Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 671: The importance of information

The government's guidance still fails to resist the enthusiasm of capital. The benefits are always easy to lose and the risks are ignored.

Without government support, then find ways to reduce costs, for example: by placing factories in suburbs or small towns with convenient transportation, land costs are saved by half.

It ’s okay without tax concessions. Pu-Russia is buying and buying. Now the factories are very profitable, and they are not far behind.

"Good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost, and great mercy is overwhelming."

Watching the constant influx of moths into the flames, Franz could only choose to be invisible.

In addition to greed in the market, there are more serious social problems. The capitalist world economy has once again experienced overcapacity, especially in Britain and Austria.

The crisis has not erupted and has something to do with the international situation. From 1873 to 1878, the Second Near East War broke out, and the colonial war initiated by the British, French, and Austrian countries divided the African continent.

The war consumed a lot of wealth and materials, and the prosperity of the market masked the crisis of overcapacity. If the Russian-Prussian War does not erupt, a new economic crisis will erupt at the latest next year.

After so many years of accumulation, the surplus is not only about production capacity, but also capital.

The so-called money spent is money, and the money lying in the bank is just a bunch of numbers. Under the background that most industries are saturated and surplus, capital needs new investment channels.

According to the habit of dying, every time this time, the stock market should rise. A large amount of funds poured into the stock market, creating an unprecedented prosperity, and then the bubble was burst, and the excess capital was evaporated with the bubble.

Friends of the dead do not die, and the contradictions between Pu-Russia are used. Austria supports the Tsarist government, and Britain and France support the Berlin government. In addition to political needs, it also has the role of capital.

With the money lent out, the problem of excess capital naturally disappeared. The large number of orders brought by the war has promoted economic development.

The most important thing is that the industrial crisis, which was mainly the two major industrial countries of Britain and Austria, has spread to the entire European continent through the stimulus of war. No one should want to be alone.

To drag everyone into the water and start at the national level is not at the expense of others. Rather, this is called cracking down on potential competitors.

Economic wars are not the same as military wars. The countries with the worst losses may not necessarily be at war with each other. It is more likely that the boss and the second player are playing games. Finally, the third, fourth, and fifth ... are killed.

Under the free trade system, the global market is still very limited, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone's appetite. It can only compete according to the law of the jungle.

The industries of Britain and Austria account for 29.8% and 36.5% of the world's total industry, respectively, and the total imports and exports of the two countries account for 49.6 and 24.7% of the world's total exports, respectively.

Because of the interests, conflicts are unavoidable. Capital is to eat people. In this world of weak meat and strong food, the weak must be the first to fall.

Now speculators want to make war money, not to say that they are completely unaware of the risks, but that the authorities are confused, and many people think they can run faster than others.

As long as you find a pick-up before the crisis breaks out, you can make a huge profit.

Palace of vienna

Palace Minister Mirabellon: "His Majesty, so far, we have successively sold 76 factories, and the rest have entered into negotiations. It is expected that all of them will be sold in the next two months.

The holdings of stock bonds are also slowly being sold. In order not to cause market turbulence, only about one-tenth is currently sold.

Affected by the fierce market, the gains from the reduction of assets this time are even more generous than expected. At present, 130 million Aegis have been harvested, and about 440 million Aegis can be obtained after all the sales.

However, our actions have attracted the attention of those who are interested. Follow-up actions may encounter some trouble. "

Franz nodded, and was found to be inevitable. Selling assets when the market is hottest, such an alternative approach can only be a problem if it is not noticed.

But there is no way. The royal assets have grown like snowballs these years. They will not retreat sooner if they retreat earlier.

The day before the crisis erupted, Franz could only say that it was a dream.

Where are so many fools in the world? In addition, as soon as the Pu-Russian war is over, the value of these factories will be greatly discounted.

Perhaps during the war, the huge profits obtained can make up for the losses caused by the decline in corporate value, but it will not be easy to find buyers at that time.

