Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 696: Peak matchup

Under the bridging of the British, the two countries sat at the negotiating table and began protracted negotiations.

Diplomatic actions did not affect the peak confrontation between the two countries on the battlefield.

Forced by the grim situation on the battlefield, after abandoning Latvia, the General Forces had to continue to abandon Lithuania, and the war has burned to East Prussia.

The situation continued to develop in the direction of favoring the Russian army, and there were frequent reports on the front lines. Marshal Ivanov not only did not relax, but became more tense.

He clearly knew that behind the victory, the front of the Russian army was constantly being stretched. Not only is the logistical pressure on the rise day by day, but the fortifications prepared in advance can no longer be effective at this time.

If this is the case, the key is that the domestic call for decisive battles is getting higher and higher, and the voices of internal military battles are constantly emerging. Even with Alexander II's pockets, Ivanov felt the heavy pressure.

An officer said loudly, "Marshal, the Fourth Army sent an emergency call."

Ivanov said lightly, "Read!"


"... On October 18, 1880, our ministry captured Pulawy, wiped out 12,000 enemy forces, and captured 1876 enemy forces.

The portal of Warsaw has been opened, and the soldiers are expensive. In order to grasp the fighters, our ministry decided to advance down the Vistula River and march toward Warsaw.

It is hoped that the Seventh Army and the Fifth Army will cooperate in launching attacks from the north and east towards the Warsaw region.

... "

With a bang, Marshal Ivanov's glass fell.

By all counts, he still underestimated the desire of his officers to win. Of course, there may be other forces behind this, forcing him to start the decisive battle in advance.

Ivanov didn't want to vomit anymore for the reason of "Warsaw's portal opening". The enemy was preparing to fight against them in Warsaw. It was impossible to stop them outside.

Occupying the upper reaches of the Vistula River, it seems to have obtained a strategic advantage. In fact, everyone who knows the Polish terrain knows that the terrain has a smooth terrain, and it is not to mention the dams and floods of the Seventh Army, even if they want to destroy the downstream farmland It's hard.

So far, Ivanov can only follow the aftermath. The Fourth Army has eight infantry divisions, one guard division, three cavalry divisions, four artillery regiments, and various miscellaneous auxiliary forces, with a total strength of 183,000.

With so many troops, no one can easily give up. If possible, Ivanov wouldn't mind immediately beating those who claim to be.

It is a pity that he can't reach it now. He wants to settle accounts after the autumn and must wait until the war is over.

Looking at the map, Ivanov murmured to himself: "It was October 18th that Pwavi was captured. Now it is the afternoon of October 21st. Even after two days of repair, they will leave for one day.

If the speed is fast, the Warsaw campaign has already begun, and it is impossible to recover it.

Oopodo, this is a calculation, knowing that I cannot give up the Fourth Army, I will not fight this Warsaw battle. "

After hesitating for a while, Marshal Ivanov ordered: "Since the deployment has been disrupted, let's fight it!

The order continued, ordering the 7th Army and the 5th Army to launch a war in Warsaw; the 3rd Army and the 6th Army being ordered to regroup immediately to march into the Warsaw region.

Order the First Army and the Second Army to launch an offensive in East Prussia and order the navy to match;

Order the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Army to abandon their current defensive tasks and launch a southern battle.

Order the new eleventh, thirteenth, fifteenth, and seventeenth armies to take over the defense they left behind. "

Although I don't know what the enemy's plot is, Ivanov knew that as long as he was strong enough, the enemy would be strangled to death.

At the same time, a battle was launched from three directions, with an input of up to two million troops. Ivanov did not believe that the enemy was capable of eating it in one go.

The situation changed when I could n’t afford it. Ivanov did not expect to win the Third General Assembly. As long as one battle was won, it was strategically successful.

To put it plainly, the Commonwealth of Popo is such a big place. In any direction, it wins a big victory. After tearing the door to the rear of the enemy, you can drive straight in.

Regardless of the mobilization of the Commonwealth Federation, can the farmer who just put down his **** immediately become a qualified soldier?

Of course, the farmers of the Commonwealth Federation have participated in militia training, and their combat effectiveness is better than that of ordinary farmers, but there is still a large gap between the regular army and the army.

It's not that the Berlin government doesn't know about conducting national training, mainly because the wallet is not enough. Reservoir training also costs money. The cost of one-two months of training for the entire population is not something that poor countries can play.

In addition to training gaps, weaponry is also a big issue. The Commonwealth Federation ’s military industry has its own system. The main forces are all general equipment and are built by themselves.

After the expansion, Berlin's military production capacity was insufficient, and Berlin was forced to purchase British and French equipment. The caliber of ammunition is different, and the second and third tier units of the General Army are developing in the direction of making all nations.

In contrast, the Russians are much happier. They can buy the equipment directly from Austria, and they don't need to worry about it.

