Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 683: Meat in the pot

The "misunderstanding" that occurred in the Panama area is really too big. An accidental armed conflict can kill a division. No one can believe such a thing.

The explanation is a cover-up and it has no effect. Soon after the incident, the Austrian Central American colonial government declared responsibility for the incident, which was actually the result of Franz's intervention.

Taking the initiative to take responsibility, you can also avoid the most important issues and restore the international reputation as much as possible to minimize the adverse effects.

Accountability naturally does not exist. There is nothing wrong with the practice of the Austrian Central American colonial government. This is the style of the colonial empire these days.

Similar things have not happened. It's just that the impact is not so great. Colombia is not only an independent country, but more importantly, it is a white country.

The European people have always been very sensitive to this kind of thing, especially in many small countries.

In many people's eyes, today they don't stand up to speak for Colombia. Maybe something similar will fall on them tomorrow, and no one will take the lead.

Just like the British-Israeli War in the original time and space, Austria was also sprayed with dog blood, and foreign embassies were surrounded by demonstrators.

Of course, it is useful to take the initiative to make the international image of the Vienna government look less bad.

Spray it, who has not been sprayed by the powers this year! Anyway, everyone is talking about it, it is impossible to really take action.

Compared with the calmness of the Vienna government, Franz's response is much stronger. If Austria is also lonely overseas, Franz can also ignore international reputation, which is obviously impossible.

Poor strategic position determines that Austria must have a good international image in order to gain more choices in diplomacy.


"How is the preparation of the Panamanian government and when can we withdraw?" Franz asked with concern.

Colonial Minister Stephen: "His Majesty, the Panamanian government has been formed and can declare independence at any time.

The problem now is that they lack self-protected armed forces. Once we withdraw, it will be difficult for them to block the counterattack of the Colombian government. "

It is not so easy to want independence in Panama. Originally, the Americans sent troops to interfere in space and time. The Colombian government had no choice but to give up.

This is not without cost, the Americans at all costs, that is, the Panama Canal is vital to him.

Austria is not the same. The main purpose of seizing the Panama area is to disrupt the Panama Canal.

The value is different, and the price that can be paid is also different. For the Panama area, South America's rabbits are sorrowful, and boycotting Austria together is not worth the trouble.

In this context, while instigating Panama's independence movement, Austria must reduce its presence as much as possible.

In other words, that's what it means: When you are a bitch, you also want to set up a torii.

Franz asked in amazement, "Isn't there a planter? Isn't their strength able to withstand the Colombian invasion?"

Before the Panama region declared independence, Franz first defined the Colombian government's military action to suppress the rebellion as "invasion", and the political significance is self-evident.

Stephen frowned, explaining: "Your Majesty, the situation in South America is very special. Most of the immigrants came from the immigrants during the Civil War, and they lacked the backbone of the aristocracy.

The Austrian Central American region has been operated by us for a long time. The shortcomings in this regard have gradually been filled, and the military strength is acceptable.

The Panama area is different. There are no large planters, large colonial companies, and they were not under our control before. There is no way to organize military training locally ... "

Franz understood. During the Civil War, many immigrants ran away in order to avoid the war, which meant that the local people's desire to fight was not strong.

"Lack of noble nucleus", in other words, lack of officers.

The absence of "big planters, big colonial companies" means that there are no strong local armed forces.

The absence of "organized military training" means that the soldiers currently recruited are farmers who have just put down their hoe, or workers who have just left the workshop, and need a lot of time for training.

Adding all these reasons means that the region of Panama, which is about to become independent, has very weak military strength and is unable to compete with the Colombian government forces in a short period of time.

The actual situation may be even worse. The so-called brutal rule of the Colombian government and the exploitation and oppression of the local people are political needs in themselves, and the authenticity is still to be verified.

The Panamanian independent organization is organized by Austria, and it is still unknown whether it can get the support of the local people.

The information provided by the Austrian Central American colonial government is also mixed with personal emotions. They are not so bold enough to completely fake, and art processing is still indispensable.

This kind of thing belongs to the instinct of the bureaucracy, and there is no way to stop it. Don't say that this era of constant communication, even in the age of the Internet, is constantly banned.

"In the current international situation, we are not suitable for directly occupying the Panama region. Withdrawal is a matter of time, and the sooner this time, the better.

In response to this reality, what plans does the Colonial Ministry have? "

Colonial Minister Stephen: "We are organizing immigration. With the efforts of the colonial government, we have now persuaded more than a dozen colonial teams to emigrate to the Panama region.

These civilian armed forces will be the main force against the Colombian government forces in the early stage, helping the Panamanian government through the most difficult years. "

Franz nodded, this is not necessarily the best choice, but it is the best choice for Austria right now.

It is better to have a "immigrant" cloth than to go directly to mercenaries.

In any case, as long as these "armed immigrants" get the residence registration in Panama, it is a contradiction between the people in Panama and the Colombian government.

Of course, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and the folk colonial team also needs to return. By relying on their lives now, the interests of the Panama region will be divided into a large portion of them.