In case there is no Panxia, ​​then we can only resist it and spend the most brutal years of competition with strong financial strength.

There seems to be nothing, anyway, these low-tech industries must be rich in financial resources in the end, but they can't stand the royal family's stand. Franz didn't know until he had stored some ammunition in advance.

After deciding to start a dumping war with the British, Franz decided to completely abandon the food processing industry, textile industry, and primary processing manufacturing.

Once the crisis breaks out, these low-tech industries will be the hardest hit, and Franz is not ready to die on it.

Selling 274 factories at one time, covering more than 14 countries, such a big deal can apply for the world Gillis record.

Factories are gone, let alone invested stocks and bonds, let alone sell early and relax easily. Money still has to be stolen, and its nominal market value is the least reliable.

After thinking about it, Franz: "Good job, the market is crazy now, we don't need to bury them with them.

In addition to these selling assets, starting in May next year, we will gradually reduce our holdings of several listed companies' long-term investments.

Including the companies we control, as long as the stock price exceeds the normal market value, we must reduce our shareholding, and then buy back after the outbreak of the stock disaster.

Especially overseas investments need to be dealt with as soon as possible. For example: the investment of the Panama Canal, take the opportunity to find someone to take over!

This crisis may go farther than ever, and it will last a long time. The investment in the next two years will be short-term and conservative. "

Man-made disasters are far more terrifying than the laws of the market. Once an economic war breaks out, it cannot be ended in a day or two.

Without eliminating a large number of backward production capacity and freeing up enough markets, capital will not stop.

At this critical moment, the bigger the stall, the greater the final loss.

Most of the future consortia turned to the financial industry, and few of them died in the manufacturing industry. This is also an important factor.

Reality once again confirms the importance of confidence. Franz has a self-knowledge. He has never been a business genius.

If you haven't mastered the first-hand information, grasped the investment vents, and avoided the crisis in time, the royal industry would have lost out.

Of course, if there is not so much information, the stalls of the royal industry will not be so large. It is unscientific to invest in whatever you make of money.

Even a Big Mac consortium cannot take care of all industries. The "Samsung" in later generations is an example. The stalls are too large and they are in trouble. Otherwise, they will be rescued by the power of the country and they will die.

For better development, it is inevitable to lose some of the burden. This is just the beginning. In the years to come, the royal consortium will give up more business.

Don't give up now, mainly because of the huge profits. The traditional field and the emerging field are relative. Today is still a promising high-tech, and it may become a traditional field tomorrow.

Mirabellon asked in amazement: "Your Majesty, give up the shares of the Panama Canal now, do you wait for the final harvest?"

Franz shook his head: "It's not necessary. From the current situation, I'm afraid we can't wait for the final harvest time.

Once the economic crisis broke out, the Panama Canal could not proceed. We are not suitable to remind French people unless they take the initiative to close the net in advance.

We have limited shares, and even if we harvest early, the profits are very limited. Exit now, just avoid the storm behind.

If you let the shareholders know the canal they are expecting, all of a sudden, it's gone and they don't know what will happen. "

The royal family wants reputation, and not all money can be made. It's also a good thing to quit early, so you don't have to spend resources later.

No one else knows that Franz does know that the Panama Canal will not be navigable in the next thirty years.

It is not a technical issue, it is mainly politically not allowed. The Vienna government has always opposed it, and has not taken action. That is because the canal has just been dug out.

The French capitalist's participation in the Austrian royal family is essentially to reassure investors and release the illusion that the Vienna government will not intervene.

If it weren't for the fact that these people were just harvesting in the stock market, Franz would not be involved, even if the profits were even greater.

The purpose of the platform has been achieved, leaving the show with the appearance fee is no problem. As for the life and death of the Panama Canal Company, it has nothing to do with an investor who left early.

Anyway, the Panama Canal is listed in Paris, and the pit is also a French investor, and has little to do with Austria.

If the Canal Company goes bankrupt, Franz won't make it.


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