Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 660: Mochi

Under the roar of artillery, the sky gradually faded, and the shouts of screaming in the distance continued to sound, maybe thousands of bodies would be added tomorrow morning.

Marshal Mao Qi, who has just arrived at the front, picked up the telescope and stared at the front. Because the distance is too far, only the smoke from the shell explosion can be seen.

A moment later, Mao Qi sighed. The situation is much worse than he expected. Judging from the artillery fire, we know that the Russians are no longer what they used to be.

Night fell and the two sides stopped fighting tacitly. The wind began to anger, and seemed to awaken the dead soul.

In General Command, Marshal Mao Qi, who came to oversee the battle, began to explode.

"It's been a week since the war broke out, and a little Brest didn't take it down. It's really a bunch of waste.

say something! In normal times, aren't you very capable? No one is on the list, boasting that they defeated Russia for three months and went to St. Petersburg for a military parade within six months.

Now, none of Brest can take it. Not to mention the military parade to St. Petersburg, and if we go on like this, our strategy of cutting off the Dnieper River will go bankrupt. "

The crowd bowed their heads listening to the teachings, and the battle was really bad.

According to the General Staff's plan, the general army should capture Brest within three days, then go down the Dnieper River to capture Kiev and cut off the water supply channel for the Russian army.

The core of this strategy is to be fast. The Russians are short of everything. Once the tsarist government responded and a large number of reinforcements arrived, the war would not be easy to fight.

This is a historical lesson. The fact that the British and French coalition forces used blood in the first Near East war tells the world that the fully armed and well-equipped Russian army is the backbone.

As long as the Dnieper River is in the hands of the Russian army, Austrian supplies can be transported continuously, and the war will evolve into a war of attrition.

Southwest Commander Hohenlohe Ingelfingen stubbornly replied, "His Marshal, the enemy is more stubborn than we thought. In these seven days, we have fought dozens of times head-on.

Although we have the upper hand most of the time, it is still not optimistic in general. The strength of the Russian army was replenished very quickly, and the troops at war with us had changed three waves.

You may not believe that they not only stay in place, but also often launch counterattacks.

According to the intelligence detected, there are 80,000 Russian troops guarding Brest and 100,000 Russian troops in the Warren region, not to mention the continuous reinforcements in the rear.

The commander of the Russian army opposite is a group of lunatics, who do not take the life of soldiers as one thing at all, and often deliberately exchange with us.

Within a week, our Southwest Front had lost the strength of two divisions. In a short time, it is almost impossible to make a breakthrough here. "

There is no way, strategy can't be kept secret at all. The general army wanted to cut off the Dnieper River, and the Russian army naturally did not agree.

As an enemy, naturally stare at each other. Especially after the birth of the airship force, Russian airships cross-border investigations are carried out every day, and large numbers of troops are deployed, making it difficult to keep secrets.

Mochi frowned, and he knew that he couldn't win the Brest Fortress, and the main responsibility was not on these officers. The battlefield must rely on strength to speak. The general army has no overwhelming advantage, and it is normal to fall into a stalemate.

The strategic plan formulated by the General Staff: attack Estonia, make a foray into St. Petersburg, attract the main forces of the Russian army, and create opportunities for seizing Kiev.

However, plans have not changed quickly. The goal of attracting the main force of the Russian army was achieved, and the first step to capture Kiev was stuck.

No matter how good the strategy is, it will not hold up the czar government. The Russians had more garrisons than the generals that launched the attack, and things were awkward.

Not only here, the Russian military strength on the entire front is dominant. With all their strength, the Popo Federation had only gathered 750,000 troops on the battlefield, and the number of Russian troops opposite had already exceeded one million.

Mao Qi shook his head: "We don't have that much time. If we can't seize Kiev before winter comes and cut off the transport line of the Dnieper River, the next year will be very troublesome.

No matter how difficult it is, we must complete this strategy. Otherwise, the enemy will directly drag us to death by virtue of their strength.

To tell you the truth, not only is Brest's offensive offensive blocked, it is the same throughout the battlefield.

Over the past decade, the enemy has built a lot of fortifications. With so many lines of defense, how can it be torn in a short time? "

Speaking of this, Mao Qi sneered and sneered, "Why, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"


As a group of warmongers, how could it be so easy to be afraid? The war has just begun and it is normal to encounter difficulties. No matter how optimistic people are, they will not think that they can defeat the Russian army in just one week.

