Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 694: Ba snake

The shocking idea of ​​the British directly shocked the Berlin government.

The annexation of the German Federation was their dream, but the reality did not allow it. In order to avoid being mixed and beaten, the Berlin government has suppressed this year.

I did not expect that the British actually proposed it, but this time it was not the Commonwealth that annexed the German Empire, but the Commonwealth that annexed the Commonwealth.

The order is lost, and the nature is different. The Russian-Prussian War continues, and the Berlin government has no confidence in the conditions and has to give up its leadership.

William I had a headache. Compromising was not so easy to say. Europe is a legal place.

Although the German Federal Empire is nicknamed the "Comedy Empire" by the people, it is also a well-known empire. The Pope Federation is now an ordinary state.

Moreover, in this context, who knows whether the other party will take advantage of the fire and rob, for example: demand to split the Popo Federation and join in the name of Prussia and Poland.

Or further separated the two principalities of Schleswig-Holstein and weakened the power of the Kingdom of Prussia.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeffrey Friedman persuaded: "His Majesty, judging from the current situation on the battlefield, we are in an extremely disadvantaged state.

Belarus was lost, and Lithuania was mostly occupied. The Warren area captured earlier no longer exists, and the enemy is less than 150 kilometers away from Warsaw.

We soldiers are brave and our officers are excellent, but these are not enough to fill the gap in strength.

The gap between the strengths of the two countries is very different, and it is difficult to win the war based on our strength alone.

The experience of the last Russian-Russian war tells us that to deal with the Russian Empire, there must be enough allies to launch offensives from different fronts, disperse their forces, and increase the difficulty of their logistics supply.

The unfavorable performance on the battlefield made our former allies timid. Now it is necessary to draw a strong ally and increase everyone's confidence, and the German Federal Empire is undoubtedly the best choice. "

Secretary of the Army Philip Poto asked: "Jeffrey, are you selling your country?"

"Joining the German Federal Empire, do you know what this means?"

With a boss on my head, days can't be so easy. Don't look at the fact that many states within the German Federation do not buy the central government's account. In fact, the central government still has great rights.

For example: issuing currency.

No matter how loose a country is, it is impossible to allow multiple currencies. The central government is holding the banner "for economic development."

Of course, it is not impossible. As long as you learn those small states, simply use the international currency such as Aegis and Sterling, and the central government can't take them.

These small Chinese studies are also indifferent. They have limited market capacity, do not have the ability to print banknotes, and have limited losses from using foreign currencies.

For the convenience of trade, the international currency is used, and when engaged in overseas trade, it is directly used for settlement, and a conversion fee is also saved.

It will be different to stay in the Popo Federation. No matter what currency is used, people will have to pay a large amount of coinage tax, which will greatly affect government revenue.

The economic loss is second, and politically, it will be criticized. The central government's non-interference in the internal affairs of the state was first proposed by Franz, which has been effective for a few years, but has not been interfered in since.

It is nothing more than that the Vienna government has done a lot of covert work, and has drawn in its hands by enacting laws and promoting judicial independence.

Nominally the central government has no right to interfere in the operation of the state government, but the judiciary has the right to arrest corrupt officials within the state.

If this impact is not large enough, then what about the taxes paid by the state and the fiscal allocations from the central government?

The pits were dug in advance. No one knew in advance that only the tariffs, coinage taxes, colonial income, tobacco and alcohol taxes would have a balance of funds while maintaining the central government's expenses.

This is an inevitable result. The central government does not bear the administrative expenses of local governments and does not need to invest in infrastructure for the state. In addition to the large amount of military expenditures, fiscal revenues support the emperor and the thousands of bureaucrats in the central government.

Except for a part of the remaining funds invested in scientific research, the remaining funding distribution is an opportunity to intervene in the internal affairs of the state.

If you have money in your pocket, you will be stingy. At the beginning, these incomes were limited, not enough for the central government's expenses, and the states needed to share the expenses. Naturally, they dare not offend the uncles below.

By now, the central government's pockets have swelled. If the state wants to apply for central financial appropriation, it has to consider the opinions of the central government.

Similar things can happen in the German Federal Empire.

Although they only get the coin tax, they also have less expenses. Because at the beginning, the rights of the central government were constrained, and the army was owned by the states. They only needed to raise a group of civil servants and emperors.

Jeffrey replied without hesitation: "Of course I know what this means, but do we have a choice?

What are you afraid of?

As long as we win this war, with our strength, is it possible that Hannover can still succeed?

Don't forget that the system of the German Federal Empire follows the Holy Roman Empire and implements the system of electing the emperor. If we attract enough allies, we can also change to a central government.

