Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 673: Tinkering

The general trend is not something that a few small feet can shake, and the introduction of cheap foreign labor is not so simple. Except for the support of capitalists, everyone else is opposed.

Without it, only benefit Seoul.

The influx of cheap migrant workers will not only impact the domestic pay system, but also affect public order. Everyone's vital interests are damaged and naturally they must oppose it.

On this issue, the position of the Vienna government has always been firm. The distinction between primary and secondary is very clear.

It is impossible to ignore the foundations of the state because of the interests of the capitalists. Except for high-skilled personnel, Austria does not welcome ordinary migrant workers.

At the national level, the people of the country receive income, and the money remains in the domestic circulation; after the migrant workers get paid, most of the rest, except for their daily needs, is drained away.

The outflow of wealth is definitely detrimental to the development of the country. Unless there is a real labor shortage, foreign workers must make up for it, otherwise no government will welcome it.

Austria ’s labor shortage is only affected by the war and temporary short-term labor shortages have occurred. As long as the capitalists stop blindly expanding, this problem does not exist.

Openly introduced labor is not the same as sneaking in to fight gangsters. The latter is illegal employment and can be deported at any time; the former has signed a contract and belongs to legal labor, and certainly must not be so rude.

It is necessary to introduce a large number of foreign laborers. Once the post-war economic crisis erupts, the domestic employment and labor compensation system will be fragmented by the shock, which will further exacerbate the crisis under a vicious circle.

The government did nothing to stop the blind expansion of the capitalists, but was actually affected by the shortage of labor to curb this expansion. This ending is quite comical.

In the face of interests, all difficulties can be overcome. If the labor force is insufficient, then dig corners. After Christmas, a battle for talents broke out in Austria.

In order to recruit more workers, many companies have given unimaginable preferential conditions, such as: free lunch, free accommodation ...

Against this background, the labor dispute case accepted by the labor inspection department in 1880 hit a record low, and social class contradictions tended to ease.

Rising labor costs have also led to rising corporate operating costs, but this small issue is not worth mentioning before the war.

In a favorable situation, the "golden age" has been appearing in newspapers, and many people are optimistic that this is another capitalist economy.

People don't know the severity of the consequences, but Franz can't help but be vigilant. Prosperity is brought by war, and once the war is over, it cannot be sustained.

As people's incomes increase, prices also slowly climb. Once the war is over, this abnormal prosperity will definitely not last.

The post-war economic bubble was burst, the crisis of overcapacity broke out, market competition became more brutal, and corporate profits fell sharply.

With the restraint of capitalists, under the condition of lower profits, it is an inevitable result to reduce labor costs. Layoffs and lower wages are the most common methods.

Income has decreased, but prices have reached a high level. The lives of the people at the bottom will become more difficult and a crisis will emerge.

If it weren't for the colonies to release the floods, Franz would not be able to sleep. Whenever he thinks of a horrific wave of unemployment, he feels trembling.

After much hesitation, Franz decided to intervene in the market. Government intervention in the market must consider skills, and it is certainly not possible to get directly involved.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Franz instructed the maid, "Notify the heads of the Ministry of Finance, the Banking Regulatory Department and the National Bank that they will come to the meeting tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After speaking, the jingle bell sounded, and the maid picked up the phone not far away and started dialing.

I have to admit that the telephone was one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. Before the meeting is notified, someone must be sent to send a message. It can't be done in half a day.

Phone calls now take just a flash. Of course, this is the emperor's privilege. The special line provided by the telephone company is available 24 hours a day to ensure that the wiring is completed as soon as possible.

In this era of manual wiring, ordinary people want to make phone calls, but still have to line up obediently. It is not too late to wait for half an hour, and it is normal operation for two or three hours during the peak period.

Since it is a purely manual operation, some accidents are naturally inevitable. For example, the most common operator mistakes lead to telephone line channeling.

The current monthly subscription call is not responsible for any delay caused by telephone company personnel's mistakes in operation.

No way, it is overlord-style service. These days, phones are high-tech products, and the telephone company has a monopoly on business.

No matter how bad it is, the telephone is much stronger than the telegram. You can talk directly at home, which is far more convenient than going to the telegraph company.

For better service, upgrade your VIP. This is Franz's idea, copying the Great Penguin Empire. If you want to improve the quality of the call, go to gold.

