Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 703: Battle of Warsaw without winners

The changes in the Russian-Prussian battlefield have directly affected the European financial markets. For a while, the market was battered, and the war bonds issued by the Commonwealth Commonwealth all fell sharply.

People with a bit of common sense know that if Mao Qi is unable to turn the tide in the later wars, after the defeat of the Commonwealth of Popo, a debt default will inevitably occur.

The financial winter is coming.

Prime Minister Benjamin far away in London felt chill.

Too much debt, sometimes really not overwhelmed. By now, the most feared of the Pope Federation is finished, except for themselves, the British.

The more information he has, the better Prime Minister Benjamin knows the seriousness of the problem.

The defeat of the Popo Federation is not just a matter of letting out loans become bad debts, bonds issued for them to become waste paper, but also the debt owed by the Berlin government.

The previous losses are nothing more than financial institutions and speculators. These people are rich in themselves and have strong ability to resist risks.

The later payment is not the same. Large companies may be able to resist the past. The small and medium-sized enterprises have a weak capital chain and cannot afford to toss at all.

If coupled with the looting of banks, the day of the completion of the Pope Commonwealth is the beginning of the British industrial crisis.

The actual situation may be even worse, after all, the capitalist world is already overcapacity. After the war, market competition will become increasingly fierce, and the tide of corporate bankruptcy is inevitable.

For Britannia, the proportion of these SMEs in the economic structure is not too high, but it is these enterprises that provide the most jobs.

A good brother of bankruptcy and unemployment, has always been "focus on Meng, Meng can not leave focus." An unprecedented economic crisis is already brewing in Britain.

Sometimes knowing too much is also a burden.

Benjamin asked: "Sir Edward, what do the French say?"

To reverse this war, it is no longer possible for the British to do so. The French position is crucial.

Foreign Minister Edward shook his head: "The Paris government has rejected our proposal. They believe that the conflict between Russia and Russia cannot be resolved. Even if the war is forcibly stopped, there will be another war.

The French bet on both sides in this war, and the loss of the Pope Federation to defeat them was not large, and they may even reach an agreement with the Russians secretly. "

The Prime Minister of Benjamin nodded helplessly. He knew the grudges and hatred between Britain and France. The French are anxious that the British are unlucky. How can they help them out?

In the case of the Russian-Prussian War, Britain and France initially supported the Berlin government together, but the British took the gold reserves of the Pope Federation and almost exclusively swallowed up their financial interests.

It turns out that eating alone is not so delicious. The more you eat, the more you pay. The British took over most of the loans and bonds of the Berlin government.

The French chose to let go for a variety of reasons. In addition to too few benefits, there is also the development of French Africa, which requires a large amount of investment. The Paris government artificially limits capital outflows.

Although the capitalists' greed has not been blocked, the total outflow of capital has shrunk significantly.

Without government guidance, not only did the capital flow into the Popo Federation, but a considerable portion also flowed into the Russian Empire.

It is equivalent to betting on both sides. No matter which side wins, the French share is indispensable. With fewer interests involved, the Paris government is naturally not active.

Napoleon IV was not the same as his father. He was born in the French revival stage. He was born with arrogance and it was impossible to surrender to others.

It can be seen from France's foreign policy that the foreign policy of the Paris government has become more and more tough. In the past two or three years, British-French relations, French-Austrian relations have been deteriorating.

The British Army was limited in strength and wanted to intervene in this war, too.

Now that the French are unwilling to fight, the London government has essentially lost the ability to directly intervene in the war.

After pondering for a while, Prime Minister Benjamin said fiercely: "Then come back next. No matter what method is used, we must find a way to keep the Kingdom of Prussia. We need creditors to exist and give a domestic account."

After the defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia, naturally they did not have the ability to pay their debts. But as long as the creditor is present, there is the possibility of paying back the money.

After the war, the Berlin government had limited financial resources. Perhaps for many years, their annual repayment amount was not enough for interest.

But hope is better than no hope. The London government needs a hope to give people confidence in the market.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Garfield: "Prime Minister, you are too pessimistic. Perhaps things are not as bad as you think, and the Federation of Popo is still fighting.

If Maoqi creates miracles and wins the war in Warsaw in front of the Russians, they may still end the war decently. "

Foreign Minister Edward denied: "Sir Garfield, this is impossible. There are indications that the Austrians want the Popo Federation to lose this war and lay the foundation for German regional unification.

Even if Mao Qi created a miracle, he still cannot change the fate of the Popo Federation. With the support of Vienna, the army of the Tsarist government will rush up, and eventually pile them up. "

"Quantitative advantage", perhaps this is the place that touched the most European countries. The Russians proved with facts: "As long as our army is large enough, the enemy will be powerless."


