Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 697: Small fish

The sudden and decisive battle not only disrupted the layout of the Vienna government, but also broke the British plan.

This world will always be "the icing on the cake, it is difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow." Russia and Russia have begun a decisive battle, and the London government is too late to help them pull their allies.

Pros and cons are human instincts, and international politics and diplomacy are no exception. After all, it is people who determine political diplomacy.

Whether it is the countries of Central Asia, the Ottoman Empire, or the German Federation, this time will choose to wait and see the situation.

If the Federation of Popo fails in the battle, the war will end prematurely, the Berlin government will not be able to organize a second battle, and the Russians will not leave them time.

At that point, even if these potential allies are not enough for the Russians, the results are the same whether they help or not.

If the Russians are defeated, then there is no need to say that the war will continue, but the strength and weakness will be transposed, and the war initiative will be reversed.

Everyone doesn't mind selling the icing on the cake to Imp, as in the first Russian-Prussian war, pounced on and tore off a piece of meat from the Russians.

No, the German Federation is an exception.

George I did not dare to accept the popular Popo Federation after the victory. Although there are few cases of usurpation in Europe, the system of imperial elections such as "Comedy Empire" is an exception.

Of course, if Pope had won the battle, the British would not have promoted the merger. What the London government needs is a **** against Austria, not a rival.


As the battlefield moves west, winter is no longer snow and ice, which is another big challenge for Russia's logistics system. This can be seen from the deployment of the Russian army.

The southern line of troops closely follows the operation of Austria and is convenient for nearby supplies; the northern line has seaborne supplies that can be transported from St. Petersburg or can be purchased from the Nordic Federation; the Warsaw battlefield also has the Vistula and Narev rivers, which can be transported by water .

However, the Nalev River is mainly snow water, and the navigation time is limited every year. It will be frozen in two months, and the upstream and downstream can not be expected.

Ivanov has always opposed the launch of the Warsaw campaign, and has taken this into consideration. If the Vistula River was not in control, even if the Fourth Army stuffed it in, he would not have sent troops.

In this respect, the Russian army is more rational than in the first Russian-Prussian war. It sent troops without taking it for granted, making frontline soldiers hungry.

It takes time to mobilize the troops, especially the transfer of millions of troops.

"Binggui speed" is obviously not applicable here. It's not that the soldiers don't work hard. The key is to march with heavy materials. They can't get up fast if they want to.

The general forces fighting in this area have absolute advantages. The railway built by the Berlin government can play a role, and Mowchy took the lead in completing the deployment of troops.

General Command, looking at the march line marked on the map, Mao Qi sighed.

Ivanov is still the Ivanov he is familiar with, and he has used the word stability to the extreme. Except for the Fourth Army, which is greedy, the following troops are relying on it. The distance between the two troops is usually no more than Thirty miles.

The rapid march took only one morning, and in such a short time, it was difficult for him to do anything.

"Send our cavalry, transform into a small army to attack the enemy, and delay the marching speed of the other troops, but do not engage with the enemy."

After a pause, Mao Qi added: "The enemy's Fourth Army that has already been delivered to the door should be ignored. Let them in first.

Order the 7th and 8th Division to misunderstand the right wing; order the 5th and 7th Army to assemble immediately. I will start with the Russian advance troops. "

Can not swallow the main force of the Russian army, it is also a good choice to eat the vanguard first. This is the limit that Mao Qi's mobile force can do.

War is more wrong than anyone else. Since the Russians made mistakes, it is naturally impossible for Mao Qi to let go.

Facts have proven once again that rushing for power on the battlefield is not necessarily a good thing. In case teammates fail to keep up, they will be tested by blood and fire.

The Russian Fourth Army, acting in advance, will now be tested. It seems that they only set off two days in advance, and the marching speed is not very fast. In fact, the time of their action with their teammates was staggered by at least five days.

It takes time for the General Command to make a decision, and it takes time to communicate the order. It takes even more time for the troops to go from the assembly to the middle of the operation.

Five days is enough to change a lot. Even if the Fourth Army's march was not fast, the nearest Russian army was pulled away more than 130 kilometers.

This distance, once the war broke out, even if the surrounding Russian troops tried their best to rescue them, it would be two days later.

In fact, this only exists in theory. Troops marching more than 130 kilometers existed within two days, but only if heavy and heavy weapons and equipment were discarded.

Without these possessions, and dragged a weary body, the combat effectiveness of the troops was directly lost to half. Not to mention the rescue, maybe they all came to give away.

No, the Russian cavalry will certainly be able to do it, it will not take two days, only one day is enough.

Perhaps it was some reliance that Lieutenant-General Oporto dared to venture into Warsaw.

