Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 685: hot

Time passed quickly, and the Austrian army quickly withdrew from the Panama area, but the target of the transfer was not the Colombian government, but the local government of Panama.

To be precise, it should be an independent organization of Panama. The original local government of Panama has been replaced for a long time, and now it is the independent organization that governs it.

The Colombian government forces were blocked halfway by local militiamen, and they were not allowed to enter.

The two sides are confronting each other. The independent organization of Panama has not issued a declaration of independence. The reason for rejecting the entry of government forces is that the military discipline is not good.

Although Colombia is not an American-style federal system, the rights of local governments are not small, and it is not without precedent to refuse entry of government forces.

Knowing that Panama is about to become independent, President Rafael Nunez can only resort to political means before independence begins.

Suppression, it doesn't exist! Whoever fires the first shot now has to bear the responsibility of provoking civil war.

This is what the Vienna government wants to see most. The Austrian army broke out as soon as the civil war broke out.

Moreover, the longer the delay, the better the independent organization will prepare. It also takes time to control the site. It took only a few months to establish an independent organization. It is good to be able to put up the shelves. It is too late to clear the house.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "His Majesty, the Colombian government has once again urged us to pay compensation. According to the news from the embassy, ​​they have been surrounded by the families of the fallen soldiers for three days.

Some even stormed the embassy area asking for a pension. Now it has become difficult to go out and buy daily necessities. Only the Colombian government can send them in. "

Hearing the news, Franz smiled slightly. Isn't it just being protested, which big powers haven't experienced a few times this year, it's not a matter of encountering more.

"Tell the Colombian government to ask them to provide identification of the families of the fallen soldiers, and as soon as the identity is verified, we will immediately issue a pension.

Property losses are concentrated in the Panama area. Only the local people need to be compensated. In order to avoid misappropriation of funds, we will directly send funds to local governments. "

What is "for the local government" used to fight the civil war?

If there is a choice, it is estimated that the Colombian government would rather not have this compensation. This is not just a hot issue, it is clearly terrible.

Revenge, this is the real revenge. Compared with this, the previous "misunderstanding" of the conflict can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg reminded: "Her Majesty, the Colombian government has relaxed trade controls on the Peruvian border in order to release goodwill to us.

Now that we are doing this, I am afraid they will once again block the border and smuggling will not continue. Peru and Bolivia will ... "

Franz waved his hand: "This is just a small problem. Peru is a French brother. Most of the goods purchased now are French goods. Even if it is blocked, what matter to us?

As for Bolivia, haven't we opened up Argentina's trade line? Although the smuggling of past materials is not much, if they save a little, it is probably barely enough. "

The Panama “misunderstanding” just passed, not only Colombia, but Argentina, which is also a neighbor of Austria, was also scared. Even the Chilean government, which clung to the thighs of the British, was frightened.

In recent years, no one in South America is better than anyone. All of them are weak chickens, and the top three in South America have not stood out.

It was just a "misunderstanding" that Colombia's loss of military power had caught up with all the losses in the "Guo Manure War" for more than a year.

Seeing Austria's strength, Argentina, as a neighbor, naturally adjusted its foreign policy. It is not enough to let go of the trade blockade directly, that would offend the British.

However, this is not to say the shrewd Argentine government bureaucracy. Trade is impossible on the bright side, and it can be smuggled secretly.

This is more than one move, not only Austria is satisfied, but even the British have nothing to say, bureaucrats can take the opportunity to make a fortune.


Austria is not idle in the French operation, the French Empire is now more powerful than the original time and space. Hu Wei has not been pierced, and French Guiana is still present. It is not easy to deter several South American countries.

The Vienna government can convince the Argentine government to relax the blockade, and the French can also let the Brazilian government open one eye and close one eye.

In a sense, the "blockade line" that the British had plundered had a lot of loopholes from the beginning.

The so-called "blockade" simply blocked ordinary merchants. The real effect is probably to reduce the inflow of materials and raise the cost of purchasing materials between the two countries.

Powerful and background business groups never care about any blockade. As long as the benefits are sufficient, there is no blockade that capitalists cannot cross.

Even the coastline that the Royal Navy personally checks, there are also commercial ships breaking through. As long as the background is big enough, you are not afraid of being caught.

What the British cannot do, let alone count on in other countries. In addition to the domestic power, there are also a bunch of bold and powerful background business groups.

Once caught, at most he would advise to return. Accountability exists, otherwise what will happen to the diplomatic conflict?

The country that has really achieved a strict blockade is probably Chile. When it comes to vital interests, it is not enough to be strict.


Maybe it is too rich in South America, or it may be too weak. In short, the success of South America has attracted the interest of Napoleon IV.

Seeing Austria's idea of ​​playing Panama, Napoleon IV also wanted to expand the French South American colony.

France has not expanded externally for several years. This is too bad for Napoleon IV who wants to surpass his father.

Regarding the emperor's great plan, the high level of the French government was both excited and helpless. Everyone wanted to build a career and stay in the history. The problem is that conditions are not allowed!

Foreign Minister Dumbledore persuaded: "Your Majesty, the current international situation is not suitable for external expansion. At the critical moment of the Russian-Prussian War, we cannot disperse our strength.

According to the current situation, once the victory in the Russian-Prussian war is won, the European continent will undergo another shuffle. This is the best opportunity for us to expand our influence in Europe.

Had it not been for the impending change in Europe, the Vienna government would not have given up the Panama area it had in hand, and international opinion alone would not be enough to make them concede. "

No problem, the most popular of these years is the "European Center". In accordance with this principle, both the continental countries of France and Austria must focus their efforts on coping with the postwar changes.

