Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 693: Shocking plan

The Franz decision means the end of the honeymoon period between Britain and Austria, and conflicts between the two countries are bound to increase in the years to come.

The world is large enough to feed billions of people; the world is small and small enough for two overlords.

The world cannot accommodate it, let alone the European continent?

With the revival of Austria, it is sooner or later to have a conflict of interest with the British. Even if there is no Russian-Prussian war, the two countries will still go opposite in other places.

If the Suez Canal was not opened, Franz would still be afraid of the British. It's different now. The Austrian Navy can enter the Arabian Sea directly, and there can be colonies along the way.

If Britain and Austria really turn their heads, Austria can take a lose-lose approach. Drive the British out of the African continent, and by the way burn the war to the Indian Ocean.

What India means to Britain, just look at productivity, and it's almost the same as the British Isles.

There is no doubt that this flatness is limited to the total economic volume. One is agriculture and the other is industry. The two are completely incomparable.

This "the most dazzling gem in the crown of the British Empire" is unattainable in Austria, but it still has the ability to overturn the chessboard.

Of course, "overturning the chessboard" is only a last resort. If it is done, Austria will be miserable.

The American colonies need not be considered, and the colonies in the Nanyang region may not be able to be maintained. Most of the overseas markets have been lost, and it is difficult to restore vitality for decades.

This is still optimistic. In case the British went mad, the Royal Navy's main force killed it regardless, and chased the Austrian navy fiercely, and Franz was about to cry.

Rationally, the chance of this happening is very low. The British feared that the French would sneak up on their homeland; Austria was also concerned that the French would take a paycheck and cut off the connection between the homeland and Austrian Africa.

The strength of Austria is also based on the premise of the integration of the homeland and the colony. If the connection is cut off, it will not be much better than the German Empire that was blocked in time and space.


Chief of Staff Albrecht proposed: "You, we must expand the navy in view of the current complex situation.

If the British lose out in the Russian-Prussian war, the London government will definitely have to find it elsewhere, and future international conflicts will inevitably intensify, and the pressure on the navy will greatly increase.

And the French are also worrying. Since the succession of Napoleon IV, the Paris government's active participation in international affairs has fallen by a grade.

In the past few years, it can be said that it was the internal struggle of the Paris government. No effort was taken into account in international affairs. Now Napoleon IV is in power. The Paris government has stabilized and it is not normal without movement. "

Life without French is really uncomfortable. Originally, the French blocked the front to attract attention. The "Mediterranean Empire" conquered continental Europe, and Austria was obscured.

With the silence of the Paris government, Austria had to stand up and fight with the British. Whether it is the "guano war" in South America or the general-Russian war in Europe, the British and Austrian are playing the game. The French just follow soy sauce.

In this age of weak food, nothing can be solved by force. When the pressure is high, the army is expanded, and the problem is solved when the strength is in place.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl objected: "No, at least until the three-nation covenant expires, we must have a contractual spirit."

The "contract spirit" is a joke. It is estimated that the three countries, Britain, France and Austria, did not take this as a thing, and at best they could only comfort themselves.

It is precisely because it is not, it is extremely precious. Everyone attaches so much importance to it and often hangs on it.

No breach of contract is not because everyone has a "contract spirit", mainly because it is not worth the breach. As long as the common interests of the three countries are greater than contradictions, there will be no breach of contract.

The "Anglo-French-Austrian Covenant" has been renewed once. From the current situation, it is difficult to have a third alliance.

However, it is difficult to say that the international situation is ever-changing and no one knows what will happen in the future. It would be unwise to brazenly tear up the covenant, which would make diplomacy narrower.

Franz nodded: "The covenant has six months to expire, and if the contract is to be renewed, then the proportion of the three navies will be revised.

Expansion of the navy will happen sooner or later, but there is no need to worry so much. Let the Navy Department plan first and put it in the annual budget for the following year. "

Expansion has never been a simple matter, especially when expanding the navy, we must consider all factors.

Unless it is during an arms race, the expansion of the Navy during normal times usually has to be discussed for several years. Not government efficiency, but mainly waiting for the budget.

The government's annual budget is determined in advance. It suddenly said that it would expand its army. Where does the money come from? It's not the war years, of course, we must go according to the rules.


If you know a test, it will accelerate the expansion of Austria and trigger an arms race in the future. It is estimated that the London government will not do anything.

