Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 679: pessimistic

The snowflakes fell, white as jade, as if a messenger sent by God, waving blessings to believers.

The people of Paris living in the dwelling have stepped out of their homes and joked with the children in the snow to enjoy this wonderful time.

"Snow" is rare for the people of Paris. In Medici's memory, the last time it snowed in Paris was many years ago.

For many years, Medicis can't remember. For people who are hungry and cold, "snow" is not a good thing, and there is no need to commemorate it.

This year is an exception. The dividends brought by the Prussian-Russian war were not only enjoyed by Austria, but France also received huge benefits.

In the context of the great economic prosperity, social contradictions in France tend to ease, and the most obvious thing is that the lives of the people in Paris are better off.

In this regard, Medicis is the most touching. As the owner of a small newsstand, he has a unique method of judgment.

Most of the French people are passionate about politics and will order several newspapers whenever economic conditions permit. The sales of newspapers also reflect the French economy to some extent.

The people of Paris are proud of this. French newspaper sales have always been at the top of the world's rankings, and Parisians have contributed half of them.

Ranking global newspaper sales leads to an interesting conclusion: France, Austria, Britain, Paris.

This is not a joke, but it really happened.

The political sensitivity of the people in Paris can be said to be the highest in the world. It is right to distinguish the Parisian from the countryman and see if he reviews political news.

"Medicis, let me fetch the newspaper."

A familiar voice sounded and pulled out Medicis who was addicted to reading the newspaper.

When there is a business coming, it is natural to receive. Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Medici smiled slightly: "Rules, is it still the same?"

In the middle of his speech, Medicis had taken out a stack of newspapers he had prepared and put it on top.

The middle-aged man frowned, and said angrily: "Of course. Medicis, don't you know me?"

Medicis wasn't upset, and still said with a smile: "Ruhls, be patient. You are so old-tempered, can't you change?"

Luls shook his head: "Forget it, I'm a lot of years old, what else should I change!"

Judging from the average life expectancy in France, Rules who is over 40 years old is indeed an old man. But the average is often the easiest to bias.

The real short life expectancy is mainly the workers at the bottom. The lives of nobles and rich men are not short at all.

Medicis shook his head without continuing to persuade. Just a little in the newspaper and said, "Okay, Luers. This is the newspaper you want, get it yourself."

Seemingly thought of something, Medicis added: "Well, today the international edition of the Paris News is good, and you should be interested."

A quick glance at the title, it was "the impending dissolution of the Anglo-French-Austrian Alliance of Three Nations".

Ruhls face changed greatly, as a qualified Parisian, he knew the importance of the three-nation alliance. Hastily asked, "What happened?"

Medicis calmly replied: "Don't make a fuss, things are not so serious, but there is a little friction in South America, I believe the government can handle it."

To be concise, but the specific content is resolutely not mentioned. This is the experience that Medicis has accumulated over the years of selling newspapers. If you make things clear, why buy newspapers?

Rolls rolled his eyes: "Give me a copy and settle it together on the weekend."

No way, since Napoleon III opened the retirement system again, the avant-garde Rules has become the Zhou Guang clan.

Except for leaving the necessary family expenses, the rest of the money was spent early. Now it is Saturday, and naturally you have no money in your pocket.

Regardless of whether this consumption pattern is good or bad, stimulating economic development is real.

With slightly lower incomes, French citizens can have per capita consumption that is not weaker than Austria, and stimulating the economy is also an important factor.

Of course, there were no credit cards in this era, and pre-consumption was not popular. Even the most avant-garde Paris is only within its means.

"As you wish!" After that, looking at the snow outside, Medicis added: "But I think now you still need another cup of coffee, preferably a piece of bread, and settle it with dinner. "

"This proposal is great. However, Medicis, you are really a curiosity when you start a newsstand. If you do anything else, you will already be rich by your business acumen." Ruels lamented

The combination of "kiosk + cafe + bakery" is not difficult to get noticeable. Many people think that Medicis is standing by the small shop.

Obviously, Medicis is smart and knows how capable he is.

"Newsstand + Cafe + Bakery" looks very creative. In fact, there is no technical content combination, and the core selling point is "cheap".

