Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 675:

The winter wind blows the face, blowing off the scattered clouds, and mixing with the fragrance of the earth, it is intoxicating.

In the quiet village, plumes of cooking smoke rise, and the wind blows up and down, as if telling how hard life is.

As night fell, Joseph Hansong, the militias in charge of the alert, breathed a sigh of relief, and today is finally safe. Without going through the book, Joseph Han didn't know what to say, but sighed helplessly.

Since the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the atmosphere in the border area has become tense, especially after the Cossack cavalry looted, and it has even pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Budaski Village is located in Lubson, less than one hundred kilometers from the front line, and is naturally a key warning area.

In order to combat the enemy's arrogance, the Berlin government formed militia and distributed weapons.

The border line between the two countries is really too long. Against the background of the main force of the general forces being restrained, even if the rear is waiting, it will not be able to fully defend against the invasion of the enemy.

The big cities are okay. The army is garrisoned. The Cossack cavalry will not go to hard bones. The small towns and villages scattered around will reach the blood mold and become the favorite of "robbers".

Joseph Han went to a village after being baptized by a "robber", which is completely **** on earth.

Burning houses, human heads hanging from the village entrance, wreckage all over the ground, survivors with short arms and short legs ... are all telling the atrocities of the "robbers".

Under the persecution of reality, Joseph Han, an honest Pakistani, took up his weapon and joined the militia to defend the peace of the village.

In terms of defense, in fact, they did not have the strength to fight the enemy. The main task of the militia is to send a signal in time after discovering the enemy, cover the people into the castle, defend the castle, and wait for the regular army to come.

Not every place has a castle, and not every castle has the ability to defend, as long as some large nobles' castles can withstand the robbers of "robbers".

In the past century, many wars have been reported in Poland, and many local nobles have fallen. The families of the emerging aristocrats are not rich, and many people have abandoned the castle construction due to the influence of new ideas.

There is no castle fort in the plains, and it is almost impossible to resist the cavalry of the cavalry.

For the sake of safety, the local people have already acted for a long time, under the organization of the government, to repair or rebuild the castle to resist the invasion of "robbers".

In this regard, the European people are very talented, and every war is accompanied by robbery. After thousands of years, everyone has learned a unique life-saving ability.

This time, nothing more than the enemy's cruelty, the days still have to pass.

Under the crisis that may be looted by robbers at any time, night has become everyone's favorite, and the enemy will not act at this time.

Tensions were relieved, and the militiamen went home in pairs, with Joseph Han among them. Maybe it was physically and mentally exhausted, and everyone didn't speak tacitly.

Back home, his wife had prepared dinner. The food was very simple. The potatoes and vegetables were baked at home.

A family of five with only six fist-sized baked potatoes is obviously not enough to eat, or even enough for Joseph Han alone.

No way, how difficult people's livelihood. In normal times, they only have two meals, morning and afternoon respectively. There is no need to work at night, so there is no dinner.

Joseph Han joined the militia, training every day, and nutrition had to keep up; his wife and children went to build strongholds, and they needed to increase nutrition, so they added a hearty dinner.

It was too dark tonight, and there was no trace of moonlight. His frugal wife had to light the candle.

Perhaps he was too hungry, or maybe he didn't even want to peel the potato skin, and Joseph Han stuffed it into his mouth.

"Han, I heard that Fick Town, twenty miles away, was ransacked by the Russians. All the militiamen were killed. You must be careful when you go out!"

His wife's uncle's voice made Joseph Han's heart tremble. He also heard about the situation in Fick, not only the militiamen were killed, but even the old, weak women and children were also seriously injured.

The enemy killed all the rebels, and the survivors were either wounded or disabled. It is clear that the Russians are deliberately creating wounds and increasing the burden on the Berlin government.

Either the government was unable to relocate because of too many wounded people, or to stimulate the people's will to resist, the village was also resettled with several injured people.

Joseph Han: "Relax, I will be careful. You also have to be careful. Once you find the enemy coming, hide in the cellar, the Russians will not stay long."

