Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 684: Belt crooked

Compared to Austria, which wants to calm down public opinion, the Colombian government can't afford to delay. The Panama area is still in the hands of the Austrian Army. If it is not recovered as soon as possible, it may not be collected.

Although the Austrian government made a promise, it was only a promise, and whether it could be fulfilled in the end was left to others.

The bottom line of the powers these years is very low, and breach of contract is commonplace. If the Vienna government does not confess its accounts, the Colombian government will not have the strength to allow them to continue to fulfill their commitments.

Similar things are not without precedent. If it does, apart from a few verbal protests, the Colombian government can do too little.

After receiving a diplomatic note from the Austrian Minister, President Rafael Nunez did not care about that much and went directly to the battle in person.

Now is not the time to avoid suspicion, and if he can't take it back to the Panama area, his president will do it, no matter how to shirk responsibility.

Both sides want to calm down the dispute as soon as possible and end this not so wonderful "misunderstanding", naturally they must actively participate in the negotiations.

Even the British's cheering on the side has no effect. The difference in strength between the two sides is too wide, and the Colombian government has no hard-core capital.

President Rafael Nunez wants to get more benefits at the negotiating table, but he is more worried that the time will be long and the Vienna government may change.

After all, the international reputation thing is valuable. If it has been corrupted and cannot be recovered in the short term, it is equivalent to being useless for a while.

Since it doesn't work, you can break the jar. There are many similar precedents. If you look through the history books, you will find that the British have the most experience, and they are not good yet.

The Vienna government is anxious to calm down the storm of public opinion, mainly because it wants to make things small and things small, so that this stain can be washed away as soon as possible so as not to affect the subsequent diplomacy.

If the delay is long, after the public opinion is fermented, it will not be washed out, and it will not make sense to continue negotiations with the Colombian government.

Perhaps it was more valuable to the British to corrupt Austria's international reputation than a small Panamanian region; but from the standpoint of the Colombian government, the result was exactly the opposite.

A powerful neighbor appeared next to it. The Colombian government still hopes that this is a good neighbor with a discipline and a bottom line.

If the Vienna government puts down the bottom line, they are really dangerous. It's not just a matter of the Panama region, it's possible that the entire Republic of Colombia might lose it.

In the face of cruel reality, Rafael Nunez dare not bet. No matter how the British are fanning the flames, no matter how many promises are promised, the threat of gun racks around their necks is not effective.

To avoid further misunderstandings, President Rafael Nunez came to the negotiating table with full sincerity.

Everyone has sincerity, the demands made are not excessive, and the negotiations proceeded smoothly. Within a month, the two countries reached a preliminary agreement.

On May 24, 1880, the Austrian Ambassador to Bogota Lorella and the Colombian President Rafael Nunez signed the "Aftermath of the Panama Accident Crossfire".

The two countries unanimously determined that the exchange of fire was entirely an accident, mainly due to the deliberate provocation of the foggy weather and the treacherous bandits; and the second was that the two parties were unable to communicate and communicated in an appropriate way, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it.

The main culprit was the "robbers" who had flown out. They had been wiped out by the coalition forces of the two countries, and there was no way to be held accountable.

Since the plan to annihilate the bandits was organized by Austria, the Colombian government was invited to participate in the Austrian Central American colonial government and suffered heavy losses in the accidental exchange of fire. The Austrian government is willing to make humanitarian compensation.

According to the treaty, the Austrian government needs to pay a total of 3.426 million Aegis compensation to the Colombian government, including: 58.4 Aegis casualty benefits, and 2.842 million Aegis economic and property damage costs.

(Note: After the signing of the treaty, the two countries handed over the Panama area within one month, and the Austrian army evacuated before July 1, 1880. The compensation was paid in five times, and the valuable goods were accepted for payment)

Regardless of the amount of compensation, there is no need to be picky about payment methods, and it is possible to receive compensation from the powers. This is the first time in Colombia's history that it has opened up a world.

Well, a small country cannot afford too much. The truth of the matter is only the second middle school boy who wants to find out.

President Rafael Nunez is a smart man, knowing that even if he understands the context, it has no practical significance.

With the strength of Colombia, there is simply no ability to recover justice. Now I am able to sit down and talk. This is also the reason why the Vienna government wants to use diplomatic means to solve the problem.

If the Austrian is uncovered, the Austrians will become so angry that they will occupy the Panamanian area and not leave. That is a tragedy.

Being able to recover the lost land and get some economic compensation is the greatest victory in diplomacy.

After the signing of the treaty, Rafael Nunez immediately publicized this good news to the people, and the Colombian people were boiling.

Raphael Nunez's formerly crumbling presidency suddenly solidified. The "idiot president" shouted from everyone has instantly become a "national hero".

One of the few newspapers in Colombia has already raised Raphael Nunez on the altar, known as the greatest diplomat in South America.

But the "great diplomat" didn't have a smile on his face.

"Victory" is too early, there is no stuffing in the sky. The powers are not vegetarian, and Austrian money is not easy to get.

Even if the Vienna government temporarily made concessions in order to calm the storm of public opinion, it does not mean that they have given up their ambitions for the Panama region.

Studying the map carefully and looking at the green labels, the Panama Canal has not yet opened, Rafael Nunez sighed.

Deep down, he has already greeted the former high-ranking government family who approved the Panama Canal.

