Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 672: Panic

The prosperity of the market has also driven the prosperity of the stock market. In the face of good news, everyone's confidence has reached its peak.

It is easier to retreat in the stock market than to sell in the physical industry. Originally, there were selling and buying in the market every day, an increase of several percentage points, which is also a normal fluctuation of the market.

It is not a time of economic crisis. This small fluctuation is completely within the range of the market. The most typical is that the stock price is continuously rising.

Frankly speaking, speculation in the stock market is far more profitable than manufacturing. But there are advantages and disadvantages, and high returns are accompanied by high risks.

You can't make much money without playing leverage, and the risk of playing leverage is very large. Many times the market fluctuates by accident and takes away a large wave of speculators.

In contrast, the physical industry is much more robust, at least in the 19th century.

No matter how the market changes, as long as the enterprise itself has no problems, the loss is within the controllable range. The market is not good enough to reduce production capacity.

"Bankruptcy" is usually a problem of the enterprise itself. For example, the debt is too high and a large amount of profit is required to repay the loan; or there are management problems, the equipment is not replaced in a timely manner, and the product loses market competitiveness; , Taking up a lot of money ...

It is rare for companies to be squeezed into bankruptcy without problems. To put it plainly, everyone is doing business to make money.

The capitalists are not so stupid as they blindly drive down prices and lose money at a loss. Except those who want to monopolize the market. In order to lose money in the monopoly market, it can only be considered as a preliminary investment.

For most industries, there are no monopolistic conditions. The threshold for entry is too low. After suppressing a wave of competitors, there will be new opponents. It is impossible to monopolize.

Business is not a battle of spirits. Capitalists usually do not do things that kill an enemy and cause 800 damage.

The fierce market competition is nothing more than a thinning of profits. If the entire industry is losing money, it means that the industry will be eliminated.

Under normal circumstances, even in the era of the Great Depression, only a few companies have lost money, and most of them have declined performance and reduced profits.

If it works normally, without a lot of debt, companies with strong market competitiveness can still survive.

After all, it is only the late 19th century. There are fewer than 10 countries in the world that have completed industrialization. There are only two and a half powerful industrial nations. The market is still growing wildly, and competition is far less intense than future generations.

Under the jungle law of weak meat and strong food, the market will return to normal after the elimination of some weak people. No new round of war will break out until the victors have digested the loot.

It can be said that this is the golden age of the capitalist economy. As long as the opportunities are seized, there are too many opportunities to get rich.


The market is very good, factories are standing up, job advertisements are full of streets, and there are few candidates.

As the largest city on the border between Austria and France, Milan is also the first choice for Italian workers to enter Austria. The advantages of being close to home and high wages attract a large number of Italians every year.

Under the unique situation of the British textile industry, the Milan Textile Center can rise against the market and become one of the three largest textile centers in the world, and the cheap labor in Italy is also very successful.

Although there are restrictions on foreign workers in Austria, they are not completely banned. After passing the language test and being accepted by the company, you can enter the country.

This is very inconvenient. It is very troublesome for companies to recruit people across borders, let alone teach the other party to speak German, which takes too long.

"There are policies and measures to counter". Many migrant workers were brought in by relatives and friends, and were looking for work after entering Austria.

Compared with other areas in Austria, due to its particularity, the Kingdom of Milan has less strict management of migrant workers.

Many people find employment before they learn languages. Anyway, the factory is also semi-closed. As long as you don't go out and get caught by the police, no one will delve into it.

Under this background, the underground talent recruitment market was born. Newfoundland Avenue outside Milan is one of the places where the factory recruits cheap labor.

At this time of ordinary time, Newfoundland Avenue has been bustling, and a large number of people in need of work have formed a long queue to find a job opportunity.

I don't know when it started, and suddenly it became cold. Not only Newfoundland Street, but many labor recruitment markets in Austria have become deserted. In some areas, there were even more recruiters than applicants.

Mirko is one of the recruits, working for the Daniel Group Machinery Plant. Usually he doesn't know Newfoundland. This is the lowest-end job market in Milan, and most of the candidates are foreign workers.

Not only is the level of education insufficient, it also takes a lot of time for skills training. After wasting a lot of energy, only basic industrial workers were trained.

In contrast, Mirko prefers to work in the urban talent recruitment center. Although the salary needs to be paid is higher, the quality of the candidate is also higher. After entering the factory for several years, the excellent can be used as a junior skilled worker.

To a machine factory, such skilled workers are far more valuable than pure labor.

As long as the labor demand is large, industries with repetitive work and no need for technology will recruit such labor in large numbers.

I despise and despise, many companies have recently expanded their production capacity, and the labor gap is very large.

Participated in several job fairs in the urban area, none of them were able to complete the recruitment task. The equipment was debugged and waiting for the workers to start, Mirko had to lower the recruitment standards.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mirko couldn't believe his eyes. Is this still Milan's most popular talent recruitment market? Why don't you see a few people?

Long engaged in recruitment, Mirko's network of contacts is still very wide, and soon met his acquaintances.

"Ferren, what's going on, haven't you all been robbed of you?"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you look like I have a harvest?"

Mirko nodded: "Indeed, with your textile mill's treatment, it is really difficult to grab people. However, you can fool outside."

