Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 709: The combatant has no meritorious service

Poznan General Command, Mao Qi is busy holding a military conference to discuss whether to restore Poznan city.

From a geographical point of view, Poznan is located in the center of the Polish Plain, as well as a transportation hub and an industrial center. Naturally, it is in its own hands.

Being in the Polish plains of Poznan has nothing to do with geographical location. As an inland hinterland city, Poznan does not need to consider the threat of foreign enemies, and naturally there will not be many fortifications.

On the surface, it should be easy to overcome. In fact, just the opposite, the main force of the Russian Eighth Army shrank in the city, and in order to defend the city, all the people in the urban area were driven out.

This might be a good thing if it comes to future generations, meaning that the general army does not have to take into account civilian casualties, and can let it go.

This era is different. The power of artillery is limited. To destroy a city, it takes a lot of ammunition and time.

In order to allow the Warsaw defenders to delay as much as possible, the general forces left a large amount of artillery ammunition when they evacuated, and they did not carry much ammunition.

Even if it is possible to send domestic supplies over, the Russians made it clear that they would fight street fighting. This cannot be ended in a day or two. The general army does not have enough time to spend here.

The Berlin government made three orders and ordered them to return quickly to resolve the Russian army that was about to hit Berlin.

As for the battlefield in Poznan, the military is still working. Most people in the Berlin government are not thinking about defeating the Russians, but how to save their power so that they can negotiate with the Russians for a decent ending.

This is a European practice. Negotiations are won after losing the war. Most of the time, they are land-cutting compensation.

Politicians are very clear now that they don't want to see how powerful their fallen power is. It won't be long before the powers intervene in mediation. As long as the main force of the general army is still there, they will have a chance to bargain.

Not only domestic urging, but also little time left for the generals on the battlefield, Russian reinforcements are coming in a steady stream.

A combat staff officer said: "The situation is very obvious now. The Russian Ninth Army is only one day away from Poznan. If we want to regain the Poznan region, then we need to hit or eat them.

The total strength of the Russian Ninth Army is about 200,000. It may not be difficult to defeat them, but if you want to eat them, it will not be possible in a short time.

Judging from the intelligence of the investigation, the Russian Ninth Army was very cautious, no matter whether it was a sneak attack or an ambush.

Not to mention, behind them are the Russian Eleventh Army and the Russian Seventeenth Army. Now they have accelerated their marching speed and will reach the front line after a maximum of half a month.

To recover Poznan, we must complete it before the Russian reinforcements arrive. It is almost impossible to accomplish without major casualties. "

The General Army is also a human being. Even if the fighting force is stronger, they will also be tired and die.

If one swallowed 400,000 Russian troops, even if they could be divided into two places, they would still suffer heavy casualties.

No one can answer the question of whether to pay a loss of 100,000 or 200,000.

In short, if the general army suffered heavy losses in this battle, it would be difficult for them to deal with the Russian troops behind.

Up to now, the Russian-Prussian War has a taste of Chu and Han's hegemony. Mao Qi and Xiang Yu have been winning continuously.

Regretfully, many battles were fought, but the number of enemies continued to increase, but their soldiers continued to decrease.

Fighting again several times, Mao Qi will run out of soldiers. Such a weird thing is really speechless.

A middle-aged officer countered: "This battle must be fought. If we go back so bleak, not only the morale of the army will be frustrated, but the Polish people in Warsaw may surrender directly to the Russians.

Now we need victory to inspire people, we must let the people see the hope of victory, or this war will not continue at all. "

The most important thing for people is to have hope, knowing that the war is doomed to failure, I am afraid that no one wants to continue.

Warsaw is the capital of the Kingdom of Poland. The Berlin government can accept the fall of Warsaw, but it cannot accept the Polish surrender. The political significance is too important, which is equivalent to shaking the foundation of the Popo Federation.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, anyway, this war is about to lose, and the area destined to be lost, why bother!

This must not be done politically. The Prussian-Russian war is still going on, and the Berlin government still needs Polish people to kill them in order to better attack the Russians.

In this context, the flag of the Federation of Popo cannot be lost. Without this banner, the Berlin government has lost its legal basis for the rule of the Polish region, and the number of people willing to sell their lives will certainly decrease significantly.

The Berlin government is willing to make an exception for the military to end the Warsaw region. The most important thing is that the main factions in the army are stronger. They will not easily compromise with the Russians.

Mao Qi waved his hand to stop the quarrel: "This battle must be played, but it must be played selectively.

The Russian 8th Army, who was crouching in the city, did not have time to spend with them, but the Russian 9th Army that came to the door must be destroyed.

Otherwise, as soon as we retreat, they will meet with the Eighth Army in the city, plus the reinforcements that come later, the total strength of the Russian army will approach 800,000. This threat is too great.

Although domestic mobilization has been completed, we still lack the time to reorganize the troops, destroy the Russian Ninth Army, and seriously damage the enemy's reinforcements. We can fight for at least two months. "

Time on the battlefield is life. Naturally, two months of time will not allow the Commonwealth to return to its peak, but at least it will get a fight.

Unlike ordinary officers, Mochi thought more. The cruel reality tells him that it is not just the victory that determines the victory or defeat of a war, it is also the comprehensive national strength.

