Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 710: Best ally

After the news of the end of the Warsaw campaign spread across Europe. Newspapers have been published, publishing the news.

We must know that the General Army only created the "Warsaw Great Victory" not long ago. The unsuspecting people always thought that the General Army had the upper hand in Warsaw. Such an astonishing turn is really unacceptable.

Especially for speculators who buy the Commonwealth War Bonds, it is even harder to accept this cruel reality.

Crowds of protesters have already appeared on the streets of London. The angry people on the stock exchanges surrounded the three floors inside and three outside. I don't know how many there are in the middle.

"I've been deceived." Naturally, I have to be fair. Only a small part of these people were bought from the beginning, and most of them were high pickers who were later flung onto the ship.

After the general army launched the "Warsaw Victory", the British media were optimistic that the Commonwealth Federation won the war, and even the war bonds issued by the Berlin government rose sharply.

Facts have proven that the capitalists are not good at taking advantage of the cheap. If the Popo Federation is about to win the war, how can they leave?

Except for a few front-line staff, “Kalmaca Securities Company”, which is responsible for the issuance of Popo ’s federal bonds, has not known where business executives have gone.

"Smashed it!"

I don't know who shouted, and the speculators who were stunned by anger broke through the interception of security personnel and started venting with pleasure. The few unlucky staff members left became scapegoats and were miserable.

Fortunately, the stock exchange is a key area for the police in London. The atrocities that occurred in the Kalmarca Securities Company were quickly queried by the police to stop them.

This is just a microcosm. In the context of the departure of capital predators, not only the stock market has been hit hard, but the stock market is also inevitable.

There is no doubt that the banks that took over the federal loans from Popo have become the hardest hit in this storm, and their stock prices have plummeted.

Before the Commonwealth Federation defeated, London was in chaos. The British government is still very capable this year. Prime Minister Benjamin held a press conference for the first time to appease people.

The general meaning is: Do n’t worry about the creditors. The London government will try to keep the Berlin government, and the bonds in your hands will not become waste paper.

If you want to read it in depth, it can also be understood as: the creditor is still there, but it is very poor now, and you will know when you can pay it back.

War bonds, it is certainly impossible to pay immediately. The shortest time is three or five years later, and it will be normal after a long period of ten or twenty years.

At that time, the British government has already been re-elected, and it is a matter for the latter government to worry about it. Prime Minister Benjamin doesn't mind writing a blank check first.

However, the British Foreign Office has accelerated the pace of action and has continued to lobby European countries to intervene in the Russian-Prussian war. So far, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Belgium have agreed to the London government's truce proposal.


Not long ago, the Austrian government also received an invitation from the Berlin government to mediate. Franz has been hesitating. With the end of the Warsaw campaign, things can no longer be delayed.

"Can't wait any longer, the Russian-Prussian War is coming to an end, we must take action or the situation will get out of control." Foreign Minister Weissenberg proposed

It is indeed about to get out of control. If the Tsarist government swallowed the Kingdom of Prussia, it would be difficult to let them spit it out.

In the current international situation, the Tsarist government is likely to use Austrian nationalism to cover the debt of the Kingdom of Prussia and set the Vienna government on fire.

Even more tragic is that the Russians did so. The Vienna government must not only swallow the bitter fruits by itself, but also thank them, at least on the surface.

What's in the Kingdom of Prussia now?

The answer is-debt!

Austria now accepts the Kingdom of Prussia. Not only can the money lent to the Russians not be returned, it is also necessary to make up a sum of money for the Tsar government.

Not only that, the Berlin government owed huge debts, and it was definitely insolvent after the war. Now that it took over the Kingdom of Prussia, it also meant that it had taken huge debts.

In addition to debt, the post-war economic reconstruction also requires a lot of money. There is no doubt that the Berlin government cannot afford it, and the central government must take the floor.

This is only economic and politically more troublesome. If the diplomacy is not done well, it will fall into the limelight.

Knowing that it is a mess, Austria is not the wrongdoer, naturally it is impossible to run to pick up the plate at this time.

Intervention became the best option. As long as the Russians were not allowed to occupy the Kingdom of Prussia, these later troubles naturally disappeared.

No matter how much debt and how difficult it is, it is the responsibility of the Berlin government itself. It ca n’t afford the money and can rely on the account. Anyway, there is no uniformity and it will not affect Austria ’s credibility.

