Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 674: worry

Christmas in 1879 was extraordinarily lively. Except for the two countries that were at war with Russia and Russia, Europeans had a fat year.

As a rule, after the New Year, the Vienna government has arranged annual tasks for various departments.

The only exception is the Immigration Department. Everyone knows that in the context of a hot domestic economy, it is a fable to complete the immigration strategy.

Therefore, the mission of the Immigration Department in 1880 is to continue the unfinished mission of the previous year, and there is no punishment.

In this regard, the Austrian government is still very pragmatic. The tasks of each department are formulated after investigation and combined with the actual situation. They will not act blindly in order to improve their political performance.

In the new year, Franz felt the deepest "one year old", and at the age of knowing his fate, he would not be able to accept the old.

Judging from the average life expectancy of this age, this age is completely called high life. In private terms, this age can already be retired.

The rural area is better, the urban age is basically unemployed, and no factory will employ people of this age.

Decreased physical strength, inflexible hands and feet, this cannot be changed by personal will. It is okay to engage in mental work. Purely manual workers, except for a few positions, are mostly insulated from them.

There is no need to worry about the old-age problem. Heavy physical labor + expensive medical system help everyone through the "old age crisis."

"Franz, when do you see Frederick's marriage?"

Queen Helen's voice brought Franz in thought.

"Is it too urgent so early?" Franz replied without thinking.

"What early!" It seemed that Franz was not satisfied with his son's marriage. Helen was dissatisfied: "Frederick is 24 years old and Victoria is 18 years old. Baden ’s royal family has sent a telegram to Cui, and you cannot Have a little heart! "

As soon as Franz hesitated, he said casually! He hadn't seen Helen make such a big fire for so many years of marriage, but he didn't expect that it was for this.

Whether it's a woman's menopause or a mother is better, Franz has no time to study it.

"What do you think? I mean, just after Christmas, I was in a hurry to talk about marriage.

Moreover, the two countries are at war with each other, and blood is flowing in the European continent. At this juncture, it is too unlucky for Frederick to marry. "

After being an emperor for so many years, Franz today only realized how powerful his ability to make excuses is, as if he was back in the past to coax his girlfriend.

The woman's inexplicable fire came fast and went fast.

After listening to Franz's excuse, Queen Helen extinguished her anger, still complaining: "This **** war is really annoying."

Then he pointed to Franz again: "Why do you guys always like to fight and kill, why can't you sit down and talk?"

Some guilty Franz rolled his eyes and replied, "Because we want to support you!"

"This world is so big. The gift of nature can't meet the needs of all human beings. In order to survive, everyone can only fight for it.

The Russian-Prussian War is the result of the sublimation of contradictions. No one can make concessions. Concessions mean disaster. "

This is not nonsense, but has sufficient theoretical basis. According to the analysis of data collected by the Austrian government, sociologists generally believe that 70% of the world's people are currently hungry, which means that more than one billion people in the world are undernourished.

Must be inaccurate, there is no need to dispute this issue. Most people are in poverty and it is difficult to make a living, which is a social reality.

Not to mention areas where industry has not developed, even the European continent, which claims to be a civilized world, has more than 200 million poor people out of a total population of 320 million.

Of course, compared with other regions, the European people's life is still much better due to the impact of the colonial dividend. Most people can barely fill their stomachs as long as they work hard.

The causes of hunger are many, including: exploitation by the ruling class, insufficient regional food production capacity, colonial rule ...

The problem of hunger for all mankind has not been solved in the 21st century, and it is even more impossible to solve it in this era.

The only thing that can be done is to sweep the snow in front of the door. While developing the country, go out and plunder, and basically you can fill the stomach.

If we say that the first Russian-Prussian War, there are elements of contention and morale; the second Russian-Prussian War is completely a struggle for living space.

The main factor that led to the outbreak of war was interest, and hatred had long since retreated to a secondary position.

If the Tsarist government wants to restore its status as a great power, break out of the Baltic Sea, and recover lost land, it must defeat the Popo Federation.

Vice versa, the Popo Federation wants to go further and can only expand eastward.

It can be said that after the Berlin government decided to abandon the sea and land, the war was doomed. This is determined by geographical location. Without becoming a colonial empire, you can only expand to the east.

Although the strength of the German federal empire on the west is not bad, but their geographical location is special, going west is equivalent to declaring war against Britain, France, Russia, and Austria.

