Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 706: Run away

On November 18, 1880, the Russian army captured Poznan. The general forces in Warsaw at any time faced the danger of the rear road being cut off, and the general-Russian war became clear.

Warsaw Army Command

Receiving the bad news, Mao Qi was not surprised at all. Starting from refusing to send troops to reinforce Poznan, he was prepared for the worst.

It is also tricky to back up the bag, giving up Warsaw is not as easy as it sounds. If there is no sufficient reason, there is no way to explain to the outside world.

At the military conference, Mao Qi calmly said: "Poznan lost early and our threat was threatened. The plan to annihilate the Third and Sixth Army of Russia went bankrupt.

Now I have to change my original battle plan, recapture the Poznan area first, guarantee a smooth road, and then turn back to Warsaw and the Russians decisive battle.

Now occupying Poznan is the Eighth Army of Russia, which is dominated by infantry, with a total strength of nearly 200,000. The combat effectiveness can only be considered mid-stream among all the Russian troops.

The Russian Eighth Army is not fighting alone. The Russian Ninth Army is less than 160 kilometers away from them. Once we launch a counterattack, the enemy will definitely reinforce.

Everyone in the country has heard of the situation. The new combat force is worrying and cannot be put into the battlefield for a short time.

If we want to recapture Poznan from the enemy as soon as possible, this time we must draw the main force to participate in the war. Now we need someone to stay in Warsaw to ensure that Warsaw will not lose during the time when the main force leaves. "

Staying in Warsaw is no easy task. The current situation on the battlefield is obviously not good for the Commonwealth Federation. If it goes well, they will still have a chance to counterattack. If something goes wrong, the left-behind troops will be abandoned.

Admiral Giovanni Ferrari, commander of the First Army, said: "Let's stay behind. The First Army has the best combat effectiveness and should be able to fight for enough time for the main force."

This is not a show. The First Army is the absolute main force of the General Army. The stronger the combat force on the battlefield, the more often the combat missions it undertakes.

Without knowing that the country has decided to abandon Warsaw, from the overall perspective, General Giovanni Ferrari naturally has to take on this difficult task.

Mao Qi said in a denial: "No!"

Then he explained: "The First Army is the most powerful, but you are best at offensive, not defensive. The next step is to recapture Poznan.

This time the Warsaw defensive battle is difficult to fight, the Russians may be crazy like never before, and there may not be many troops left. Against this background, to maintain Warsaw, we must cooperate closely with the local militias.

A national mobilization order has been issued in the country, and Warsaw, together with the surrounding areas, can mobilize about 200,000 people. These troops have only received simple military training and cannot be used as the main force. When the auxiliary forces are still okay.

In the case of insufficient troop strength, we must exert the combat effectiveness of this unit. Without seeking to defeat the Russians, as long as Warsaw is maintained, it is a victory.

Taking all factors into consideration, the headquarters decided to leave the Third Army with the best public base to stay in Warsaw.

General Vasquevis, you have to stand by Warsaw for at least 40 days under Russian attack. Is there a problem? "

The establishment of the Popo Federation is too short. Although the Warsaw government intends to promote the unification of the language, it is still too short. In addition, the Polish resistance has naturally failed to achieve results.

There is no uniform language, and in order to prohibit it, the general army had to separate it when it was compiled.

The Third Army is a Polish-dominated army. Most of the soldiers are from the surrounding areas of Warsaw. A local army has a better mass base than other troops.

Vas Kevis's face was a bit ugly. On the surface, Maoqi was asking his opinion, but in fact he had no chance to refuse.

The command has made a decision. What can he do besides executing the order?

Moreover, Mao Qi's reason is very good, the Third Army is a local, and defending his hometown is a proper meaning in itself.

Without knowing that he has been abandoned, Was Kevis' resistance is not high, only if it is an ordinary task.

Was Kevis asked with concern: "In general, I have no problem. The Third Army will try to win time for the main force. But to cooperate with the local forces, who will command?"

After receiving a positive reply, Mao Qi nodded with satisfaction: "Of course, the command is yours. Before we launch the counterattack, the Third Group will take over all military and political power in Poland.

This is a special time and must be treated specially. Both local forces and local governments are temporarily under your control.

How will this battle be fought, the headquarters will not ask, I have only one request, we must defend Warsaw. "

Decentralization, maximum decentralization. Was Kevis was about to become the commander of the Group Army with the largest power in the Federation of Popo. Even Marshal Marquis did not have the power to restrain local governments.

Was Kevis was not surprised, and everything was possible in the war years. Although the general army has not yet taken over local administration, this may be the first case, but the army's involvement in local government affairs has long been widespread.

In order to win the war, the Berlin government has become accustomed to deafness. As long as it is beneficial to the war, it can be done.

This is the first case, and it will never be the last.

Opening this bad head is undoubtedly a heavy blow to government authority. But all the soldiers were sitting, and the position under the buttocks determined that they must lean toward the military.

Was Kevis had a joy on his face. It was an unexpected joy to be able to get command of the local troops. Now even local governments can control it, so the resources that can be mobilized have increased greatly.

With so many resources, he couldn't stick to it for 40 days, so he could go home and plant the land, so as not to stay shameful.

Was Kevis answered affirmatively: "No problem, the Third Army promises to complete the task!"

Mochi glanced at Vasquevis, and his brows showed sympathy, quickly covering up the past, and he warned:

"Don't be too happy. The Third Army only has 156,000 people. Even if you add 200,000 local troops, the combined total strength is only 60% of the enemy.

Even if we are on the defensive side and occupy a geographical advantage, we are still at a disadvantage and must be careful.

Local troops have just been formed shortly, and many people haven't even completed basic military training. You'd better not have too much hope in combat effectiveness.

The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and this 40-day period is just the minimum. If something goes wrong halfway through, no one knows when, we will be able to reinforce Warsaw. "

"Yes, Marshal!" Was Kevis answered gravely.

Mei Yuzhong was also a little grateful. Since he took command, Mao Qi has taken care of the Third Army, and has not treated it differently, whether it is supplementing materials or allocating combat tasks.

Defending Warsaw is the most challenging task the Third Group has received since the start of the war. However, high risk also means high return, and this difficult task is also the easiest to win.

Vaskovis is pursuing, not afraid of challenges. Mao Qi's warning, he only cares about his subordinates without any doubt.

Mao Qi nodded with satisfaction: "Good, since you are so confident, the task of defending Warsaw is left to the Third Army.

There is not much time left for us, and the rest of the troops immediately packed up and set off for Poznan early tomorrow morning.

Due to the limited transportation capacity of the railway, heavy weapons and logistics materials were transported by train, and the troops travelled lightly and set off on foot. "

The railway facilities of the Commonwealth Federation are relatively complete, but no matter how perfect, there is no way to transport hundreds of thousands of troops, along with logistics materials, to hundreds of miles in a short time.

In this context, in order to save time, it is natural to give priority to the transportation of weapons, equipment and strategic materials, and soldiers still have to march on foot.

Fortunately, Poland is not large. From Warsaw to Poznan, less than 37 Puri (about 280 kilometers), the troops travelled lightly for almost a week.

Of course, this is theoretical data. In fact, the time required will definitely be longer, and the combat speed of the large regiment itself will not be faster.

Before arriving on the battlefield, we must first release heavy weapons and logistics materials to the troops, which requires testing the logistics organization capabilities.

If the organizational capabilities are not enough to complete these tasks in a timely manner, it is better to let soldiers bring weapons and equipment and logistics materials to the road, so as to avoid confusion and waste time.


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