Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 678: The Dangerous South American War

Interests are moving. Austria is unwilling to give in to the British on the issue of South America, and France is also unwilling to see its own interests damaged.

After Peru and Bolivia decided to continue the war, the Paris government agreed very readily.

Over time, the French empire continued to grow, and nationalism in the country flourished.

The rising nationalists are naturally unwilling to submit to the British, coupled with centuries of hatred and conflicts of interests, the French people are very disgusted with the British pro-British government.

In the Napoleon III era, by virtue of annexing the Italian region, it was also able to suppress contradictions.

By the time of Napoleon IV, things had changed. Just after his succession, the government raged, and the pro-British group occupying the government's leading position was besieged by all parties.

Politicians are the most realistic. Choosing pro-British is just a matter of interest. It is no longer needed, and it has even become a burden and trouble. It is also natural to change political positions.

Not only to the British, but in recent years the foreign policy of the Paris government has been much tougher than during Napoleon III.

In this era of weak meat and strong food, diplomatic toughness is naturally based on strong strength.

I have to admit that the strength of France has grown rapidly in recent decades, accompanied by the rise of nationalism. Especially after the annexation of Italy, the tide of expansionist sentiment within France also became strong.

When Napoleon III was in office, capital was constrained, and interest groups knew how much they had converged. After Napoleon IV's succession, the government fell into internal strife and the restrictions on capital slowed.

The so-called "do not put on the house for three days to expose tile." After a few years of freedom, the capitalists were gradually blinded by their interests and wished that the French army had the highest combat effectiveness in the world.

With such a powerful strength, it is natural to get matching benefits. Perhaps it was the anti-French war that cast a shadow over them, fearing that it would cause anger and besiege. It is still in the diplomatic tentative stage.

The three major nations have their own thoughts, and mediation has naturally become "a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water."

From the "guano war" to the game of Britain, France, and Austria, the war is not just a battle over the territories and interests of the three South American countries.



Foreign Minister Edward slowly put down the coffee in his hand and said: "Our two allies are restless again. It seems that the Prussian-Russian war has not been able to give them enough pressure, and they still have the energy to make small moves in South America.

"This is an inevitable result. The strength of France and Austria has grown rapidly in the past two decades, and ambitions have naturally grown.

As long as the two countries do not directly confront each other, the situation in Europe will not run out of control. The lesson of the Russian-Prussian war is that even if the ambitions of the French and Austrian policy makers are great, they must think twice. Secretary of the Treasury Garfield laughed

Obviously, what happened in South America is not enough to impress the London government.

As competitors, it's normal to do small moves with each other. If there is no movement for several years, then ask.

The British do not worry that France and Austria are doing things overseas. The strength of the Royal Navy is enough to suppress all the storms. As long as the European potential is not broken, Britain is not in danger.

The brutality of the Russian-Prussian War will inevitably affect the strategic decisions of European countries. No one wants to go to a war that is doomed to defeat. It is cheap to look at the lively third party.

The main contradiction in the European continent today is the general contradiction between Russia and Russia. Although there are many conflicts between Britain, France, Austria and Austria, they have not reached the point where war broke out.

Without the reshuffle of the war, the balance of power on the European continent will not be broken, and the London government will be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

After Britain's world hegemony was an anti-French war, Metternich led the establishment of the Vienna system and the European continent was balanced for thirty years before the British could have the energy to build a world empire.

Prime Minister Benjamin: "Since France and Austria want to play, we will accompany them to the end. Just use this opportunity to keep them awake lest they continue to do stupid things."

There is no threat to strategic security, which does not mean that the London government will let this happen. The small actions of France and Austria still harmed Britain's interests.

The international struggle has always been your coming and going. It is inevitable that you will stab each other. The British have the most experience in this regard.

Although South American countries have become independent, because of their own strength, they have not completely shaken off the influence of Europe.

In the context that the world has been divided up, the weak South American nations have also become the object of competition between Britain, France and Austria.

It is also a good choice not to establish local colonial rule and turn South America into an economic colony.

In addition to the contention between Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, the South American War was also a game in which Britain, France, and Austria entered the tentacles in South America.

In this regard, both France and Austria have fallen behind. The Austrian colonial empire started too late, and France was affected by the anti-French war and missed the best time for expansion.

Without the South American War, the British would not support Chile, and I am afraid that Peru and Bolivia would not fall to Fao.


Vienna Palace, the news of the British shot, has passed to Franz.

Franz was not surprised at all when this happened. To his astonishment, the British reacted too fiercely, and meant to push France and Austria out of South America.

On February 11, 1880, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, and Ecuador, on the pretext of maintaining world peace, announced the implementation of a material embargo on three belligerents of Chile, Bolivia, and Peru.

It appears that a "material embargo" was imposed on three belligerents at the same time, but in reality it was only Peru and Bolivia. As for Chile, maritime transport is much more convenient than land transport.

After being banned by the four nations, the Mystery-Police Alliance left only the Republic of Colombia, the last "lifeline".

However, this "lifeline" is also in danger and may break at any time.

In recent times, Colombia has been in frequent contact with the British. If it weren't for the influence of France and Austria in Colombia, because the reaction of the two countries is feared, it is estimated that the Colombian government has long joined the embargo coalition.

The reasons for the embargo on the four countries are manifold. In addition to the influence exerted by the British, it is more because of their interests.

This needs to be traced back to the period of the War of Independence. In order to resist Spanish colonial rule, everyone established alliances and joined forces.

"Everything is easy, and all are rich." After driving away the Spaniards, the trophies are divided. At this time, everyone feels that they have contributed the most and should take the largest share.

In the face of interest, former allies have become today's enemies. These conflicts have created hidden dangers for the subsequent South American melee.

The "guano war" is just one of them, including the previous Paraguayan war, which is part of it.

The cause and effect, right and wrong, Franz has no interest in figuring it out. In this age of weak meat and strong food, the winner is not to be blamed.

Franz asked: "From the current situation, how likely is Colombia to fall to Chile?"

After a little thought, Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied: "If neither we nor the French intervene, Colombia's accession to the embargo will be almost 100%."

Franz frowned at this answer. Obviously, he underestimated the British influence in South America. It was taken for granted that as long as Fao worked together, South American countries would stand by and watch.

After hesitating for a moment, Franz said slowly: "Take a look at the attitude of the French. With our own strength, there is no way to compete with the British in South America."

Although I don't want to admit it, the reality is so cruel. The British have been operating in South America for many years, and the potential influence is not comparable to Austria.

Without the presence of the Austrian Central American colonies, even the Colombian and Vienna governments would not be affected. To put it plainly, the main force that determines the international influence in the era of sea power is the navy.

Although there are many Austrian navies, there are also many colonies in their own countries. It is simply impossible to cast nets all over the world.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Weissenberg replied.


The two countries, France and Austria, have great undertakings. Even if they withdraw from South America now, they will not hurt their vitality and can make a comeback at any time.

Peru and Bolivia are miserable. They are both agricultural nations. Once they have lost the supply of foreign materials, it will be difficult to continue the war.

A small country is different from a big country and has no chance to return. If you lose a war, you lose everything.

While the Vienna government responded, the new Peruvian and Bolivian governments, which had just taken over, had already ignored the failed liquidators and rushed to take diplomatic action.

A diplomatic war that has determined the situation in South America has begun.

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