The combination of these factors means that as long as the Russian army has torn up their defense lines, it will be difficult for the new troops behind to block the Russian front.

Ivanov has not adopted this strategy before, mainly to avoid risks. The advantages on paper only exist on paper, and we will know when the war is about to fought.

In his opinion, instead of taking a risky decisive battle, it is better to fight steadily and step by step, gradually consuming the enemy's strength.


As soon as the Russian army acts, the general forces will naturally follow suit. It was not easy to mobilize the enemy, and it was impossible for Mao Qi to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The only regret is that the enemy has stretched the front too long and the general forces are limited, so it is impossible to take into account the three battlefields at the same time.

In a sense, this tactic is also aimed at "Mao Qi is good at concentrated advantages and enemy decisive battles." Starting on the third line, decisive battle with concentrated superior forces is tantamount to suicide.

The division of troops into three battlefields coincided with the Russian calculations. Now is the age of hot weapons. There are airships in the sky to investigate. The use of troops is subject to strength constraints.

In order to make up for the shortage of troops, Mochi had to carry out military deployment while urging the Berlin government to speed up the mobilization.

For the time being, the quality of the horse can't be taken care of, so let's get the quantity out first. Recruits do not have combat effectiveness. They can also be used as cannon fodder. Critical moments can also be used to win time.


The Russians are about to decisively fight, and the eyes of all Europe have turned to the Russian-Prussian battlefield. In order to collect information about this world war, the Austrian Air Force was busy.

If it were not for the air defense weapons that were not effective this year, the hit rate was low, and the cost was high; there were too many military observation missions sent by Austria, and it was easy to find clues; it is estimated that the commanders below did not mind creating several accidents.

This is all a small problem. I ran to collect information on top of others. If I hadn't been beaten down, I would have been face-saving. Can I still hope that they will not be welcome?

Vienna Palace, watching the deployment of troops on both sides of Russia and Russia, Franz was confused, completely unaware of what happened. To sum it up is a word-chaos, both the Russian army and the general army are very chaotic.

"Albrecht, can you see their deployment?"

After hesitating for a moment, Albrecht replied with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, the two countries are in a decisive battle."

Looking at Franz's expression, he seemed dissatisfied with this answer. Albrecht continued to explain: "His Majesty, the total troop strength invested in this war has set a historical record.

No one has the experience of commanding millions of troops at a time. The Russians fought steadily in the early days, and the frequency of troop movements was not too high.

Now a decisive battle is about to take place. Both Russia and Russia are rapidly redeploying troops. There are too many troops involved, and some confusion is inevitable. "

This answer made Franz suddenly open, and the celebrity is also an ordinary person. Even if his personal ability is strong, the people under him cannot be guaranteed to be as strong.

The movement of millions of troops involves too many aspects, and it is simply not possible for the commander alone to complete, but also requires the cooperation of various departments.

Affected by the constant communication, many times the commander gives orders, and there will be a certain delay when it reaches the troops below.

The army is pretty good, the orders can be executed immediately, and the logistics department can't. Regardless of the big things, the warehouse materials can not follow the day and day.

No matter how powerful the dispatching officer is, it cannot change the backwardness of the means of transportation. Constrained by logistics, the troops naturally cannot run too fast.

If something happens again, logistics and troops are lost, then the calf is finished.

This kind of thing hasn't happened before. Now both Russia and Russia have learned their lessons, and very much emphasize the cooperation between the combat forces and the logistics departments.

Of course this is only a secondary factor. At present, the two countries ’military forces in Russia and Russia have experienced different levels of chaos. The main responsibility lies with the headquarters.

Commanders have never had the experience of commanding this level of battle, and much of their past experience is not applicable here, and confusion has arisen.

Franz asked with concern: "So, do our troops have these problems?"

Albrecht nodded characteristically: "Our commanders don't have this kind of experience. If we risk commanding millions of troops, the chaos in the early stage is inevitable.

There is no such experience in the world. In contrast, we are pretty good. Each year, millions of reserve trainings are organized, and barely a large-scale troop transfer. "

There is really no way. Experience needs to be accumulated. With less than one million active Austrian troops, where can I go to accumulate this experience?

In addition to drawing lessons from the military deployment of Russia and Russia, Franz was powerless. Can't pull millions of reserves, come to a national exercise?

Not to mention how much money to spend and how much material to consume. Just thinking about mobilizing millions of troops at one time is scary.

If it does, it is estimated that Europe will be scared. In case of bad luck, you will probably upgrade directly to the Continental War.

European countries are very sensitive in this regard. Perhaps it is too much to lose or too much lessons learned. Only when a country starts to mobilize, neighboring countries will strengthen their vigilance. If the relationship is not good, mobilization will follow.

Creating a sense of tension for no reason, adding smoke to the European continent, and destroying good-neighborly and friendly relations is not what Franz wants to see.

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