berlin government does not have enough interests to buy other countries.

Foreign Minister Jeffrey Friedman replied bitterly: "The London government is trying to persuade the French. They suggest that we use the power of German nationalism to find ways to win the support of the Vienna government."

Hearing this news, the Minister of Finance Gorman seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly stood up: "No! You must not use the power of German nationalism, or you will suffer endlessly.

Over the past few years, we have continued to promote Grand Prussianism, and we have finally overwhelmed German nationalism. At this time, the compromise was abandoned.

Austria is not easy to get along with, and compromise them now, and it will be difficult to get rid of them in the future. "

Nationalism is a double-edged sword. While using nationalism to gain Austrian support, the Kingdom of Prussia will also be bound by nationalism.

As the so-called "please ask God to send God easily," Austria's strength is not easy to borrow. At that time there will be a burst of German nationalism and Austria outside the banner of the German National Unification. It will be difficult for the Kingdom of Prussia to refuse.

For ordinary people, perhaps unification is also a good result, but for Junker aristocracy, it is a disaster that fell from the sky.

Under the Austrian-dominated Shinto Empire system, military and government were strictly separated. With the central government relying on it, the first thing the Berlin government has to do is kick the army led by Juncker aristocracy.

After unifying itself, the Prussian army will be marginalized and lose control of the Berlin government, and it will be difficult for them to live so nourished.

When it comes to class interests, everyone naturally cannot compromise.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeffrey Friedman: "Sir, calm down. The British do not want to see Austria's unification than anyone else. It is not as simple as it seems.

Don't forget that we have a restless neighbor next door. Seeing that we are down now, they also want to go down.

According to the information transmitted by the embassy, ​​there has been frequent contact between Britain and Germany in the recent period, and the specific content cannot be known, but it can be roughly inferred that it has something to do with the merger of Puddles proposed by the British earlier.

German nationalism is also classified, in addition to Austrian-dominated Germanism, as well as North Germanism proposed by Hanover.

There are signs that the British want us to work with Hanover to build North Germany and prevent Austria from unifying the German region. "

It is not a simple operation to first use German nationalism to gain support from the Vienna government, turn around and sell Austria, and play with North Germanism.

Even if it succeeds, they will avenge Austria, and the enemy, the Russian Empire in the east, will have no choice but to hold the British thigh.

The failure was even worse. It was either parted by Russia or Austria, or swallowed up by Austria. It may even be annexed by the comedy empire.

The current Prussian kingdom is long past its peak. Without the Rhineland region, it may still lose the former Prussian Principality region, and it will be nothing if it is divided again.

William I shook his head: "The British plan is too risky to protect our interests and must be used as a last resort.

How is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in contact with the French, and what do they want before they are willing to shoot? "

The cunning rabbit still knows the Three Caves. Of course, the Berlin government has more than just Britain. The French are also one of the alternatives.

Long before the war broke out, the Berlin government was trying to improve the relations between the two countries. If it weren't for the British taking away too much of the benefits, leaving the French with nothing but lingering cold, France would not quit halfway.

Of course, the Berlin government has its own responsibilities, diplomacy is not enough, and it cannot balance the interests of Britain and France.

Foreign Minister Jeffrey Friedman replied, "The Paris government has not given a clear answer, and they are still hesitating. It may be related to the diplomatic activities of the Russians not long ago, which has shaken the French's determination to support us.

A long time ago, some people within the French government proposed an alliance with the Russians to curb Austria's expansion.

However, this kind of cry is not high. On the one hand, Russia and Austria have good relations, and it is difficult to win the Russians. On the other hand, they are the pride of the French. They do not think that Austria is needed to contain Austria. "

Is France-Russia alliance aimed at curbing Austria's expansion? This statement may be believed by ordinary people, but William I would never believe it.

Austria has settled on the European continent for many years. It has a harmless face to human beings and animals and maintains good relations with most countries. The Austrian threat theory has no market in the European continent.

If a French-Russian alliance emerges, it will definitely not be Austria.

At least until the Pope Federation was finished, after all, the two countries were fighting, and the Tsarist government could not provoke new enemies until they were killed.

William I said solemnly: "Anyway, we must stop the French-Russian alliance, even if it is not possible.

Our strength is not enough, we will spread the news to Britain and Austria, and release some rumors to attract their attention. "

Over-sensitivity, as it is now William I. He couldn't help but be nervous. If the French-Russian alliance was formed, the Federation of Popo would not be able to return to the sky, even the Kingdom of Prussia could not keep it.


The Berlin government was in a hurry, and the Russians were upset. Alexander II has not been happy for a few days to regain Warsaw, and new troubles have come again.

The occupation of Poland is not the end of the problem, but the beginning of the problem. The big enemy is gone, but the small enemy is everywhere.

It can be said that "where there are Poles, there are guerrillas."

