Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 677: Law of the Jungle

Franz's fears are superfluous, and the Tsarist government has already begun to do so before the Vienna government reminds.

It's just that the method is a bit immature, it may be that it is not prepared in advance, and the evidence presented by the Russians is not convincing enough.

There are no movies, and makeup has not become the four major magical tricks. The special effects are not even shadows. It is still difficult to fake photos.

No, to be exact, the tsarist government has no concept of fraud at all.

The Berlin government has launched a public opinion offensive. The frontline general forces have long been ordered to abide by military discipline. It is naturally not easy to grasp the handle of general forces at this time.

Many of the photo evidence provided by the Tsar government were sponsored by the Austrian government.

These were taken by the Austrian military when collecting information on the battlefield, and there were very few actual shots on the ground. Most of them were shot on airships.

Clarity can't be expected, and it's good to be able to see people's shadows. On the one hand, it is flying too high, on the other hand, the camera is not advanced enough.

If it wasn't for the newspaper's intention to provoke controversy in order to sell, it is estimated that even a spray can't be hit by the tsarist government's evidence.

Anyway, it's better to argue than to have no dispute. By convention, this kind of public opinion is usually digressive.

In the words of the mentor, "The Russian army is a robber, and the general army is a bandit." In short, it is not a good thing.

You can sing me on stage. This winter, the performances of the two countries have brought a good show to the European people.

As the temperature dropped, the Russian-Prussian War gradually eased. After the winter, the non-combatting attrition of the general army increased day by day. In order to reduce the loss, Mao Qi had to stop the offensive.

Teddy bears are indeed more resistant to freezing, but they also need to accumulate strategic materials for this winter. Unless the victory can be guaranteed this winter, otherwise the Russian army must stop.

There is no other way. After the spring, the snow and ice are melting, the roads are muddy, and the transportation of materials is very difficult.

After suffering a shortage of supplies, the bureaucrats of the Tsarist government have evolved. Suppressing the enemy with a solemn righteousness, why take a risk?

Of course, a "winter offensive" is still needed. The Russian army continued to die in Smolinsk. This fortress city is right by the Dnieper River, and water transportation is very convenient.

Even if it is in other areas, it is already defensive. Is it not good to use winter to strengthen the fortifications, why do we have to go out and fight with the enemy?


The Russian-Prussian battlefield has stabilized, and the South American War has undergone tremendous changes. The Peruvian Bolivia Union, which had the upper hand, gradually fell into the lower hand after the British shot.

Two months ago, 7,000 Chilean soldiers, escorted by six warships, landed near the Iquique fortress, successfully defeated the Peruvian Bolivian coalition, and the strength comparison between the two sides reversed.

Looking at the information gathered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Franz didn't know how to confide. The mud can't help the wall, which is Bolivia.

Who would have thought that the Bolivian army was still using bows and crossbows?

If there is no alternative, only these weapons are fine. The problem was that Bolivia had the support of Austria and bought a lot of used equipment before the war broke out.

Franz admits that the time is a little short, and the Bolivian army is full of Indians. It is really difficult to change clothes without training.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to go! The foundation is too poor, if you want to be trained to do it, it is always possible to teach them to shoot.

From the preparations for the war to the fall of Iquique, there were also half a year. The army is not the navy, and it is possible to train a war-worthy army in a few months if it is held for a while.

Franz is no longer concerned about Bolivia's internal issues. Now he is just fortunate to let go in time and has not continued to support this "Adou".

Not only is the Bolivian army trash, the Chilean army as the victor is also rampant. To deal with such a black people, I have been busy for so long.

A war that was worse than the past was completely ignored, and it was impossible to learn even lessons. Franz was very skeptical that putting Montenegro in South America could become a hegemon.

Originally worried that after the rise of Chile, Austria and South America would be in danger, now Franz is relieved. If it does, it is estimated that the Chilean army will not win the local militia.

The South American War is no longer called the "Pacific War." Contrast that with the brutal Russian-Prussian War, the wars between Chile, Bolivia, and Peru are all games for children.

The European media has replaced the original "Pacific War" with the "guano war" or "petrified war", and the ridicule is completely undisguised.

Franz now understands why Europeans are so arrogant. It's really not that they are arrogant, nor is it their short-term vision, all set off by their opponents.

