Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 657: The outbreak of war

Shortly after the Russia-Olympiad agreement was exposed, the Berlin government also publicly published the "Anglo-Presidential Debt Agreement" and the "French-Presidential Debt Agreement."

Confidentiality does not exist, and now is the time to improve morale. If there is no good news, how can the people in the country bravely participate in the war?

International loans have always been linked to politics. While providing funds, it also means that everyone is standing in line.

Britain and France support the Popo Federation, Austria and the Nordic Federation support the Russian Empire, and other European countries have also stood in line.

The Netherlands, Belgium, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, the German Federation and other countries are more inclined to the Popo Federation, and Greece and Montenegro support Russia.

In terms of international support, the Commonwealth Federation still has an advantage, but the Russian Empire has a greater potential for war, and the two sides can be regarded as equal.

At the Vienna Palace, Franz was not surprised by the Russian diplomatic defeat. The diplomatic capabilities of the Tsarist government and the ability to win over the Nordic Federation are all played at an extra level.

Denmark played an important role here. If it were not for the Danish efforts, even with the Austrian guarantee, the Tsarist government would make it easy for the Nordic Federation to pay for it.

After decades of grievances between the Russians and Sweden, the older generations have died, and the new generation does not feel the deep feelings; but the grievances between Prussia and Denmark are not the same. It has only been more than ten years.

Regardless of the Dora hatred of the Russians, they were fighting against Prussia for Denmark, and most Danes had a good opinion of the Tsarist government.

Although the Nordic Federation is the core of Sweden, the central government must also consider the sentiments of the Danish people when making decisions.

Moreover, the conditions given by the Tsarist government are really tempting. With the guarantee of the Vienna government, the risk of debt default has been greatly reduced.

The worst result can also be used to make a fortune in war. The krona is not an international currency. The Russians have nowhere to use except to buy and buy in the Nordic Federation.

If you're lucky, you can win Finland without a fight, and you'll make a lot of money.

Public opinion has exploded. Everyone has different opinions on this upcoming war.

Some people even divided the European world into two camps, and regarded the Pu-Russia war as a game between Britain, France, and Austria.

These messy news did not affect Franz's good mood. The current situation is completely in accordance with the plot set by him in advance, at most there is a small discrepancy.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Franz said: "First allocate 100 million Aegis to the Russians and let the tsarist government dare to do it!"

Loans also need to be paid in installments. In a short period of time, banks cannot transfer hundreds of millions of SHIELD cash without affecting their own operations.

Not to mention the bonds. This is just the beginning of the market. It will not be sold out in a few months. In the short term, the tsarist government will not get any money.

Being able to get 100 million Aegis in a short period of time is definitely a preferential treatment, and normal commercial loans are definitely not so fast.


Money is a hero's courage. The Russians who got the money completely let go of their hands and immediately recruited troops across the country.

Hermitage, Alexander II is listening to his son's return. Unable to obtain support from Britain and France, Alexandrovich's European trip naturally ended.

"You mean, Britain, France, Austria and the Three Kingdoms conspired and wanted to make us lose each other?"

Unsurprisingly, Alexander II was surprised that the situation was unexpected.

Originally Alexander II also dreamed of easing relations with Britain and France, which would allow them to remain neutral in the war, at least at the beginning of the war, and did not expect to do all the helpless work.

Alexandrovich nodded: "Although there is no direct evidence to prove this, it can already be seen from the current practices of the three countries.

The negotiations were so difficult before, and an agreement was suddenly reached later, which was obviously abnormal.

If you analyze the turning point in the negotiations, you will find that after the British and the British reached an agreement, the Austrians suddenly made a major concession to us and no longer required us to mortgage all gold.

It is now the end of October, and it will be winter in a maximum of two months. In such a short period of time, it is impossible to separate the winner and the loser.

However, money was in place at this time, and the enemy had begun to expand its army.

If the war drags on again in the spring of next year, the enemies we face will not be hundreds of thousands now, but millions of armed troops. "

The Russian army has certain advantages in winter operations, but this advantage requires time and place.

This is an advantage when it comes to home defense, and the situation is different if you want to take the initiative.

Not all winters are as cold as Russia, at least not cold enough in Poland.

After wandering a few steps, Alexander II laughed at himself: "It doesn't matter, it's generally good for us.