Medicis never considers himself a genius, but is more observant than others and has chosen the right place to open a store.

Otherwise, this business model can be imitated without any difficulty, why isn't it flooding the streets?

If he really enters other industries, ordinary people like him may have been swallowed up.

Medicis replied with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, but I think it's good to open a newsstand, nothing else can really do it."

Ruhls didn't continue this topic. The relationship between the two has not yet reached that point. Just a joke, if he would persuade Medicis to change his career, he would not be willing.

Such convenient and cheap places are not many even in Greater Paris. If Medici changes his line, he will have to run more every day.

He took the newspaper from Medicis, went directly into the backyard, found an empty seat, sat down, and quietly looked at the newspaper.

The situation in South America is changing, and not a newspaper can figure it out. Of course, the above content is based on limited data analysis and a lot of brain supplementation.

The original diplomatic wars between Chile, Bolivia, and Peru were immediately elevated to the diplomatic wars between Britain and France and Austria, as if the three countries were about to turn against the British.

No, Britain and France are inherently vengeful, and do not need to look at each other.

Newspapers of this era still have a certain discipline. Since they dare to publish them, they have a certain basis. They will not make fun of their credibility.

After reading the newspaper in one breath, Ruhls took a breath.

The newspaper listed in detail the conflicts of interest of the three countries in the United States, France, and Austria in South America, and clearly stated that in the "guano war", the British supported Chile, and Fao supported Peru and Bolivia.

With so much evidence, it is easy to conclude that there is something wrong with the relations between Britain, France and Austria. In this context, the dissolution of the three-nation alliance does not seem to be impossible.

"Damn Englishman, still so greedy, dare to ignore our interests!"

Someone took the lead in scolding, which instantly aroused everyone's approval. Scolding the British was also one of the daily entertainments of the people in Paris.

"What's weird, British guys are always so shameless. Being an ally with them is like dancing with the devil ..."

"Yes, these **** John Bulls should all go to **** ..."


Seeing the enthusiasm of everyone talking, Rules also joined in and commented: "Peru is too ruined, it is just a loss of our face, even the Chileans can't be beaten."

A young man responded: "Not only Peruvian waste, but Bolivia, supported by Austria, is also a pig teammate. They actually let soldiers carry bows and arrows to the battlefield. Ah, God! Do they think this is medieval?

It is unimaginable. Could the Vienna government be a bunch of idiots? Even rifles were reluctant to equip them. It's too bad to have such a group of idiots to be allies. "

"To make matters worse, it is said that after the war the Chileans seized two regiments of army equipment in the hands of the Bolivian army. It has been more than a month since the officers were not delivered to the soldiers ..."


The news is flying all over the sky, and the topic is inevitable. In this age of no entertainment, groups of three to five bragging together have become a unique landscape.


At the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon IV threw away the newspaper in his hand. When did the Anglo-French-Austrian Triad collapse? Why is he not aware of this party, isn't this a joke?

The alliance did not reach the point of collapse, but the situation in South America still gave Napoleon IV a headache. The British have too many advantages, even if France and Austria are on the same front, they can barely compete with them.

It is almost impossible to replace the British and gain hegemony in South America.

Unless this South American war, Peru and Bolivia can counterattack Chile and destroy the British flag over South America.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dumbledore: "His Majesty, the Austrians have a very clear position, and they hope that we can work together to allow Colombia to remain neutral and to preserve the last lifeline of the Mystery Alliance."

There is no need to say that if the Mystery Alliance wants to win the war, we must help them keep this lifeline.

Without hesitation, Napoleon IV nodded immediately: "This is not a problem. Stabilizing Colombia is one of our tasks. However, this alone may not be enough.

The Chileans have the upper hand on the South American battlefield, and Peru and Bolivia are idiots. I should not have any confidence in them at all. "

Not to blame Napoleon IV's pessimism, it is too many jokes on the battlefield. Many times, the Mystery Alliance Road has the advantage, the possibility of winning the war is very high, and it ends in failure.

In addition to the military waste of the two countries, the IQ of the government bureaucrats is also anxious. Neighboring neighbors were drawn over by the enemy, and he knew nothing in advance.

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