Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 702: Legacy and threats

With the development of the Russian-Prussian War to this point, the international situation in Europe after the war will certainly change dramatically. As the flag bearer of the Vienna government, it is natural to guide the situation in a direction beneficial to itself.

Pulling back his misguided thoughts, Franz slowly said, "The Berlin government is in a hurry. The situation in the Popo Federation may be worse than we know.

According to the development of the current situation, the possibility of the Commonwealth Federation's comeback is very small, and we can prepare for aftermath.

This time we will not only crack down on competitors and recover the previous investment, we will also take the biggest dividend. "

The Prussian-Russian war is not just that simple on the surface. The Vienna government has invested so much capital, not just for the Russians to win the war.

The credibility of the Tsarist government is well known. How could Franz support them without a generous return?

Russia-Austria friendship can at most fool ordinary people. People with a bit of common sense know that this stuff is not reliable.

Perhaps before the Prussian-Russian war, the friendship between Russia and Austria did have a long history. After the war, the two countries will transition from allies to competitors.

Of course, the tsarist government paid a heavy price in this war. It owed huge debts and could not stand up in decades. It did not have the capital to turn its back on Austria in a short time.

For a long time to come, the friendship between Russia and Austria will remain the subject of diplomacy between the two countries until one side does not need it.

The reason for Franz's blood loss, naturally, is not that the collateral put out by the Russians is tempting. In fact, asking for territories as collateral is only to reassure Alexander II that he can rest assured that he will avenge the Pope Federation.

Regardless of the fertile land in Ukraine, it is also built on the condition that the Russians defeated the contract and fell into Austria.

If the Tsarist government wins the war, Austria will also earn a loan interest, plus a little bit of war money, and the gains and risks are completely out of proportion.

Using debt default to hit the British can be counted as one; using post-war excess capacity to suppress French manufacturing can also be regarded as one of the goals; the real cost to the Vienna government is to eat the legacy of the Popo Federation after the defeat .

Not land, although there is a lot of land in the Federation of Popo, it is not enough to entice Franz.

Moreover, the Russians paid the painful price of millions of casualties for this war. It is impossible to let people do it for nothing?

If Austria stupidly ran to receive the territory of the Federation of Popo, the meat would not be able to eat much, but it would have to shoulder the heavy task of guarding the eastern gate of Europe, and it would be dead to the Russians.

The establishment of the Central European Empire is tempting, but the price to pay is also very heavy. Originally, Austria's strategic position was very bad, and it would never be better to extend the territory to the Baltic Sea.

According to Franz, the biggest legacy left by the Popo Federation is not land, but people on the land, especially this group of experienced military officers.

After the Popo Federation is finished, it is only Russia and Austria that are eligible to inherit these heritages.

There is no doubt that Pu-Russia has just wrestled with it, the seeds of hatred have been planted, and the Junker aristocrats will not be able to take refuge immediately if they do not exercise restraint.

Moreover, even if they are willing to run away, they must be willing to accept.

Not to mention that the Russian military does not welcome the Junker aristocracy. Even the Austrian military will not welcome them. No one is willing to add a group of people to their bowls to grab food.

Franz wanted to subdue these people for his own use, and he would not directly recruit them, and there were not so many places in the Austrian army to house them.

In addition to a few generals, who can enter military academies and impart war experience, most of the Junker aristocrats still need to go home to farm and become one of the Austrian military reserve officers.

If the European War breaks out and they have a chance to perform, otherwise they will have to die in the field.

This is the instinct of the emperor. The military literacy of the Junker aristocracy need not be doubted. Franz must hold it. Even if you do n’t use it yourself, you ca n’t use it for others.

After the Russians have won the war, if they want to place their own people on the merit reward, they must liquidate these vested interests.

Not only Junker aristocracy, but even ordinary people are probably unlucky. In fact, they do n’t want to be unlucky. The Russians do n’t copy their home. What do they use to pay off Austria ’s debt?

Russia and Austria also have close contracts for borrowing, but it is not just a territorial exchange. The debt settlement of the population is also one of the conditions secretly reached by both parties.

This is also necessary. The tsarist government can clean up local instability and Austria can get a group of laborers to develop colonies.

Of course, there are restrictions on conventions. Austria does not need to collect everything. The post-war Vienna government will buy these national prisoners of war from the Russians in the name of rescuing fellow Germans, and then take away the soldiers' families.

