Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 656: Russian-Olympic agreement

Once the seeds of suspicion are planted, they will never linger. A closer look at the actions of the Vienna government in recent years has made Dumbledore increasingly confused.

If Austria wants to target France, why let them annex Italy?

When it comes to publicity, you can use France's strength to explain. As a senior government official, Dumbledore does not think so.

No matter how strong France is, it cannot defeat the European countries. If European countries put pressure together, they can only retreat dimly.

It was never easy to expand territories in continental Europe, and the Italian region was not a remote country. Dumbledore did not believe that Austria had no ambitions.

The French government has studied this issue for many years, and in the end everyone came to an incredible conclusion-the Vienna government abides by the spirit of contract.

The truth is not important anymore, the meat is eaten anyway. No matter how doubtful, the French government cannot abandon the Italian region.

It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, just look at Austria's military strength. The so-called "threat" is based on strength.

After sorting out the data of the Austrian army in recent years, Dumbledore was relieved. Although the threat does exist, France still fights it.

Take action?

Sorry, as a qualified bureaucrat, the first thing is to weigh the pros and cons, not to act blindly.

The threat from Austria is only potential. Without sufficient interests, it is impossible for France and Austria to fight for no reason.

The war of this era is obviously the defensive side has more advantages. Not to mention, it's just the troop deployment.

By contrast, as a member of the cabinet government, Dumbledore was even more worried about the military's growth. It can be said from the beginning that Jeffrey Friedman found the wrong person.

France and France are different. One country has an army and the other has an army. The things that are right in Berlin's eyes are quite different in the eyes of other governments.

Because there may be threats, we take direct measures. That is the thinking model of the soldiers. Politicians have always put their interests first.

Knowing that others are provoking alienation, without thinking, they jump out and act as guns for others, which is a reckless behavior.

Jeffrey Friedman successfully provoked the relationship between France and Austria, but did not change the outcome of this negotiation. If France wants to restrain Austria, it can be done in exchange for benefits.

In front of interests, the Paris government is still reluctant to compromise. Because of the threat from Austria, we support the Commonwealth Federation. That does not exist.

Everyone is a continental country. For France, Puao is a potential threat, it's just a matter of "threat".


At the critical moment of the Franco-Prussian talks, Russia-Austria negotiations have come to an end.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "My Excellency, I don't see the sincerity of your country. Your country has too few collaterals, and their values ​​are not equal at all.

If there were only these collaterals, I doubt very much that your government would directly abandon these areas, and we would lose money. "

Russian Minister Nikolayevich: "No, we are very sincere. Your Excellency, don't forget, we have bet our gold reserves, there is no possibility of breach of contract."

Weissenberg was unmoved. He wouldn't have talked to the Russians here unless he wanted to get Russian gold reserves and promote currency hegemony.

The so-called territorial mortgage has no sincerity at all. Perhaps in order to prevent Austria from entering the Black Sea, the territory that the Russians mortgaged did not have estuaries.

The most critical coastal areas are missing in Bulgaria, which the Tsarist government mortgaged, and west of the Dnieper (Midwest Ukraine + Moldova).

In the era of sea power, there were no ports, and all of them were inland areas. Naturally, the value of these territories was greatly reduced.

From the standpoint of the Russians, they have reasons to do so. It was easy to release the Austrians into the Black Sea, and it was difficult to expel them.

As for the broken ships of the Black Sea Fleet, once the Austrian Navy enters the Black Sea, Russia's interests in the Black Sea region will be seriously threatened.

In the face of interest, the Tsarist government did not dare to test Austrian conduct. If the interest is too great, the Vienna government may deliberately defeat them for collateral.

Even with current territorial mortgages, the tsarist government has repeatedly weighed the pros and cons before making a risky decision.

"If your government takes out all its gold reserves as collateral, we are naturally not worried that you will breach the contract, but your country has only taken out half of its gold reserves.

Your country has always been the main producer of gold, with dozens of tons each year, and even hundreds of tons of gold being mined. It is not difficult to replenish this part of the reserve.

Your Excellency, it should be clear that we are not interested in your territory. Not all land is invaluable, especially after the loss of the estuary. "

Nikolaievich frowned, and it was not difficult to replenish gold reserves, which was aimed at Britain and Austria. It is very difficult for other countries in the world to increase their gold reserves.

Russia is the world's major gold-producing country. It is not fake, but it can't stand it every year! Especially when a war is about to begin, a large outflow of gold and silver cannot be avoided.

Taking out all the gold reserves means that all the economic lifeline is in the hands of the Austrians. If you do n’t want the ruble to become waste paper, Russia can only be a little brother.

Minister Niklayevich said: "Sir Minister, this is impossible. Mortgating half of our reserves is already our bottom line.

Territory mortgages can be negotiated, and we can add some ports. In return, your country will guarantee the loan from us and the Nordic Federation and guarantee that your navy will never enter the Black Sea. "

To raise money, the Tsarist government has repeatedly lowered the bottom line. Especially after the bad news came from London, the bottom line of the Tsarist government fell again.

Today, Alexander II has no retreat. Don't start the war in advance, it's too late when the enemy is ready.

The word "compromise" was never in the Russian dictionary. The Russian-Prussian War has essentially become a way for the Tsarist government to transfer internal conflicts, and once it stops, the consequences are unthinkable.

Knowing that the outbreak of war now could cause heavy losses, the Tsarist government had to bite the bullet.

Weissenberg: "Yes, but your country must provide equivalent collateral. Once your government defaults, we will pay this debt on our behalf and security must be guaranteed.

The Navy will never enter the Black Sea, which I cannot guarantee. However, we can agree that as long as your government does not breach the contract, the Austrian Navy will not enter the Black Sea. "

"The collateral" was almost becoming a nightmare for Niklayevich. As soon as he thought of the word, his scalp became numb. This time Russia-Austria negotiations have consumed a lot of his energy.

On the contrary, the Austrian navy's entry into the Black Sea is a minor problem. No matter how much this stuff is guaranteed, it is nonsense. As long as the benefits are in place, no one can stop it.

"My Excellency, this is just a normal commercial loan guarantee. We can pay the guarantee. There is no risk, and your country can be assured," Niklavavic hurriedly said.

Weissenberg shook his head: "Sorry, Your Excellency. The war is about to break out. If your country can win the war, then I believe there will be no problems.

Once your country loses the war or is tied. By that time, your government will not be able to repay the debt. Can you really fulfill the contract? "

He just said that he doubted the credibility of the Tsarist government. In his opinion, the Tsarist government would lose its war and would certainly be able to fulfill its contract normally. On the contrary, winning the war would not guarantee it.

Even if the defeated Russian empire wants to refuse, the Nordic Federation can send troops to fetch it. Everyone is very good at it.

In contrast, collateral in Austria is a bit more troublesome. Some parts of Western Ukraine are likely to fall into the hands of the Federation of Popo after the war, and the Vienna government wants to get these regions is another storm.


After a war of words, on October 10, 1879, Russia and Austria signed the "Russia-Austria Business and Trade Agreement" in Vienna. The treaty states:

The Russian Empire mortgaged the area west of the Dnieper River and the Russian Balkan Peninsula, and raised 480 million Aegis funds from Austria, including 180 million Aegis loans and 300 million Aegis bonds. (Note: Excluding Ossad and Constantinople)

Loan interest: 3.5 ‰

Bond interest: 8.4% p.a.

Handling fee: 3%


One week later, the representatives of the three countries of Russia, Austria, and the Nordic Federation signed the "Debt Guarantee Contract" in St. Petersburg, and the Vienna government provided security guarantees for the debts of Russia and the North.

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