Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 659: No time to care

In London, the British government has been busy since the news of the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War.

Prime Minister Benjamin: "What, you want to expand?"

Secretary of the Army, Fox, solemnly reminded: "My Excellency, we have not expanded our army for many years. Except during the war, the army establishment has not increased for almost fifty years."

Benjamin answered embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was wrong. Tell me why, why did you want to expand?"

The presence of the British Army is too low, and it is usually the navy that requires expansion. Suddenly received an application for expansion of the army, Prime Minister Benjamin used habitually.

Fox is used to this situation. This is the status of the British Army, which rarely gets the attention of the government except when it is needed.

"The Russian-Russian war breaks out and the situation in Europe is about to be shuffled. We need a strong army to respond to emergencies."

Chancellor of the Exchequer Garfield Bromley Anxiron objected: "No, the situation in Europe is still under our control. As long as the balance between France and Austria is not broken, there will be no problems.

Moreover, even if the continental balance is broken, I don't think that expanding the army can change anything. "

Although harsh, this is true. Austria's standing army is more than 600,000, and the French standing army is close to 500,000.

In the two countries that are at war, both Russia and Russia have mobilized millions of troops, and the combined forces of the two on the battlefield alone exceed 1.2 million.

How much is the British standing army?

13.6 million!

Of course, this is not the full arm of the British Empire. In the vast colonies, the British also had five to six hundred thousand colonial troops, as well as several civilian armed groups.

However, the combat effectiveness of the colonial army was notoriously low. When considering European issues, everyone habitually ignores these forces.

Fox's face suddenly gloomed, which was a naked provocation. In recent wars, the Army's performance has not been very good, let him speak with confidence.

Regardless of the Army's combat effectiveness, as the Secretary of the Army, Fox must maintain the dignity of the Army and immediately asked: "Sir, are you doubting the Army's combat effectiveness?"

Doubt that the Army's combat effectiveness is okay, but speak out so openly, it will not work. Compared with the Royal Navy, the British Army is a younger brother, but there is another big group behind this brother.

For a word, offending such a large group is obviously not the wise man.

Realizing the misstatement, Garfield remedied immediately: "No, I never doubted the meaning of the Army's combat effectiveness.

I mean there are too few armies, there is no way to compare with European countries. Even if our army is even more powerful, it will be hard to fight with both hands.

As an island nation, it has been decided that the focus of Britain must be at sea. In this context, our ability to invest in the Army is very limited. "

After listening to this explanation, Fox looked a little slower: "It is because of the gap that we have to catch up and narrow the gap with Fao.

The size of our army is completely out of proportion to Britain's international standing. Don't say to frighten Faul, even a third-rate country dares to despise us. "

After reading the document, Prime Minister Benjamin picked up a pen and circled a number to stop the quarrel between them: "Sir Fox, your expansion plan is beyond reality.

History has proven that Britain does not have the power to compete in continental Europe, so maintaining the balance is the best option.

To achieve this goal, diplomacy is at the core, and the Army does not need to take Fao as an imaginary enemy. This is beyond our capabilities. "

In the face of this situation, Fox was unmoved. This is not the first time that the expansion has been rejected. Similar things happen almost every year.

The military does not want to expand, especially the army raised by the queen mother. Regardless of whether it can be passed or not, it should be tried every year.

I do not expect to be able to achieve all the goals, as long as we can increase the formation of a regiment, it will be a great victory.

"Prime Minister, even if the European situation is not taken into consideration, the colonies can't ignore it? In recent years, the colonies have been under increasing pressure.

Especially in the Indian colonies, we are still preparing to use troops in Afghanistan and Persia.

If the army is not expanded, the colonial army alone may not complete the government's plan. "

With a frown on Benjamin's face, Austria's expansion into the Persian Gulf region, they also felt the pressure.

In order to curb Austria's expansion, the London government formulated a Persian strategy, ready to occupy the Persian region before Austria finished digesting the Arabian Peninsula.

As for the Afghan strategy, it is an issue left over from history. As a world hegemon, John Bull is also face-saving. In the past few years, the invasion of Afghanistan failed. Naturally, he must find his way back.

With the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the energy of the Tsarist government was constrained in Europe, which is a good opportunity for action. If you wait for the Russians to come over and try to seize it, it will not be so simple now.