Falun frowned, dissatisfied: "Milco is enough. Everyone is traveling together. Saving costs for the boss is our essence.

Every time I recruit, I make clear the treatment. How can I sign a contract in accordance with the law? "

Mirko smiled slightly and did not continue the topic. If you didn't understand this middle-aged fat man, you would really think he was a good person.

Back in the year, Mirko was almost signed with a sale contract. Fortunately, he is a native and graduated from high school. He is considered a high-level intellectual. After understanding his identity, Phelan did not want to cause trouble and give up.

Although Milan is a subordinate state, with the progress of legal integration, labor protection laws also need to be observed.

This kind of seriously unfair contract of sale is not a matter of complaint. Once it is up, the company still cannot afford to take it.

In contrast, flicker migrant workers are much safer. As long as the place where the contract is signed is abroad, it is a transnational case, and the opposite law must also be referred to. The Milan government is not so busy, and at most, the contract is invalidated.

Without being caught, the relationship between the two is not good. It's just because of the business relationship that many times you have to deal with it, and gradually get familiar with it.

Mirko shifted the topic and said, "Ferren, I heard that your boss has opened two new factories. The labor gap is so large. What are you going to do? Are you interested in organizing a group to recruit a wave of inland areas?"

Funding for recruitment activities has been limited this year. In order to save costs, it is most common for several companies to act together to share costs.

Falun didn't even want to, and shook his head directly: "Milco, you think so well. The situation is that there is a shortage of labor in the whole country and even a shortage of people in Europe.

You rarely come to Newfoundland and do n’t know. The labor force entering Milan from Italy in the past two months has decreased by nearly 70%.

I asked them. It is said that many factories have recently been opened in Italy, and many people can't find a job in their hometown.

This is the case in Italy. Do you have to say it in China? The panic in the newspapers is no joke. I have already mentioned to my boss that the plan for the new branch is postponed.

In the immigration strategy of previous years, many of the domestic surplus laborers have entered Africa. Want to address the labor gap, unless farmers are encouraged to move into the city. "

Mirko was speechless, encouraging farmers to enter the city is not so simple. Now the farmers have a good life. It is not easy for them to give up their land and work in cities.

It is best to promote at the government level, formulate more favorable policies, and accelerate the process of urbanization.

Regrettably, the Vienna government believes that domestic capacity is excessive and that it is too late for the government to curb the sharp increase in production capacity. How could it introduce a policy to expand the crisis?

Urbanization is risky, not as quickly as possible. If a crisis breaks out and companies can't withstand bankruptcy, the pressure of unemployment will all rest on the government's shoulders.

In the case of immature conditions, Franz would rather slow down urbanization. Compared with workers, peasants still have to rule.

As long as there is land, as long as the food produced by the family can fill the stomach, everyone will not rebel. The government can reduce some of the tax revenue, but it can also gain a wave of popular support.

Workers are different. Once the unemployment wave comes, the crisis comes. Not wanting to fill their stomachs, the revolution broke out in minutes.

With current productivity, it cannot support high urbanization. It will take at least fifty years for the urbanization economy to come.

Even the most urbanized Britons still have a third of the agricultural population, let alone Austria, a big agricultural country.

After a short pause, Mirko slowly said: "Say, Feren. I know you have a plan. As long as it is feasible, your benefits will be indispensable."

Mirko knew that Feren was the owner of the hare and the hawk. If there were not enough benefits, he would not tell him the plan.

Taking a look at Mirko, Feren shook his head: "It's not a matter of benefits, the key is that the two of us can't do it.

To go to the countryside to recruit people, it is necessary to deal with nobles. You should be aware of the changes that have taken place in the country in recent years. With their intervention, it is difficult for us to obtain cheap labor. "

Mirko nodded, which is also one of Austrian characteristics. The nobility gave up serfdom and partial land closures, but the local influence remained strong.

If it's just a little bit of trouble, once you find someone on a large scale, you will have to deal with the snake.

Even now, many traditional aristocrats are not pleasing to the capitalists.

These people have used intervention to get out of breath or to improve their local reputation.

For example: as workers' representatives, talk to them about salaries and sign labor contracts.

Fooling ordinary workers, they have a way, it is not easy to fool these nobles.

If something goes wrong, they will still suffer.

Following all formal procedures, labor costs have increased by at least 15%. One or two people are inconspicuous. Once the number increases, the cost is not small.

The increase in expenses is just one of the problems. New employees are paid more than old employees, and it is inevitable that they will cause disturbances.

After thinking about it, Mirko shook his head: "This matter is a game with the nobles. It is too involved. I can't be the master. I need to report to the company headquarters for a decision. I can't pass it."

Mirko knows that this kind of thing is not something he can participate in, and even if many are united, he may not be able to achieve his purpose.

Although Austria is a capitalist country, the power of political capital is still very limited. To compete with the nobles for the right to speak, the risks are too great.

Perceived the strangeness of Mirko, Feren hurried to remedy: "No, Mirko. You think too much, I haven't lived enough, but I'm not ready to find death. I mean everyone pays together and finds a solution from abroad.

When speaking, Phelan sweated coldly, didn't he just want to pretend to be a force? It was actually associated with the conflict between capital and aristocracy.

Whoever touches this thing dies, don't say that a small foot like Phelan, even if their boss is involved, it will be over.

It's too difficult.

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