Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 654: Austrian threat theory

After William I's trip to London, the international situation became more and more prosperous. The British-Prussian relationship has heated up, and Russia and Austria, which have just ended their alliance, have once again leaned together, and it is in the hands of the French to decide the future of European situation.

If the Paris government supports the Russians, the outcome of this war will be decided in advance. Conversely, if you support the Commonwealth, you will not know until this war has been fought.

At Versailles, Napoleon IV was very satisfied with the situation. The feeling that Russia and Russia are rushing to win over France is such a wonderful feeling that influences the future direction of Europe.

Foreign Minister Dumbledore: "His Majesty, the Russian delegation suddenly changed its itinerary and cancelled its trip to London. It is expected to arrive in Paris in three days."

Napoleon IV smiled slightly. He knew that the Tsarist government was in a hurry. Comprehensive national strength The Russian Empire is better than the Popo Federation, but war is not only about comprehensive national strength but also external forces.

The Popo Federation has already won the support of the British, and if it gets the support of the French, even if Russia has the support of Austria, it will still suffer.

The harsh reality tells the Russians that no money is absolutely impossible. In terms of financial resources, the British and French masters combined will definitely provide more funds than Austria.

To put it plainly, this war is a war of the Russians, not a war of Austria. The Vienna government can support them, but it is impossible to invest indefinitely.

Unless the war can be ended in the short term, the last thing to fight is financial resources. With the lessons of the last war, the tsarist government has no illusions of quick victory.

Napoleon IV shook his head: "It's only now that the Russians are not stupid!"

The Russian ambassador arrived before William I's visit to Paris. On the surface, it was certainly not too late. But Napoleon IV made a late claim.

Once France and Russia had the opportunity to move closer to each other. Unfortunately, neither side cherished it. This is a problem left over from history. The contradictions between the two countries brought about by the anti-French war have been magnified again in the Near East War.

Napoleon III wanted to ease the French-Russian relationship for a time, but was blocked by Britain and Austria, and ended in failure.

After the sale of the Puddese territory, France and Russia lost their joint hub of interest, and the last chance of alliance was shattered.

There is no regret medicine in this world. As the international situation changes, France no longer needs to ally with the Russians.

The young Napoleon IV was also ambitious and wanted to surpass his father and build greater achievements.

Therefore, France only needs little brothers, not competitors.

The Russian Empire could not put down the shelf and be a younger brother. Even if Alexander II was able to lie down, the Russian people would not agree.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dumbledore waved his hand: "It is not surprising that Russian diplomacy has always been more casual.

From the beginning of the alliance between Nicholas I and Austria that year, to the pro-Pushau strategy implemented by Alexander II after the throne, to the subsequent turn of Russia and Russia, and the collapse of the Russian-Australian alliance.

The diplomatic strategy of the Tsarist government has been greatly influenced by personal will. Not only is there no long-term planning, it also changes frequently, and even contradicts itself. "

Seemingly aware of it, Dumbledore's decisive choice stopped. The foreign policy of the Tsarist government is chaotic, and the foreign policy of the French government is actually not much better.

Among the major European powers, the best continuation of foreign policy is between Britain and Austria. The European and British policy of continental balance has continued since the end of the anti-French war to the present.

Although there have been changes in the middle, the general direction has never changed. The current European political landscape is the product of the British-Austrian "European Continental Balance" policy.

Napoleon IV nodded his head: "Forget it, this is also a good thing. The Russians came, so I could negotiate the price with the Popo Federation.

The European continent is too small to accommodate so many large countries. One Austria, one England is enough for us, and the fourth pole can no longer appear. "

The cake is so big, Sanjiafen can't satisfy everyone's appetite. If you want to share another cake, no one will welcome it.

On the issue of suppressing the rise of the latecomers, the positions of the three countries: Britain, France and Austria can be said to be the same. Whether it is to support the Popo Federation or the Russian Empire, there is a prerequisite-they must not be allowed to grow.

The three countries of Britain, France, Austria and Austria are divided into two waves this time. It seems to be because of interests. In fact, everyone has reached a tacit understanding long ago: no one in the two countries can easily win the war.

In this round of diplomatic competition, the Russians lost from the beginning. No matter how hard the Tsarist government works, it is impossible to get more support.

Foreign Minister Dumbledore: "His Majesty, the news came from London that William I was seeking an alliance of great powers, and the British had explicitly rejected them.

If nothing else, William I would seek to ally with us. This issue is very important and we must be cautious. "

The "France-France alliance", if it was two or three decades ago, the French government would have had an ally to share the pressure. Even a dozen years ago, the French government would not hesitate to agree.

It's different now. Regardless of the alliance between Britain, France, Austria and Austria, let alone France, there is also a Spanish ally, and the demand for allies is no longer so hungry.

Napoleon IV sneered: "There is nothing to consider. The Federation of Popo wants to ally with us, and then they must defeat the Russians. If they lose the war, what qualifications are there to ally with us?"

Now that the French and the French are allied, what benefits can the French government get in addition to its obligations?

Even if the Pope Commonwealth wins, Napoleon IV must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the Franco-Prussian alliance. At least the attitudes of Britain and Austria have to consider.