Napoleon IV shook his head: "Her Count, this is not inconsistent with my plan. Colonial expansion is a long-term national policy, and it is not about to be launched soon.

What we need to do now is only the preliminary preparations. It is not too late to take action after the dust on the European continent is settled.

The world has been divided up. The most nasty Englishman has got the richest region. Even the southern European barbarians have taken away a large piece of cake.

The remainder left to France is the cold, and in name we are the third colonial empire in the world. In fact, everyone knows that it is a lot of sand.

Slowly step by step, and now we have little room for choice. Except for East Asia, which is South America, it is relatively easy to have small countries in South America. "

Expansion, expansion, and re-expansion are not the personal desires of Napoleon IV, but the urgent needs of France's domestic industry and commerce.

This is the price that the industrial power must bear. Without the blow of the Franco-Prussian war, it annexed Italy, and French industrial capacity increased too much compared with the same period in history.

Increasing industrial production capacity is not necessarily a good thing. It is also accompanied by an urgent demand for raw materials and commodity sales markets.

Affected by the large number of imported raw materials, French industrial and commercial products have high costs and limited international competitiveness.

The best way to solve this problem is naturally to expand. No raw materials-grab; no commodity market-grab. In short, there is nothing that the word "grabbing" cannot solve.

Hearing this explanation, Dumbledore said nothing. I wanted to say that the strength of the South American countries is not weak. Why can't I say anything to him?

The strengths and weaknesses need to be compared. Compared with France, the South American countries are really too weak. Even if all these countries are added together, they cannot be France's opponents.

The emperor's position was firm, and the domestic colonial expansionists were strong. Seeing that the situation was wrong, in order not to form a resolution immediately, the anti-war finance minister Roy hurriedly shifted the topic:

"The South American issue is not in a hurry, the most important thing is the Russian-Prussian War. All signs indicate that Austria has plans to annex the German Federal Empire.

The British are unreliable. If the Federation of Popo is defeated, and the Russians are just defeated, then it is only us who have the power to block the merger of Ord.

If the Vienna government insists on doing it alone and we must stop it, then war will not be avoided.

Everyone has seen the tragic nature of the Russian-Prussian war. If we go to war with Austria, I am afraid it will be even worse.

To ensure victory, we must prepare in advance. This requires a lot of money, and our finances cannot afford it. "

This is not pure flicker, Austria has always had plans to annex the German Federation, and it has also changed over time.

Once the international situation changes, chances are that the plan will become a reality. The Russian-Prussian War happened to be an opportunity.

If the Popo Federation wins, then there is no need to say that even with heavy losses, the Berlin government can only choose to die with Austria. This is a matter of principle and there is no possibility of compromise.

If the tsarist government wins and the losses are severe, the situation will be different.

Although the Russians did not want to see Austria annex the German Federation, the Tsarist government would not sell Austria in order to stop Austria.

This is determined by interests. Even if Austria unifies Central Europe, the Russian Empire is still the Russian Empire. At the most, it will lose its way to Europe. The threat is not fatal.

So many loans from Austria are not given freely, or they can influence the tsarist government's decision at a critical moment.

If some interests are promised, the possibility of compromise between the two countries is very high.

In this context, the Vienna government has the ability to persuade most European countries to be neutral. The final outcome is mostly Faul singled out, adding at most one unreliable British ally.

After Napoleon IV's succession, he basically continued his father's economic policies. Although the speed of domestic economic development has slowed down, it is generally good.

The Chancellor of the Treasury said "no money" and really frightened him. It was immediately relieved that the debt of the Paris government has always been heavy, which is an indisputable fact.

The most money owed by the world is not the bullying John Bull, nor the newly revived Austria, nor the two Russian and Russian states at war, but France, which dominates Western Europe.

There is no way to transform Paris, build infrastructure, revive armaments, expand foreign colonies, and annex Italy, all of which cost money.

What the Orleans left behind was a mess of debt. Although Napoleon III revived the French economy, it did not change the situation of the government's high debt. Instead, the debt increased even more.

This is not to say that this economic model is not good. In fact, government investment in many countries in the future will stimulate the economy with the same philosophy.

Only in this way, government debt will continue to rise. In the credit-based era, you can also make up for this hole by issuing more currencies. The gold-based era can only resist.

Under this economic model, while the French economy is developing, government debt is also increasing.

The total debt of the Paris government has exceeded 28 billion francs, which exceeds the total debt of the two countries. It is the largest debtor country in the world.

Of course, owing too much debt does not mean that the Paris government is really poor. Government investment is not all public welfare, and many investments have become assets that can generate income, but these assets cannot be realized in a short period of time.

After a moment of contemplation, Napoleon IV shook his head: "The situation in Europe is not so serious, and the Austrians have not begun preparations for war, which means that the Vienna government is also not ready.

Your guess is actually only possible. There are too many hypotheses in it. The war must end with a Russian victory.

As a matter of fact, no one is ready to grasp this degree until the Pu-Russian war.

The Russians' odds are indeed greater, but they are not necessarily disastrous. Even if the Popo Federation loses, it does not necessarily lose all its capital.

The British are indeed unreliable, have we not expected them?

Moreover, why do we have to go to war with Austria? Dividing up the German Federation is also a good choice.

Don't tell me, the Austrians want to have a total war with us? If it does, it will only be British. "

The three-legged stand is the most stable framework. The main reason is that everyone is worried about "the clams compete for each other, and the fishermen profit."

Compared to the British who are lonely overseas, whether in Austria or France, their strategic position is much worse.

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