Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 658: French trouble

Pieces of fallen leaves were scattered on the ground, paving a golden "golden road".

From time to time, when you step on it, it makes a "chuckling" sound, which makes people feel so comfortable, as if you are stepping on a cotton blanket. There is no extra leaf.

The joy of the harvest filled Vienna, and the Franz family, who had set foot in the suburbs, had lingered in the beauty and could not extricate themselves.

Franz, who is prosperous in poetry, is struggling to write a book at this moment, and is preparing to leave a gorgeous chapter for future generations. How can there be no talent, the content written can not always satisfy him.

The craftsmanship is too heavy, as if to create for the sake of creation, without the kind of agility of "poem text is natural".

In this respect, Franz still has a discipline. He has never found a gunman, and naturally has no handy work.

Destroying the evidence of creative failure, Franz was about to start over, and the maid hurried over.

"Your Majesty, the news has just come. Yesterday at noon, the Tsarist Government submitted the Commonwealth War Book of Popo."

Hearing the news, Franz put down his pen and instructed: "Continue the order, pack your luggage immediately, and prepare to return to the palace."

The outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War not only changed the situation in Europe, but also the world situation. Despite being well-prepared, Franz must also go back to preside over the big picture.


Since it is an outing, it is naturally impossible to go far. In the evening, the carriage re-entered the palace. Before taking a break, Franz called a cabinet meeting.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "This morning, the Berlin government also submitted the war books to the Russians, and the Second Russian-Prussian War has fully broke out.

This afternoon, William I released the "Sue to the Nationals," calling on the people and the Russians to fight to the end.

At the same time, a national mobilization mechanism was launched. From now on, all men in the Federation of Popo will be included in the reserve training. "

"15 years to 60 years" is undoubtedly the biggest mobilization in Europe and even the world.

The last such madness was the Principality of Montenegro. In the first Near East War, the Principality of Montenegro mobilized all males in the country.

Franz did not blame the madness of the Berlin government, and it is understandable that no matter what decisions he makes.

"What is the reaction of the people of the Popo Federation? The popular support does not support the Berlin government's approach?"

The key to extreme mobilization is the full cooperation of the people. In World War II, Bulgaria, with a population of just over 4 million, mobilized 1.26 million troops, relying on the full support of the people.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "The time is too short, we have not been able to investigate further. However, according to previous information, the public should support this war.

Especially the Polish people, they are very hostile to the Russians. If this war goes well, the Popo Federation will really become a country after the war. "

Dabobo's sense of national independence can be said to be the strongest in the world. The most important thing for William I to bring the two countries together was the common enemy, the Russian Empire.

Under the repression of external forces, the two countries of Pobo reluctantly leaned together, but in essence they are still two countries. Poland still retains an independent government, but with a central government on top.

The political structure of the Commonwealth is similar to that of Austria before 1848. Poland is like Hungary, which wants independence, but is threatened by the Russians and dares not to independence.

Now comes the opportunity. Once the war broke out, the Polish government had no confidence to refuse the central government to intervene in internal affairs. It is easy to hand over power, but it is difficult to get it back.

Don't think about it, Franz knows what the Berlin government will do next. Take the opportunity of joint operations to get command of the Polish army; take the opportunity of overall logistics to get transportation and command of local governments.

If the means is clever enough, you can also use a knife to kill people, taking the opportunity to weaken Poland's strength. As long as a large number of males were killed or injured, Poland was unable to prevent the merger of the two countries after the war.

Prime Minister Felix: "It is not only the Poles who want war, the right to speak in the Prussian region is in the hands of Juncker aristocracy, and their desire to fight is very strong.

The victory of the last war has made many people forget. If this war allows them to easily win again, it is estimated that someone wants to challenge us. "

To a big Germanist, the Popo Federation was a tumor. The stronger the Popo Federation, the less chance Austria has for unifying the German region.

There is no way. A single Prussian kingdom can also allow them to join the Shinra Empire. If another Poland is added, it will be overwhelming.

No matter what changes have taken place in Austria's national policy, Felix's belief in unifying the German region has never changed.

Even after his seventies, Felix still insisted on visiting all states in the German region once a year to promote the "German Thought".

