Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 692: Anxious

Refusal is inevitable. No matter how tempting the conditions offered by the Berlin government, it is essentially a white wolf with empty gloves.

Moreover, the Russian-Prussian War is not as simple as it appears, but it is also full of British, French and Austrian games.

At first, Britain and France supported the Commonwealth of Popo and Austria supported the Russian Empire. Now that the positions of Britain and Austria have not changed, the French have been passive.

It's all determined by the interests and can hit competitors. Why not?

The French did not invest much in this war, and even if the Pope Federation defeated, their losses were limited.

These economic losses can also be recovered through other aspects.

For example: British companies are affected by debt, their operations are in trouble, or they are even bankrupt.

Not to mention the benefits of competitors being damaged. Just watching the English unlucky, the French are justified.

As the French Empire grew stronger, the pro-British era was over. Increasing conflicts of interest have driven the two countries further and further.

From the standpoint of France, in the long run, it is more in the interest of the Russians to win the war.

The spheres of influence of the two countries are far apart, and the possibility of conflicts of interest is almost zero. A powerful Russian empire can also pin down Austria from behind.

No matter how good Russia-Austria relations are, as long as the Russian empire is strong, the two countries will part ways, and national interests cannot be reversed by individual will.

Doing nothing can hit two competitors at the same time, and the French government naturally knows what to choose.

The British have their calculations, the French have their calculations, and Austria is naturally no exception.

The strengthening of the Russian Empire is indeed a threat, but it is a potential threat in the future, which need not be considered for at least two or three decades.

In the short term, Austria's biggest rival is still Britain and France. The Commonwealth Federation defeated, debt default became inevitable, and the British economy will certainly be greatly affected.

The French economy is not much better. On the surface, they have not invested much, and their losses are within the controllable range. Unfortunately, the French economy itself has problems.

The market was prosperous during the war, and the high cost of industrial raw materials was not a problem. After the Pu-Russian war ended, this problem should have erupted without these international orders.

It is precisely this period that is the peak of industrial excess capacity in the world. When market competition is fierce, cost will become one of the core factors of market competition.

Costs remain high. What does the French industry and business industry do to grab the market with British Olympics?

Capital is profit-seeking, and interest will drive them from the manufacturing industry that does not make money to the financial industry, thereby changing the economic structure of France.

This is not the first time that Austria has been deployed. After almost every economic crisis, the proportion of French manufacturing in the economy will decline.

Fortunately, no one realized the importance of manufacturing this year, or else the Paris government would have been anxious.

Of course, anxious eyes are fast now. In the era when the tertiary industry has not developed, it is the manufacturing industry that can create jobs.

Shrinking industrial capacity will inevitably lead to a decline in employment. Can't these people always rush to farm?

The land in France has long been the owner. There are quite a few overseas colonies. The question is whether the French people are willing to go?

Unfortunately, due to the influence of marine culture, the French people prefer to stay in the city rather than go to the colonies to open up wasteland.

This has been proven for a long time, both in time and space, and now, French immigrants are not enthusiastic.

The economy is not good, and everyone controls spontaneous birth control. Condem has invented a major contribution to the family planning work in France.

The stress is naturally less when you are born less. Anyway, the life of the people at the bottom of this year is short, and there is no need to consider the issue of old age. It is not important whether there is a next generation.

The decline in the birth rate is a long-term problem, and the harm will not be reflected in a short time. The social crisis brought by the economy is unavoidable.

The merger of France and Italy was less than ten years old. During the period of good economic development, many contradictions were covered up. Once the economic crisis breaks out, it will erupt.

In a sense, this is also France's weakest moment. In just a few years, the Italian people had not returned to their hearts, and Napoleon IV's rule was not stable at all.

If they are allowed to run in for decades and figure out a method of ruling that suits them, Greater France is the true "Mediterranean Empire" and the threat will be huge.


The battlefield was at a disadvantage, and Austria could not be persuaded diplomatically, and the French were reluctant to increase investment, and the pressure of the Berlin government increased.

On October 12, 1880, the Berlin government launched an expanded mobilization plan. All healthy men between the ages of 16 and 50 must participate in militia training and be ready to be recruited at any time.