Similar things have happened many times in the Austrian colonization process, and the colonial ministry already has rich experience.

It was by virtue of large and small civilian armed groups that Austria was able to build a large colonial empire in just over two decades.

In this regard, Franz is still very generous. Letting ambitionists go overseas to grab land is better than staying at home to grab land. The colonial nobles of all sizes are outstanding.

The actual situation is better than Franz expected. Although there were many nobles in the fiefdom, there were no kings and hegemonies, and no one was independent.

This is enough. You should know that in the expectation, he is ready to allow the princes to grow up and allow them to establish a state of thought.

Facts have proved that he has thought too much. The pedigree theory is popular in Europe. There is no saying that "the princes will have relatives." Even if you want to be a king or emperor, you must first see whether the people support it.

The expansion of the nobles was not as powerful as he imagined. After getting the land closed, one by one opened the road of farming, and did not open the territory and expand the country to become king.

Of course, no money and no one is the most important factor restricting ambitions.

Expansion of the territory was expensive, and the colony needed a large amount of capital in the early stage of operation. No matter how thick the family was, it would not be able to withstand the war. The money in the pocket was exhausted.

Not to mention no one, no matter how big the nobles can mobilize, the number of immigrants is limited. At most, there are only ten or two hundred thousand. With such a small population, the farmland is not honest, and it is completely tired to dominate the king and hegemony.

The fool may exist, but the noble who can lay a foundation is definitely not a fool. Insufficient strength, what do you say to the central government?

"The Panama issue will be carried out according to your plan. Except for the fact that active soldiers cannot appear on the battlefield and the bottom line is to be observed, other colonial ministries will arrange according to actual conditions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiates with the Colombian government as soon as possible to reach an early compensation agreement, and then transfers the captives to the local Panamanian government. The remaining issues will let them and the independent organization slowly make trouble! "

The bottom line must be observed, this is the game rule. Not only does it take into account international influences, it is more important to protect its own interests.

The current international political game rules were established by the British, French and Austrian countries. The purpose of the establishment is to protect the interests of the three countries and blindly overturn the chessboard. Austria ’s losses will only be greater.

In addition, the maintenance costs of the colonies alone will increase significantly, and some remote colonies will even change hands.

The choice to deal with it as soon as possible is actually to calm down the public opinion storm. The current public opinion is very bad for the Vienna government, and it will only be worse if it continues.

The "compensation" payment was made only to allow the Colombian government to acknowledge that it was a "misunderstanding." The parties all said that it was a misunderstanding, and the others were crooked, that is, they were framed.

Franz is also very experienced in guiding public opinion. In this era of constant communication, newspapers are in charge of public opinion. It is too easy to reverse black and white.

To a certain extent, the British offended the public opinion offensive at this time, but it was actually a **** ’s assist, as long as the problem was directed to the London government.

"The British government planted Austria and framed Austria, deliberately exaggerating and distorting the truth," Franz himself was about to believe, let alone ordinary people?

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, if the British do not intervene, it is not difficult to convince the Colombian government.

However, judging from the current situation, the London government wants to take the opportunity to make a fuss and crack down on our international reputation.

I am afraid that the Colombian government will propose a sky-high compensation, which deliberately embarrasses us. "

This kind of worry is not superfluous. People are always easy to get lost in front of interests. As long as the British people flicker, it is almost inevitable that the Colombian government proposes "astronomical compensation".

If you agree, Austria will become the head of injustice. If you don't agree, the public opinion will not pass. It is not in line with the strategy of calming down disputes as soon as possible and quietly swallowing the Panama region.

After a little thought, Franz sneered: "If the total amount is not reached, we will take the initiative to offer a sky-high price. For example, the pension for each soldier killed will be increased to 1,000 Aegis, but the Colombian government will provide a death certificate. .

As for the loss of property, we don't have to worry too much about it, we can make appropriate concessions. Whether or not this money will be given, and who will be given in the end, is still unclear. "

"Death certificate" This is a joke. The Panama area is in the hands of the Austrian army. It is not easy to destroy the body.

The Colombian government can't produce evidence, and the number of people who need to pay pensions is the Vienna government.

The total number goes down, the higher the standard of payment, the actual situation is the same.

Since the incident was characterized as a "misunderstanding", if there were too many people killed, it would not be convincing.

In contrast, compensation for property damage is easy to negotiate. This money can be paid to the Colombian government, as well as to the local Panamanian government, or the Panamanian government after independence.

The Panama region wants independence, and the Colombian government will certainly not agree. War is inevitable.

After the war, the local area will be abolished, and it will inevitably require a lot of funds for reconstruction. This money is expected to be out of reach of the Panamanian government, and it will eventually be contributed by the Austrian government.

Anyway, this money is going to be paid, and Franz doesn't mind taking out the reputation in advance. After the future annexation of Panama, these investments will be recovered.

Of course, the Colombian government also needs to appease it. Some money must be paid in the early stage, otherwise people will not cooperate.


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