Compared with the last war, the situation is much better now. At that time, when the war broke out, the Russians pressed the generals and they were eventually overturned.

"Since you're not afraid, don't make excuses. Set your heart down and find a way to tear open the enemy's defense.

The enemy has deployed heavy troops in the Brest area, so find a way to get around. The army can't get through, can the small army not do it?

No matter how bad it is, you can arrange for people to blow up the Dnieper River. As long as the strategic purpose is achieved, I don't care what you do. "

In order to win the war, Mao Qi has desperately tried everything. Don't look at what he said lightly. If a small army goes alone, it will basically go nowhere.

Hohenlohe Ingelfingen: "Lord Marshal, the enemy has deployed heavy troops in the Brest area. It is not suitable as a breakthrough. It is best to change directions.

Unlike the last war, the Russians were fully prepared this time, and the Russian army will not be short of supplies in a short time.

Even if the Dnieper River is cut off, they can be transported by rail in Eastern Ukraine, unless we can occupy the entire Ukraine.

Strategically, this is very bad. The Ukraine region is not the core of Russia. Even if it is lost here, the Russians will not surrender.

They have obtained the understanding of the Nordic Federation that in addition to Austria, the Russians can also obtain supplies from the Nordic Federation.

Before the Tsarist government spent the last gold coins in the pocket, it was difficult for us to bring them down.

To defeat the Russian Empire, it is necessary to occupy Moscow and St. Petersburg. Compared with these two strategic places, other places should be just auxiliary. "

Mochi patted the table: "I will consider your proposal carefully. What is needed now is to execute the order, understand what general!"

It is not that this proposal is not good, nor is Mao Qi tolerating disagreement. In fact, the opposite is true. The Berlin government would not insist on Smolensk in the last war if it was not prepared to fight Moscow.

The strategic points of attacking Moscow are all in the hands. How could Mochi ignore it?

The problem is that the Russians also saw it. As soon as the war broke out, the Russians mobilized heavy forces to siege Smolensk.

In this context, Mao Qi naturally did not choose to fight hard with the Russians, only to have Brest offensive and defensive war.

As for Smolensk, the strength of the enemy is good. The Berlin government has already established a complete fortification on the ground, which is just to attract Russian firepower.


After the meeting, Mauch left Hohenlohe Ingelfingen to discuss in secret.

"Marshal, why not talk at the meeting?"

Mao Qi: "Yes, that's what you think. Of course, I'm not saying that the people attending the meeting have problems. The Russians have not been able to buy high-ranking officers.

The following people are not sure. We have caught a lot of spies in recent years. Many people have leaked the news to the enemy without knowing it. At this critical moment, we must be cautious. "

Hohenlohe Ingelfingen was thoughtful that catching spies was never a harmonious thing. Although the Berlin government did not engage in a company, many officers were involved.

There are disputes where there are people, and the military is not monolithic. Because of the power struggle relationship, as long as it is involved, whether innocent or not, it can only be retired in the end.

"Well, in principle, I have no objection to this battle plan. The Southwestern Army will try to attract the enemy's attention as much as possible, but I still worry about breaking through the Warren area."

To seize Kiev, it is not only necessary to follow the Dnieper River down the road, but to push directly from the Warren area, but it is not so convenient.

Mao Qi smiled slightly: "It's right to worry, you don't think so, and the enemy is even harder to think of.

Moreover, no one has stipulated that we must call directly to Kiev.

After the breakthrough in the Warren area, we can completely turn the muzzle and carry out a roundabout attack on the Russian army in Brest.

The war has begun, and the strategic plan formulated in advance can only be a plan. Whether or not to implement it, how to implement it must be carried out according to the actual situation.

No matter how you fight, just win this war. Now what we have to do is to destroy the main forces of the Russian army as much as possible. As long as this army is killed, the next battle will be easy to fight. "

As soon as you succeed, everyone is just concerned about the victory of the war, and no one pays attention to the effort behind it. The unknown hero is the greatest and the most tragic.

Mao Qining would like to put pressure on the officers to force everyone to launch an attack, rather than tell the truth about the offensive to everyone.

If everyone knew the truth, would they be so desperate? If not enough, how can we create enough pressure on the enemy to force the surrounding Russian army to reinforce?

Even for political reasons, this attack will be artificially erased. If no breakthrough is achieved on the battlefield, the troops responsible for the offensive will not only fail in their battle, but will also be punished.

An excellent commander must consider not only military and political issues, but also human nature.

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