Ivanov taught him a lesson with practical actions. As long as the national strength is enough and the troops are enough, he is not afraid to defeat the battle on the battlefield.

A war is dead. A defeated battle can also consume the strength of the enemy. Winning on the battlefield is not a win, and the winner is the winner.


On December 12, 1880, the London government issued a call for peace to the two countries, and received a positive response from the Berlin government, but ate behind closed doors in the tsarist government.

Now that the war is going on, it is no longer possible to stop. The Tsarist government paid too much for this war, and finally saw the dawn of victory. At this time, stop, who will pay for the loss of the war?

The fact that the Russians did not give face was to anger the London government. Before they took action, news of the fall of Warsaw came, and the Russian-Prussian War became completely clear.

After the withdrawal of the main forces, the situation in Warsaw went into crisis. Although the Poles resisted very stubbornly, they still could not bridge the gap in strength.

After resisting for a month, he was still torn by the Russians and broke into the city, and is now engaged in street fighting.

The latter matter is no longer important, everyone knows that the Warsaw battlefield has been unable to return to the sky. The surrounding areas are all occupied. It is only a matter of time before the reinforcements in the city can be waited for.

From the moment the city was broken, everyone assumed Warsaw changed hands.

The fall of Warsaw also meant the fall of the Kingdom of Poland. The main force of the general army had been withdrawn. The military influence was still under control, and the political influence was too great.

This meant that the prominent Pope Federation fell apart, the only remaining kingdom of Prussia could not support the status of a great power, and the Russians would not give them a chance.

Under the general situation, Mao Qi's performance in Poznan region was inconspicuous. Even if it seriously damaged the Russian Ninth Army, it did not change the decadence on the battlefield.


Saint Petersburg, Alexander II is celebrating a feast in the Winter Palace.

Now that the war has progressed, both Russia and Russia are tired. The only difference is that the Federation of Russia and Poland is dying, and the Russian Empire is just tired and can hold on for a while.

Unlike the last time he returned to St. Petersburg, this time Ivanov was most welcomed by the Tsarist government, as if his popularity had improved overnight, and he became like a city.

Without paying attention to these tedious things, I rested at home for a night, Ivanov stepped into the palace again and reported to Alexander II on the next battle plan.


Alexander II wondered, "Marshal, you are sure you are not mistaken. Don't take advantage of the chase at this time to rest the army?"

Ivanov replied affirmatively: "Your Majesty, until the war has been going on, our soldiers have been fighting high-intensity and have been very tired.

In particular, many of the main forces are severely downsized. To restore combat effectiveness, they must rest. Now that the enemy has been hit hard, it is the best time for us to rest our troops. "

Alexander II questioned: "But when we stop at this time, we will give the enemy a respite and increase the difficulty of the next war."

Ivanov explained: "This does not affect the victory of the war. The Federation of Popo is not our opponent, and the remaining Kingdom of Prussia is not our opponent.

Up to now, there have been more than three million soldiers killed in the Federation of Popo, and the number of people killed alone has reached one million, of which soldiers from the Kingdom of Prussia account for half.

No matter what the Berlin government thinks, they cannot fight. The quality of the soldiers now mobilized by the enemy has fallen sharply. Even if the military strength is restored, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Now we don't need to continue to take risks. After a month of rest, we will concentrate millions of troops to press the enemy together. The odds are much higher than now. "

Different people speak different weights, and after regaining Lithuania and Poland, Ivanov's "star" image has taken root in everyone's mind.

The only regret is that Ivanov used a lot of troops. Behind the victory, there was always a lot of material consumption and casualties.

However, this is not harmful. With the lessons of the last Russian-Prussian war, Alexander II has a lot of patience. Ivanov's stable general is his favorite.

After hesitating for a while, Alexander II made the decision: "Well then, let the troops rest for a month.

However, my marshal still has to end the war as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more prone to change.

Just now we rejected the British mediation. Next, I am afraid they will not give up. If the powers put pressure on us together, the government will not be able to hold on for long.

What's more, the government's finances are also very bad. If it takes too long, we will probably go bankrupt. "

It is not possible to go bankrupt, it is doomed to go bankrupt. The Berlin government is also poor. It is impossible to get war compensation from them.

For this war, the Tsarist government has owed huge debts, and the interest alone is an astronomical figure. The newly recovered regions of Poland and Lithuania will still spend huge amounts of money to rebuild after the war.

From the beginning, Alexander II was well prepared for financial bankruptcy. He has been born once and twice, he has experienced it once, and he doesn't care about coming again.

Unfortunately, this time is different. Most of the foreign debts are mortgaged, and there is no way to rely on accounts directly. The Tsarist government will not let the finances go bankrupt unless it is absolutely necessary.

Ivanov nodded awkwardly, he really didn't know how to answer the question. We promise to end the war ahead of time, sorry that this is impossible.

The war is not a child's play, is he saying that it can be ended early. This kind of thing can't be promised arbitrarily, in case the judgment of the government is affected, the consequences can be disastrous.

For details, please refer to "Yuandudu", Emperor Huyou holding the mythic strategy of "Five Years of Pingliao". Not only did he hang himself, but he also joined the National Games of the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention the financial problems, the government is uncertain, and he is even more confused. The self-aware Ivanov, selectively ignored the look that Alexander II expected.

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