Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 655: The war that can't stop

Roughly flipping through the information, Dumbledore dropped the file directly and sneered: "Her Count, such an obvious way of provoking alienation is too low-end.

Everyone knows that we and Austria are allies, why should we worry about the threat from Austria? Just rely on this information? "

The threat of Austria, the French government is naturally impossible to know nothing, and this information provided by Jeffrey Friedman is not the first time Dumbledore has met.

There are only differences in the data. All countries are the same in this regard, because of the relationship between politics and personal wishes, collecting information about competitors, often performing art processing.

From Dumbledore's point of view, it is nothing more than the Federation of Popo that wanted to emphasize the "Austrian threat theory" and deliberately exaggerated Austria's strength.

These data have compared the data of France and Austria, and Austria has an overall advantage. At first glance at a few sets of data, Dumbledore was not interested.

As the French's pride, he did not believe it was true. The Paris government has also collected information from Austria, and you have concluded that France and Austria have comparable overall strengths, and even France has a slight advantage.

Jeffrey Friedman sank in his heart, wondering secretly that the data was too exaggerated, and Dumbledore discovered the problem.

After all, there is no satellite or Internet, and even collecting data from your own country is very difficult and requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Not to mention the collection of data from other countries, I really need to send people to statistics, it is estimated that just after the operation began, they were dealt with as spies.

Information is usually collected by estimating the number of import and export vessels, or by annual economic newspapers and annual reports published by large companies.

Economists then based on these data, "probably + possible" equals the answer. Errors are inevitable, and different economists draw different conclusions.

Whether out of national pride or political need, the French are not allowed to draw a conclusion that they are inferior to Austria.

Dumbledore is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and not the Minister of Economy. It is enough to look at the sounding report on the bright side. The specific details do not need him to care.

After a pause, Jeffrey Friedman reluctantly said: "Well, aside from these information. There can only be one hegemon in continental Europe, and Austria is your biggest competitor in continental hegemony."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

Jeffrey Friedman: "In recent years, the Austrians have developed the Balkan Peninsula, and their strength has grown rapidly. The European population alone has nearly 80 million, and the total economic output has surpassed the British to become the world's number one .

These data are well known, and presumably yours will not make sense.

From 1870 to the present, the Vienna government has expanded three times, with a total army and naval force of 714,000, of which the army has 608,000.

Except for the Russian Empire, no country in Europe can compare with them. As far as I know, your country's standing army is only 476,000.

In addition to the standing army, Austria also has a large reserve force. The exact number is unknown, anyway, more than one million people receive training in the reserve each year.

Who is this huge military force aimed at?

Apart from your country, I can't think of any other country that needs Austria to treat it so carefully.

If you don't prepare, once the Austrians are ready, I am afraid your country will face millions of enemy attacks. "

Dumbledore shook his head: "Sir, don't steal the concept. Can a group of civilians be regarded as an army? If a war breaks out, France will have enough strength to defeat all enemies.

The war of modernization is no longer won by relying on more people. If it is more than the number of people, the Russians have the most troops. Is your country going to bow down and concede?

As for the threat from Austria, it is France's own housework, so you don't have to worry about it. With this energy, you still think about how to deal with Russians! "

After a pause, Dumbledore added, "Remind your Excellency that if you are talking about threats, your country is also a potential opponent of France, even before Austria.

The world has been divided up, and the three nations of Britain, France, and Austria can form an alliance, because we are all vested interests, and it is enough to safeguard existing interests. "

Undoubtedly, Dumbledore was so dissatisfied that Jeffrey Friedman had stretched his hand too long before he gave a direct warning.

Even if the threat of Austria is too great, it can only be discovered by the French government. The reminder of Jeffrey Friedman was obviously to stir up the conflict between France and Austria.

As France's foreign minister, how could Dumbledore accept being used?


On the way back to the embassy, ​​I saw Jeffrey Friedman worrying all the time. Lieutenant General McAfee comforted him: "Jeffrey, don't be sad. You have done a good job. The mission failed, mainly us Miscalculated the French. "

Jeffrey Friedman shook his head: "The mission has not failed, Dumbledore has accepted our point."

Seeing the confusion of Lieutenant General McAfee, Jeffrey Friedman explained: "Don't be surprised, Dumbledore wouldn't have been ill if he didn't poke the French's pain.

Although his final warning was true, the cover had never been removed. Now that we have said it directly, it seems that the relationship between Britain, France and Austria is worse than we expected. "

McAfee was even more puzzled and asked directly: "Jeffrey, now that our plan is successful, why do you want to ..."

Jeffrey Friedman replied with a wry smile: "Because Dumbledore is telling the truth, the three countries, Britain, France and Austria, do not want to see the rise of new powers and share the cake with them. Both the Russians and us same.

We are now almost at the pinnacle of our development. Even if we defeat the Russians, it is difficult for us to gain much.

If we want to go further, we will face the joint suppression of Britain, France and Austria. Our future is worrying! "

Jeffrey Friedman has sobered up. The conflicts between Britain, France, Austria and Austria are numerous, but the interests of the three countries are the same in terms of suppressing the latecomers.

The Popo Federation is no longer a small country. If they defeat the Russians again, they will replace the Russians in Europe.

Britain, France, Austria and Austria did not want to see a new rise of Russia, so the good life of the Popo Federation will end after the war.

If the international situation does not change and the Anglo-French-Austrian alliance does not collapse, the Federation of Popo will always only survive in the shadow of the three major powers.

If it were not for the authorities, these issues should have been understood by the Berlin government. However, everyone has been thinking about how to defeat the Russians, without even considering what will happen after the war.

Deep down, there is a voice that has been telling Jeffrey Friedman that ending the dispute between the two countries is the best option, and the outbreak of war will only be cheap fishermen.

After all, speaking out is impossible. Most of the 800,000 square kilometers of territory of the Federation of Popo are obtained from the Russians. How can it stop?

Even if the Berlin government is willing to reconcile, the tsarist government will not agree! Without suppressing the Popo Federation, how could the Russians feel embarrassed by the powers?

Even knowing that continuing the war is bad for both countries, both sides cannot stop.

Junker aristocrats want more benefits, the Russians want shame, and the dispute over interests cannot be reconciled at all.

Lieutenant General McAfee smiled slightly: "Jeffrey, you think too much. Even if we encounter suppression, that is after we defeated the Russians. Who knows the future?

I don't believe that the Anglo-French-Austrian alliance can be sustained. As long as there is a conflict between the three countries, we will have a chance.

The world is divided up, and the colonies have no part of us, so just give up. Britain, France, Austria and Austria are worried that we will replace Russia, so show them to them. "

In this era, overseas colonies were a symbol of wealth. Naturally everyone wanted it. Unfortunately, the Berlin government's attempt ended in failure.

Facts have proved that the Navy could not develop overnight. Junker aristocrats were all dry ducks. It was really impossible to get into the water.

Ever since the navy was hoisted by the Danes in the Baltic Sea, the Berlin government has extinguished the unrealistic dream of the sea.

Lieutenant General McAfee, such a firm landlord, no longer imagines how many colonies to open, and it is the best choice to arrest the Russians.

Territorial expansion on the European continent has never been smooth. The strategies formulated by the Junker aristocrats are all gradually eroding Russian lands, but they do not have the domineering power to invade the continent.

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