It seems that the impact of our last failure has not subsided. The Austrians are not optimistic about us and are worried that we will fail.

This is a good thing. This kind of judgment will make the Vienna government increase its support for us in the early stage. If this opportunity can be used to wreak havoc on the enemy this winter, the situation will be very different. "

After years of emperor life, Alexander II has matured and become a qualified monarch. Can find the positive side in the shortest time, and strive to magnify this advantage.

The federation of the Popo Federation is not solid, and if it fails once, it will be greatly injured. If it is badly hit, a winter will certainly not slow down.

In contrast, the advantage of the Russian Empire is much greater. With a demographic advantage, even a failure is enough to restore vitality in one winter.

The Crown Prince Alessandrović kept saying that the conspiracy of Britain, France and Austria was to stop the war, but reality told him that it was impossible.

The power of hatred is huge, and even knowing this news, it failed to shake Alexander II's determination to wage war.

Deep down, Alexander II was unwilling to wage war at this time. But he had no choice, nor did the Russian Empire.

If you don't do it now, and your enemies will be ready, their odds will be lower.

The Russian Empire is too big. Several main railway lines have been completed. Traffic cannot be greatly improved again in the short term, but the enemy on the opposite side can. For another year or two, the railway network in the Federal Republic of Popo became connected.


Army Secretary Paradrew Wald: "Your Majesty, we are ready for the war, and we can launch an offensive only after your order.

As of yesterday afternoon, we have mobilized 1.68 million troops. This number is still increasing at a rate of 150,000 per month, of which 800,000 troops have been assembled on the border.

All the strategic materials on the front line are in place, which is enough to support the one-million army's half-year combat needs.

In addition, we have stockpiled a large amount of grain in major cities along the way, which can be deployed nearby to minimize logistics pressure. "

There is no doubt that the Russians were much better prepared in this war than in the previous one. A large number of strategic materials were shipped to the front line for storage in advance, so that the logistic distress of the army and other logistics did not occur as soon as the war began.

Facts have proved that Alexander II's reforms were not in vain. In contrast, the efficiency and execution of the Tsarist government have been greatly improved.

It's true that war makes people grow. After being beaten once, the Tsarist government has established a set of wartime mobilization mechanisms during the bumps.

How it works, this needs to be tested. However, the garbage mobilization mechanism is better than the original direct pull of serfs to the battlefield.

After a moment of contemplation, Alexander II made the decision: "Shame can only be washed with blood. Now that you are ready, declare war!"


At the same time that the Tsarist government decided to launch a war, the war machine of the Federation of Popo was also operating, and high-level Berlin government officials were meeting around a sand table of about ten square meters.

As early as a year ago, Marshal Mao Qi resigned as prime minister and returned to the General Staff.

Moody, who picked up the baton, was better than being prime minister. In fact, for so many years as a prime minister, he was still busy with army building and rarely asked political questions.

The Prime Minister himself is the result of compromise between the interests of all parties. Personal ability is the least important.

Prussia was an army-owned country, and the Federation of Popo inherited this very well. The military has a very large political right to speak, and there is no Bismarck open, but no one can suppress this group of proud soldiers.

William I was very capable, but as a king, he couldn't end everything in person. He could only find a way to balance politics.

While using a baton to point and point on the sand table, Mao Qi explained, "Your Majesty, look at the blue banner is the Russian military branch. The enemy has deployed more than 800,000 troops along the border line.

This is just the beginning. The enemy has accumulated a large number of troops in the rear, and can increase the front line at any time.

It's October, not far from winter. It is almost impossible to defeat the enemy in a short time if you want to make a quick decision.

The staff plan to launch an offensive from Poland before the winter arrives, aiming to burn the fire to the Dnieper River and cut off the enemy's water transportation channel. "

The Dnieper River flows from the southern foothills of the Valday hills, flows south through Belarus and Ukraine, and flows into the Black Sea. Most rivers are navigable, and their strategic and economic values ​​are very high.

Through this aquatic lifeline, the Russians can directly transport supplies from Austria to the hands of the frontline Russian army.

In the last war, after the General Army cut off this aquatic lifeline, the transportation pressure of the Russians was increased, and the frontline Russian army fell into the plight of insufficient supplies.


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