Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 682: The biggest misunderstanding of this century

On April 19, 1880, the Austrian Central American Colonial Army besieged the "savage bandits" in the territory and pursued all the way to Panama.

Because of the heavy fog, there was a misunderstanding with the Colombian garrison and an armed conflict broke out, causing thousands of casualties.

Local people can testify that there was indeed a heavy fog in the Panama area on April 19. Before the army entered the Panamanian region, the colonial government also sent people to pass through the local government, and decided to send troops together to eliminate these insidious "robbers."

Someone inside the Colombian government colluded with the "robbers" and leaked the news. The "robbers" cut off the local telegram and killed the commander midway.

The garrison did not receive the news in a timely manner, the two sides failed to communicate effectively, and the sight of joining the foggy weather was affected. It was good to unite the bandits, but the mistaken misunderstanding of the other party as the enemy resulted in an unexpected exchange of fire.

This is the "truth" promulgated by the Austrian Central American colonial government. Whether the Colombian government can accept it or not, their troops stationed in Panama are dead.

After the "4.19 Incident" broke out, the Austrian Central American colonial government immediately declared responsibility for the incident. Apologize to those who died as a result of the accident and express their willingness to pay casualty benefits.

Such a positive and responsible attitude would be nothing to say if the Austrian army did not stay on the ground.

Of course, there are also reasons for the Austrian army to stay in the local area. Although the "Big Band" main force has been siege, there are still many remnants floating around.

For the safety of the Panamanian people, the Austrian army must annihilate these exiles, or wait for the Colombian government forces to come over before it can withdraw from the local area.


The news of the "4.19" accidental crossfire came to Colombia, and the people in Bogota, the capital, boiled, and took to the streets for demonstrations, asking the government to send troops to recover Panama.

I have to say that President Rafael Nunez was really lucky, and he had encountered so much trouble just after he took office.

The people asked for troops, and President Rafael Nunez also wanted to send troops. The Panamanian region was recovered early, and aftermath was also carried out. Unfortunately, no army can handle this task.

The "misunderstanding" thing can be the first time, but also the second time. Whether or not "misunderstandings" will continue is entirely based on the discipline of Austria.

The Colombian military is very attentive, anyway, the Austrians have said that they have misunderstood, and it is definitely impossible to occupy Panama for a long time. You can take it back sooner or later. Why take a risk?

Anyone with a good eye knows that this is Austria's revenge against the Colombian government's blockade of Peru, and the Panamanian garrison happened to be cannon fodder.

Whoever causes trouble should bear it. As for revenge on Austria and justice for innocent garrison soldiers, this cannot be done by Colombia.

As a small country, the first thing to consider is to survive. As long as the territory is not lost, core sovereignty can be taken back. Some grievances are nothing!

After the problem, Raphael Nunez could not care about it for the time being. He is now being questioned by members of Congress.

An opposition lawmaker sarcastically said, "Mr. President, the fall of Panama due to the government's wrong foreign policy, do you have anything to say?"

Without stress, there is no motivation. If Austria wants to seize Panama and it is under external pressure, the Colombian parties may be able to unite.

Unfortunately, this did not happen, and the Austrian Central American colonial government has characterized the incident as "misunderstanding."

Since it is just a misunderstanding, there is no reason for the Austrian army to occupy it for a long time. The Austrian Minister has sent a diplomatic note, asking them to send troops to receive defense as soon as possible.

Sovereignty can be preserved. The only problem is that this message has come to nothing. Without reaching a point of life or death, it is normal to take advantage of the opportunity to hit competitors.

The biggest advantage of politicians is that they are thick-skinned, and Rafael Nunez is casual: "The Panama region has not been occupied, only a misunderstanding has occurred.

The Austrian government has declared responsibility for the incident. We are negotiating with them for compensation, and the Austrian army will withdraw from the local area soon.

The main reason for this misunderstanding was that some people in the government colluded with bandits and had nothing to do with the government's foreign policy.

Colombia is an independent country and we have the right to free diplomacy without the influence of a third party. "

Now that Austria says this is a "misunderstanding," let this "misunderstanding" go on!

This kind of thing can only be “misunderstanding” before it has the ability to retaliate.

Deep down, Raphael Nunez just hoped that things would come to an end soon, and no more moths would come out later.

A member of the Diet questioned: "A misunderstanding is over. Are our people dead for nothing?"

Rafael Nunez waved his hand: "Certainly we can't die in vain. We will follow up and find out the culprit that led to this conflict and accept legal sanctions.

The deceased has passed, and what we can do now is to let the deceased rest in peace and comfort the family.

