Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 704: Human heart

After the news of the war in Warsaw spread, the Russian military command was in a bleak mood. The good situation in Warsaw has been extinct. The Tsar government has advocated abandoning the North-South battle, and the call for reinforcements in Warsaw is growing.

On the day the war report was received, Ivanov returned to St. Petersburg by train and had a secret talk with Alexander II overnight.

No one knows the specific content. In short, the internal disturbances in Russia were suppressed by Alexander II.

Settling the internal disputes, Marshal Ivanov returned to the battlefield again, sighed deeply, looking at the casualty data in his hand.

"Order the Fourth Army to retreat. They are no longer needed to stay there."

Daihatsu may have kindness, but more are still not needed. Originally, Ivanov also expected the Fourth Army to hold back the main force of the General Army and give the Russian army time.

Now that the Fifth Army has been disabled, the Seventh Army has suffered heavy losses. Even if the Third and Sixth Army arrived, the Russian army also lost the ability to siege the general forces.

At this point, there is no need for the Fourth Army to sacrifice. Even if they are upset, Ivanov will have to consider the political impact of the annihilation of the Fourth Army.

The middle-aged officer reminded: "Marshal, according to the information from the front line, the Fourth Army has been exhausted, and General Oporto has less than 30,000 troops. I am afraid to break through ..."

Ivanov was not good-hearted: "I'm afraid not so much! The main forces of the General Army are all in Warsaw. The enemy's total military strength is so much. Ma Qi is not God and he cannot become an army.

Most of the siege that surrounds the Fourth Army are like goods, that is, Opodo's idiot didn't find the enemy's main force to leave. If he changed someone, the situation would not be so bad now. "

Shake the pot!

If you lose the battle, you also need someone to take responsibility. The senior staff of the Fifth Army and the Seventh Army, as parties, must not run away.

Now they are not held accountable, so that they can continue to command the troops to commit crimes and make achievements, which is required by the war. The tsarist government will still pay off after the war.

As the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Marshal Ivanov also needs to take responsibility. At this time, you need to carry the pot guy, and Oporto is the unlucky one.

Of course, Oporto is not wrong. Had it not been for his unauthorized actions and disrupted the overall deployment of the Russian army, there would have been no defeat in Warsaw.


Franz has been watching closely since the war in Warsaw. I have to admit that this battle, the generals played very beautifully, and brought the speed to the extreme.

By contrast, the Russian army's performance is much worse. Especially in coordination, the Fifth Army was under siege by the general army, and the Seventh Army was unable to rescue in time. The Fifth Army was finished before they responded.

If the Russians respond faster or are more vigilant, the Fifth and Seventh Army can cooperate closely and provide reinforcements in a timely manner. It is not so simple for the General Army to want victory.

Chief of Staff Albrecht: "His Majesty, the Prussian-Russian War is coming to an end. If no miracle is born, the defeat of the Popo Federation is a foregone conclusion."

This conclusion surprised Franz. It must be known that before the Warsaw campaign, the General Staff gave a conclusion that the victory of General Russia was two or eight. Now the generals have won the Warsaw campaign. Instead of increasing their odds, they have decreased.

Franz asked in confusion: "Why? The generals won the war in Warsaw. They should increase their odds. Why?"

Albrecht explained: "Tactically speaking, Warsaw's victory against the general forces was very beautiful, and it reversed the adverse situation in Warsaw in one fell swoop.

However, the strategy is different. After the Warsaw meeting, the Russian army lost its military advantage in the Warsaw area. Next, the Russian Third Army and the Sixth Army will be cautious and cautious.

The general army wanted to find an opportunity to annihilate the remaining Russian army, and it was almost impossible. In Ivanov's style, most of the Russian army will not initiate an attack next, but will suspend the general army far away.

The Russian Third Army, the Sixth Army, plus the former Seventh Army and the Fifth Army's remnants, still have a total strength of 600,000. Trying to defeat them is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

In the previous battle, the general army was not without losses, and the strength of Mao Qi's hands was probably no different from that of the Russian army. It is also very difficult to divide troops and reinforce other battlefields.

Once the General Army splits, these Russian troops will immediately jump over and seize Warsaw.

Moki didn't dare to give up the Warsaw region, and lost it to Poland. Neither the political influence nor the military influence can be tolerated by the Berlin government.

Before the war, the General Staff judged the two-point victory of the Popo Federation. That was based on the premise of the victory of the General Army in Warsaw. Maoqi had to kill the Russian Third Army and the Sixth Army.

Under normal circumstances, this is an almost impossible task. Mao Qi should have realized that he was unsure, so he would start in advance and not give the Russians time to gather troops. "

From a military point of view, Mao Qi's approach is certainly correct. When the Russian army gathers, even if they are delivered to their door, they will not be able to eat. It is undoubtedly the most correct choice to start with the strong one.

The correct choice is not equal to the final victory. The gap in strength cannot be made up by individuals.

If only military considerations are being considered, it is best to give up the Warsaw area, kill the Russians on the southern front, and then return to the decisive battle.

In fact, this simply cannot be done. There are also a large number of Polish soldiers in the General Army. Mao Qi dare to abandon Warsaw without war, and Polish soldiers will be mutiny.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl questioned: "I am afraid this is not possible! The Federation of Popo has fully mobilized, many retired veterans have returned to the army, and students of the military academy also graduated early and entered the military service.

These new troops have insufficient training and worrying combat effectiveness, but they can always be used to defend the city and delay time. "

Albrecht nodded characteristically: "Berlin may be able to hold it, but Poznan will definitely not hold it. At this stage of the war, the Poles are unreliable.

In the East Prussian battle, the Russians have a navy problem, and the generals have no chance of winning. Failure is only a matter of time.

The Commonwealth of Popo cannot afford to lose. No matter where it is breached by the Russians, the general army in Warsaw will become an lone army. "

The human heart is the most complicated, and loyalty is also valuable.

People are more willing to believe what they see than what the government says. The Russians all came to the city, and the government said that persistence is victory. Who would believe it?

It took only a few years for the Popo Federation to establish national loyalty. People are confused, that is, "birds in the same forest", each of them is flying.

It is not just a day or two that the Tsarist government ruled Poland, nor is there any roots there. It is normal for capitalists and nobles to secretly associate with the Russians for their own interests.


After a little thought, Franz made the decision: "Now that the overall situation is set, we should not step in. Let the Immigration Department prepare for the new wave of immigration.

This immigration is unusual. There are a large number of retired soldiers in it. It is necessary to do a good job of screening and not to let extremists come in. "

No way, the European ideological community is in a mess these days, all kinds of ideas run rampant, and more than 80% of them are utopian.

Especially in war-torn areas, it is also the place where various extremist ideas are prone. Austria's immigration was for the development of the colonial economy, not for testing new ideas.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


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