Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 695: Trend

The British proposal caused a stir at the top of the German federal government. Although the purchase of the Rhineland region made up for the heavy industry shortcoming, the overall national strength of the "Comedy Empire" has grown significantly.

Unfortunately, the German federal empire is not a unified country, and the problem of the union of states within the federation against the central government has been delayed.

The Kingdom of Hanover had no overwhelming advantage, and George I was not the master of the genius, and the problem was shelved.

(Remarks: George I, German Empire, and George V, Hanover Kingdom)

The German Federal Empire, which cannot complete the internal integration, naturally lags far behind the Commonwealth Federation. Personally, George I had no interest in the British "snake elephant" project.

A group of small states in the country can make him ashamed, and then come to the Popo Federation, so what?

In recent years, if you have the strength, you have the right to speak. Once the Pope Federation joins the German Federation, it will immediately become the most influential state in the empire, and Hanover ’s status will be affected.

George I: "Do you think the proposal from the British is feasible?"

Seeing that, he hesitated. The comedy empire also has to use the strength of the British to confront Austria and protect its independent status. It is obviously not desirable to directly reject the British.

But accepting the Commonwealth Federation is too risky. Even if Queen Victoria made a guarantee, in the face of national interests, George I could not believe it completely.

Prime Minister Tolben Huffman: "His Majesty, the British proposal seems very tempting, but in reality there are many crises. If one is not good, we will fall into criticism.

Internationally, the two countries, France and Austria, do not want to see the merger between us and the Federation of Popo, and bold actions will definitely cause their dissatisfaction and may even lead to armed interference.

Many states in the country have their own calculations. Joining this war will not do them any good. The Imperial Parliament cannot pass.

In a complicated situation, if we bypass the Imperial Parliament and forcibly accept the Federation of Popo, it is likely that the Empire will be divided.

In addition to these risks, what is more troublesome is the Popo Federation itself. Their weight is too large, and we have no ability or ability to digest the Commonwealth.

By virtue of their size advantages, it is a matter of time before they become anti-customers. This is not a guarantee that can be resolved unless the Popo Federation can be split. "

Foreign Minister Steve Lee: "The risks are indeed high, but this is still an opportunity. Once we miss it, it is difficult for us to go further.

The situation in Europe is clear to everyone. The Russian-Prussian War is an episode, and the future must be a game of Britain, France, Austria and the three countries.

Other countries can choose to be neutral, but we can't. Austria's ambitions have never been concealed, and even more annoying is that many people in the country have been fooled by nationalism and wish to join Austria immediately.

The only way to get out of this crisis is to make the empire strong. Only when the empire is strong can it prove that nationalism is wrong and dispel their unrealistic illusions. "

Torben Huffman shook his head: "Lee, you are still too idealistic.

I admit that the annexation of the Federation of Popo is indeed tempting, and frankly I am all tempted. The problem now is that we simply cannot do it.

Even if the British could persuade the French and restrain Austria, we successfully convinced the states of the country to agree that the possibility of annexing the Popo Federation is less than 10%.

Don't ignore the gap in power. The Federation of Popo now looks miserable, but their population is twice that of us and the territory is five times ours.

After the merger of the two countries, it is very obvious who is merging who.

Moreover, the cruelty of the Pu-Russian war is also an urgent practical issue. To accept the Popo Federation, we must help them win the battle.

After the war, we have to take out a large amount of funds to repay their debts and help them rebuild after the war. Our income is just a dream of a great country.

If this is the price to pay, it is better to cooperate with the Austrians in order to obtain a great power status. At least we don't need our boys to go to the battlefield, and the government does not need to tighten their belts to live. "

The speaker is careless and listens on purpose.

Deep down, George I had planted the seeds of doubt. "Suspicious" is the instinct of the emperor, not a derogatory term here.

Suspicion is suspicion, whether it is George I or not, it seems to care nothing.

Foreign Minister Steve Lee: "You are right, Your Excellency the Prime Minister. We do not have the ability to swallow the Federation of Popo, and the cost of participating in this war is indeed very high.

But this is not important. The Popo Federation has never been a member of the German state. What do we want them to do?

We only need to absorb the Principality of Brandenburg, Principality of Schleswig, and Principality of Holstein, and other non-German territories can be abandoned.