Except for a small amount of plains in Panama, most of them are mountains and forests, and there are very few mineral resources found. It is not worth a look at Austria.

The only problem can only lie on the Panama Canal, the Grand Canal that runs through the two oceans, both in economic and strategic value.

There is a precedent for the Suez Canal. Everyone knows that once the Panama Canal is navigable, money will flow in.

Unfortunately, the Colombian government has limited strength, and occupying this golden waterway is like "a child holding a brick in the city."

President Rafael Nunez is very clear that the blockade of Peru is only an inducement, and the main reason for Austria's action this time is to peek into this golden channel.

It seems that Austria withdrew from the Panama region under international pressure. In fact, this is just the beginning, or a tentative test.

The garrison in Panama has not blocked the enemy's front, and no one can stop Austria's ambitions. Colombia's future is doomed.

Opening the window and taking a breath of fresh air, Rafael Nunez asked slowly: "How much intelligence has been gathered by the Independent Panama?"

The middle-aged man replied helplessly: "Sorry, Mr. President. The time is too short, and our people have no time to mix in.

The information collected now is only exposed by themselves.

We haven't even heard of this organization before. It is suspected to be related to the previous Republic of Panama and has deep implications for Austria.

Under the deliberate connivance of the Austrian Army, this organization has replaced the original local Panamanian government and formed its own army.

These troops are all in the form of militia. These troops are mainly German, and the officers are mostly retired Austrian soldiers.

The total strength is about 15,000 people. It is worth noting that there are several regiments directly changed by civilian armed forces. These people are just colonial teams who have just immigrated. "

Knowing that the Austrian government is behind Panama's independence movement, Rafael Nunez can only be confused.

Without breaking through this layer of window paper, the Vienna government must take into account international influence and can only secretly support the rebels with limited support.

If this layer of window paper is torn, in addition to the ugly face of the Vienna government, it is more likely to be cheeky and directly recognize the legitimacy of the Panamanian regime.

The recognition of the powers these years is also an important factor for a country to obtain independent sovereignty.

Rafael Nunez is very clear that the policy of blocking Peru recently not only offended Austria, but also offended France, Peru, and Bolivia.

As long as someone takes the lead, these countries will recognize Panama's independence. If we add the countries that are severely affected by France and Austria, and also recognize the independence of the Panama region, this number can be over half.

The Panama area originally existed in the Republic of Panama, but later merged into Colombia. This historical source is that if half of the world ’s countries recognize Panama ’s independence, it will be truly independent.

In this way, the military action to suppress the rebellion has evolved into a war between the two countries, and the nature is completely different.

Rafael Nunez: "For me to continue to investigate, we must understand the leaders of the Panamanian Independent Organization and how deep their relationship with Austria is.

It would be better to find evidence of Austria's manipulation of the Panamanian independent, otherwise the British would not be involved. "

There is no way Britain and Austria are still allies, and they must obey the rules of the game.

During the South American War, John Bull gave Chile a skewer. The Vienna government only secretly engaged in things. On the bright side, except for a few protests on the issue of the arrest of ships, most of the time it was the default.

Just like the "Panama accidental crossfire misunderstanding", the British are just doing things secretly. The London government believes that "misunderstanding" is apparent.

Limiting the scope of our struggle through the covenant and covering each other when necessary is the main reason why the Anglo-French-Austrian Alliance can be maintained.

Colombia's desire to get the British ahead is actually wishful thinking. Even if the evidence is obtained, the London government will at most condemn it.

This is determined by interests and strength. The Panama Canal is not yet navigable, and its strategic value has not yet been realized. It is not worth their confrontation with Austria.

What's more, in the Panama area, the British did not compete with Austria, even with the Republic of Colombia, it was very reluctant.

Don't look at the Austrian Central American colonies, but also compare with others. Compared with European countries, it must be a little brother, and the top ten cannot enter.

However, on the American continent, the military strength of the Austrian Central American colonies can definitely be ranked in the top five, and even if the seaway is unobstructed, it may even enter the top three.

Everything depends on the adversary. South America is an agricultural country. The population is poor, ethnic conflicts are very serious, and the combat effectiveness is naturally unrelenting.


While the Colombian people celebrated this great victory, European public opinion also caused a major earthquake, and newspaper sales were rampant.

The media are divided, but the evaluation is mixed. The mainstream media is divided into two waves, and the support is that the Austrian government's initiative to pay compensation is a performance of courage to take responsibility and respect the sovereignty of other countries.

The opposition argues that this is a purely political "show" and a concession made under international pressure. This is a victory for international public opinion.

However, this victory was not thorough. It beautified the war of aggression into an "unexpected conflict", and the aggressors were not punished as they should have been. It was pointed out that such "misunderstandings" in international struggles would continue to emerge.

In addition to the mainstream views, there are various messy arguments.

For example: attacking the weak government of Vienna, conceding to little Colombia and losing the face of European powers.


From their respective standpoints, experts and scholars expressed their opinions and fought in the newspapers. No one knows how many naval forces are in it.

In short, the subject was distorted when noisy. First from the "misunderstanding of the accidental crossfire in Panama" to the ongoing "guano war", then the South American game between Britain, France, and Austria, and finally the Russian-Prussian war.

With more topics being discussed, the situation has changed. Compared with the ongoing war, the "misunderstanding" incident that has already settled down from "news" to old news gradually fades out of everyone's sight.

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