"It's too early. The strength of the Federation of Popo still exists, and it must be consumed by Russian personnel, otherwise it will be a big trouble in the future."

As the leader of Greater Germanism, Prime Minister Felix always put the unified German region first. The Kingdom of Prussia has strong military power, which is obviously not conducive to national unity.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg reminded: "Prime Minister, our first national policy is the localization of Africa, and the unified German region can only be ranked second.

So far, most of our African strategy has been completed. Except for Egypt occupied by France, there is only a half-dead Ottoman empire.

The top priority is to stabilize the European continent as soon as possible, establish a new international order, and find opportunities to resolve the Ottoman Empire first. "

There are actually many more national policies in Austria, but they have changed over time, and now there are only two of them.

For example, the original Near East strategy, with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, became a part of the African strategy.

This was also forced out. After Africa was localized, the connection with the country became a priority. It is indeed very convenient to travel by sea. Unfortunately, in the war years, there was no guarantee of security.

The Royal Navy's advantage is so great that the Austrian Navy can't compare. Not to mention catching up with the British for a short time, even the French navy overwhelmed the Austrian navy.

Since it doesn't work at sea, we can only find a way on land. Much of the Middle East has fallen into the hands of Austria, and the Vienna government wants to link its homeland with Africa, with only central obstacles being French Egypt and the Ottoman Empire.

Rice is eaten bite by bite. The French are not weak. The Vienna government has no intention of playing the Egyptian idea for a while, but the weak chicken of the Ottoman Empire is tragedy.

Prime Minister Felix nodded and shook his head: "Our core strategy is to integrate Africa natively, but this is not inconsistent with the German Unification Plan.

What we have to solve the Ottoman Empire is the opportunity. After the Prussian War, the Tsarist government will settle for a long time and have no energy to compete with us in the Near East.

It can be said that in the next ten years, we will take the lead in the Ottoman Empire, and the Russians will not prevent us from extending the railway to the Suez Canal.

On the contrary, the Kingdom of Prussia is even more troublesome. We cannot do it ourselves. If we do not solve them now, it will be difficult to find opportunities in the future. "

The boss is not good, especially the boss who loves his own image. Even if the German region is divided, everyone still recognizes Austria's leadership. The core reason is the image of the Vienna government for decades.

It is natural that the good reputation created by hard work cannot be destroyed in the civil war. Especially for the Emperor Franz, he would rather not unite the German region than smash his own signboard.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing to find that, after all, the country will be reunified, and his throne will be gone.

There are many similar cases. Franz doesn't think that his offspring are masters who can be coaxed and can live in town.

Do not want to pull hatred, then the best way is to make the German unification process less bleeding, even if you really want to bleed, you must first find a scapegoat.

In this respect, the Russians are really good allies of Austria. The enemy Ottoman Empire in the south was laid down by Russia and Austria together, and the ambitious Prussian kingdom in the north was being cleaned up by the Tsarist government.

Whenever conflicts of interest occur between Russia and Austria, as long as you think about the contribution of the Tsarist government, Franz's mentality is at peace.

Money doesn't matter, it's mainly for Russia-Olympic friendship. Jun did not see the last time the tsarist government announced a debt default, and the Austrian government has not exploded.

Franz interrupted the quarrel between the two: "The mediation of the Prussian-Russian war can be slowed down first, sending someone to test the bottom line of the Tsarist government.

If they were interested in taking the Kingdom of Prussia into debt and wanted to bake us on the fire, they would immediately cooperate with the British to interfere in the war.

Beyond that, everything else is negotiable. A weak and even divided Prussia is the best Prussia.

As long as it is not too much, we can assume that the Tsarist government annexed some land in the Kingdom of Prussia. As long as it does not involve the German region, everything is easy to discuss. "

Fighters all have to play, let alone Russians? Fortunately, people fought hard all the way, paid millions of soldiers' casualties, and built up debts, so there must be some returns.

In Franz's view, the Kingdom of Prussia has gone too far in recent decades and has become oblivious to the fact that it wants to have its own system and the Austrian Chamber to resist, and this situation must be combated.

If you do n’t kill a hundred, what will happen to the German state?

For example: The eager Hanover Kingdom is not satisfied with the current German federal empire, relying on the support of the British to secretly stir up the so-called North-South German plan.

The Vienna government didn't look for their obscurity. Hanover was still in the imagination stage, and planned a lot, but did not take any substantial action.


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