Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 691: Chips

No matter how many calculations there are, the war still has to be divided on the battlefield. At the same time as the diplomatic game between the two countries, the Battle of Lithuania also broke out.

At this time, Mao Qi was already in an awkward position. Whether or not to fight the enemy in Lithuania is a tangled issue.

The Russian navy has been stagnant for more than ten years and has long lagged behind the times. But this old fleet is not comparable to the pocket version of the Pope Federation navy.

Different times in the past, both sides of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation have made preparations for this war. The Tsarist government has hoarded a large number of strategic materials in St. Petersburg, and there is no shortage of materials for a year and a half.

In this context, the advantages of sea power can be brought into full play. Ivanov is now launching the Lithuanian campaign to take advantage of these advantages.

After losing the right to the sea, he ran to the Baltic coast to battle against the enemy, or when the enemy was ready, Mao Qi said: He is not crazy.

The problem is that war is not something you can't fight without thinking. The Russians have already launched an offensive. Unless they give up areas such as Lithuania and Latvia, they will have to fight hard.

Giving up is impossible, and once the Lithuanian region falls, the war will again burn to East Prussia. All the fruits of the first Russian-Prussian war will be lost.

If he changed his enemies, Mao Qi might dare to look for a chance to break the enemy, but unfortunately met Ivanov, who is known for his conservative nature, and it would have no effect at all.

Warsaw, Popo Federal Command

"Marshal, why don't we launch an offensive from Belarus to counterattack Smolinsk and force the enemy to abandon the Lithuanian campaign plan?" A middle-aged officer suggested

Europe does not have the allusion "Wei Wei to rescue Zhao", but similar war templates are still needed.

Mao Qi shook his head: "Useless, the enemy deployed thirty infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions in Belarus. We have no chance at all."

If in the field, Mao Qi had the confidence to kill this enemy army, but this is impossible. In the style of Ivanov, these Russian troops will definitely choose to stay in defense.

If it were to go all the way, no matter the time was too late, this precious mobile force in Mao Qi's hands would have been consumed. People are gone, what should we do?

Looking at the deployment of Russian troops marked on the map, Mao Qi sighed deeply. Since the outbreak of the Second Russian-Prussian War, the generals have fought very hard.

It is not that they do not work hard, the problem is that there is no room to play at all. Although the combat effectiveness of the general army is slightly stronger, this gap is still limited, and the Russian army can make up with the quantity.

After hesitating for a moment, Mao Qi pointed at the map: "Order the troops on the northern line to give up Latvia and retreat to Lithuania."

Win first is not win, the winner is the winner. Moki is ready for another East Prussian battle. The loss is okay. The most important thing is to be a winner.


On the battlefield, the two countries are fighting wit and valiantly. On the diplomatic front, the two countries are filled with smoke. Vienna has once again become a battleground between the two countries. The Austrian Foreign Ministry is lively and the Schönbrunn Palace is lively.

In order to avoid trouble, Franz thanked her behind closed doors. There is no way to talk too much, and the emperor is worried. The best way is to not see the guests.

Franz once again found trouble with relatives, not to say that these people did not understand the rules, crooked, and meddled, but it would be easier to do so.

There are few fools who can mix their heads. They are also skilled at lobbying. Most of them pass a word or knock on the drum.

Some want the Russians to win, some want the Popo Federation to win, and others just want to test Franz's position and judge the government's decision-making direction.

This is a matter that cannot be determined. It is never the emperor's decision to decide the direction of a country. All large and small domestic interest groups are participants.

This is part of the European political game. For example, if you want to promote a bill or resolution, it is not just Franz who wants to do it. Usually, you first use these channels to release the news and test the outside reaction.

Or it is suggested that these people propose to the government, which is equivalent to the emperor's royal microphone, so that the emperor will not end the game in person.

The Russian-Prussian war involves too much, including: the future pattern of continental Europe, the process of unification of the German region, a large number of political and economic interests ...

The more involved, the more interest groups are involved, and the more people are concerned.

Franz didn't want to make a statement in advance, so he hid naturally. The emperor could hide, but senior government officials couldn't, the Prime Minister Felix's hairline moved back a lot.


At the Prime Minister's Observatory in Vienna, Federal Minister Pope Friedman eloquently said: "World peace is facing serious challenges, and the European international order is being ..."

Felix frowned: "Sir, Lord, don't say these words without nutrition, our time is precious and there is no need to waste it like this."

Impatient, showing naked, Felix was really annoyed, and he was too lazy to listen to diplomatic rhetoric.

Friedman was not upset, and similar things were not once or twice. As a professional diplomat, he still knows how to restrain his emotions and does not bring personal feelings into his work.

"His Prime Minister, a powerful Russian empire is not a good choice for Europe and the world, and your country's interests ..."

Without waiting for Friedman to finish, Felix interrupted directly: "Not only the Russian Empire, a powerful Popo Federation is also not good for us. You must know that rulebreakers are often more annoying.

A staunch big Germanist will naturally not have a favorable opinion of the existence of secession. The existence of the Popo Federation is, in the eyes of the German nationalists, a tumor.

The Prime Minister Felix is ​​a German leader introduced by Austria. Anti-university is necessary, and naturally he does not need to give face.

However, everything is possible before politics. As long as the interests are enough, there is nothing to talk about.

"Ruler-breaker" This is a joke. No one is better than anyone. If Austrian rules are followed, Austria will not have a current foundation.

It's just that the Vienna government is the rule maker and left itself a back door early. It looks less ugly.

A little embarrassed, Friedman flashed a flash of light in his mind and then recovered. My heart had been scolded for a long time, and I was almost routine.