It can be seen that the Berlin government is so anxious and not so trusting in Maoqi. Although no extreme mobilization has been carried out, relevant preparations have already begun.

"Extreme mobilization" tests the organizational ability of a country. Not everyone is willing to go to the battlefield, which requires a lot of work.

Either the primitive feudal era, the area of ​​the rule was limited, and the lord ordered that all serfs took up their weapons to the battlefield.

Either they are severely humiliated and nationalism is flourishing, and everyone is willing to fight for the country; or they have encountered difficulties in survival and must use their weapons to gain space for themselves.

None of these Popo federations can rely on the government's organizational capabilities. After all, war is not just about bringing people together, but also military training. At the same time, logistics supplies must be guaranteed.

Palace of vienna

Putting down the information in his hands, Franz asked: "How many troops can the maximum mobilize if the Pope Federation mobilizes?"

After pondering for a while, Chief of Staff Albrecht slowly responded: "According to the analysis of the data we have collected, the Popo Federation can mobilize up to 6 million people."

"Six million people" is not a six million army. People and the army are two concepts. Not everyone can become a qualified soldier.

This "six million" simply ruled out physical disabilities and illnesses, proving that the Popo Federation has six million age-appropriate men.

It is impossible to train these people into the army. The reason is very simple. There are still many positions in society that need people, and they are still indispensable.

Government agencies, hospitals, schools, military enterprises, scientific research institutions ...

In addition to these positions, there are a large number of special classes. Not aristocracy, European nobles will go to the battlefield, and the glory of the nobles will not allow them to flinch at this time.

The reluctance to serve in the military is mainly capitalists, middle class, small businessmen, experts and scholars ... These people are rich, have social status, and are unwilling to die on the battlefield.

If the Berlin government included them in the scope of service, it is estimated that the country will be upset.

After deducting all of this, the Berlin government can really mobilize. After the mobilization, they must be screened to kick out some that are not suitable for the army.

How many people are left in the end depends on the screening criteria of the Berlin government. There may be three million or four million. Before the limit of mobilization, no one knows how many troops the Federation of Popo can mobilize.

However, whether it is three million or four million, this number is to shock the world.

The areas where the two countries are at war are also limited. When the input force reaches a certain level, it will reach the limit of the battlefield and cannot be increased indefinitely.

After reaching the battlefield capacity limit, the Russian army can no longer maintain its military strength on the battlefield, and Ivanov's conservative tactics will be difficult to play.

Theoretically, as long as the general army has three million troops and not only two million can be invested in the front line, Maoqi can defeat the Russians.

Franz asked puzzled: "Why, you don't like the extreme mobilization of the Popo Federation?"

Chief of Staff Albrecht nodded, explaining: "The military power of the same country is not the same. Once the Popo Federation has carried out extreme mobilization, the combat effectiveness of the general army will drop sharply.

Insufficient officers, lack of training of soldiers, and decline in the quality of the troop sources, combined with so many factors, the combat effectiveness of the general army may be pulled to the same level as the Russian army.

What the elite troops can do, the ordinary army simply cannot accomplish.

The combat effectiveness of the troops has fallen sharply, and commanders need to spend the appropriate time, and the most lacking on the battlefield is time.

The Tsarist government can now exchange money with the Popo Federation, and so will the future. It is not even necessary to win the war, as long as it can cause heavy casualties to the general army, defeating the war can also win the war.

Unless Mao Qi can make an amazing exchange ratio, they will sooner or later be piled up by the Russian tactics.

On this issue, I agree with Mao Qi. The advantage of the general army lies in its motive force. Blind expansion is equivalent to giving up this advantage. "

This is also a warning to Austria. If you want to play the sea and sea tactics, you should learn that the Russians value the quantity and not the quality. If you want to have both, let's wash and sleep!

Maybe two or three million army officers, Austria can reserve in advance. Once this number rises to five million, six million, or even after tens of millions, reserve in advance and dream!

Train all active soldiers into officers? Think very beautiful, in fact there is a gap between people, not everyone can become a qualified officer.

An excellent soldier does not mean that he can become an excellent officer. Many people are only suitable as soldiers.

Even if it takes the resources to cultivate, it will even cap at most. After retiring for a few years, he was returned to the prototype.

