Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 705: Have to carry the pot

The Royal Palace of Berlin has just ended a celebration party. As the protagonist of the banquet, Mao Qi was intentionally left by William I.

The guests dispersed, and the joy of William I disappeared. It can be seen that the understatement just now, and all the pieces are in the chest.

As King of the Commonwealth of Popo, William I knows better than anyone about the crisis now. The Warsaw campaign was a tactical victory and did not reverse the adverse situation on the battlefield.

Only the people need confidence and victory, and in order to stabilize the people's hearts, this self-deceiving celebration party.

William I asked with interest: "Marshal, when will the war in Warsaw end?"

"do not know!"

The three common words are a bit heavy to use here. It seemed that Mao Qi's whole body strength had been exhausted, and his expression suddenly fainted after speaking.

This is the real answer. When the war in Warsaw will end, it is no longer the case of the Federation of Popo. The decision has long been transferred to the Russians.

After a pause, William I added the tone: "What if I insist on a while?"

Mao Qi shook his head: "Your Majesty, this is not something I can decide! If you want to end the war in Warsaw, it will also depend on the Russians not agreeing.

The Russian Fourth Army and the Fifth Army are disabled, and their Seventh Army still maintains a certain combat effectiveness. The Third and Sixth Army are on their way, and they will reach the front soon.

This is just the beginning. As far as I know, the Russians have seven new formations. The enemy can deploy at least four troops to the Warsaw battlefield.

Even if they are all cannon fodder buckets, we cannot defeat them in a short time. What's more, the enemy is not in a hurry to make a decisive battle at all, and it is even more difficult for us to take the initiative to attack.

Militaryly, the enemy has entered our hinterland, and the value of Warsaw has been lost.

If possible, I suggest giving up the Warsaw area first, concentrating forces on solving the crisis on the north and south fronts, and focusing on the defense of the Kingdom of Prussia. "

Seeing that William I had not spoken for a long time, Mochi knew that he was hesitant, and continued to add: "In addition to resolving our strategic passiveness, we can use German nationalism to influence the decision of the Vienna government.

Austria's support for the Russians is not without a bottom line. If they are to discover that the Tsarist government intends to invade the German region, the situation will change.

Without the support of the Austrians, the Tsarist government will not be able to last long. As long as they have no money in their pockets, this war is over.

If things go well, we may still be siege the main forces of the Russian army in Prussia and regain lost ground. "

On the surface, Austria's support for the Russians was to remove the rival of the Popo Federation and clear internal obstacles for the unification of the German region.

Once the Russians show interest in the German region, it will take minutes for Russia and Austria to turn their faces. Even if the government can take care of the overall situation, nationalists will provoke disputes.

William I shook his head: "This is the worst plan. It is easy to give up Poland, but it is difficult to get it back.

Ivanov's military style, you have personally taught, how much do you think he might be fooled?

If the Russians continue to fight steadily, we will not be able to sustain it for a long time. We may not be consumed before the Tsarist government wallet is exhausted.

Moreover, do you really think that the Russian Olympic Games will immediately turn its face? Alexander II is not stupid, no matter how coveted the territory of the German region, it will not be shown now.

If I changed my position to Alexander II, I would throw all the German regions into Austria to pay the debt, in exchange for the full support of the Vienna government.

Maintaining good relations between Russia and Austria, recuperating in Austria after the war, restoring strength, and watching the European situation, waiting for the next European change.

Divorcing Russia-Austria relations is unrealistic, but there are some opportunities to win support from other countries, at least to increase British investment.

Unfortunately, Denmark fell to the Russians. Otherwise, the Royal Navy was leased, and St. Petersburg was also a trick. "

The Berlin government of Russia-Austria relations has studied it in depth, and finally came to the conclusion that Russia and Austria will eventually turn their heads, but this time is not now, but the time for the future continental hegemony.

The Prussian-Russian war has not yet ended, and even if the Tsarist government is no longer strong, it will not be able to join the European supremacy.

This means that the conflict between Russia and Austria has erupted and there is still a long time. In a short period of time, the Federation of Popo will still be the first target of the Russians.

In fact, there was another reason why William I did not say that now he is not only the king of Prussia but also the king of Poland.

Once he gave up the Polish region, it would be impossible for him to gain the recognition of the Polish people in the future.

Politics is cruel. If there is no reversal, the situation will not be worse. In case the General Army recaptured on the battlefield and recovered the lost land, the Polish king who gave up the Polish region will do his best.

At that time, to rebuild the Federation of Popo, if the relationship between Popo is to be eased, his king must bear responsibility. Abdication is the best ending, or it will die early.

In the face of interest, nothing is impossible. Until the beginning of the war, William I's control of this country has actually dropped to the lowest point.

In this context, it is possible to abandon the Warsaw area, but this order cannot be taken by him, and someone must be found guilty.

Is there a better candidate now than Moki?

In order to win the war, the front-line coach ordered the abandonment of Poland, which makes logical sense.

As for Mao Qi, after the war, it will be criticized, and even infamous. William I was afraid to make his reputation even worse, and no emperor liked the courtier's success.

If it weren't for the suggestion that Moody was guilty of blame, William I would never say ambiguous, and the last complaint was superfluous.

The plan to attack St. Petersburg was not implemented, not because the Danes fell to the Tsarist government, but the most important thing was that the British dropped the chain.

There are many reasons for the London government's unwillingness to invest in this capital.

Domestic: Opposition obstruction; International: France and Austria want the British to abide by the rules of the game, the Nordic Federation does not want to see the British extend their influence to the Baltic.

If it is to protect Britain's own interests, the London government may not advise. The problem is that it is now in the interest of the Commonwealth Federation that they are paying such a price, and the London government is naturally reluctant.

No amount of debt is useless, and consortia can influence politics, which does not mean that they can make decisions for the government. This year, it is still not possible for capitalists to take charge.

After pondering for a moment, Mao Qi smiled bitterly: "I know what to do."

After that, Mao Qi turned directly and left the palace, and even the courteous farewell was saved.

From beginning to end, William I did not stop. The rift has widened. This is no way out. Since the death of Ron, there has been a gap between William I and Maoqi.

Without lubricants, contradictions between the federal government and the military in Popo are increasing. For William I to play political balance, it is inevitable to support a weak government against the military.

As the boss of the military, Mao Qi has naturally become a striker in conflict. There are more conflicts and the deterioration of relations is inevitable.

William I is now letting Ma Qi take the blame, not only for the needs of the situation, but also for the continuation of the political struggle.

Otherwise, the government can also carry this blame, but the Berlin government is already weak, and if this blame is carried back, it will be even more difficult to compete with the military.

After an unhappy meeting, Mao Qi rushed back to the front line by train. On the face of it, the front-line war was urgent, but in fact it was a silent protest.

Who can let this blame be on his back? The boss of the military is also not good enough, we must consider the overall interests of the military.

The army's right to speak is based on victory. The Federation of Popo is an army-owned country. If it loses the war, the most serious loss is the army led by Juncker aristocracy.

From a purely military point of view, giving up Warsaw and retreating to the Kingdom of Prussia can only have a vitality, and it must be done on this basis.

Offending the Poles, he was still a high-ranking marshal, and he would n’t have been spitted, and his reputation would not be eaten; if he lost the war, he would be nothing.

Be mad, that's impossible. Now if you are angry and refuse to retreat to Warsaw, you are not gambling, but gambling.

Teana national thief is not a Japanese patent. In fact, the Prussian kingdom is the originator, but it is not so distraught.


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