The future has not happened yet. Prime Minister Benjamin does not need to worry about for the time being, but the current Russian-Prussian war makes him worry.

"How can the Popo Federation win this war?" This is a big problem. Land warfare is different from naval warfare, and the London government cannot intervene even if it wants to help.

The weight of the British Army has not been as heavy as a month of casualties in the Russian-Prussian War.

It was impossible to send troops, and the London government once again found that it was too difficult to interfere in continental Europe without a fight.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The Prime Minister, the Federation of Popo is not short of supplies and troops, and the situation is far worse than we imagined.

The Commonwealth of Popo will not be defeated for at least one year. Winter is coming soon, and the war in the future is bound to slow down.

This is an opportunity, and it is imperative to plan a second anti-Russian alliance. Austria is supporting the Russians, and it is difficult to win the war on the strength of the Popo Federation alone. "

Benjamin asked puzzledly, "Isn't the Foreign Ministry already doing this?"

Edward explained: "The French are doing things in Annan. The far-eastern empire's southern Xinjiang is unstable, and it has no power to contain the Russians.

Although the Ottoman Empire had the intention to avenge the Russians, they only feared the Austrian response and required us to provide security. This also required France to participate.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs only said that the three Central Asian countries had been moved, but their strength was limited. Seeing that the Federation of Popo was at a disadvantage on the battlefield, they did not dare to place bets so early.

We have tried the Paris government and it is very difficult to convince them. The best way now is to find an ally in the Pope Federation in Europe. "

Prime Minister Benjamin asked in amazement: "You mean the German Federal Empire?"

Then he denied: "No. The strength of the Germans is really good, but there are too many internal states, and Hanover can barely control the situation.

If they are allowed to go to war with the Russian Federation, will the small states in the country still be upset?

You should know what role Austria plays in this. Do n’t be too busy, the German Federation will mess up first, then it ’s troublesome. "

The German Federal Empire is an important chess piece of Britain on the European continent. Its main role is to block Austria's unification of the German region. For this reason, the London government also promoted the Rhineland transaction case, but it cannot be abandoned casually.

Edward laughed: "Of course it is not possible to let the Germans directly participate in the war, but what about the Pope Federation joining the German Federal Empire?"

If the news spreads, there will be a major earthquake in the entire European continent, which is simply subverting the current international order.

The merger of the German Federal Empire and the Commonwealth Federation is not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. The two advantages complement each other and make up for their own shortcomings. This means that another top power has emerged after Britain, France, and Austria.

Although this new empire is slightly inferior to the three great powers, and its comprehensive national strength also surpasses the Russian empire, winning this war is naturally not a problem.

The key is that the post-war European landscape will undergo earth-shaking changes, Austria ’s German unification strategy is broken, and the French ’s eastward strategy is also bankrupt.

Prime Minister Benjamin shook his head: "This is impossible, the Austrians will not agree. The Vienna government will definitely intervene, unless you can make the French hold them back.

For French people, it is also detrimental to others. At that point, most of the Paris government will choose to join forces with Austria to share the Central European region. "

In the face of interests, competitors and allies can also transform each other. France and Austria also have a history, and no one can guarantee that they will not cooperate for the second time.

Edward said firmly, "It's man-made. The strength of France and Austria is growing too fast. If they continue to do so, one of them will have the ability to threaten us.

If France and Austria join forces to divide the Central European region, the outbreak of the French-Austrian war will not be far away, and the German nationalists will not allow the French to rule the German region.

If it is done well, France and Austria will suffer great vitality, and the situation in Europe will once again be brought back on track. "

This is a conspiracy and a conspiracy. Nationalism is a double-edged sword. It can kill the enemy and hurt itself.

Benjamin asked again: "How did the master-slave problem be solved after the Pod merger?"

This is the most realistic question. The Popo Federation is stronger, and it is definitely not willing to be a vassal; the German Federal Empire is the same. How can the emperor retreat?

Edward: "Of course, there is no master-slave, and the continent's election system for the Holy Roman Empire continues. Considering the special circumstances now, the Pope Federation needs to make concessions, such as: abandoning the election of the emperor.

We do not need a strong empire in Central Europe. The merged German Federal Empire, preferably a loose alliance with a certain strength.

A weak central government and a large state can not integrate itself. Such a political system is more conducive to European stability.

Only such countries can be accepted by France and Austria. Don't worry that the Berlin government will refuse, they have no choice at all. "


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