Franz is not afraid of someone robbing business. Nationalism has risen. Except for his Emperor Shinra, who holds high the banner of unified Germany and can conquer them with national justice, other countries do not have the capital.

Spreading these people across the colony, Austria could quickly digest them. If they fall into the hands of Britain and France, I am afraid they will not dare to put these people on the colony.

The defeat of the disabled soldiers will also be relatively speaking. The combat effectiveness of these people is not bad. When they reach the colony, they will definitely be ahead.

If they entered the British and French colonies, the cultural traditions would be different, and they would not be able to merge in a short time. That's the proper unstable element, and it's the kind that can ignite the smoke at any time.

Prime Minister Felix: "Your Majesty, the most troublesome are the British now, and they may encourage other European countries to interfere in this war.

The life of the Pope Federation has nothing to do with us, but the Kingdom of Prussia is one of the German states, although they have announced their withdrawal.

As leaders of the German nation, we cannot fall completely to the Russians on this issue. On the bright side, we must also make an effort to protect Prussia and give the outside world an account.

If the Tsarist government can't withstand the pressure and let the Kingdom of Prussia go, our plan is unlikely to continue. "

Nationalism is a double-edged sword. Now that Austria has enjoyed the benefits of nationalism, it must assume its obligations.

For example: unify the German region, safeguard the territorial integrity of the German region, and fight against separatism ...

There is no doubt that the Vienna government must intervene. Not to mention the preservation of the entire Kingdom of Prussia, at least the territory of the German region.

After a little thought, Franz shook his head: "Don't worry. Poland and Lithuania are international territories once recognized as Russians, and the Tsarist government as a victor will certainly be able to take it back.

Even if the Prussian kingdom is insured, it must be peeled off. Huge amounts of debt, war reparations, and a tired domestic economy are all factors that are not so easy to get rid of.

If we want to make a comeback, we must allow the international situation. The Russians will not give up suppressing them, and we will not give them this opportunity. "

For Austria, the weight of the Kingdom of Prussia is still too large, and Austria is worried that they will be strangled if swallowed.

Without dividing the Kingdom of Prussia, the road to German reunification will always be an air tower. The new Shinra empire established by Franz does not need a powerful state. The existence of the Kingdom of Prussia will weaken the authority of the central government.

Splitting is easy to say, but it is very troublesome to operate. First of all, such hatred cannot be done by Austria. Otherwise, even if the future is unified, the Prussians will be separated from the central government.

In this context, Franz chose the Russians as the knife. Out of comprehensive strategic considerations, it is not surprising to support the Russians in the Russian-Prussian War.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "His Majesty, if the Federation of Popo is defeated, the continent will be dominated by Britain, France, Austria and Russia.

From a geographical point of view, we occupy the center of continental Europe, and naturally we are the most advantageous competitors of continental hegemons.

Whether you like it or not, we will all need to participate in European disputes in the future. Our strength has grown rapidly in recent years, and it has disturbed many people.

With the development of the times, the number of international conflicts will gradually increase in the future. Under the trend of interests, the possibility of France and Russia moving closer is very high.

In theory, we can also draw the British to be allies to compete against the French-Russian alliance, but this is the worst choice. "

Not possible, but very likely. In the original time and space, France and Russia have come together, but the British-German alliance has come to naught.

Did the Russians really owe the loans to the French? Franz thought it before, and now he doesn't think so.

Originally, France, Russia and Russia moved closer to each other. Essentially, they still had strategic needs. The German and German empires were too strong, and they felt threatened. Loans are catalysts, not decisive factors.

Although the international situation has changed, Austria's strength can also arouse the vigilance of France and Russia.

France and Russia have not moved closer. It is just that Russia-Austria relations are now friendly. The French are still immersed in the glory of the Napoleonic era and have not clearly recognized the Austrian threat.

Franz nodded with satisfaction. Being able to soberly see the potential threats to Austria from the post-war international pattern is sufficient proof that the Austrian Foreign Ministry has matured, has not immersed in the past glory, and has a sober self-awareness.

"This is indeed a big threat, but this is a future thing. We still have time to make a layout and weaken their competitors completely before they react.

The most important thing right now is the Russian-Prussian War, which will eat the legacy left by the Commonwealth and strengthen our potential. "


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