Obviously, Joseph Han is not confident in the castle being built. Now is the age of hot weapons, but the castle built has stayed in the last century.

Not everyone does n’t want to build stronger, castles are being built everywhere. Steel bars, cement, and stone are lacking, so they can only build earthen walls.

The Berlin government has increased imports. However, the cost is high, and it can only be used in strategic areas. The urban defense projects are not enough, and they ca n’t go to ordinary villages.

It has been proposed to evacuate the villages, concentrate the population in cities and reduce civilian casualties.

Unfortunately, this can only be thought about.

As a result of the war, the food production of the Federal Republic of Popo has fallen sharply, and it was a great victory to be able to maintain 80% of its production capacity in 1880.

If the border areas are abandoned, the food production capacity of the Popo Federation will decline further. The food gap of millions of tons per year is not so easy to make up for.


The tired body and mind made them not interested in chatting. After eating dinner in the shortest time, his wife hurriedly extinguished the candles.


In the sun, the sign of the "Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs" is particularly dazzling.

A diplomatic carriage was parked at the entrance of the building. A middle-aged man in a suit stepped off the carriage, took a thick stack of documents, and strode into the building.

The secretary whispered, "His Excellency, Earl Kovacevich, Minister of the Federation of Popo in Vienna, visited."

Weissenberg lowered the coffee in his hand and asked, "Does he have an appointment in advance?"

As Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg has a lot of work, and almost every day has a full schedule. Except for special circumstances, general diplomatic activities need to be booked in advance.

The secretary replied: "No. But Kovacevich's face is very ugly, and he repeatedly emphasizes that there is an urgent matter and I must see you immediately."

"There is something urgent," Weisenberg, who was about to decline, was shocked, immediately thinking of the Russian-Prussian war, and slowly said, "Please come in. Remember to tell him that I only have half an hour to spare."


After a few words of congratulations, Minister Kovacevich handed the thick document to Weissenberg, and said, "His Excellency, these photos and information were provided by enthusiasts, and the Russian brutality above."

After receiving the documents and flipping through them, Weissenberg saw the corpses, burning houses, and hanging heads in the photos, all telling the savage crimes.

The well-informed Weissenberg was also shocked. Without continuing to read, he closed the document and surrendered Kovacevic.

"My Excellency, your country has always been the main force for maintaining world peace and international order. For God's sake, we hope that your country can step in and stop the atrocities of the Russians."

The Russian government was struggling with the next three methods, and the Berlin government was struggling to cope with it. In desperation, it could only resort to the international community.

No matter how cruel the nature of the world is, it is known in the European continent countries to converge. The Russians have long been outdated.

Ignoring the touts of Kovacevic, Weissenberg slowly responded: "This issue is very involved, and we must investigate and determine it before we can reply to your country.

However, you can rest assured that as long as the above is proved to be true, the justice of the world will not allow such atrocities to exist. "

There is no doubt that this is a delay. The atrocities of the Russians were no secret at all, but Austria sent a military observation mission, and what happened on the front line was clear.

Knowing and knowing, the Vienna government will not intervene without sufficient interests.

Similar things are not only done by the Russians, but also by the general army when it comes to killing villages and towns, and the major colonial empires have done even better overseas.

It's just that the cover wasn't opened, and everyone chose to ignore it tacitly. This time the Tsarist government has gone too far, with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties in the Popo Federation.

In the war years, small-scale killings were inevitable, and large-scale killings broke the rules.

The Russian army did not kill, and it was almost the same as the killing. Except for the dead, the rest were all wounded, and most of them were permanently disabled.

Kovacevich envoy said with a bitter expression: "Sir Minister, these photos are enthusiastic people who risked their lives. I can guarantee that everything is true.

Thousands of people die every day under the butcher's knife of the Russians ... "

Weissenberg waved his hand: "Rest assured, Excellency. It can't be fake, it can't be fake.

As long as it is a member of the civilization camp, such things will not be allowed to happen. I'll arrange someone to investigate now, you go back and wait for the news! "

Kovacevic was sent away, and Weissenberg had a headache again. Interference or non-interference is a headache.

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