We don't need to do much now, just delay the time and wait for the Russians to win the war and then go ahead.

The three countries of Britain, France, Austria and Austria will not allow the Russians to annex the Pope Federation. After they intervene, we will take the opportunity to take back the territory of the German region. Not only can we obtain the support of the British, but the reaction of France and Austria will not be so fierce. "

Steve Lee's proposal is obviously much more feasible than the British plan. After giving up the Popo Federation and only including the German states, the comedy empire does not have to worry about being strangled, and the risks it needs to bear are much lower.

Opening the history book shows that the Kingdom of Prussia was formed by the merger of the Principality of Brandenburg and the Principality of Prussia.

The Principality of Brandenburg was one of the German princes, and the predecessor of the Prussian Principality was the Teutonic Knights. Because the domestic nobles were mostly Germans, they were gradually assimilated.

No matter how assimilating, from the narrow geographical division, the Prussian Principality region does not belong to the German region, and kicking out is justified.

George I was fascinated. Although the territories of the three German states were not large, they were the most elite areas of the Popo Federation.

If he can get it, whether it is national strength or his personal prestige, it will go further. And there is no need to take on the risk of fighting the Russians.

After taking back Poland and Lithuania, and annexing the Principality of Prussia, if the Tsarist government is not satisfied, the three countries, Britain, France, and Austria, will be bombed.

It is not necessary to pay a lot of money to be able to pick a plump fruit. George I had no reason to refuse.

After a little thought, George I rejoiced and said, "Lee, your plan is awesome. You must be a great diplomat, just like Prince Metternich.

It's up to you to tell the British people that we agree with their plans, but specific details need to be negotiated.

Then your work will be very heavy, not only to delay time until the end of the Prussian-Russian War, but also to obtain the support of the three countries of Britain, France, Austria, and Austria after the war.

Do you have a plan? "

It is not difficult to delay time, and the excuses are easy to find. The Imperial Parliament is the biggest pot-soldier, but if it does n’t work, you can "leak the wind" and use the Austrian hand to terminate the plan.

The trouble is that after the war, the three countries, Britain, France and Austria, did not do charity. It is impossible for them to work in vain, which requires a price.

After hesitating for a moment, Steve Lee replied: "This requires the cooperation of the Russians. The more greedy the Tsarist government is, the more likely we are to succeed.

If the Russians stop after regaining their lost ground and leave a complete Prussian kingdom, we naturally have no chance.

However, this is impossible. The Tsarist government paid such a large price for this war. What would they make up for without the spoils?

As far as I know, the Tsarist government has mortgaged a large amount of territory to Austria. It is very difficult to pay the Tsarist government's finances. After the war, they are likely to pay the land in the German Federal District of Popo.

This is not what Britain and France want to see. Austria has acquired these territories and has strategically taken the initiative. No one can stop them from unifying the German region.

On this issue, most European countries support Britain and France. The Russians were only paying their debts, not wanting to see Austria unify the German region.

This is our opportunity. In order to hinder Austria's unification of the German region and strengthen our strength, it is also a good choice.

Of course, this is not enough. In order to get everyone's support, it is also necessary to exchange benefits, for example: we can sign a coal supply contract with the French. "

The value of land and land is also different. The value of the same land is very different for different countries.

Steve Lee judged that after the Russians won the war, they would pay the territories in the German region, mainly because this part of the territory has political significance to Austria and can sell for high prices.

After all, after taking over the territory of the general German region, there will be a "comedy empire" on the road to German unification, and public opinion will form a general trend.

Once the great unification is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it can no longer be blocked. For Austria, the "trend of unity" is not simply measurable by money.

In contrast, the land in the Russian Balkans, Poland, and Ukraine has no political significance bonus, and it is not necessary for Austria. The Vienna government is not bad.

From the standpoint of the German Federal Empire, to continue to maintain its current independent status, it is necessary to interrupt the general trend of Austria's reunification.

To achieve this, it is necessary to merge the common German regions, form a political pattern of North and South Germany, and stabilize the people.

This is why Steve Lee is confident of gaining the support of European countries. Austria is already strong enough to let them unify the German region, which is the proper continental hegemony.

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