The center of the world in the 19th century was in Europe. In this era, the major powers of the world were gathered in the European continent, and no challenger could be found around the world.

If there was no World War in time and space, this advantage will continue for many years. There is no such thing as history. World war is both coincidence and inevitable.

Even in the present European continent, Franz can't guarantee that there will never be a war. To put it plainly, war is a continuation of politics, and politics is motivated by interests.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "His Majesty, the Minister of Chile issued an invitation to us this morning, hoping that we can come forward to mediate the Pacific War, and Britain and France have also been invited."

It is not surprising that since the three countries announced their alliance, the conflicts in the world have been mediated by the three countries.

Even if no one is invited, the three countries will come to serve on their own. It is named for "world peace". The real purpose is naturally ...

After looking at the map of South America, Franz only said after a long time: "This Chilean government is not bad. If you see it, you can take it, but will Peru and Bolivia agree?"

The Chileans have occupied Antofagasta, Talapaca, Arica, Tacna and other areas, which are the main producers of saltpeter and guano.

The desired benefits have been obtained, the war continues, and no greater benefits can be obtained. The Chilean government's choice to settle down for security is undoubtedly the most wise choice.

If the war continues, it will not be possible to obtain greater benefits. In the event of the end of the Prussian-Russian war, France and Austria will re-focus their eyes on South America and try to eat the spoils in their stomachs.

Weissenberg replied: "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Peruvian and Bolivian still have a fight.

Peru, in particular, has a much larger population than Chile. The losses are still within the scope, and there is still a chance to come back.

Politically, the situation is even more pronounced. Affected by the defeat of the frontline, Peru and Bolivia both changed their governments, and the atmosphere of the civil war was so strong that they could not retreat.

Chile invites us to intervene, mainly in order to use our power and that of Britain and France to force the two governments to compromise. "

"Maintaining world peace" is the banner + political platform of the alliance between Britain, France, Austria and Austria. Since the slogan was called out, even for the sake of face, the Vienna government cannot refuse the Chilean government's invitation to mediate.

Not only is this invitation for "mediation", any country in the world invites "mediation", and the three countries will send people to participate.

Naturally, the three countries, Britain, France and Austria, have actively participated in international affairs. Seemingly simple international mediation is actually a division of regional interests.

As the three most powerful countries in the world today, as long as they participate in it, they can take more or less one. This is the essence of the era of imperialism.

"Come in, we have little interest in South America. If Peru and Bolivia want to continue the war, let them continue.

As a responsible large country, we must fully respect the opinions of small countries and not blindly impose our will on them. "

Franz waved his hand as he spoke, as if he didn't care about it. However, a wrinkle between the brows revealed his unwillingness.

The truce at this time was undoubtedly that the British took the big head, Chile was followed by meat, and the two countries beat the soy sauce and split the soup.

Similar things have not just happened once or twice. Losing more times will always make people dissatisfied.

In this age of weak meat and strong food, there is nothing wrong with how much power there is. However, the power comparison between Britain, France, and Austria is constantly changing, but the distribution of benefits has not changed with the change in strength.

Inciting Peru and Bolivia to continue the war was a counterattack by Franz. Now that the British want to take away their best interests, keep investing!

In the unlikely event that the Mystery Alliance is lucky, and the market is overturned, the situation will be very different. Although the odds are small, Franz doesn't mind gambling.

Losing the bet adds a block to the British; winning the bet can also shake the British dominance in South America.

From an Austrian standpoint, no matter how you look at it, it's worth it.

As for Peru and Bolivia, the road is chosen by themselves, and tears will be left.

Ending the war without forcing them to cede compensation and end the war is in itself the greatest respect.

Austria is not a pure flicker of empty-mouthed white teeth. Weapons and ammunition assistance are still available. Although it is necessary to pay, during the war, being able to get loans, weapons and ammunition is a support in itself.

It doesn't matter who is familiar with the cause of the "guano war" or not.

For Peru and Bolivia, the enemy has already fought, and the purpose of the war is no longer a battle for bird droppings and saltpeter, but a territorial defense battle.

Since you are defending your country and defending your country, naturally you have to go on your own. Can you still expect others to fail?


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