This distress did not bother Franz for a long time, and he was relieved to think about his competitors. The advantages and disadvantages are all contrasted, and you don't need to do the best, as long as you are better than your competitors.

Franz was not ready to be Napoleon No. 2. Austria did not need to fight the entire European continent alone. When it encountered a single enemy, it did not need so many troops.

After a little thought, Franz made a decision: "The Federation of Popo has not reached its limit. This war still has to be fought. The weapons technology originally planned to be sold is temporarily put on hold."

Although the new weapon could make the war more violent, Franz did not dare to let it go. Austria wanted to defeat both Russia and Russia, not to bring the Federation of Poland and Poland back.

The same weapons and equipment are placed in the hands of different people, and the combat effectiveness they can exert is also very different.

Seeing Ivanov's military use, he knew that it was a proper conservative. What kind of leadership is there is what kind of subordinates, the use of new weapons in the Russian army is certainly not as good as the general army.

Whether it is a "machine gun" or a "mortar", these seemingly low-power weapons can have explosive lethality. If Mao Qi found the opportunity, he might be able to reverse a big battle.

The Russians have a strong family base. It is not terrible to lose on the front line. The terrible thing is that the defeat of the war led to the change of the Tsarist government.

Don't look at Marshal Ivanov's not many bright spots, but he is still the best commander in command of the Russian army. If you change people, who knows what kind of ghosts will come out.

It is not that Franz underestimated the Russians, but the overall quality of their officers would be slightly lower, specifically in their education level.

The high-ranking officers are good, and most of them have received comprehensive education. Many of the middle and lower-ranking officers have just received family military education, and the percentage of military officers trained by military schools is very low.

Otherwise, an Austrian military student like Arden would not be able to become a general in just a few years. (Previously mentioned, Commander of the Guardian of Keveli)

It's not that an external monk is good at chanting sutras. The key is that compared to other people, his ability is really excellent, at least in theory.

When conservative tactics are adopted, anyway, they are fighting in combat, requiring officers to exercise their personal capabilities, and this disadvantage is not obvious.

If a new commander is changed and the mode of operation is changed, the officers on the front line need to freely exercise their personal command capabilities, and the Russians will have to suffer.

A genius commander may emerge, but more are stupid.

In the battle of millions of people, the individual strength is small, and it is not the very individual genius that determines the victory or defeat of the war, but many more stupid talents.

Where is the genius without a fool? Miracles in military history are often created by both types of people.


Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, when I met with the British Minister yesterday, he brought news.

As long as we stop supporting the Russians, the British government will recognize our annexation of the Russian Balkans, including Constantinople, after the war. "

Franz rolled his eyes. What's the matter? Does Austria's annexation of the Russian Balkans need British recognition?

It wasn't Franz's pride. From the beginning of the Suez Canal navigation, the influence of the British in the Mediterranean gradually declined, and the Balkans couldn't get in their way.

Austria really wants to annex these regions. The only obstacle in the real sense is the Russians. The "recognition" of the British will not affect the final result at all.

For French, it's pretty much the same, at least they have the ability to interfere. As for the British, when will the Royal Navy dare to go deep into the Adriatic Sea?

However, this can also prove from the side that the London government is in a hurry. The French, who had been highly expected by them, now choose to sit back and watch. The British have insufficient chips in their hands.

Franz: "Without Ukraine?"

"No!" Weissenberg replied.

Franz shook his head: "It seems that the consciousness of the London government has remained thirty years ago, and it wants to point and paint everywhere.

Tell the British that Russia-Austria relations have a long history and we have no interest in Constantinople, so that they should not be provocative. "

With or without interest, Austria must now be disinterested. Constantinople is not easy to take. Taking it means dying with the Russians and sharing hatred for the Popo Federation.

Austria has occupied the Dardanelles, and Constantinople can only add icing on the cake. Apart from Constantinople, what else is there in the Russian Balkans?


It is now 1880, not 1850, and Bulgarian nationalism has flourished.

The cultural customs of Bulgaria are very close to Russia, and the language is more communicable. The Tsarist government has not digested it. Franz does not think that Austria can easily assimilate the locals.

To put it plainly, in addition to rose essential oil, Bulgaria has no shortage of other resources. Input and output are not proportional, and it is naturally difficult to raise interest.

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