Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 701: Not enough officers

Theory and reality often run counter to each other. Perhaps the response measures of Opodo were effective, or maybe the officers had no retreat, and the siege of the Fourth Russian Army broke out beyond the expectations of the general forces.

Seven days passed in a flash, and the Fourth Army was still stuck there like a nail, making the generals in a dilemma.

Looking at the increasing number of casualties in his hand, he thought of his mission again. General Hansgrohe, who was responsible for the siege of the Fourth Army, was almost white.

Enemies suffered more than half of their injuries and still showed no sign of surrender, making it clear that they would die to the end.

If the Russians were so tenacious, this war would not have to be fought. The Popo Federation has a limited population and cannot survive.

After rubbing his forehead, Hansgrohe commanded the deputy: "Give electricity to the headquarters, report in detail to us here, and tell Marshal Mao Qi to give us another five days to ensure that this enemy can be eliminated.

If support is needed in other areas, we can deploy some troops to leave, and we don't need so many troops to surround us now. "

After these days of fighting, Hansgrohe has determined that the enemy will not run away. In order to complete the task, he even intentionally left a way to entice the enemy to break through.

As a result, the enemy seemed to not see it, and remained firmly in place, giving him no opportunity at all.

It's totally unreasonable to have no chance to run. Hansgrohe doesn't know what the Russian commander thinks, anyway, he is very depressed.

"Yes, general!"


Not only is the general army depressed, the siege of Otto Lieutenant General is even more depressed. The general army was like going crazy, launching an attack without rushing casualties, and the Fourth Army had only the ability to parry and not fight back.

After falling into the siege circle, he knew nothing about the situation outside and did not know why the enemy was crazy.

The whistling sounded, and an airship flew from the sky. This was the happiest and most tense moment of the Russian army's day.

I don't know when the airships from the roar became the spiritual backbone of the Fourth Army, giving them hope for life.

This was the most stressful time. Except for the first few days, every subsequent airship unit came over an air battle.

In just ten days, the Russian army paid a total of 35 crashes. Almost three airships were killed in air combat every day.

Of course, the general army is also uncomfortable. The gap between the two sides is almost the same. The airship unit may be the closest combat force between the two countries.

Opodo picked up the telescope, observed this thrilling air battle, and kept silently in his heart: "1,2,3,4 ... 49".

The number of "49" airships made Oporto ecstatic, an increase of a full third compared to yesterday, and the opposite enemy was only half of this number.

The number gap is half, and even if there is a transport airship in the Russian airship, it still has an absolute advantage.

Although combat airships and transport airships have been separated this year, transport airships are often used as combat airships.

The airships are big, and a few ordinary bullets can still withstand them. The heavy machine gun used by the Air Force was not invented. The real killing technique was artillery.

No matter the combat airship or the transport airship is equipped with artillery, they can go to the battlefield, but the hit rate is pitifully low. If it hits, then the results are the same, everyone is crispy.

Essentially, airships are not used to fight each other. The high cost is enough to hurt any country. The Russian-Prussian war is also the earliest air war in human history.

Seeing nothing to do, the General Airship resolutely chose to retreat. The Russian army will not be able to catch up with strategic materials.

It may be that the number of the Fourth Army has decreased; or it may be that the old men at the headquarters sent a kind heart and sympathized with the hard work of the Fourth Army officers and soldiers. Today's material qualifications are abundant.

Rarely seen vegetables, fresh beef, ham, cheese, bread, butter, soy flour, Oppodo are starving.

As a commander, Opodo soon came to his senses. I am afraid that it was not the old masters who showed kindness, but the value of the Fourth Army increased.

Dragging five or six hundred thousand general troops here is the greatest value of the Fourth Army. Need them to die, the treatment will naturally increase.

Shaking his head to dispel the thoughts in his head, Opodo instructed the guards around him: "Send someone to look carefully to see if there is an order from the headquarters."

Without waiting for the guard to answer, a young officer ran over with a document: "General, this is the battle report from the headquarters."

Opodo escaped the file and quickly opened it. The more you look, the more gloomy it is, as if the sky is falling down.

It's not that the situation is bad. The overall situation on the battlefield is very good. The Russian army is getting closer and closer to the day of winning the war.

On October 28, 1880, the Russian Fifth Army and the Seventh Army launched offensives from the northeast and the Warsaw region, respectively. Now they have approached Warsaw.

On November 1, the Russian First Army and the Second Army launched the East Prussian Campaign.

Under the cover of the navy, on November 3, the Russian army launched a landing operation in the Gdynia area, winning a great victory.

On November 5, the Russian army again launched a landing operation in Kolobrzeg, which was once again determined to be successful.