The grand welcoming ceremony was over, and the crown prince of Alexandrovich (Alexandr III), who visited Paris again, showed deep sadness on his face.

The seemingly grand welcoming ceremony was mixed with a strong sense of alienation. There is no doubt that the people of Paris do not welcome them.

If it wasn't for the Bonaparte family who wanted to integrate into the European royal circle, they attached great importance to etiquette, and I'm afraid the face projects were too lazy to do.

At the beginning, it was a dismissal, and Alexandrovic had no hope of the next negotiations.

Originally, according to his intention, the first stop was to visit Denmark, and the Nordic Federation was the focus of public relations. As for the British and French people, they could do their destiny.

Unfortunately, the Russian empire has yet to turn his crown prince. Even though he has been involved in government for many years, his diplomatic voice is still very low.

Winning the British and French seems to have rich returns and can directly lock the victory, in fact there is no possibility of success at all.

The most critical issue is "chips", and the tsarist government can't offer any interest that will appeal to them.

Use gold as collateral? Sorry, the Czar didn't dare. Britain and France cannot trust the Russians, nor can the Tsarist government trust Britain and France.

Unlike Austria, just ahead, if the Austrians break the contract, they can still fight with real swords. The cost of the war is clearly above the mortgage of gold, and these benefits are not enough to make the Vienna government default.

Britain and France are not the same. Far away, thousands of miles away, the Russians simply cannot reach them. In the event of a bad mood and a breach of contract, the Russian economy will soon collapse and there will be no chance of retaliation.

Territory mortgage? Mo said that even if it was sold or ceded, they would not dare to give it to Britain and France.

Under normal circumstances, no European country is willing to be an ally with the Russians. Both Britain and France were colonial empires, and there was no shortage of enclaves.

Without interest, diplomacy is a hooligan. The Crown Prince Alexandrovich was just doing his best, and naturally he was not interested.

"His Royal Highness, William I will arrive in Paris tomorrow. The French arranged the welcoming banquet, which was clearly uneasy." An accompanying Foreign Ministry official was indignant

After a moment of silence, Alexandrovic said coldly, "Just say I'm not feeling well, and I won't attend tomorrow's banquet."

As Crown Prince Alexandrovich is also arrogant, how could he be willing to suffer such humiliation?

As the crown prince, now Alexandrovich is only a Grand Duke, and William I is a king, and he will be a lower grade first.

At the juncture of the impending Russian-Russian war, this kind of untimely meeting, who knows what news will be produced by the newspapers outside?

"But, Your Highness. If you don't go, the outside world will ..."

Before he finished speaking, Alessandrović interrupted: "Not so much, but what will the outside world say? It's just a matter of organizing some of our fears.

Based on the relationship between France and Russia, do you think French newspapers can say good things about us? If you want to listen to someone's good words, you can throw money directly, which is more useful than anything. "

The more he knew about France, the less confident Alessandrovich was. Long ago, the French organized a volunteer army for the Polish independence movement.

Although this volunteer army did not leave the country in the end, it still could not hide its thick malicious intentions against Russia. In this context, if you want to conduct a public opinion battle in Paris, you have no choice but to throw money.

If France is in the Republican era and public opinion can influence government decision-making, then it will cost money. Obviously not now, no matter how much money is thrown away.

Alexandrovich deliberately forced William I, and William I was hiding from Alexandrovich. The two seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and they definitely did not appear in the same place.

It seems that they have seen through the menacing intentions of the French, and both of them deliberately avoided direct conflict, which disappointed the mass-eating people who wanted to watch good shows.

At the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon IV was meeting with William I. The scene was fun, as if a good friend had not seen each other for many years.

On the other side, representatives of France and Prussia are starting a war of words around interests. Seeing that a breakthrough could not be achieved in a short time, Jeffrey Friedman, the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Popo, decisively shifted the topic.

"Sir, the current international situation is not only bad for us, but also bad for your country."

French Minister of Foreign Affairs Dumbledore shook his head: "Count, you don't have to be alarmist here. The current international political situation is the best period in France for nearly a century.

We have survived the hardest days, let alone now! Some threats are not worth mentioning at all. "

This is a fact. France has been in the political vortex of Europe for nearly a hundred years, and everyone is hostile and targeted.

Geoffrey Friedman took up his coffee, took a sip, and asked, "Really? Isn't it a threat to Austria's rapidly growing strength?"

Dumbledore sneered: "Austria is indeed strong and growing fast, but it does not threaten the great France.

On the contrary, your country needs to face the pressure from Austria. The border line between the two countries is so long, and now the Vienna government is supporting the Russians. "

The threat from Austria was naturally felt by the French government, but it was not as obvious as that of the Popo Federation. The border between the two countries is not long, and France is confident about its military strength and naturally feels little.

Jeffrey Friedman took out the prepared information and handed it to Dumbledore.

"This is part of the information we collected in Austria, and you can look at it."

Now that you've offended Austria, go ahead. In order to avoid the Vienna government's deflection in the next war, the Berlin government naturally had to find an enemy for Austria.

Throughout the world, only Britain and France have the power to restrain Austria. The British were too cunning to fool, and they were far away from Austria. They could not feel the threat of Austria at all.

The French as neighbors are not the same. Both countries have always been competitors. They are concerned about the wind and the grass next door.

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