This is a diplomatic meeting. The bad attitude of Prime Minister Felix, is it not a diplomatic means?

After going through this episode, Friedman didn't have the heart to continue to circle, he was afraid that he couldn't stand his heart.

"His Prime Minister, we are sincere. As long as your country will stop supporting the Russians, Ukraine and the Russian Balkans will be yours after the war."

When it comes to interest, Felix's attitude has eased a bit, and he asks in wonder: "Sincerity, where is it? Why don't I see it?"

Take the territories of the Russians as sincerity, and we have to send troops to take it ourselves. It is really amazing that your country has such sincerity! "

There is no need to do anything, the Federation of Popo supports Austria's acquisition of Ukraine and the Russian Balkans. It seems to take advantage, but it is a hidden mystery.

The two Russian-Prussian wars have completely awakened the Berlin government. The Russian Empire is an invincible Xiaoqiang. Even if it wins this war, it will soon be revived.

After so many cycles, they don't have to do anything. To achieve a stable and international environment, we must find people to share hatred.

The ideal ally is the Ottoman Empire, but unfortunately this mud can't help the wall, it really doesn't matter.

The second is the Nordic Federation. Unfortunately, they offended the Danes. With the Danes pulling their hind legs, it is impossible for the Nordic Federation to form an alliance with them.

Then there are the countries in Central Asia and the Far East Empire, which are similar to the Ottoman Empire, and they are not important, and they won't play much role in pulling them together.

Austria was not in the category of allies of the Berlin government, but the situation was too strong. In order to win the war, they must let the Vienna government give up supporting the Russians.

After being demolished, Friedman was not upset, and still smiled and said, "Sir Prime Minister, you can't say that. We damaged the Tsarist government in the war, and your country's occupation of these areas is an armed march.

If your country wishes, you can take it directly with the Volga River and we will support it. "

Felix shook his head. When he opened the map, he knew what the "Volga River" was. Can Austria reach out?

"We don't have as good an appetite as your country. Russia-Austria friendship has a long history and we have no interest in the territory of the Russian Empire."

This is true. Felix has no interest in Russian territory, and the government of Vienna has no intention of peeping.

Of course, if the Russians don't want it, they have to send it over, and everyone will not refuse.

After hesitating for a moment, it seemed to be a fierce mental struggle, and Friedman said slowly: "What about the German Federation?

As long as your country stops supporting the Russians, we will no longer oppose your country's annexation of the German Federation. "

The implication is that Felix has heard it. In other words, "don't oppose it anymore": Don't support, don't oppose, Austria defaults to annex the German Federation.

Frankly, Prime Minister Felix was moved. However, it did not show that, according to the current situation, the Berlin government can give such a commitment is the limit.

For the same thing, the Tsarist government changed, and the unprepared people directly expressed their support.

There is no doubt that Alexander II was determined to win the war.

For the Russian empire, continental hegemony is the future, and for now, war is won first.

The same is true for the Commonwealth, but they are too much influenced by the British and cannot do that.

"Your proposal has no value. If it were replaced by your sincerity in 1853, it would have been resolved.

Until now, do you think your position is still important? As far as I know, the wounds of your last war have not been licked clean.

After this war, how long will your country need to cultivate, twenty or thirty years?

We really need to take action. What if you are against it? Do you dare to fight on the battlefield? "

This is not disdain, reality is so cruel. Winning the war is just the beginning. The Federation of Popo wants to restore its strength and it has a long way to go.

Can't I bet all my family in order to interfere in Austria?

With Colombia's lesson in the past, no one can guarantee that the Vienna government will change its mind.

The chip also depends on the time it was thrown out. Even if something worthy of value appears at the wrong time, it is worthless.

Friedman's expression changed slightly, and he recovered: "The Prime Minister, it depends on what you think. If these conditions do not make you tempted, then what if the Russians won the war?

Throughout the world, there are not many threats to your country, and the Russian Empire is just one of them.

How long did it take for Alexander II to reform and the Russians went out of the last war? Would you be relieved if you let them win the war and continue to develop?

The tsarist government's greed for land is endless. When you open the map, you know how long the border between your country and the Russian Empire is, and friction in the future is inevitable.

Rather than leaving a hidden danger, remove them now. Your country can also take the opportunity to enter the Black Sea. It is a matter of time to turn the Black Sea into an inland sea with your strength, and no one has the ability to stop it. "

Friedman expressed the concerns of the Vienna government that the Russians have great development potential, and no one knows what kind of pregnancy will be born in such a huge territory.

By contrast, the threat from the Popo Federation is much smaller. Even if they win the war, they will not be able to eat much with their national strength. It will take at least decades to become a true great power.

This is still the ideal state, and Austria has come step by step. The Vienna government knows the difficulty of national integration more than anyone.

It can be said that the more the Pope Federation captures the population from the Russian Empire, the more serious the ethnic problems in the country will be.

The dual empire is not so easy to play. An active Polish nation is enough. Adding more nations to it, what is the difference from the original Austro-Hungarian Empire?

It is not even as good as the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At least the Hapsburg family has operated for hundreds of years. The rule has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After a moment of silence, Felix shook his head: "Her Excellency, you are wrong. Austria has always been neutral and has never supported the Russians.

What you see is just normal commercial trade. As a member of the free trade system, we will not interfere in the market.

If your country wants to cut off the supplies of Russians, then spend money to buy them. As long as you buy all the supplies, Russians will naturally not be able to buy them. "

Fredman's face was gloomy. He knew very well that Felix had clearly tempted just now, but he refused, and did not even give him the opportunity for further negotiations.

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