On November 7th, the Russian southern army broke the general defense line.

On the following day, the Russian army split into three lanes. The Eighth Army commander drove straight to Berlin and the Ninth Army turned north to attack Poznan. The Tenth Army was responsible for the central response.


The battlefield was full of good news, except that there was no news of rescue of the Fourth Army. What this means is self-evident, although not explicitly stated, the meaning of the warning is very obvious.

The rapid advance of the Russian army is inseparable from the efforts of the Fourth Army. If it were not for their holding of the mobile force of the General Army, the Fifth and Seventh Army would not have the courage to visit Warsaw, and the Southern Front would not dare to split the army.

In this situation, whoever breaks the chain and destroys the hard-won overall situation, who will bear responsibility for it.

There are no orders, but this report is the best order. Oporto is very clear that now it is not only to treat the Fourth Army as an abandoned son, but clearly to treat them as dead.

If they break in front, they will lose their heads; if they are running now, the whole family will follow the guillotine.

Don't think that killing aristocrats is not popular in Europe, you are really at ease. Alexander II has the reputation of being a "butcher". How could reform succeed if people were not killed?

After a little thought, Opodo instructed: "Inform the whole army of this good news and tell everyone that victory is in sight. As long as we persist for another half a month, we will win Warsaw!"

"Seeing and not saying" is also one of the survival rules of this cruel world. Smart people can naturally see and understand, and those who do not understand are the ones with a stiff head. The battle report is in their hands, and that is the real good news.

Hold for half a month?

Oppodo himself didn't believe it. Deep down, he felt that the Fourth Army was able to support it to the present, and it was playing at a super level.

However, people are blindly obedient, especially when they are closest to victory. Everyone can always hypnotize and burst out of their imagination.

Deep in his heart, Oporto has decided that as long as the main force of the General Army can contain it, as long as it can't hold it, the local rat will be left behind.

As long as the Fourth Army did not run and stayed here to continue fighting, others could not hold the black pot on his head.

Fortunately, the soldiers didn't know the unscrupulous thoughts of Oporto. Otherwise, the morale of everyone could not help but build up their morale and let it go.

Sometimes ignorance is also a blessing. It is better to be immersed in the ocean of hope than to be hopeless after knowing the truth.


The general forces were in a disadvantageous position on the battlefield, and the Berlin government was completely panicked. Even if Mao Qi repeatedly promised, he could not dispel everyone's doubts.

National mobilization is a must. As long as it can resist the gun, it must be on the battlefield.

It does not matter if there are insufficient officers. The officers of the main force cannot move, so they are drawn from the local forces.

It really doesn't work, just find someone to stand on first, and wait for a suitable one before changing. If it's not suitable all the time, naturally you don't need to change.

Enemies are about to hit Berlin, who cares about quality! Putting the numbers together will at least increase your sense of security.

While Berlin mobilized, it did not forget to launch a diplomatic offensive.

It is useless to win over the small roles of Ottoman, Central Asian countries, and the German Federation. They have lost the ability to influence the outcome of the war.

At this point, the Popo Federation needs the support of the powers. Continental Europe is different from other regions. If something is obtained on the battlefield, the negotiation table may also be spit out.

The Berlin government does not hope to allow the Russians to return without success, but with the support of the powers, it is still necessary to preserve their strength as much as possible.

In the Vienna Palace, Franz just sent a special envoy sent by the Berlin government.

Frankly, he was very puzzled that the war had not yet won, so why should the Berlin government be so anxious?

The Russians seemed to be advancing on the battlefield, but the war was not over yet. There are still 600,000 to 700,000 new recruits in the Commonwealth of Popo. No matter how weak these troops are, the defenders can always make up for it?

Facing Franz's doubts, Chief of Staff Albrecht explained: "His Majesty, to the present, the number of casualties in the Popo Federation has already exceeded the one million mark, and the number of casualties has exceeded 300,000.

If ordinary soldiers are lost, they can be replenished immediately, but the losses of grass-roots officers are difficult to make up for.

According to the analysis of the data we have collected, the death rate of the general aristocracy is much higher than 13.5% of ordinary soldiers, which is already approaching 20%.

The number of general officers is insufficient, not only this war, but also the impact of the last war.

In the First Russian-Prussian War, the new generation of Junker nobles suffered heavy casualties. Now they are not only in short supply of grass-roots officers, they are also in short supply, and high-ranking officers are actually insufficient.

The number of qualified officers is insufficient, which has a significant impact on the combat effectiveness of the army. Compared with the beginning of the war, the combat effectiveness of the general forces has actually declined.

From their siege to the Fourth Army, it can be seen that if it was the peak general army, it would not need to be dragged so long.