When the British tried to make up for their losses, the Prussian-Russian war entered a new phase. The Russian Fourth Army has been completely tempered by the generals, and can only rely on simple fortifications to survive.

Surprisingly, the General Army did not go all out to completely annihilate the Fourth Army of Russia. Instead, after fighting the disabled Fourth Army, it left two infantry divisions and a group of militia to pretend to besiege the Russians, but the main forces moved quickly north.

In order to avoid Russian airship reconnaissance, the general forces chose to sleep during the day and march at night to quickly reinforce the Warsaw battlefield.

On November 10, 1880, the main force of the General Army arrived in Warsaw, and together with the Warsaw defenders launched a counterattack against the Russian army, and the Russian Fifth Army suffered heavy losses unexpectedly.

This is just the beginning. After the heavy losses of the Russian Fifth Army, they were forced to retreat with the remnants, and the Russian Seventh Army, which was a horn, was exposed to the general's front.

Facts have proved that after losing its military advantage, the Russian army is really not an opponent of the general army.

The Russian Seventh Army failed to create miracles, and its comrades reminded them that it was too late to evacuate in time, and lost one-third of its strength under the blow of the General Army.

The Warsaw campaign ended with the victory of the General Army, but Mao Qi's face did not look at all happy, because the time belonging to them had been lost.

There is no way, the Russian army is not paperless. Defeating the Russian Fifth Army relies on sneak attacks. They only spent two days and defeating the Russian Seventh Army took five days.

Time is life on the battlefield. At this time, the Russians' Third Army and Sixth Army were only more than 200 kilometers away from them.

Theoretically, it is still possible to intercept the road halfway and delay the enemy's marching speed for ten days and a half months.

For such a long time, they can also help the southern line, for example: first kill the Eighth Army that sieges Poznan, and stay in the Russian Ninth Army in the middle.

In fact, this is simply not possible. General soldiers are also humans. If they want to maintain the combat effectiveness of the troops, they need time to repair after the battle.

Even with a two-day break, Mochi didn't have enough time.

Regardless of the fact that it is only 278 kilometers from Warsaw to Poznan, the train can arrive in the evening, and it will take hundreds of thousands of troops to pass by. It will not be completed in two days.

The passing of the army does not mean that the war can begin immediately. It also depends on whether the enemy is willing to fight against them. The Russians can completely delay time.

For example: look for favorable terrain and stick to it. Anyway, if they are not wiped out, the general's rear will not be stable. The longer the time is, the better it is for the Russians.

Before they killed the Russian Eighth Army, the Russian reinforcements arrived in Warsaw again. The main force is not there, and Warsaw can't keep it.

The fall of Warsaw also meant the fall of Poland. At that step, even if the Russian Eighth Army was killed, Mao Qi could only retreat drearily to engage in the defense of the Kingdom of Prussia.

By giving up the Polish region, the Popo Federation has lost. Most of the territory and population have been lost, and the rest of the Kingdom of Prussia has less potential for war. There is no capital to fight the Russians at all.

If there is no time to resolve the threats on the southern front, then we can only hope that the defenders in the country can give them a little more strength and insist that they kill the Russian reinforcements and then return to the country.

The prerequisite is that this is the last batch of reinforcements of the Russians, otherwise the Warsaw offensive and defensive war will continue. From the current situation, it is more likely that the war will continue.

Looking at the map, Mao Qi was at a loss for the first time.

"Marshal, this is our battle report, please look at it." A young officer whispered.

Mao Qi raised his head and waved his hand to signal the young officer to drop the battle report and go out. After a moment of silence, Mao Qi calmly opened the report.

The cold figures on the paper seemed to instantly reduce the temperature in the room by a few minutes.

The war is about to kill people. In the past month, the general army has achieved brilliant results. It has disarmed the Russian Fourth Army and the Fifth Army, and also severely damaged the Russian Seventh Army.

The annihilation and capture of the enemy forces totaled more than 430,000, which disintegrated the Warsaw offensive of the Russians and created the world-famous "Warsaw Victory".

Behind this glory, however, there were also 110,000 general soldiers who fell to the battlefield permanently, and an additional 150,000 wounded.

This was just the casualties. In fact, they paid far more than just this price. Civilian casualties were not mentioned, and Mao Qi did not take the Polish seriously.

The economic loss is not his concern. The depletion of weapons, equipment, and strategic materials cannot be ignored.

In just one month, the general army destroyed half of the ammunition in the warehouse and consumed nearly one-third of strategic supplies.

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