Seeing the Prime Minister's intentions, Secretary of the Navy John Vasile immediately dismantled Taiwan: "With the current size of the Army, it is indeed impossible to accomplish so many tasks.

But we still have time. After Austria digests the Arabian Peninsula, their next goal should be the Ottoman Empire. Before Ottoman's demise, we need not worry that they will compete with us for Persia.

The same is true in Afghanistan. The Pu-Russian war will not end in a short while. We need to worry about this threat only if the Tsarist government wins the war.

Judging from the current situation, the chances that the Russians would easily win the war are almost zero. After the war, the tsarist government must cultivate for at least ten years.

Such a long time is enough for us to do a lot of things. If the Army can't complete the task, we Marines can do it for you. "

Suppressing the Army is the core strategy of the Royal Navy. It is no less important than suppressing France and Austria, or even more important.

Not enough troops?

After the war breaks out, temporary expansion will do. Why increase the establishment?

From the navy's point of view, the army is redundant. It is enough to expand overseas with the Royal Navy and Colonial Forces; it is sufficient to maintain local security with police. What is the Army doing?

Even if you suppress the rebellion, you can let the Marines go! It's a big deal to expand the establishment, and the army does not need to be busy.

Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. No matter how the Army will not be seen, the London government cannot withdraw.

The simplest checks and balances are still clear to everyone. Without the army, wouldn't the military power of the whole country fall into the hands of the navy.

Benjamin nodded: "This issue is set aside, and then we will discuss it slowly. If the War Department has any doubts, we can directly submit it to Parliament for discussion.

Now let's talk about the Russian-Prussian War. This war seems to be confined to Eastern Europe. In fact, it has affected the world situation. "

Parliament is the best shield. Any issue that comes to the parliament cannot be discussed in a day or two. It is the best weapon to delay time.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The Russian-Prussian War can be said to be the largest war in European and even human history.

According to information transmitted by the embassy, ​​the total military forces mobilized by the two countries are almost over three million. Maybe it won't be long before both sides will invest millions of troops to fight.

It is hard to imagine. This is just the two countries of Russia and Russia. If France and Austria mobilize, I am afraid it will be even more terrible.

Now that the war has just begun, no one knows the outcome. The only thing that is certain is that this war will be very fierce and millions of people may be killed. "

Edward still had some fears when talking. Before the war broke out, no one expected that Russia and Russia would be so crazy.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Garfield directly said: "It's all a group of lunatics!"

Prime Minister Benjamin waved his hand, pretending to be relaxed: "It is not important whether the two countries are crazy or not. The key is the chain reaction brought about by the war, and what benefits can we gain from this changing international situation?

Needless to say in trade, everyone knows that arms dealers are getting rich. Let's talk about the changes in the situation in Europe and the world. "

Foreign Minister Edward smiled lightly: "It is not so serious. If the situation in Europe changes, although it is not yet certain, as long as France and Austria want to maintain stability, they can be suppressed.

The impact of the world situation is even smaller. Although the two countries are not weak, they are not colonial empires, and their influence is mainly in Eurasia.

At the very least, the Far East was affected, but Cyris's ruler was too weak. Even if the Russians had no time to look east, most of them did not dare to act rashly.

In fact, we are now holding coffee, eating pastries, watching the killings between the two countries, we really don't need to do anything! "

Britain has the confidence to eat a lot of people, regardless of the outcome of the Pu-Russian war, it will not affect their interests.

Colonial Secretary Robert shook his head: "No, we can still do something. Everyone's attention has been drawn to Eastern Europe, so the South American war can go according to our script.

Before the end of the Prussian-Russian war, I think that the two countries should not bother us, and the Chileans this time picked up a big deal. "

The navies of the two countries, Russia and Russia, are not hesitant. As a maritime nation, Britain can make war fortunes happily.

The European continent is too small to squeeze so many big countries, and France and Austria cannot allow the new big powers to rise and occupy their own interests.

Whether it is Austria or France, we must now keep our eyes on the Eastern European battlefield and be ready to interfere in this war.

In order to ensure the input of power in the European continent, it is natural that France and Austria will not take care of South America in a short time. Bolivia and Peru are tragedies.


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