The number of officers is insufficient. This is not the responsibility of anyone. The Federation of Popo has done a good job. They have enough officers in reserve to command 1.5 million troops.

This number is theoretically enough to deal with any war. Before the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War, no one knew that the war could reach the scale it is today.

Whether it is the Popo Federation or the Russian Empire, their mobilization capabilities are beyond our imagination. "

Do not say that people in this era, even Franz, the traversal, did not know in advance that the two countries could achieve this step.

This child's ability to mobilize is about to catch up with World War I. The Popo Federation has mobilized more than 2.6 million troops, and the Russians have madly mobilized nearly 4 million troops.

This number is not the end. The number of troops on both sides is like a balloon. It is constantly expanding.

Like balloons, while the number of troops is expanding, your combat effectiveness is also declining.

The general forces performed more clearly, mainly because they followed the quality line; the Russians started with numbers, although the combat effectiveness of the troops declined, because the quality was not very good at the beginning, so the decline was not so great .

Franz asked in confusion: "As far as I know, many officials of the Berlin government are of military origin. It is now a crisis time. It should not be a problem for them to recover.

Some of these people set up a stand and promoted some civilian soldiers as officers, and the problem of insufficient grassroots officers was solved. Isn't it necessary for the Berlin government to get so angry? "

This is not nonsense, many officials of the Berlin government are of military origin. Not only the Popo Federation, but also Austria.

Under the national military service system, not only government officials have served in the military service, but people from all walks of life have been in the army.

In times of crisis, getting them back to the army is also a solution to the shortage of officers.

Albrecht shook his head: "Your Majesty, these people seem organized, but they are not suitable for the military at all.

The officers of the Popo Federation are led by Junker aristocrats, and influenced by traditional forces, the best of them, or the people most suitable for the army, will develop in the army for a long time.

After retiring from the army, most of them who served in government departments were defective products that were eliminated in the middle, and their military capabilities themselves were worrying.

If these people are reluctantly rehabilitated, their official positions and their positions in the military are also related, but this position has nothing to do with military command capabilities.

It was unimaginable for a group of bureaucrats with unknown military capabilities to command the army.

I think it might not be as good as a first-year military school student. At least these people are full of blood, they don't talk, push, and can strictly execute orders. "

Franz nodded a little awkwardly, making the bureaucracy command a real pit. Don't fight yet, pull the army into political struggle first.

After a pause, Albrecht added: "The promotion of civilian officers has already been done by the General Army. However, these soldiers have not received military school education and the training limit is very low. Only a few can serve as officers.

Among the grass-roots officers of the general army, the number of civilian officers is actually not small. However, the performance of these people is not good, and many troubles have occurred. "

Franz kept talking, and the problem of civilian officers was a difficult problem in European countries.

Not as later generations said, the nobles took control of the army and excluded civilian officers.

In fact, the aristocracy is only interested in middle and high-level positions. The following ranks of posts are not their goals at all, and no one is so shallow-eyed.

The real problem lies in military literacy. Ordinary soldiers have never been exposed to this knowledge. How can they become qualified officers?

It can be said that in peaceful times, the channels for the rise of ordinary soldiers were locked up early, and only a few geniuses could become military officers.

There are opportunities in the war years, but only if they can survive. Military merit is not so easy to get, you need to change your life.

Noble officers at the grassroots level must take the lead in charge, not to mention civilian officers. I am afraid that many dangerous tasks will fall on them.

Regardless of how talented you are, only if you survive the battlefield will there be a future, or else you will be a martyr.

With military achievement, this is not the end. On the contrary, this is just the beginning.

Promoted to a higher position, the requirements for personal military literacy have become higher.

In peaceful times, there is still a chance to go to a military school to learn a wave, and after returning, you are almost competent. The era of war will not work, war will not wait for people.

To some extent, Albrecht complained about the poor military literacy of civilian officers, which is also an indisputable fact.

With the exception of a few geniuses, most civilian officers were put on the shelves after being promoted, and it was normal that they could not adapt in a short time.

The army is a place that believes in the strong. No one will consider so many reasons, and will not give you time to learn slowly.

If you ca n’t do it, you will be squeezed out. You do n’t need to use any means to squeeze you out.

Not only civilian officers, but even many children of large nobles who lack their own abilities will also be crowded out.

Not only now, but even in the future, there is only one way for civilian officers—to test military academies.

Improve your military literacy through school studies. Through learning, bridge the capability gap with noble officers.

This road is also not easy to take. The enrollment of higher military schools is limited, thousands of soldiers cross the wooden bridge and face competition from noble candidates.

Affected by educational resources, it is not impossible for geniuses to break through.

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