Calling them "guerrillas" is actually insulting the "guerrillas." In essence, these large and small armed forces are a group of black people.

It was mainly the collapse of troops after the defeat, plus the refugees who were running around. Not only is there no political program, there is no target or direction of operation, anyway, it is a "chaos".

Most of the armed forces here were not built to fight the Russians, but more to survive.

The Russian-Prussian war produced a large number of refugees. The Berlin government resettled these refugees in Warsaw. Except for a small number of re-employments, the rest depended on government relief food for a living.

When Mao Qi was retreating, even the wounded were left in Warsaw, not to mention taking the refugees in order to gain time.

Before the war in Warsaw, the garrison saw that the situation had gone and took the initiative to smash food and supplies. Without sufficient seizures, the Russians have insufficient supplies, and it is naturally impossible to provide food relief to refugees.

The stomach couldn't fool people, and in order to survive, disaster happened quickly. The ugliness of human nature began to be exposed. The chaos in the city was suppressed by the Russian army, and it was temporarily out of sight.

This delay made the problem worse. Now in Poland, pirates, guerrillas, bandits and bandits are everywhere.

Needless to say, Marshal Ivanov ordered the annihilation as soon as possible. These people are ground snakes. They don't hit them at all. If they win, they fight. If they don't win, they run.

After some wit and bravery, the Russian army now controls only a few major cities, and the rest of the area is divided by these chaotic armed forces.

Saint Petersburg, Alexander II sternly asked, "What's going on here, why is it so long that the Polish region has not stabilized?

The enemy's main force has been wiped out. Now why can't they still have a group of chaotic people? Does the army stay in the gentle town for a long time and forget how to fight? "

The military discipline of the Russian army has never been embarrassing, and Marshal Ivanov can only constrain the military discipline during the war. After the war, indulge as much as you can.

After recovering Warsaw, it is no exception that the Russian soldiers indulged in a good deal.

This time is different from the past. There is still a newspaper in the world. The atrocities of the Russian army in Warsaw were naturally exposed by enthusiastic justice, and the reputation of the Tsarist government became even worse.

In the face of winning the battle, Alexander II did not hold the front line officers accountable, but only warned.

Alexander II is now proposing "Gentle Township", not for turning over old accounts or for being angry. For the Tsar, the chaos in the Polish region is only a minor problem, and more often to beat the military.

Victory can easily swell. After regaining Poland, the Russian military expanded a bit, which made Alexander II very dissatisfied.

Ivanov frowned and stepped forward, explaining, "Your Majesty, the problem in Poland is not the collapse of the army, nor the bandits. It is not a waste of effort to wipe out this group of black people.

The real trouble is the refugees, and now these chaos are caused by refugees. Without a cure for the refugee problem, banditry will continue. "

It is not that the Russian army did not work hard to kill the bandits. Millions of refugees roamed the Polish region. Bandits, robbers, and guerrillas, like leeks, cut one after another.

As long as the roots cannot be broken, Poland will never be stable. It is even simpler to solve the problem.

The problem of refugees seems simple, but it is the most troublesome problem.

Theoretically, now that the war in Poland has ended, the refugees will be returned to their places of origin to resume production, and subsidies for more than half a year will be sufficient.

There is no shortage of food in the Russian Empire. It is not a big problem to take out such food.

However, this is only theoretical. During the First World War, the Russians were not short of food, and soldiers on the front line were still starving.

Ivanov did not mention the relief of the refugees. It was not that he was really ruthless, mainly because he couldn't do it at all.

The Russian Empire had enough food, but the problem was that the food was not in Poland. The Tsarist government has limited logistical capacity and can meet frontline troops. The logistics department has exerted all its strength.

It is too difficult to solve the rations of millions of refugees. Unless the Tsarist government abandons its subsequent combat plan and saves the transportation capacity of strategic materials to transport food, it may be a bit possible.

Alexander II shook his head: "If you encounter a problem, you must find a solution. No matter what method you use, Poland must stabilize as soon as possible, and it will not affect our next spring offensive against the enemy."

It might be embarrassing, but it's more about dumping the pot. Alexander II was unwilling to bear the infamous name of the "Butcher", and his responsibilities naturally required his men to bear.

Now that the Polish region is still on the front line, the government has not taken over the place, and this pot is destined to fall to the military.

As for who will carry it, that is a matter within the military. Marshal Ivanov secretly sighed without letting himself be carried.

After a little thought, Ivanov replied, "Her Majesty, please be assured. The General Command has issued a death order to the Fourth Army, which is guarding Warsaw, and ordered them to clear the place within two months, and will soon see To the results. "

No one disputes, and unlucky people always need someone to do it. The Fourth Army acted without authorization a short time ago, and it was almost wiped out. It was not enough time to settle accounts after the fall. It's just right for them to be the potboys now.

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