Regardless of the restrictions they set now, we can find ways to bypass them in the future. Treaties can be torn apart and laws can be modified.

At that time, this will be the internal affairs of the Empire. As long as there is a valid reason, even the British cannot say anything!

As long as they still want us to contain France and Austria, the London government will not treat us! It is imperative now to think about how to pull the German Federation over. "

In theory, as long as the Popo Federation joins the German Federal Empire, usurping Hanover's central government status is not a problem.

The Berlin government can think of it, and of course Hannover.

Snake swallowing elephants is the legendary "Ba snake". Not all snakes have such a good appetite.

Hannover couldn't even figure out a group of small states within the German Commonwealth, and in no way was it ambitious. Even if the Federation of Popo is sent to the door, it is estimated that people dare not accept it.

Filippo is very injured. His objection is mainly due to the issue of dominance. However, the reality is very hurt. The Federation of Popo is not related.

This is the first time worrying. Many years ago, politicians put forward the concept of "Pu Austria merger and common **** of Central Europe". Unfortunately, Austria was unwilling to share the fruits with them.

No way, pay and return are not equal, Franz naturally cannot agree.

Even if the Berlin government lowered the conditions at the time, the result was the same. The binary empire was not fun, and Franz was unwilling to challenge the copy of Hell.

This time joining the German Federal Empire, the bottom line of the Berlin government is undoubtedly lower. As long as the war is won, the future will not be changed, and Hanover will not have the strength to force them to fulfill their contract.

After a moment of silence, William I slowly said, "This time is a line drawn by the British, and it must be that the London government has a way to make Hanover compromise.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs first contacted the British. As long as it can pull the German Federal Empire into the water, all conditions can be fulfilled first, or whether it will be fulfilled and won after the war is won. "

No problem, the war won, the Berlin government is qualified to consider these issues; if the war is lost, the Pope Federation is doomed.

Even if the British, French and Austrian three shots, the Kingdom of Prussia can survive, it is a shrinking version, and it has nothing to do with them.


The Berlin government is worried, and the British are also worried. In particular, Sir Edward, who led the project, regretted it as soon as it began.

Things are not as simple as expected. Her Majesty agreed to do the work of the "Comedy Empire", but the London government must ensure that the status of the royal family is not shaken.

These are all minor issues, isn't it just making promises, Sir Edward says it doesn't matter.

After the war, the Federation of Popo will definitely have to recuperate. The Berlin government will not dare to play with moths in the short term. As for the future, it is a problem that the government should worry about.

The trouble is the special system of comedy empire. It is useless to persuade the emperor. People and the empire parliament restrict it.

"Persuade these little states", the idea is very good, but the approach is not advisable. Telling them is not telling Austria?

Even Franz didn't know what the "Comedy Empire" had infiltrated. Anyway, Aegis is the universal currency of this country, with more liquidity than the Rhein Shield issued by the central government.

It's not that the central government doesn't want to ban it. The key is that it is a legal currency approved by the Imperial Parliament, and the emperor can do nothing.

Of course, the Vienna government also paid a price, and it opened the colonial market to these small states that voted for it, and also provided economic assistance from time to time.

Although the two places are separated politically, they have long been integrated into one economy.

In this context, Edward is really difficult to believe in the ability of these small states to keep secrets. As long as the wind is leaked, "planning" can only be planning, after all, bad things are much easier than getting things done.

Without the support of small states, it is not impossible to bypass the Imperial Parliament, but just don't think about everyone's contribution in the war that follows.

The troops of the "Comedy Empire" belong to the state government. The emperor can only command Hanover's troops, and it is already the limit to force a dozen or 200,000 troops.

If the imperial parliament does not give face to the central government and then vetoes the resolution allowing the Popo Federation to join the empire, then even material aid will not work.

At most, the emperor ran alone with the Hannover army to fight the Russians, and had nothing to do with the German Federal Empire.

This level of strength, which has increased the casualties of the Russians, is not enough to change the outcome of this war.

Well, Edward admits he thinks more. So far, as far as the Berlin government has responded to his plan, the German Federal Empire has not given a reply at all.

The effort is visible to the naked eye, but the return is nothingness. The legitimacy of the comedy empire's central government has always been questioned by the people, and usually it is necessary to be cautious and not to allow the imperial parliament to grasp it.

Without enough benefits, even the boss of the United Kingdom would not be able to take the risk of participating in the brutal Russian-Prussian war.

Now it is not that there are no other choices, anxious that people can change jobs at any time. Now that there are many buyers, you can also sell for a good price.

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