This is obviously not what these state governments want to see. If it weren't for Austria's advantage, vested interests would need to set aside a path for themselves, and Felix would have been shut out.

Franz smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my Prime Minister. The Russians are not soft persimmons. This war cannot be ended in a short time.

Britain and France support the Commonwealth of Popo, and we support the Russian Empire. Both sides want money and money, and they need goods and materials. The last thing is people.

The officers of the Commonwealth Federation of Polska have stronger command capabilities and a more complete domestic infrastructure; the Russians have a vast land, a large population, and a large population. Both sides have their own advantages, and this war can be fought. "

A close war is often the cruelest. For the common interest of everyone, Britain, France and Austria will not let them end the war easily.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "Her Majesty, before the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the Berlin government not only sold the only colony, but also successively sold all its colonial bases overseas.

The buyers are French, even if someone has paid a higher price. There are indications that there is an unknown transaction between the law and law.

During William I's visit to Paris, he also proposed the Austrian threat theory. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the close covenant between law and law should be directed against us. "

Intimate appointments about this stuff are the most headache. Franz has always been playing around in secret, never thinking that feng shui will take turns, and now it's his turn to worry about it.

After a moment of contemplation, Franz waved his hand: "Don't worry about the Franco-Prussian treaty. Before the end of the Prussian-Russian war, they would not have the strength if they wanted to target us.

The French economy has had problems, and if their African development plan fails, the good days for the Paris government will be over. "

Since Napoleon III annexed Italy, Franz reduced the French threat by two stops. The Italian region seems to be a piece of fat, but in fact it looks bright.

In the industrial age, resources cannot be developed without development. The Italian region happens to be the region with the most scarce resources in Europe. The French want to digest it and must first solve the resource problem.

Unfortunately, France is not rich in resources, and its own development is not enough. If it is not enough, you can only import it. Now "Great France" imports a large amount of industrial raw materials every year.

Since 1870, France has been in a trade deficit. If the franc can become a world currency, a small deficit can easily be made up.

Unfortunately, under the squeeze of the British pound and Aegis, the franc ’s living space is already very small, and more and more countries are unwilling to reserve the franc.

In this context, the outflow of gold and silver is naturally unstoppable. Fortunately, in this era, there are still many countries that directly use gold and silver as their currencies. With a thick family base, the Paris government wiped out the deficit by selling silver.

This situation is obviously unsustainable. There are only two ways before the French government, either increasing exports or reducing imports.

Don't worry about increasing exports because of the cost of industrial production. French industrial and commercial products have always been uncompetitive in the international market.

If exports cannot increase, then imports can only be reduced. The development of the African continent has become the national policy of the Paris government in this context.

Of course, this development is not the same as the development in Austria. The French just wanted to establish a place of origin of raw materials, but they were not ready for localization.


At the Palace of Versailles, the news of the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War came, and Napoleon IV immediately decided to hold a banquet to celebrate the good news.

Hope for the stars and the moon, finally here. In recent years, the French economy has encountered a bottleneck and has been in a doldrums for several years.

Minister of Economic Affairs Elsa: "His Majesty, the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian War is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for domestic industry and commerce, and it is also accompanied by a crisis.

Compared to the gains from the war, investing in North African colonies is too little profit. If this problem cannot be solved, I am afraid that our African continent development plan will be aborted again. "

Development is inseparable from capital. Without sufficient capital investment, the development plan of the African continent naturally cannot proceed.

Originally, French capitalists were not interested in developing colonies, but because of excess domestic capital and insufficient investment projects. With the continuous efforts of the government, some people were barely persuaded to invest in the colonies.

It's different now. The Pu-Russian war broke out, and new rich opportunities appeared.

Those with a bit of political savvy know that this war cannot be ended in a short time. As long as you invest in war-related fields, you can get rich returns.

Rather than investing in a colony where there is no return on investment, it is better to stay and make a fortune. In the interests of everyone, everyone knows how to choose.

The good mood of Napoleon IV disappeared for a moment. The African strategy has a great bearing on France's economy, and the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War meant that all of their efforts in the early stages had been lost.


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