As long as the gold can be smooth, even a customized 24-hour dedicated line service can be used. Personally ordered high-end luxury packages, except in special cases, or guaranteed to be connected for five minutes.

As for ordinary users complaining about poor service quality, I can only apologize. In the era of manual wiring, there is no way to talk about service quality.

You can't blame the telephone company for treating it differently, it is really a life force. The tall product of the telephone is simply not affordable to ordinary people, and even the middle class cannot afford it.

Just like the newspaper said: "Judge whether the other party has money, and see if he has a phone call at home."

The richest people are VIP customers of the telephone company. As long as the phones are installed, they are all middle class.

The Internet access fee of up to 500 Aegis and the phone fee of a minimum of 30 Aegis each month directly eliminated all ordinary people.

Don't be too expensive. In fact, because of the establishment of outlets throughout the country, the telephone company is still losing money.

If it is not for the purpose of capturing the market, it is estimated that like many European countries, the phone is only for large cities.

The high cost is actually paying for new technology research and development and promotion. Monopoly management is both a praise for developers and a helpless reality.

Without the core technology, it is necessary to pay patent fees, the infrastructure investment cost is too high, and the profit prospects are not optimistic. So many unfavorable factors combined are simply not affordable for ordinary enterprises.

Against the background of continued loss of money and long-term profits, anti-monopoly talk is actually nonsense.

It is easy to stand up to moral dominance. The problem is to solve the problem? It is easy to break the monopoly, and then what?

Enterprises do not see profit prospects, they have no incentive to develop and promote new technologies, and the consequences can be more serious than monopolies.

Each era has its own characteristics, and the most suitable is the best. The so-called monopoly impedes scientific and technological progress. In fact, it is relatively speaking. Before that, monopoly also promoted scientific and technological progress.

Of course, this is limited to technology. The premise is that based on scientific and technological innovation, relying on more advanced technology to occupy the market and obtain a monopoly position.

Even in later generations, monopoly groups are still not in the minority, relying on technological advantages. There is no way, peers do not help, and failed in market competition.

You can't just for the sake of antitrust, you shouldn't stop others from making technological progress, and wait for competitors to catch up.

The issue of side effects is temporarily out of Franz's consideration. You can't stop eating because you may be choked to eat.

These problems are left to future generations to solve. Now I still strive to climb the technology tree and stand out in this most cruel era.


Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl: "Your Majesty, is now in a period of rapid economic development. Sudden contraction of money can easily cause market turmoil."

Carr should not be worried, the government in the free economy era rarely intervened in the market, and did not know how to intervene in the market.

Doing something that has never been done before and involving a lot of things will cause doubts in normal people.

Franz shook his head: "It is not a direct contraction of money. We only need to regulate the approval of loans to ensure the safety of depositors' funds."

The same thing, in other words, produces different results.

Direct and rude government intervention, or forcing banks to shrink their money, will definitely suffer a strong rebound. The situation will be different if you intervene in the name of regulated loan origination.

The latter itself is one of the functions of the government, protecting the safety of depositors' funds, and it is a tall use, and no one can oppose it.

While regulating loan disbursement, there will naturally be some loans with incomplete procedures and false information that cannot be approved.

Usually these loans are also high-risk loans. Preventing these loans from disbursing not only substantially reduces the amount of money, but also protects the safety of depositors' funds.

It is not obvious now, after the crisis erupts, every additional SHIELD cash may be the life-saving straw of the bank.

Franz didn't want to see the massive bankruptcy of domestic banks, and then the government was forced to pick up the mess and make the finances in debt.

Alex, Minister of Banking Supervision: "Your Majesty, we still lack the legal basis for this, and the government has not clearly stipulated the scope of supervision over commercial loans.

If you step in blindly, without detailed standards, it is easy to abuse your authority and cause bad consequences. "

Since the suppression of the March Revolution, the Austrian government has opened the way to legal reform. The Communist Party has been busy for thirty years, but it has not been able to fully refine it.

Many problems are patched only after they are discovered. Franz is accustomed to tinkering. The legal system itself is perfected through constant exploration, and it is simply unrealistic in one step.

"I will say hello to the Legislative Council on this issue. You are responsible for cooperating, collecting more cases, and coming up with an implementation rule as soon as possible.

The imperfections will be filled later. It ’s a long-term job to plug some loopholes and less. "


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