The government will guarantee that the victims of this incident will receive pensions, please give us a little time ... "

Having said that, Rafael Nunez bowed to everyone and seemed to apologize.

Those who entered the parliament are all old churros in politics. It is ok to take the opportunity to make it difficult for Rafael Nunez, and it is true to want to get him off the horse.

However, everyone was not ready to go to war with Austria. Therefore, some things can only be pretended to be confused.

While appeasing the country, Rafael Nunez did not forget to ask the British boss for help.

With such a big thing, John Bull wouldn't be able to justify it if he didn't turn around. In any case, the Colombian government is also in trouble for them.

Downing Street, inside the Prime Minister's residence. As Prime Minister Benjamin smoked smoke, he looked at the Colombian government's call for help.

Opposite was a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit, stirring with coffee in one hand and spoon in the other, and staring forward as if out of the sky, it was the British Foreign Minister Edward.

After half a cup of tea, Prime Minister Benjamin dropped the telegram, extinguished the cigarette **** on the ashtray, and spit out the last light cigarette.

"Sir Edward, what do you think the Austrians are doing, it's impossible to really just vent their breath on Colombia?"

Like Britain, Austria is a country with interests at the core, and every move is based on national interests.

Although the Colombian government's approach has greatly damaged the face of the Vienna government, retaliation is inevitable, but this has not yet reached the point where it is necessary to send troops to fight.

Don't look at the smooth military operations in Panama. The Austrian government released the "truth" to the public in a timely manner to let everyone know that they are only temporarily staying and will soon leave.

Otherwise, the Colombian government has called on locals to rise up against aggression, and the situation is not so optimistic.

The countries of South America can exist independently. It is not that the European powers cannot occupy them. The main reason is that the cost of governance is too high, and the benefits are not proportional to the pay.

Edward put down the coffee in his hand and slowly responded, "Of course not. According to the information gathered, it is initially judged that Austria is thinking of Panama.

Only the Vienna government, taking into account its own reputation, felt that the direct invasion of an independent country was too bad and costly, so it deliberately created this "misunderstanding".

By killing the Panamanian garrison, the independent organizations they support will be able to succeed. It is estimated that after the withdrawal of Austrian troops, it will not be long for Panama to become independent. "

With such a big movement, it is impossible to keep it completely secret. Austria's approach may have deceived ordinary people, but it could not conceal the British who are also hooligans.

John Niu has done similar things for a long time, and he has very rich practical experience. Just from the clues on the surface, they can push seven or eight.

Prime Minister Benjamin nodded: "It looks like we are going to mourn for the Colombians. Until now they don't know what kind of enemy they have encountered, at least this telegram did not show it."

"Allies" is a false proposition for Britain.

On the bright side, the British Olympics are allies who have signed a covenant, and Colombia has not yet qualified to ally with Britain.

In fact, the British Olympics, as allies, are the biggest competitors. The weak Colombian government is the younger brother of the British, and their closeness is completely reversed.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward shook his head: "Sometimes ignorance is also a blessing. If the truth is known, Raphael Nunez's life will be lost.

Of course, he may also be confused and pretend to be confused. It is easier to deal with the Panamanian rebels than with the Austrians.

This time the Austrians have committed a foul. With the style of Emperor Franz, who loves feathers, the same "misunderstanding" cannot occur twice.

As long as the Colombian government can suppress the rebels in Panama, this time will pass.

For the Republic of Colombia, there is still a chance to win without removing this cover; if you turn your face now, you will immediately lose the Panama region. "

Benjamin smiled slightly, lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath, and exhaled a light smoke.

"You're right, sometimes it really needs to be confused. Since the Colombian government doesn't mention it, we don't know.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should act as soon as possible and send the Austrians away early, so that the Colombian government can feel our sincerity. "

Part of it needs to serve the whole. The land blockade against Peru and Bolivia has been established, and Chile's victory in the war has almost become a foregone conclusion.

Britain has the absolute upper hand in South American competition, and the influence of France and Austria has been squeezed into a place where it is no longer necessary to continue persecution.

The Panama incident became Austria's final counterattack. The hard cap removed the persecution of Faul, and Britain could not obtain more benefits.

After a little thought, Edward smiled: "Of course, we never treat friends. But before that, we need to give the Austrians some trouble.

Such a large "misunderstanding" must be made known to more people. Presumably the media will be happy to get more news and increase newspaper sales. "

Without direct confrontation, that is because Britain has limited power in the Panama region. Even if it wants to interfere with Austria's next action, it is also insufficient and insufficient.

Being unable to interfere directly does not mean that they will not take action. Offensive public opinion, which also damaged Austria's reputation, was also an offensive method.

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