Anyway, the decisive battle in advance is the demand of many people in China. As the initiator of the battle, Oporto in heaven has harvested a large wave of sentiment.

If military achievements are made again, it will be natural to replace Ivanov as the spokesperson of the Russian military in the future.


Why are there no risks this year? The Fourth Army, however, was strong and strong. With their strength, they could stick to the ground and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Successive victories on the battlefield, the spirited General Oporto had floated, and he did not look at the enemy at all.

Many in the Russian army have the same views. Many people believe that the enemy won the last war by chance, and happened to catch up with the weakest time of the Russian army.

Now that the Tsarist government has cleaned up the maggots in the army and replaced them with a wave of "general soldiers like gods", how could it not win?


In the early morning, the sky just released a gleam of light, and just after getting up, there was still a little confused Lieutenant General Oporto, and the looming sound of gunfire came from the ears.

In the end it was the general in the army that immediately aroused Oporto's vigilance, and without waiting to figure out what was going on, the guards hurried over.

"General, our vanguard and the enemy encountered an encounter and asked for fire support."

"Why is the enemy so fast?"

As soon as the words landed, Opodo realized that he was dysfunctional. This question was not something the guards could answer at all.

"Order the artillery to provide them with fire support and inform the officers to come to the meeting and I will deploy a combat mission."

All the way through, the enemy did not intercept, and now they are approaching the gate of Warsaw. Suddenly, the enemy appears.

Since he dared take risks, Oporto was naturally not a fear of war. If it is really waste, he can't hide the headquarters and take the Fourth Army.

The Russian army also has checks and balances. Only strong officers can fully control the army. The army is a place that believes in the strong. To be strong, you must have "combat merit."

If there is no convincing ability and combat merit, and there is deep control over the troops, it is estimated that the plaintiff's telegram flew to the headquarters just after Operation Oporto.


The brutal battle began, and Oporto guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the end.

The general's speed was much faster than he expected, and before he reacted, he fell into a circle.

From the outbreak of the fighting to the emergence of the encirclement, the enemy only took less than two days. Obviously the enemy is well prepared, otherwise it would not be so fast.

Whether to break through or not has become the biggest problem before Opodo.

A bearded officer said with excitement: "General, you can't withdraw now. The enemy is obviously well prepared, and once you choose to break through, you will lose a lot.

Our action is self-assertive. In the event of heavy troop losses, we will have to go back to the military court.

Rather than squatting in prison, I would rather die on the battlefield, the battlefield is the home of soldiers!

What's more, the situation is not so bad yet, we have hundreds of thousands of troops, and the enemy will not be able to eat in a short time.

It's better to defend on the spot, wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and give the enemy a center bloom! "

"Military court" is the key. It is not a crime to make your own claim on the battlefield. You have to wait for the headquarters to order everything. How can you grasp the fighter?

The self-proclaimed defeated battle, that is the most sinful. All responsibilities must be carried on their backs.

Oporto knew that there must be loopholes in the enemy ’s siege. Now he ordered that the breakout could run out at least half of the troops, but as the highest commander, he was finished.

Not only is he unlucky, but all seniors in the Fourth Army are unlucky. Whether you can go to a military court or not depends on luck, or Ivanov will use it as a model and give it to Tutu directly.

After analyzing the situation at hand, Oporto found out helplessly, and now ordered himself to break out and be dead. Not only is he finished, but the family is also ashamed.

Staying and staying in the same crises is obvious. The enemy is obviously well prepared. The possibility of them being able to wait for reinforcements is very low. If they are not careful, they will be wiped out.

The reinforcements arrived a week, and that was ideal. The closest unit to the Fourth Army is indeed just over a hundred kilometers, and cavalry can be here and there, but there are hundreds of kilometers away.

If you want to make a siege for them, it can't be done by a small number of troops, you must mobilize the army, otherwise it will be meat buns and dogs.

It takes time to assemble the troops, and to intercept the enemy's half-way interception. The fourth army lacks time.

"Order the troops to stand by and send a request telegram to headquarters every day from now on. Remember to pay attention to the wording and highlight the seriousness of the problem."

After much hesitation, Opodo decided to let go. The dead friend never died. In order to survive, he had to use the 100,000 soldiers of the Fourth Army as chips.

It's better to lose a bet than to die on the battlefield. It is better than being executed. The Tsarist government is still very tolerant of the dead.

As long as people die and die, as long as the battlefield is dead, the previous things can be turned over.

In case the bet wins, you make a big profit. Winners are not to be accused of, and the self-propositions in front of them have also become contingency and grasping fighters on the battlefield.

The "celebrity halo" will automatically fall on his head, becoming another miracle in Russian military history, for future generations to admire.


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