To the south is stronger Austria and to the north is the Nordic Federation. Geographically, the Berlin government was also confronted by the Russians on its way north.

Queen Helen is not interested in politics, and unless it is necessary, she usually does not participate. In her opinion, these issues are far less important than holding grandchildren at an early date.

"It's up to you. If Frederick complains, I'll tell him what you mean."

After all, he still distressed his son, and Queen Helen did not want Frederick to be wronged. It is okay for ordinary people to get married when blood flows in Europe, but as the Austrian Crown Prince, if marriage is affected at this time, it is inevitable.

As long as the guests who wanted to participate in the wedding did not come to send blessings, but were busy talking about the Prussian-Russian war, the embarrassing scene, Queen Helen felt isolated.

Franz smiled, and made his judgment very confidently: "Relax, the Russian-Prussian war will not last long. If it goes well, it will be over by the end of this year, and it will be at the latest by 1882."

If Russia and Russia separate the victory and defeat, then the war may end at the end; if the victory cannot be separated, the war will be over for two years and it will be over.

It has not yet entered the 20th century. If it wants to continue like the World War for four or five years, its national strength cannot support it!

Parents are not in a hurry to hug their grandson, dragging their son's marriage, Franz is also forced to helplessly. In the royal family, marriage must serve politics.

In this case, it is natural to maximize the benefits. At such a sacrifice, Frederick's loss would be great without a huge sum of political resources.

The end of the Prussian-Russian war and the drastic changes in the situation in Europe is the best time for Austria to penetrate the German Federation. Frederick's marriage happened to be an opportunity for all parties to make bright contact.

The things that have already been negotiated can also be used to get to the bright side. The political results finally achieved are indispensable to Frederick.

Contribution to the German regional unification movement and accumulation of political prestige is very important for Frederick's future succession to the throne.

The second-generation emperor was also not easy to handle, especially his father was particularly aggressive. The outside world will compare them, but how easy is it to make achievements?

Franz is in an era of great change. This is a special period. The achievements that he has achieved cannot be replicated at all.


While Franz was worrying for his son, the Russian-Prussian battlefield also changed. After much hard work, the General Army finally prevailed in the Ukrainian battlefield.

Mao Qi, who is good at perimeter operations, has given full play to the advantages of the general army's fast speed, using a series of tactics such as siege support, and attacking the west to continuously mobilize the Russian army to concentrate the superior forces and the Russian decisive battle in the movement.

After a series of operations that can be included in military textbooks, in the months from the end of 1879 to the beginning of 1880, the General Army annihilated more than 200,000 Russian troops, which was called "Warren Victory" by European media.

The general army was successful tactically, and it was only a slight advantage strategically. The Russians lost most of Warren, but kept the strategic place, Brest, and the Kiev offensive failed.

A small regret is nothing, anyway, the south side also won, and the other battlefields will be much worse. In particular, the northern coast was attacked by the Russian Navy, and many port cities were destroyed by artillery fire and suffered heavy losses.

The central battlefield was not much better. Although there was no loss on the battlefield, the Russian army continued to send Cossack cavalry to carry out further destruction, which annoyed the Berlin government.

I do n’t know if it ’s a talent. The Cossack cavalry's combat effectiveness is not much stronger than the general cavalry on the front battlefield, but once it turns into a robber, its combat effectiveness is skyrocketing.

Once, after a robbery by a Cossack cavalry regiment, they accidentally fell into the siege of a general cavalry regiment and two infantry regiments. As a result, they simply defeated the general cavalry regiment and broke out with some loot.

Although this has something to do with the rush of the general forces and the siege ring without too much time, the combat effectiveness of the Cossack cavalry is still shocking.

This is not an example. As long as you carefully analyze and study, you will find that the Cossack cavalry can always play at an extra level when protecting its loot.

If there is success, it will naturally fail. In order to combat the arrogance of the Russians, the general army also repeatedly set up traps and successfully ambush these robbers.

Interests are moving, no matter how great the risk is, it will not stop Cossack's dream of getting rich.

Moreover, the Tsarist government was very generous this time. Not only did all the spoils belong to themselves, but it also provided generous rewards. As long as they participated in the robbery, a bounty of 3 rubles was required.

Looking at the combined losses between the two countries, Franz reached: "A draw conclusion."

Russian soldiers suffered even more casualties, and civilians in the Popo Federation suffered more casualties, and no one took advantage.

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