Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 700: Sleepy Beast Fighting

Since learning that he has been abandoned, Opodo is not good. I greeted the Ivanov family over and over again in my heart, but I had to make a brazen look to appease the army.

This is the end, no matter how unwilling he is, Obdo can only bite the bullet and fight with the enemy.

It is impossible to surrender. All of his roots are in Russia, and his wife, children, and children are waiting for his scenery to return and reunite.

Not only did he have no choice, all senior members of the Fourth Army were the same. Either block the enemy's attack and drag in the reinforcements; or kill the battlefield and cover up the fault with blood donation.

Under the strong desire to survive, people can always burst into superpowers.

The senior members of the Fourth Army began to erupt now. In order to stabilize the army's high-ranking officers in the past, all the troops were hushing and warming up, and from time to time they were close to the front to encourage morale.

In order to save food, Oporto ordered the cancellation of the officer's cafeteria, all officers and soldiers dine together. Etiquette and respect are nothing in the face of survival.

The officers do n’t want to understand. The airdrops are now unified standards, all soldiers are high-calorie food, there is no officer package.

Everyone knows that this private operation offended Marshal Ivanov, and no one dared to make a report to touch the mold at this time.

Due to the limited capacity of airships, weapons and ammunition have to be transported. In order to save transportation capacity, all the food delivered is meat except compressed biscuits.

This time the Russian army ’s quartermaster standards are approaching the British Army. Beef jerky and biscuits are the main ingredients, as well as a small amount of canned fish, as if the meat suddenly became worthless overnight.

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, biting the beef jerky hard, Oporto swears that he has never eaten such junk food.

It was really impossible to eat. Oppodo opened the canned fish and saw the text on the label to know that it was made in Austria again. If nothing else, it should be the cheapest freshwater fish.

This is a characteristic of Europe. Affected by industrial development, rivers are heavily polluted, and many people do not eat freshwater fish. Fewer eaters are naturally worthless.

This cheap raw material has become a favorite of capitalists. As long as it is canned, who knows where these fish come from?

"The water is contaminated and the fish has problems." As long as there is no immediate food poisoning, the latent hazards are nothing at all.

Especially for the Russian army, the quality is not guaranteed. Many unscrupulous merchants are mixed with cheap potato flour, and the fish is only a small part.

So many shortcomings are still favored by the Tsar government procurement department for one reason-cheap.

Not only canned fish, but beef jerky and compressed biscuits purchased by the Russians are the cheapest products.

Cheap is not good, since it is the cheapest product, the quality is naturally not guaranteed.

Reluctant to endure the discomfort, Oporto ate the canned fish. As for the beef jerky, he should leave it to those with better teeth. He was blessed.

Although the taste of canned fish is not good, one thing is worthy of praise. Fish meat processed into cans is specially treated, and fish bones and bones can be eaten directly.

Time does not wait for people on the battlefield, it is definitely not appropriate to slowly remove fishbone. Based on the principle that the customer is God, the capitalists naturally have to meet this reasonable requirement.

After the chemical treatment, the bones and spines can be eaten. The sequelae does not matter, as long as the person has eaten for a short time without problems.

Just wanting to take a break, a young officer broke into the headquarters and approached to report: "General, the enemy has launched another attack, and the 41st Division requested fire support."

Looking at the battle map, Opodo frowned and asked, "Isn't they already sent them an artillery regiment, why do they need fire support?"

The young officer explained: "The enemy's fire was too strong, and our artillery was completely suppressed, so ..."

Before he finished speaking, Opodo waved his hand to stop: "Okay, tell the Forty-First Division to think of a way, I don't have artillery to reinforce them now.

The enemy's firepower is too fierce, so hide first. This is an extraordinary period. Don't be idle at night. You can divide some soldiers to dig gun holes.

The enemy rushed up and fought bayonet with them. Now that we are under siege, the firepower is certainly no better than the enemy, but we can fear no more death than them. "

The plain area is not good at all. If you want to seize favorable terrain, you don't have to occupy it. If the 180-meter-high small soil bag is also counted as a mountain, now the Fourth Army is also close to the mountains and the water.

Oporto is certain that the enemy is unwilling to fight desperately with them, otherwise the attack will not be so small.

Piecemeal attacks, constantly eroding their military morale and strategic materials, and finally forcing them to surrender are the normal operations.

If 100,000 or 80,000 people were killed in order to annihilate the Fourth Army, the generals won and lost.


In the General Command, Mao Qi dragged his head with one hand and fell into thought.

The plan did not change quickly. Originally, I wanted to use the Fourth Army as a bait to attract the main forces of the Russian army to implement the siege plan. I did not expect that the Russians would not be fooled at all.

In this way, the Fourth Army of the Russians became trouble, restraining a large number of general forces, making them impossible to advance.

If you attack the Fourth Army from the beginning and don't give them the opportunity to camp, you will have solved the problem now.

There was no such thing on the battlefield, misjudged the importance of the Fourth Army to the Russians, and underestimated Ivanov's determination. This bitter fruit could only be swallowed by Moki.

The East Prussian battle has already begun, the southern front battle is about to erupt, and the Warsaw battle has actually begun.

The Russian army launched offensives from both sides of the northeast. As the Fourth Army of Russia restrained a large number of general forces, Warsaw's battlefield could only be fixed.

The phone's dripping sound awakened Mao Qi in meditation, and he picked up the microphone and placed it near his mouth and shouted, "I'm Mao Qi, what's the matter?"

A hoarse voice came: "Marshal, the seventh division commander Winslet reports to you. The enemy on the north has suddenly increased the offensive intensity, and our line of defense is at stake, asking for support."

It is unrealistic for a division to block an army, not to mention an oversized army like the Russians, which is even more impossible.

The line of defense crisis is inevitable. The seventh division was able to block the enemy for three days before calling for help, and it has performed very well.

Mao Qi frowned: "Major Winslet, tomorrow the Eleventh Division will come over to take over your defense. Will there be any problems for another day?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and the hoarse voice rang again after a half-kung fu: "No problem, Marshal!"

The tone was heavy, as if the decision had been made after a difficult mental struggle.

After hanging up the phone, Mao Qi told an officer not far away: "Immediately generate electricity for General Hansgrohe to make sure he eats the Russian Fourth Army within a week.

Tell him that the fish in the north has been hooked. Don't delay any more for a caged bird, you will have to run again. "

Trapped beasts fight, let alone humans?

Knowing that this was the time when the enemy's resistance was the fiercest, Mao Qi could only make this order. No matter where the Russian Fourth Army is dragged on, the Warsaw battlefield will have problems.

Regardless of the establishment of a perfect line of defense by the Federation of Popo in Warsaw, no matter how strong the line of defense needs to be.

Moreover, Mao Qi was not in order to defend Warsaw, but wanted to wreck the Russian army on the Warsaw battlefield, and the demand for troops was even greater.

In order to siege the Fourth Army, the General Army invested nearly 600,000 troops. It was originally intended to be a siege. Now the enemy's reinforcements will not come, and it will be worthless to drag on.

Although knowing that this order is issued, the front line will suffer heavy losses, but these sacrifices are necessary for the overall situation on the battlefield.

The grim situation told him that the war in Warsaw must be resolved quickly, and the Berlin government needed a victory to pull allies on board, even if it was a heavy victory.

"Yes, Marshal!" Replied the young officer.

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